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Found 4 results

  1. Samirpa

    Long Term Partnership

    Hi there! Im looking for a professional to start a partnership. I have a demand of a new customer that needs a Full Stack Developer that are very skilled in Greensock and/or Adobe Animate. This project will be for a world known company that leads his market, so its a great opportunity. At this moment we need two person to deal the amount of work we will have if we got this contract. The customer said about 150 projects a month. I'd like to be very clear about all details. This is a project in building step, and I need your help to make it happens. The company still don't provided too much information about what need to be created. Basicaly will be lots of animated banners and some web interations. You can see a sample of their work here: https://app.frame.io/presentations/07cb2e9d-4f18-458e-855a-1fc05a657b30 So, what I need ASAP is two people that can embrace this partnership to we can got this great contract and make some money togheter. Please, take a look in the demo reel above and send me some prices bases in hour fee and fixed project so I can send a budget to the client. I'm going to the last meeting to make the deal and to make the things happen I need to have this team fullfiled. Thanks for your attention in advance Sam
  2. dwadaw

    Adobe Animate CC Zip file

    Hey there, I need a zip file of Adobe Animate CC (trial.)
  3. Any ideas on improving quality of text in an HTML5 Canvas ad from Adobe Animate CC? All text looks a bit fuzzy when publishing. Google search mentioned stage.snapToPixelEnabled = True; That helped a bit but our Campaign Managers are expecting a higher quality. There are tons of other scripts to scale the stage up and down which are actually mystifying to me. Not sure where to plug these methods into the .html and .js that Animate CC generates. Thanks in advance for the amazing brains out there. -Ray
  4. I have updated Flash CC 2015 to Adobe Animate CC and now the animations from greensock do not seem to work. Has anyone had this issue? I publish the same... Please let me know
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