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  1. All images are flickering while animating them with scale property of gsap Here's the working Stackblitz URL => https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-ts-hzgsvj?file=App.tsx This is happening on every Chromium browser (Chrome, Edge, Brave) Working fine on Safari though?
  2. This page is rendered differently in Firefox as opposed to Chrome. PAGE Which one is correct and how to fix it?
  3. Hello.. To those who like to target different browsers, due to the different rendering engines, please keep reading... Opera 18 was released last month (Nov 18, 2013). It is now based on Chromium 31. It looks almost exactly like Google Chrome. And functions way better than previous version of Opera. So if anyone needs a way to target Chromium based browsers like Google Chrome and now Opera 18 and above, the below might help. To target if the browser is Chromium based, use this: // this targets Google Chrome and Opera 18+ var isChromium = window.chrome;if(isChrome === true) { // is chromium based browser } else { // not chromium based browser } To target if the browser is Google Chrome, use this: var isChromium = window.chrome, vendorName = window.navigator.vendor; if(isChromium === true && vendorName === "Google Inc.") { // is Google chrome } else { // not Google chrome } To target if the browser is Opera 18 or above: var isChromium = window.chrome, vendorName = window.navigator.vendor; if(isChromium === true && vendorName === "Opera Software ASA") { // is Opera 18 or above } else { // not Opera 18 or above } There are like 5 other browsers that are Chromium based, but they are not as popular. In that case the window.navigator.vendor should provide the vendor. I hope this helps anyone that might need to target Google Chrome or Opera 18 and above, while you deal with the various different behavior in each browser. Have a great day!
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