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  1. how to create this pinning effect the same as this website https://www.airvoir.com/
  2. You need to make a clone of blueyard.com. Only instead of these icons insert planets And when you click on the icon, this is not what opens and such a planet (http://launchit.shanemielke.com/) Also a few additional tasks We are waiting for your suggestions on price and terms
  3. Guest

    Draw SVG and Dashed line problem

    Hi there, I am new to draw SVG and having problem getting started. Sorry if the solution is simple. I have done tutorials and can't find the answer anywhere. Am I missing something in the attached codepen? I just want the line to draw from the top left to the bottom right. I would also like the line to appear as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ if possible. Thanks so much for any help, Phil
  4. Can anyone help me out this. I just want sticky section with smooth scroll. https://codepen.io/farrukh1194/pen/KKNLOZY
  5. I have a problem, I have written many lines of code that are similar and with the same structure, will there be a way to automate the code? I need help
  6. Hi there, I just started using Greensock and I wanted to directly add them into my wordpress site. But I'm facing with a rather confusing issue. I have a simple DrawSVG code that needs to be rendered in a page which works perfectly with a plain HTML file and javascript HTML: <svg id="Rays" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="1920" height="1080" viewBox="0 0 1920 1080"> <metadata><?xpacket begin="" id="W5M0MpCehiHzreSzNTczkc9d"?> <x:xmpmeta xmlns:x="adobe:ns:meta/" x:xmptk="Adobe XMP Core 5.6-c138 79.159824, 2016/09/14-01:09:01 "> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"> <rdf:Description rdf:about=""/> </rdf:RDF> </x:xmpmeta> <?xpacket end="w"?></metadata> <defs> <style> .cls-1 { fill: none; stroke: #fff; stroke-width: 3.79px; fill-rule: evenodd; filter: url(#filter); } </style> <filter id="filter" x="493" y="-6" width="964" height="683" filterUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <feGaussianBlur result="blur" stdDeviation="3" in="SourceAlpha"/> <feComposite result="composite"/> <feComposite result="composite-2"/> <feComposite result="composite-3"/> <feFlood result="flood" flood-color="#ffb64d" flood-opacity="0.35"/> <feComposite result="composite-4" operator="in" in2="composite-3"/> <feBlend result="blend" mode="screen" in2="SourceGraphic"/> <feBlend result="blend-2" in="SourceGraphic"/> <feFlood result="flood-2" flood-color="#ffba60"/> <feComposite result="composite-5" operator="in" in2="SourceGraphic"/> <feBlend result="blend-3" in2="blend-2"/> </filter> </defs> <g style="fill: none; filter: url(#filter)"> <path id="path1" class="cls-1" d="M506,4l691,656,246-221" style="stroke: #fff; filter: none; fill: inherit"/> </g> </svg> Javascript: jQuery(document).ready(function(){ var t1 = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1}); t1 .from("#path1",2 ,{drawSVG:0}); }); I included the necessary greensock files using "wp_register_script" and "wp_enqueue_script". I utilized visual composers Raw HTML and JS elements to define the above code. But the animation isnt happening and there is no error on the console either. Following are my enqueue scripts: wp_register_script( 'TweenMax', get_template_directory_uri() . '/greensock/TweenMax.min.js' ); wp_register_script( 'TimeLineMax', get_template_directory_uri() . '/greensock/TimelineMax.min.js' ); wp_register_script( 'DrawSVG', get_template_directory_uri() . '/greensock/plugins/DrawSVGPlugin.min.js' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'TweenMax' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'TimeLineMax' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'DrawSVG' ); Simple Tweens such as changing filter to inherit is working fine with the SVG but animations like MorphSVG and DrawSVG seems to do nothing. Am I doing anything wrong or am I missing something. Any help would be great! Thank you in advance!
  7. I have this line: .from('.jersey', 15, { rotation: 3, transformOrigin:"center top", ease: 'elastic.out( 5, 0.1)', repeat: -1}, "-=0.2") There is a way to make the swing stops before the 15sec?
  8. Hello, how can i achieve multiple list divs? and it the items will drag only inside there own divs Thanks in advance! edit; please excuse my english. edit 2; what i want to achieve is have multiple <div id="list"></div>
  9. Hi, I am trying to make a counter. The namings might seem a bit weird but they are specific to another project that this is for. Basically, once it is in it's final place the activeIndex will be determined by a slider.js that i have running. Once the activeIndex == 1 or 2. it should set a number 49 or 70 that the count() function will count to. Any help would be great! Thanks, Phil
  10. Hello there, I would like to know and clarify if the TimelineMax is already inside of TweenMax? I just created this topic so it will be useful for someone that wants to know if TimelineMax is included on TweenMax file. For any answer will be appreciated!
  11. Hi everyone, Please i need to know if Dynamic (feed driven) Google DoubleClick banners can be hand coded and not created using Google Web Designer. If so does anyone have any base templates to start from. I hand code everything using GSAP and i just want to inject the data using Javascript and not be tied down to Google Web Designer. I am willing to pay for Live Online training for someone who can help me with this or even doing builds in Google Web Designer and adding custom code. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks Brad
  12. hi guys, the page where i love (copy paste) easing code was broken. the v2 version only. the v3 work but i alway need edit the ease string code. It possible to get back working v2 editor when you will have time plz ? thanks https://greensock.com/docs/v2/Easing
  13. Hi there! Im looking for a professional to start a partnership. I have a demand of a new customer that needs a Full Stack Developer that are very skilled in Greensock and/or Adobe Animate. This project will be for a world known company that leads his market, so its a great opportunity. At this moment we need two person to deal the amount of work we will have if we got this contract. The customer said about 150 projects a month. I'd like to be very clear about all details. This is a project in building step, and I need your help to make it happens. The company still don't provided too much information about what need to be created. Basicaly will be lots of animated banners and some web interations. You can see a sample of their work here: https://app.frame.io/presentations/07cb2e9d-4f18-458e-855a-1fc05a657b30 So, what I need ASAP is two people that can embrace this partnership to we can got this great contract and make some money togheter. Please, take a look in the demo reel above and send me some prices bases in hour fee and fixed project so I can send a budget to the client. I'm going to the last meeting to make the deal and to make the things happen I need to have this team fullfiled. Thanks for your attention in advance Sam
  14. Hello There , Swedish London based Rich Media Banner Developer & Designer, with over a decade of experience of building banners for a wide range of clients. Canvas or no canvas? No problem. Greensock or Pixie? Can do. Story-boarding needed? Yes. Video? You bet! Interactive Javascript or image slider? Consider it done! Can work over Zeplin or WeTransfer, whatever you prefer. A codepen sample of my work: https://codepen.io/ThomasJames/pen/RXQrzp Some of the companies I worked with: WWF, Wunderman Ogilvy Gamesys, TBWA\Copenhagen, MRM Meteorite, McCann, The Two Marias, NKD Learning, DOOH, York Press, TAG Worldwide Ad banner platforms I work with: Google Studio, Google Campaign Manager, Flashtalking, Celtra, Sizmek, Adform, Admeto, +Yours (Send me the specs!) Contact me at [email protected] for more samples of recent work and a discussion of what you need done!
  15. This is literally my first animation with GSOP, I have some understanding of Js and a good grasp on HTML and CSS but I am confounded. I have been trying to get this to work for the better part of an hour to no avail. Thank you for any help. Sorry, to clarify I know that the image isn't loading in the pen, but I'm mostly concerned for the animation. The image loads fine on my computer because that's where it's source is.
  16. Hello How can I draw a line with animation on canvas? I want to draw animating line on my canvas chart can I draw a line using as lineTo canvas method and make animate it with GSAP?
  17. Hi guys, lately I finally started to create some small project with GSAP (slider, simple animations, etc). I thought it was an amazing tool, so I wanted to go deeper and I discovered some sensational works. My goal is to improve my skills for design better user experience, by making animations and immersive interactions. I was very fascinated by works like this: https://www.sartobikes.com/ In many similar websites, I've seen that developers have almost always used GSAP and Pixi. I tried to do some research to understand how the two libraries can work so well, but I did not find anything quite clear and complete that could help me. What I found on pixi seems far from what I would like to do and what I learned from Greensock I think is not enough! I need to understand where I can start with these two tools! A guide, a series of examples or exercises, a book, something that tells me: "this is the right way to do it". In the last days I'm just grasping at straws, and it's really frustrating. I would love to be able to implement my ideas on the code through this special alchemy! What is for you the best starting point? Thanks to all of you!
  18. Hi, We're currently looking for a GreenSock/JavaScript Developer. I hope this post to this forum would help us to find one. REQUIREMENTS: - Knowledgeable in HTML5, JavaScript, and GreenSock Animation Platform - Please attached work samples/links related to projects using GSAP - 5 years experience - Attention to details - Able to deliver ideas and collaborate with a team - Great communication skills - Experience in WordPress ***WE OFFER COMPETITIVE SALARY*** ***--------------------------------------------*** - "Please write your favorite sport in the SUBJECT LINE to pass the initial application" If you're interested: **Email us your updated resume - [email protected] - CC: [email protected] and don't forget to attached work samples/links related to projects using GSAP.
  19. Hi First what I want to do. I have a slider with 4 pages and depending on the page I'm on, when hovering over a pre-specified element I want some text to display. This text is otherwise (when not hovering over the element) hidden. I've been thinking about ideas how to do it and thought about something and I'm wondernig whether it's possible. I give my "dots" (as seen below) <div style="text-align:center"> <span class="dot"></span> <span class="dot"></span> <span class="dot"></span> <span class="dot"></span> </div> a css active state and then display the appropriate text depending on which "dot" is active? If that wouldn't be possible, how else could I achieve this? So far I only was able to display the text, which is otherwise hidden, when hovering over the pre-specified element. All help is appreciated! Thanks in advance!
  20. Hi. This is my first time using Greensock, also I'm a beginner in javascript. I don't know if my code is beautiful or not, and I ask you to not pay too much attention to that aspect (or maybe you should, that'd help me) Basically, everything is working as I want it to, there's just one minor change I want: Before the text fades out again, I want there to be a delay again. I don't know how or where to put that delay in. All suggestions are welcome : )
  21. Hi this is my website http://gallarii.appycodes.com/portfolio I wan to built the effect like this example site: https://antoni.de/cases/ When user clicks on the thumb image the image must scale to full page and then load new page can you give me hint how to proceed. My js file : http://gallarii.appycodes.com/wp-content/themes/generatepress/bbc-working.js?ver=4.9.8 var PortFolioTransition = Barba.BaseTransition.extend({ start: function() { this.originalThumb = lastElementClicked; Promise .all([this.newContainerLoading, this.enlargeThumb()]) .then(this.showNewPage.bind(this)); }, enlargeThumb: function() { var deferred = Barba.Utils.deferred(); var thumbPosition = this.originalThumb.getBoundingClientRect(); // this.cloneThumb = this.originalThumb.cloneNode(true); // this.cloneThumb.style.position = 'absolute'; // this.cloneThumb.style.top = thumbPosition.top + 'px'; // this.oldContainer.appendChild(this.cloneThumb); var image = $(this.originalThumb).find("img"); var tl = new TimelineLite({onComplete:deferred.resolve()}); tl .timeScale(0.2) .set(image , { autoAlpha: 1, "z-index":"9999999" }) .fromTo(image,1, { scale: 1, }, { scale:5, top:0 }) return deferred.promise; }, showNewPage: function() { var TTLite = new TimelineLite({ onCompleteScope: this, onComplete: function() { this.done() , afterDomReloaded() } }); TTLite.set([this.oldContainer, this.newContainer], { position: "absolute", top: 0, left: 0, width: "100%" }).set(this.oldContainer, { autoAlpha: 0 }).set(this.newContainer, { autoAlpha: 1 }).set(this.newContainer, { clearProps: "position, top, left, width" }) } }); Please help me if , Thanks or give me some info how to start
  22. Hi Guys, I'm going to start work with game developing with best UI. But i confused which platform is best. because i heard about pixiJs or greensock as well can you please suggest to me which is the best. thanks, Divyesh Padamani
  23. Hi there, I had a thought that it would be cool for a banner to only start playing when the ad comes into the users viewport. So that if the ad isn't in the users view it doesn't play while they're not watching, if the ad is positioned further down a page for example. What's the best way to achieve this and is this something that is permitted to do on Google DoubleClick or Google Display Network? Thanks.
  24. Hi, First post here so sorry if I'm asking something that has been answered, but I did a search and didn't find what I needed. Here's my project and what I'd like to do: Create a large infographic with lots of groups in Illustrator. Export the large infographic as ONE large SVG. Copy the inline SVG code and paste it into the body of an HTML page. Animate the individual elements of the ONE large SVG. I've attached a JPG of an example infographic. It contains ten sections. I'd like to be able to access individual SVG elements (e.g. <rect>, <g>, etc.) in each section and animate them using Greensock. Also, I attached a Codepen with a much simpler SVG with only two sections. I have tried to simply move the white rectangle in the top section but have been unable to. I set the id of the white rectangle to "logo." I'm just using the simple code from the first Jump Start tutorial. I'd like to be able to animate each of these elements on hover, clicking, etc. For example, in the codepen, I'd like to be able to rotate the wheel by clicking the "click me" button. Thanks.
  25. Hi guys, just a bit of fun - I had a play around with animating some svg elements recently, but in some browsers the frame detaches from the wheels when you click to wheelie. I just wondered whether anyone had any ideas around this really..? Cheers, J
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