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  1. I wan't to have a google search result page like sticky header animation with gsap, how can i do it.
  2. Hi everyone, Please i need to know if Dynamic (feed driven) Google DoubleClick banners can be hand coded and not created using Google Web Designer. If so does anyone have any base templates to start from. I hand code everything using GSAP and i just want to inject the data using Javascript and not be tied down to Google Web Designer. I am willing to pay for Live Online training for someone who can help me with this or even doing builds in Google Web Designer and adding custom code. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks Brad
  3. Hello guys! Some bad news coming from Google Adwords. "Beginning December 11, Google will no longer support HTML5 ads with clickability modified using Tap Area or Javascript ExitApi.exit()." https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/6335679?authuser=0 Also all of you can noticed that TweenMax no longer available as an asset from internal Google library. Could greensokers give any clearance to this topic? Thanks in advance!
  4. yoni.levy

    GreenSock - SEO friendly?

    Hi Guys, Quick question about website using Greensock animation ( like the amazing example in greensock gallery) , google care about site loading fast as we all know this can effect seo ranking , anyone knows if advance animation in home page can impact the website from loading fast? many thanks in advance Yoni
  5. Hi all, I am reading through Google Material's motion guideline. There is one particular effect that is interesting yet I am trying hard how to do this in code. The page: Choregraphing surfaces https://www.google.com/design/spec/motion/choreography.html#choreography-creation Video: https://material-design.storage.googleapis.com/publish/material_v_8/material_ext_publish/0B14F_FSUCc01X1hUU2x6dWpQX1U/CreationChoreo_03_StaggerDo_v3.webm - I could put them into an array and display them one after the after from left to right and then drop to a second row and display the next set and so on. But how do I display them from left to right and top to bottom at the same time?
  6. I am reading Google Material animation guidelines. https://www.google.com/design/spec/animation/authentic-motion.html#authentic-motion-mass-weight Has anyone able to mimic as close as possible to it? Does anyone has a set of easing values I can plug and play? Cheers, Venn.
  7. Hi i wonder if anyone know how to create google meaningful transition by using GSAP. and also i want to know how to implement below effect on Javascript, jquery or angular way. if anyone know it would be great and much helpfull http://www.google.com/design/spec/animation/meaningful-transitions.html#meaningful-transitions-visual-continuity http://material-design.storage.googleapis.com/publish/v_2/material_ext_publish/0B2wX4iIvu8L6aHVOOGxBOW5jZlE/animation-meaningfultransitions-visualcontinuity_music-tablet-01_xhdpi.webm and also i found this link http://material.cmiscm.com/ Jongmin Kim (@cmiscm). is the guy who made this amazing example. and these UI State change animation all done by using GSAP..i was amaze how smooth is it.. thats why i need to implement those type of effect on my own project. and also i want to know. is this can use for production project. and how the browser will handle. and how dom manipulation are handle, if anyone know know how to replicate that example. or any other way. please help me to understand this.
  8. Michael71

    Material Design Animation

    Hello, I just wanted to ask a few opinions about the material design animations/easings. Which ease offered by GSAP you think matches their example here: http://www.google.com/design/spec/animation/authentic-motion.html#authentic-motion-mass-weight Also which techninques/plugins of GSAP could be used to create material desing based elements/componenets. Looking forward to your responses.
  9. lifeinchords

    Shimmer Hierirachical Effect

    I'm new to GSAP. Is there a way to do this with GSAP, with less code? Will it be more performant with GSAP? Thanks, =: s
  10. Hello.. To those who like to target different browsers, due to the different rendering engines, please keep reading... Opera 18 was released last month (Nov 18, 2013). It is now based on Chromium 31. It looks almost exactly like Google Chrome. And functions way better than previous version of Opera. So if anyone needs a way to target Chromium based browsers like Google Chrome and now Opera 18 and above, the below might help. To target if the browser is Chromium based, use this: // this targets Google Chrome and Opera 18+ var isChromium = window.chrome;if(isChrome === true) { // is chromium based browser } else { // not chromium based browser } To target if the browser is Google Chrome, use this: var isChromium = window.chrome, vendorName = window.navigator.vendor; if(isChromium === true && vendorName === "Google Inc.") { // is Google chrome } else { // not Google chrome } To target if the browser is Opera 18 or above: var isChromium = window.chrome, vendorName = window.navigator.vendor; if(isChromium === true && vendorName === "Opera Software ASA") { // is Opera 18 or above } else { // not Opera 18 or above } There are like 5 other browsers that are Chromium based, but they are not as popular. In that case the window.navigator.vendor should provide the vendor. I hope this helps anyone that might need to target Google Chrome or Opera 18 and above, while you deal with the various different behavior in each browser. Have a great day!
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