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  1. function part2() { var tl = new TimelineMax(); const rotateJersey = gsap.from('.jersey', 20, { rotation: 3, transformOrigin:"center top", ease: 'elastic.out( 5, 0.1)', repeat: -1}, "-=0.2") tl .to('.sceneTwo_Cont', 0.5, {x: 300, ease:easeInOut2,delay: 1}) .to('.copyFive', 0.5, {x: 300,ease:easeInOut2}, 0) .add(rotateJersey, "-=0.2") .to('.copyFive', 0.5,{x: 600, ease:easeInOut2,delay: 1}, 3.9) .to('.copySix', 0.5, {x: 300, ease:easeInOut2}) .to('.sceneThree_Cont', 0.5, {x: 300, ease:easeInOut2, delay: 2}) .fromTo('.copySeven', 0.5,{x:0}, {x: 224, ease:easeInOut2}, "+=0.2") .to('.cta', 0.5, {x: 321, ease:easeInOut2}) .to('.cta', 0.2, {scale: 1.05, repeat:1, repeatDelay:0.1, yoyo: true, ease:easeInOut2}, "+=1.5") return tl; } Zack, sorry for bothering you again, the .add work fine but the pause doesn't work, something wrong in that piece of code?
  2. Really helpfull, thanks a lot Zach, and I'll try to avoid this in the future!
  3. Hey Zach, works fine but I need to stop just that line, there's a way to do that?
  4. My client wants the element swing and slow down, that's what that line does, but I need to finish the swinging before the 15 seconds to maintain the movement and the speed, so my question is if there's a way to pause the animation at the time I want not loosing the movement i have now, I just want to stop the swinging the rest of the animation has to continue normally
  5. I have this line: .from('.jersey', 15, { rotation: 3, transformOrigin:"center top", ease: 'elastic.out( 5, 0.1)', repeat: -1}, "-=0.2") There is a way to make the swing stops before the 15sec?
  6. Hi guys, I'm trying to colorize an image with 3 different colors, a different color each second, exist way to do that with greensock?
  7. Hi Zach, thank you, that really helps a lot, but the real thing that are pissing me off is the moment when the images change, how can I make that transition smoother? More specifically, I can see as a "flash" when images change, I want to avoid that "flash" in order to give more fluid to the image swap, is that possible? mi TL: _tt .set('#creature1', {css:{backgroundImage:'url(img/creature1.png)'}}) .set('#creature2', {css:{backgroundImage:'url(img/creature2.png)'}}) .to('#creature1',0.5,{y:-202, ease:eo2}) .to('#creature2',0.5,{left:-2, ease:eo2}, "0.2") .to('#machine',0.5,{right: 0, ease:eo2}, "0.7") .set('#creature1', {backgroundImage:'url(img/creature1_mov2.png)',ease:eo2}, "+=0.05") .to('#creature1',0.5,{x:40, y:-199, ease:eo2, scale: 1.1,}) .to('#creature2',0.5,{x:14, y:-14, ease:eo2, scale: 1.1,})
  8. I try to make this transition of backgrounds avoiding the space without images just at the middle of the transition, is that possible? .fromTo('#creature1',0.1, {backgroundImage:'url(img/creature1.png)'}, {backgroundImage:'url(img/creature1_mov2.png)'})
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