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  1. Stephane Demotte

    Iframe in Draggable

    Hi I have a draggable with a iframe, in mobile, i can't move if my first touch is in the iframe. The scrolltop is good, the touch on desktop too, but on mobile nothing. So i can't use Draggable if i have a video(youtube/video) inside, on mobile. If i hijack with dragClickables:true, all my links and the play button in the iframe become unavailable. Anyone have a solution ? Thanks
  2. Hello everybody, I have a simple question. Probably my problem is easy to fix, but I can not figure it out... My question is: How to import an audio file / mp3 file to codepen.io? I've seen many examples and I can't import my own audio file in my codepen file. I've download this audio file in mp3 format. This is the audio that I want to use. How do I convert this YouTube audio into this line of code? --> playFile('https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/3/success.mp3') I hope I am clear enough. Thanks in advance
  3. innocean_dev

    Animating YouTube Video with Greeensock

    Hello, I can't seem to animate a div that contains a youtube video and I have a project that due asap. I want to be able to animate the opacity or the position. The animation either won't occur or the animation will stop before it has completed. Please let me know what I might be doing wrong. Thanks! ::Carey::
  4. Hi, I have placed a Youtube video in my banner which shows after a few animations. It is working fine. The issue is I have given the exit id which is over the whole banner, a z-index of (for example) 40; Because of this z-index, I am unable to click on the progress bar of the youtube video to skip sections of the video. If I take the Z-index off the exit, it works, but then when I go back when I click on the banner again, on the video, it just plays the video, doesn't take me to my exit url. I need the z-index on the exit for that is the exit for the ad. Is there a way around this?
  5. Hi, When using the MotionBlur plugin to animate a MovieClip (that is not the Youtube Player but a local symbol), I get: at flash.display::BitmapData/draw() at com.greensock.plugins::MotionBlurPlugin/setRatio() at com.greensock::TweenLite/render() at com.greensock::TimelineMax/render() at com.greensock::TimelineMax/render() at com.greensock.core::SimpleTimeline/render() at com.greensock.core::Animation$/_updateRoot() The problem is of course that you are not allowed to use BitmapData.draw on any remotely loaded objected (in this case the Youtube Player). The odd thing is that I am not trying to tween the youtube player, I'm trying to tween another completely different (local) element. What I realized is this: If you are trying to motion blur something that is on the same scope/"level" as the youtube player: (child-)level MovieClip Parent 0 Stage - 1 MC to be blurred Stage 1 Youtube player Stage What the MotionBlur plugin does is that it takes the element, and in MotionBlurPlugin.as:369 does: _bdCache.draw(_target.parent, _matrix, _ct, "normal", bounds, _smoothing); Which means that it makes a new Bitmap object and tries to take a snapshot of the MovieClips parent, not the MovieClip itself. In my case this is the Stage (level 0). This - however - means that it tries to take a snapshot of an object (in my case the Stage) which includes the Youtube Player (loaded remotely) and thus gives the error. To reproduce 1. Include the Youtube Player Proxy (or download the example project on from http://goo.gl/NXH5L), 2. Add it to the stage 3. Create a new symbol 4. Add it to the stage 5. Try to use the MotionBlur Plugin on the newly created object Solution Put all your objects that you will tween in an empty Symbol and add that symbol to the stage. That way, when the MotionBlur plugin tries to fetch parent it only gets the newly created Symbol. I don't know if this is something that the MotionBlur Plugin can even fix, that said, this would be nice: try{ _bdCache.draw(_target.parent, _matrix, _ct, "normal", bounds, _smoothing); }catch(е) { trace("The animated object (" + _target + ") can't live on the same level as a remote object (such as a video player). To solve this, put the animated object into it's own empty MovieClip"); }
  6. Hi there, I've been having a bit of an issue with trying to add a youtube video to the manager. The video is added correctly on the stage and starts playing as it should. But when you try to move it around somehow the Youtube player's mouse event listeners seem to be in conflict with the TransformManager's. Because when you try to drag the TransformItem, the item sticks to the mouse position (with some lag) and you can't stop the drag. Here's my code: function loadYoutubeVideo() { var my_loader:Loader = new Loader(); my_loader.load(new URLRequest("http://www.youtube.com/apiplayer?version=3")); my_loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, onLoaderInit); } function onLoaderInit(e:Event):void{ my_player = e.target.content; my_player.addEventListener("onReady", onPlayerReady); } function onPlayerReady(e:Event):void{ my_player.setSize(640,360); my_player.loadVideoById("_OBlgSz8sSM",0); stage.addChild(my_player); var item = manager.addItem(my_player); } Thanks!
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