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  1. Thank you very much for your help! Indeed the code should always be in the frame 0 and not define functions in different frames.
  2. Hello, I have a problem with Adobe Animate TimelineMax. The problem is that I need to navigate back and forward into the Animate timeline and play the same TimelineMax animations that afect to the same element in and out. in the first frame of animate keyframe I have one button and this: var root = this; root.stop(); root.chk1.visible = 0; root.continuar.visible = 0; function sigue0() { root.play(); } function entrar(vel) { root.boton1.disabled = true; tl0 = new TimelineMax({onComplete:sigue0}); tl0.from(root.boton1,vel,{x:root.boton1.x-150, alpha:0, ease:Back.easeOut},.0); } entrar(1); in the next frame I have this: var root = this; root.stop(); if (this.control == 1) { root.chk1.visible = 1; root.continuar.visible = 1; } function sigue1() { tl1.pause(0).clear(); root.play(); } this.boton1.addEventListener("click", fl_MouseClickHandler1.bind(this)); function fl_MouseClickHandler1() { this.control=1; root.chk1.visible = 0; tl1 = new TimelineMax({onComplete:sigue1}); tl1.to(root.boton1,1,{scaleY:2, scaleX:2,alpha:0},.0); } in the next yhis: var root = this; root.stop(); if (this.control == 1) { root.gotoAndPlay("op1"); } and in the label "op1" I have this: var root = this; root.stop(); this.volver.addEventListener("click", fl_MouseClickHandler1.bind(this)); function fl_MouseClickHandler1() { this.control=1; this.gotoAndPlay(0); } The problem is that the fisrt time I execute this the function "fl_MouseClickHandler1()" wait until every animation is finished and then execute "onComplete" and function "sigue1" but the second time the function "fl_MouseClickHandler1()" is executed it don't wait the animation of the elements and execute "onComplete". How can I fix that? I create elearning courses in Flash the last 10 years and now I want to do the same with animate but i need to navigate back and forward a lot of times in the Animate timeline. Sorry for my english and best regards, Eduardo
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