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Found 8 results

  1. help me pls figure out how to break words into letters and make an animation of word replacements endlessly in a loop
  2. Hi Everyone, I am creating a horizontal scroll section in my website using Gsap. The section consists of a video and two images. I have two problems: 1. The video and the images are set to 100% width and object-fit: cover yet it doesn't fit fully in the screen you have to scroll to see the rest of it. I tried object-fit: contain but then I end up with white space on the left and the right. How can fix that? 2. When I scroll down just a little the section automatically scrolls to the next element. Is there a way to disable that?
  3. Hi All, I'm looking to stagger the display of a list of items, I only want 1 item to show at once. I have knocked up an example using jQuery but can't figure out how to utilise GSAP for the same action. Ultimately, I want to control the fade and scale of each item as they appear and disappear. Any help appreciated
  4. Hi there! Im looking for a professional to start a partnership. I have a demand of a new customer that needs a Full Stack Developer that are very skilled in Greensock and/or Adobe Animate. This project will be for a world known company that leads his market, so its a great opportunity. At this moment we need two person to deal the amount of work we will have if we got this contract. The customer said about 150 projects a month. I'd like to be very clear about all details. This is a project in building step, and I need your help to make it happens. The company still don't provided too much information about what need to be created. Basicaly will be lots of animated banners and some web interations. You can see a sample of their work here: https://app.frame.io/presentations/07cb2e9d-4f18-458e-855a-1fc05a657b30 So, what I need ASAP is two people that can embrace this partnership to we can got this great contract and make some money togheter. Please, take a look in the demo reel above and send me some prices bases in hour fee and fixed project so I can send a budget to the client. I'm going to the last meeting to make the deal and to make the things happen I need to have this team fullfiled. Thanks for your attention in advance Sam
  5. I am trying to create floating circular image mask using svg clip-path. It works fine in Firefox and Chrome but Safari somehow cuts off the clipped image. Resizing the browser seems to (temporarily) solve the issue. I have no clue what is going on. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  6. Hi, guys! I'd like to share with you a feature that I made for my site recently: http://codepen.io/nordskill/pen/qqMMrL It is an animated progress bar that visualizes the amount of symbols you've entered. The script automatically shows the bar for all the fields that contain maxlength attribute. Just an example of usage:
  7. Hello fellow Greensockers! My conundrum is as follows: - I'm trying to layer several images on top of one another - Each image is masked with a curved / irregular shaped SVG mask (could be PNG or SVG Path or external SVG) - Each mask needs to animate - Now heres the kicker, each image needs to be clickable / interactive within the constraints of the mask area I forked Jonathan's example (http://codepen.io/jonathan/details/OyarJK), as it was already using an animated SVG/PNG mask which ticked off the 1st 3 points above. My fork is here - http://codepen.io/timostsauber/pen/zqzmKV I am using a SVG Path for the 1st mask, and a SVG file for the second mask. Just to test both. So the 1st one is not using attr for animation whilst the second one is. Each image has a hover event listener, but as you can see the top image clickable area takes up the entire banner, outside of the masked area. I realise I can achieve this with separate, invisible buttons on top of the SVG image masks, but this would mean code duplication, and also animating the invisible buttons to move with the masks + images. I tried various combinations of pointer-events on the image / SVG layers, but to no avail. So I'm very curious to know if this is possible, as this method of masking seems to be the best and most cross browser friendly. Thanks for any help in advance!
  8. I was looking if it was possible to animate a curved line between two points so that if one point is dragged the line follows in a natural way. Like pulling a plug from your audio system and place it another place. I know there are possibilities with bezier curves used as path and there is something like 2dphysics. But I want to know if such a thing is possible with GSAP. After long time Google I found an example at http://www.jasondavies.com/animated-bezier/which is pretty much what I mean. If it's possible using GSAP, what are roughly the steps to take? Just found another example: http://codepen.io/ayamflow/pen/HrbKqmight be good start
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