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  1. I use Adobe Animate to put my canvases together, not sure if that makes a difference to what I am asking: I have the following code on my main timeline, and it works fine there, with buttons that are also on the main timeline. function buttonOver(theBtn) { thisBtn = theBtn; TweenMax.to(thisBtn, 0.1, { ease: Sine.easeOut, scaleX: 1.05, scaleY: 1.05 }); } However I am having difficulty doing the same thing within a child mc. I have a child clip that contains four buttons that I want to all use this function, and I hope to be able to keep this code within the child clip too, so that it becomes a self contained unit which I can reuse in different projects. I have tried several variations and none have worked. It doesn't necessarily throw an error, just no animation occurs. If I put a console.log in the function it sees and responds to that, it's just ignoring the tweens. I am not sure if it is because the child clip does not know what TweenMax is, or if I am targeting the buttons incorrectly, or something else entirely!
  2. I'm building a Pomodoro Timer and want to create a draggable div (assigned with a background-image of a 25 minute timescale) to set a timer and on release the div/image will animate back to the starting position. Can I do this with GSAP? Here's my Codepen: https://codepen.io/iamryandnelson/pen/dRbKMM
  3. Hello, I can't seem to animate a div that contains a youtube video and I have a project that due asap. I want to be able to animate the opacity or the position. The animation either won't occur or the animation will stop before it has completed. Please let me know what I might be doing wrong. Thanks! ::Carey::
  4. Hi! I would like to know if there's a way to animate a HTML video. What I would like to do is to add a link to another page on the video, but that link should appear just for a few seconds. For example, the video starts with no animations. Then on second 12, the link appears for 5 seconds and disappears again. I'm thinking of using the video currentTime like this codepen I created: https://codepen.io/sonder15478/pen/Ppeyry Any ideas of how to do it?
  5. Hi, I would like to animate two lines as they move as waves. I want something like this, but with the two lines and moving slowly, like the sea. http://codepen.io/winkerVSbecks/pen/EVJGVj Does anyone know how to do this? Thank you
  6. Hi, I am creating a responsive animation where there's an image on the background and some elements of it are animated. For example, I would like to move a cloud 20% of the screen width, but with the code that I have, it's moving it but of a 20% of the cloud width. Does anyone know how to do it of the screen width instead of the cloud width? This is my code: TweenMax.to('#cloud', 5, { x:"20%", ease:Power1.easeInOut, yoyo: true, repeat:-1 });
  7. Because you are one of the people who knew Flash and understood what made it great, I thought I'd ask. I was originally going to title this post "Any chance Greensock could replace CreateJS in AnimateCC?" Then I realized what I was asking was a little bigger. However, that is the gist of what I'm wondering. Is there a way to use the Greensock library as the engine that drives the animation when publishing from AnimateCC instead of CreateJS? The CreateJS library isn't getting updates (worse than Flash and Air). It's slow on mobile. Interaction is unbearably laggy. It's essentially unusable for any decent experience. But Greensock has always been the bleeding edge of speed, efficiency and stability. If it were powering all the timeline tweens and interactions when users published to html5, Flash could again be a viable tool for creating animation and games on the web. The Flash tool provided a wonderful GUI with which to create animation and games for coders and noncoders alike. When you published, it just worked. Nearly a decade after its 'death' we still haven't found a suitable replacement. Greensock is great. But there are those of us who find it prohibitively difficult to animate with code. And maybe I should just be asking for a Greensock GUI that has a timeline and MovieClips like Flash. But Animate is there. And it might just need the power and performance of Greensock to make it live again.
  8. Hi everybody, im new on gsap...playing with threejs, tween and audio visualizer. I have a group with some mesh as child 1 - I would like to animate each element of the mesh with a value created in RAF . 2 - I would like to make endless tween on rotation (unfortunally , "repeat: -1" its not working). Is there another elegant / better solution for do that. Thanks in advance for any help... On RAF i have some function: 1 for render() three scene and one for analyze the sound and pass the value on tween. So this... // The sound analyzer . function soundAnalyzer() { if ((cristal)&&(frequencyData)){ tl_cristal_rotationX = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1 }); analyser.getByteFrequencyData(frequencyData); if(typeof frequencyData === 'object' && frequencyData.length > 0) { scale_value = 9000 - frequencyData[1] * 35 ; scale_value_Low = 1800 - frequencyData[1] * 5 ; cristal.traverse( function ( child ) { if ( child instanceof THREE.Mesh ) { tl_cristal_rotation = new TimelineMax(); tl_cristal_rotation.to(child.rotation, scale_value_Low, { ease: Linear.easeNone, x: -360 , y: -360, repeat:-1 }) } }); tl_cristal_rotationX.to(cristal.rotation, scale_value , { ease: Linear.easeNone, x: -360 }) } } } // and here RAF loop and Render // animation loop function animate() { if(dae) { soundAnalyzer() } requestAnimationFrame( animate ); render(); stats.update(); } TweenLite.ticker.addEventListener("tick", render); //and render the scene function render() { renderer.clear(); camera.position.x += ( mouseX - camera.position.x ) * .015; camera.position.y += ( - mouseY - camera.position.y ) * .015; camera.lookAt(scene.position); composer.reset(); composer.render(scene, camera); composer.pass(OldVideoPass); composer.pass(BrightnessContrastPass); composer.pass(RGBSplitPass); composer.toScreen(); } Thank u very much and sorry for my English.. hope is readable..
  9. Hello, I'm trying to use the Draggable.create() method with an instance, in Animate CC (HTML), but i can't. I can use TweenMax, but Draggable is not possible. Of course, i added the link (<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/1.19.1/utils/Draggable.min.js"></script>) to my web page. Does anybody succeed in adding a drag and drop technic thanks to the Draggable.create() method? David Archive.zip
  10. Hi All I'm sorry if this is an easy solution but I couldn't find it and I'm totally new. I have several elements with an infinite rotation but for some reason is working only the first one. Here is my code: (function($) { var green = $('.green'), red = $('.red'), brown = $('.brown'), // tl = new TimelineLite(); tl = new TimelineLite(); tl .to(red, 3, { rotation: "+=360", repeat:-1, ease: Linear.easeNone, transformOrigin:"50% 50%" }) .to(green, 1, { rotation: "+=360", repeat:-1, ease: Linear.easeNone, transformOrigin:"50% 50%" }, "-=0.15") .from(brown, 3.5, { rotation: "+=360", repeat:-1, ease: Linear.easeNone, transformOrigin:"50% 50%" }, "-=0.15"); })(jQuery); Thank you so much for your help!
  11. Hey there, I'm trying to use TweenMax to animate an image inside a SVG clipPath. The problem is: when the transition is happening, the clipPath deactivate on Chrome and appears only after animation stops. On Safari and Firefox works just fine. Anyone can help me? Is a compatibility issue or am I doing something wrong? Thanks guys!
  12. Hi Guys! I have a problem with my animation. I don't know why, only when I move mouse scroll or change width of codepen window, my animation start playing. I want to create continuous animation but I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
  13. Hello everyone! This is my first post here having started to learn jQuery very recently. Learning it is very exciting but there's so much to get your head around... I look at lots of websites and try to learn as much as I can. Can you tell me what would be the best way to achieve this effect- http://spain.madeforspainandportugal.com/en/ -background image looping around a circle or a path? Many thanks in advance!
  14. Hello all, a newbie here. I looked through the docs and examples, but am still a bit unsure whether the Timeline scripts could help me out with a project I'm tasked with. The project is a rather straightforward animation created in Flash/Animate which needs to be exported as SVG. The animation has four points at which the animation would need to stop. Each 'stop point' would have a corresponding button which moves the playhead backwards or forwards, depending if the clicked button is before or after where the playhead currently is at. As you might know, scripts do not go with the SVG when exporting it from Animate and so the solution would be to apply JavaScript or some such library to handle not only the navigation, but stopping the playhead at the 'stop points' or labels. Here are my initial questions/problems: * Using the TimelineLite/Max one can sequence tweens into a single timeline, but is it possible to add a single SVG animation (exported from Animate) that can be controlled with TimelineLite/Max? * Are the 'stop points' possible to implement with, say, applying labels at certain points (e.g. in seconds)? Please let me know if something needs clarification. Thanks in advance!
  15. I am currently working on a project where an animation along the line is implemented, i.e. a chosen SVG element (in this particular case a <g> ) is moved along a <path>. Previously, I have implemented this using Snap.SVG and it worked fine, however, having to also do some "morphing" on the elements, I decided to give MorphSVGPlugin a go to save resources. However, so far it has not been a smooth ride... Stepping through the code, I observe the following: 1. The object is rendered in a starting position (the correct starting position). 2. The line path is rendered (I used fill="blue" just to demonstrate the position of the line) - the starting point is supposed to be the top "corner", however, it is an invisible "looped" line. 2. The animation kicks in, and the object is instantly positioned somewhere else! This is the actual problem for me right now. 3. The object is animated along a correct curve! This makes me think that MorphSVGPlugin.pathDataToBezier method is working as intended and provides x-y array of movement points. However, TweenMax.to() method seems to disturb the intended starting point for the animation, I really can't put a finger on it right now. There is very little control I have over the artwork, which has been designed in AI and exported to SVG format. Hoping to find the resolution to this problem as soon as possible.
  16. Hi - I am trying to troubleshoot some animation stuttering in an app we built. I decided to include GSAP jQuery plugin to see if it would make a difference, but I'm not sure it's even being utilized over jQuery's native animate. How do I know? I include the library: <script src="script/vendor/TweenMax/TweenMax.min.js"></script> <script src="script/vendor/jquery/jquery.gsap.min.js"></script> Then here's a typical animation call: $(obj).stop().animate({ rgb: 127 }, { duration: 2000, easing: (Constants.CUSTOM_EASE ? Constants.EASE : "easeOutQuart"), step: function() { var rgb = ~~ obj.rgb; self.drawArrow(rgb * 65536 + rgb * 256 + rgb); } }); As far as judging performance, is there a good, definitive way to see which is operating faster? I have Chrome Dev Tools FPS counter open, but both platforms seem to operate mostly at 60fps in the counter, with the occasional (severe) dropoff - which is what I'm trying to solve for.
  17. Hi there! I need help to animate my trees, so, this is my scene: http://imgur.com/a/zaiwS It's all separated in svg, what i need is simulate the tree balance with wind, anyone can help me? Thanks a lot!!
  18. Hi, Newbie here having trouble with animating on a path. I've managed to create a path using the bezier plugin included in tweenmax, but it is very inconsistent (path seems to be different each time). I'm looking to achieve the appearance of a piece of paper floating from one point to another - so a curved path, skewing, rotating etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated var tl = new TimelineLite({paused:true}) var trueTweenPoints = [ {top:'10%', left:'90%', rotation: 10}, {top:'75%', left:'75%', rotation: 80}, {top:'20%', left:'10%', rotation: 90} ]; tl.to(".trueTween", 0.8, {bezier:trueTweenPoints, type:"soft", curviness:1.25}); .trueTween { position: fixed; background: red; right: 4.5%; top: 30%; width: 160px; height: 300px; transition: All 0.4s ease; -webkit-transition: All 0.4s ease; -moz-transition: All 0.4s ease; -o-transition: All 0.4s ease; }
  19. Hi! I am new to GreenSock animation so do not know very much. Can anyone recommend to me some other animations that might look good for my animated graph? So far, I incorporated the autoAlpha, scaling, animate.css. I am trying to draw the top line from the circle but it keeps scaling from the top instead of the bottom. Even putting a transformOrgin of '0% 0%' will not help. Any tips would help. I learned GreenSock from the ihatetomatoes Greensock paid course. I keep referring to the videos as well. Thanks!
  20. Hey again Greensock guys , I've got a brainteaser for y'all, hopefully it's an easy one. I did do a search around before asking, but the forum search won't include the word 'border' as a keyword, it's restricted, and Google only answered so much of what I needed to know. Okay, so I'm trying to recreate this pen from CSS to JS (GSAP): http://codepen.io/joelrodelo/pen/uHjvi Assumed it would be simple enough but it's proving trickier than I thought. I've been trying to do it with an image on a page, have a quick sample here for reference (you can thank me for the working image later ) : http://webslinger.com.au/dev/gs_border_animation/index.html Some of my attempts or JS fiddles are still in the scripts.js page, just commented out, but they're there for reference. I've just been starting with the left side of the image to begin with. The problem I run in to is that the border appears from the outside in, and any method I've tried to have the border appear from any other direction - either by 'y:' or 'height:' - has failed, moved the entire image with it, or nothing's happened at all (you can see some of my other attempts in the js file). I figured the most logical thing to do would be to nest it, to create a new Tween variable that adds the className and then animate the variable in a new TweenMax line, but I think I've gone wrong somewhere with that approach (read back through the documentation, can we only nest new Timeline's, not new TweenMax's?). Anyway, maybe someone's already figured out an approach to this and I've missed it, or maybe the solution's just too obvious for me to see, cause' surely it wouldn't come to having to actually draw a border line around the image would it? Appreciate any feedback in advance.
  21. Hello, I have a problem with Adobe Animate TimelineMax. The problem is that I need to navigate back and forward into the Animate timeline and play the same TimelineMax animations that afect to the same element in and out. in the first frame of animate keyframe I have one button and this: var root = this; root.stop(); root.chk1.visible = 0; root.continuar.visible = 0; function sigue0() { root.play(); } function entrar(vel) { root.boton1.disabled = true; tl0 = new TimelineMax({onComplete:sigue0}); tl0.from(root.boton1,vel,{x:root.boton1.x-150, alpha:0, ease:Back.easeOut},.0); } entrar(1); in the next frame I have this: var root = this; root.stop(); if (this.control == 1) { root.chk1.visible = 1; root.continuar.visible = 1; } function sigue1() { tl1.pause(0).clear(); root.play(); } this.boton1.addEventListener("click", fl_MouseClickHandler1.bind(this)); function fl_MouseClickHandler1() { this.control=1; root.chk1.visible = 0; tl1 = new TimelineMax({onComplete:sigue1}); tl1.to(root.boton1,1,{scaleY:2, scaleX:2,alpha:0},.0); } in the next yhis: var root = this; root.stop(); if (this.control == 1) { root.gotoAndPlay("op1"); } and in the label "op1" I have this: var root = this; root.stop(); this.volver.addEventListener("click", fl_MouseClickHandler1.bind(this)); function fl_MouseClickHandler1() { this.control=1; this.gotoAndPlay(0); } The problem is that the fisrt time I execute this the function "fl_MouseClickHandler1()" wait until every animation is finished and then execute "onComplete" and function "sigue1" but the second time the function "fl_MouseClickHandler1()" is executed it don't wait the animation of the elements and execute "onComplete". How can I fix that? I create elearning courses in Flash the last 10 years and now I want to do the same with animate but i need to navigate back and forward a lot of times in the Animate timeline. Sorry for my english and best regards, Eduardo
  22. Hello, I am so exited to use TweenMax but I am a flash novice. I want to start by tweaking a friends project and changing out some graphics, but Nothing I do will get these to work. I have attached a couple of samples, I would be eternally grateful if someone could tell how to make these simple examples work in my system so I can learn and train some students. I have the New Animate and Windows 10 64bit , if that matters in any way. I do not have the com folder in this obviously. Thanks, Steve SamplesFromCS6.zip
  23. Hi! We have been working on a new way to export faster, smaller HTML5 from Adobe Animate. As we are nearing launch we would love to hear about your experiences with Flash and Animate for HTML5. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Z3DNNQB Be sure to enter your email for a chance to download the product before launch!
  24. Hi there. I have just started using GSAP and want to animate the viewport attribute of the SVG inside a Object tag. This is the code I have but doesn't seem to work. var tl = new TimelineMax({delay:.5}), svgDoc = document.getElementById("SVGobject").contentDocument; TweenMax.set(svgDoc,{attr:{viewBox:"250 0 250 250"}}); tl.to(svgDoc, 1.5, {attr:{ viewBox:"0 0 1000 1000"}}); Once i have this working the ultimate aim is to trigger an animation of the viewport via an onClick event. Currently I just change the viewport via an array, so any help on this bit too would be very much appreciated. var interactions = { 'Button1' : '414 0 414 736', 'Button2' : '214 0 414 736', 'Button3' : '0 0 414 736', 'Button4' : '828 0 414 736', };
  25. Hi, new to these forums. I have a html5 banner I created in Animate for DCM with a click tag. Everything works fine, the link works if you click the banner, it validates in DCM html checker, but when i view the banner in a browser the cursor doesn't change to the hand/pointer cursor like it does on all links, banners. Any idea why this would happen? Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!
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