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Found 9 results

  1. I want to know how to add animation to SVG image groups because I tried but it didn't work. Maybe its already a topic, then please guide me to it, because I tried from my side but couldn't find anything related to it. And I am talking about a group which has many groups and elements in it.
  2. Hello Friends! Currently the SVG has buttons with simple hover treatments (mouseover and mouseout functions). This year the customer wants to have a mask head pop into a circle frame on hover, (pop away on mouseout). I have masked the head, but when running the hover effect, the mask travels with the head piece instead. The Gumby Head button will have mouseover and mouseout functions eventually, but this is a proof of concept to test how to build it. I plan to rewrite other animations in Timeline too. The button will link to a page with an amazeballs 3D animated Gumby, Pokey and Blockheads. Thanks so much! Greg (shrinkray)
  3. Hey there, I need a zip file of Adobe Animate CC (trial.)
  4. Hello, I can't seem to animate a div that contains a youtube video and I have a project that due asap. I want to be able to animate the opacity or the position. The animation either won't occur or the animation will stop before it has completed. Please let me know what I might be doing wrong. Thanks! ::Carey::
  5. Hello!. Here is an example - http://codepen.io/kickflip2009/pen/LNBXOQ When i click on the image, all blocks with class 'content" appear, but i want to animate specific block which is under the image. Sorry for my English.
  6. Hi there, I'm animating a few thumbnails for a website, you can check out a quick version i adapted for codepen, so you can see what i'm trying to archive. http://codepen.io/anon/pen/ABvqm What i'd like to add to this, would be an effect on the other thumbnails apart from the one that the user is hovering. For instance, you rollOver on the thumbnail 1, the thumbnail 1 gets its rollover animation alongside with the other fading out for example. I put my animation inside this function, so i'm not sure how to target the other elements. $(".thumb a").each(function(index, element){} Cheers, Thales
  7. Hello.. Thanks ahead of time for any help! Im trying to animate a pseudo-element with the CSSRulePlugin. But it will only animate the old syntax of :before instead of the new CSS3 double colon syntax ::before. The double colon :: is supposed to help in CSS3, with separating the difference between pseudo classes : and pseudo elements ::. My example (click Run): http://codepen.io/jonathan/pen/enhFy JS: var rule = CSSRulePlugin.getRule(".myClass:before"), rule2 = CSSRulePlugin.getRule(".myClass2::before"); TweenMax.to(rule, 2, {cssRule:{ backgroundColor:"#F43C09" }}); TweenMax.to(rule2, 2, {cssRule:{ backgroundColor:"#F43C09" }}); CSS: .myClass:before { color:#FFF; background-color:#F7A009; content:"This content is a Pseudo Element "; } .myClass2::before { color:#FFF; background-color:#F7A009; content:"This content is a Pseudo Element "; } In my above example you will see both :before and ::before. When i try to animate the ::before i get this error in the console: uncaught exception: Cannot tween a null target. Am i missing something? Thank you for any assistance!
  8. Hello Everybody, I had a question on what everyone's preference is when animating... Do you prefer seconds or frames when animating? Also in what instances do you suggest animating in frames? I'm trying to get a better grasp of animating with GSAP using frames. In computer animation when animating, for example 24fps. So in GSAP when animating with frames using the useFrames special property. What determines the frames per second (FPS)? Does the browser determine the FPS? Thanks for any help with my questions to better understand using frames with GSAP!
  9. Hey there, I have been trying to learn how to use greensock for all my animations for my entertainment technoloy classes. There is one menu I have been trying to recreate, and I am not sure how they did it. The site is www.newcastlebrown.com . the menu is on the left side of the website. I am sure it is something I am overlooking and probably somewhat simple to do. If anyone has any insigt to how to do this, please let me know. Code samples are much appreciated. I know they used greensock and tweenlite, so this is why I came to this forum to ask this question. Thanks guys!
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