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Hello, Have been trying to use the stragger animation on my project. But there I want to add bit delay before it started. So will have the blank space for some moments then the 1st block will fillup. The codepen code is only for the specific section. On actual project( been triggering with scrollmagic
Hello gsap magicians, I'm trying to create this animation, where on load all the images stagger out, then have each image animate from 0% to 100% width over top of the previous image. It kinda works, but if I add a delay to the animation it breaks the continuous look of the animation. Can anyone help? Much appreciated!
Hi, I'm trying to create loading animation and i want the text to float until dom has loaded and after that animation needs to play 3 more times. I'm new to this and the answer is probably super easy but I just can't figure this out, been trying to debug for hours. I'll be glad for any help. Thanks in advance.
Dynamic values with nested timelines and animations only playing once on click
pinkdobie posted a topic in GSAP
Hi there! Just working on something for a calming app. I want the user to be able to choose how many breaths they'd like to take, then be walked through an animation that symbolizes each breath. After the animation is finished it should fade off the screen and go back to the section where they can choose how many breaths they'd like to take, starting the page over again essentially. The button that the user clicks is the value that my breatheAnimation will use to repeat. Right now I'm running each timeline separately when the button is clicked, leaving me to need a 4 second delay on my breatheAnimation (not ideal). I was previously attempting to do some kind of onComplete(), isActive stuff, buuut I didn't really know how to go about it with each timeline. Nesting the animations in functions also proved tricky as I wasn't able to use my updated breatheSelect value, it only took the 0 that the breatheSelect value is upon page load. Right now I have the animationRestart timeline commented out as it will simply run as soon as the button is clicked, even when it does run I can't actually start all of the animations again by clicking one of my options. I'm assuming this means I need to reset my timelines back to paused, but I'm not really sure. Thankful for the help in advance! Hope I've provided enough details. -
Hi! Forgive me for being a first-timer, but I'm having difficulty wrapping my head around why the attached CodePen doesn't "zig-zag" my squares correctly... (Note: This is a Minimal Reproducible Example; please don't judge me, hehe!) I want it to go: 0 / 1 - 2 / 3 / 1 - 2 / 3 / 1 - 2 / 3 ... but it keeps jumping back up and to the left. ? I did find the following Top Hit On Google, which is what I figured I needed to "repeat" from the ending position, but I don't seem to be having any luck getting it to Do What I Mean: I'm sure you all will probably take one look and see that I'm missing something fundamental — and that's okay; I'm eager to learn more... «grin» Cheers!
I have 2 functions: generateParticles and animateParticles ( w. an inner timeline ). I also have a 'Main Timeline': gsap.timeline( { repeat: -1 } ).call( animateParticles, [numParticles - 1], '-=0' ); The problem is that 'animateParticles' executes only ONE time - the function will NOT repeat. How can I make the function 'animateParticles' repeat itself after the first execution - play multiple times ?
Hi, Extremely new to GSAP etc, and I only found myself here by accident after weeks of trying to find something JS that would speak to pseudo elements. So hooray!! My problem is I can't seem to figure out how to get my function to repeat and I'm not sure if I've quite nailed the conversion. I've converted from a keyframes animation and it seems to be working okay, however it only does it once and then stops. I've looked through a variety of the instructions and forum questions on here to get to where I have, but each one doesn't seem to quite gel to my situation. So basically my keyframes were: @keyframes hello { 0% { top: 100%; } 33%, 100% { top: -50%; } } And my selector: .world::before { animation: hello 3s 0.4s ease-in-out infinite; } So all simple stuff. To convert this, I have this GSAP so far: gsap.registerPlugin(CSSRulePlugin); var rule = CSSRulePlugin.getRule(".world::before");, 0.3, { cssRule: { top: "100%" }, ease: Power4.easeInOut });, 0.7, { cssRule: { top: "-50%" }, ease: Power4.easeInOut }); So everything's talking to each other, but I can't get the GSAP function/rule to do the "infinite" part of the original animation. And again I'm not sure if I've nailed the timings based on the percentages in the keyframes. And of course the 0.4s delay, I'm not sure where to put that either. I've created a code pen with the usual bits to try and illustrate, if that helps at all. Thank you very very much for any help!
The animation is not looping smooth/continuously because of the delay in the end. How can I make it not stop for a second in the end of the animation like it does on the Codepen?
- 5 replies
- not smooth
- continuous animation
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Hi, I am new to Greensock and I really love it so far! Today I was struggling with setting a random duration on a tween or timeline object. I created a helper function that returned a random value for the duration. In the tween properties I called the function on the duration property. However, the random value only was set once and the function was never called afterwards, although the animation was infinite by setting repeat: -1. I found the property repeatRefresh, but the docs say: What am I doing wrong and how can I set dynamic values for duration or delay for each new repetition of my animation? Thanks for some hints in advance!
Hi, I have a SVG I have created. You can see it by following the link to the codpen url. I want to create an animation to repeat the DNA pattern indefinitely at 45 degrees while keeping it inside the circle. I go no clue where to start :D
Hey there, I have a Timelinelite instance where I running both "single shot" and "repeating" animations, however, I'd like the "timeline.totalDuration()" to not include repeat. My goal from the below is to get a total duration of 1.5sec , that is duration without repeat. Is there a method I can use to get that? Thanks. const timeline = new Timelinelite({paused: true}); timeline //Animation A ( 1 second duration) .to('#box',{x: 0,duration: 1 }, 0) //Animation B ( 0.5 second duration) .fromTo('#box',{x: currentX - 2},{x:currentX + 2,duration: 0.5, repeat: -1}, 0.5);
Hello! I don't speak English well .. I have a question using TweenMax I'm asking the right question here? I want Controlling a lot of TweenMax in my project I want visual() function run -> reset I want to Infinite repeat this function Please help me. I am a beginner. ? I made the code like this. ⬇️ <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { var visual= function() { var $con_03_mobile = $('.top_con .motion_mobile') , $con_03_01 = $('.con_03 .motion01') , $con_03_02 = $('.con_03 .motion02') , $con_03_03 = $('.con_03 .motion03') , $con_03_04 = $('.con_03 .motion04') , $con_03_05 = $('.con_03 .motion05') , $dim1 = $('.con_03 .dim1') , $dim2 = $('.con_03 .dim2') , $mask = $('.con_03 .mask') , $mask2 = $('.con_03 .mask2') function a5(){ TweenMax.fromTo($con_03_04, 0.6, {x:'8px', y:'184'}, {x:'8px',y:'8px', ease: Power2.easeIn, onComplete: function(){ TweenMax.fromTo($con_03_05, 0.3, {opacity:'0'}, {opacity:1, ease: Power2.easeIn, onComplete: function(){ }}); }}); TweenMax.fromTo($con_03_04, 0.1, {opacity:'0'}, {opacity:1, ease: Power2.easeIn, onComplete: function(){ }}); } function a4(){ TweenMax.fromTo($dim1, 0.5, {opacity:'0'}, {opacity:0.8, ease: Power2.easeIn, onComplete: function(){ }}); TweenMax.fromTo($con_03_03, 0.7, {x:'8px', y:'184'}, {x:'8px',y:'8px', ease: Power2.easeIn, onComplete: function(){ TweenMax.fromTo($con_03_03, 0.3, {opacity:'1'}, {opacity:0, ease: Power2.easeIn, onComplete: function(){ }}); setTimeout(a5, 100) }}); TweenMax.fromTo($con_03_03, 0.1, {opacity:'0'}, {opacity:1, ease: Power2.easeIn, onComplete: function(){ }}); } TweenMax.fromTo($con_03_02, 0.8, {x:'200', y:'0'}, {x:'8px',y:'8px', ease: Power2.ease, onComplete: function(){ setTimeout(a4, 200) }}); } });
Hi, 1. I have a second hand of a clock rotating for 60 seconds 2. I have a minute hand of a clock that should rotate 360/60 after every 60 seconds. The problem is I am using reapeatDelay to delay the minute hand for every 60 seconds but when it plays again, it resets back to the original position 0deg. How do I make the rotate animation continue from where it stopped? Here is a pen In the pen above, I changed the timing from 60sec to 5sec so you can see what's going on faster.
- 11 replies
Hi there, I'm trying to make an animation to repeat infinitely with a TimelineMax instance that includes a pause. var tl = new TimelineMax({ repeat: -1 }) .to(repeatWithPause, 0.5, { rotation: 180 }) .to(repeatWithPause, 0.5, { rotation: 0 }) .addPause(1.0); You can see in the codepen what I've tried so far. It seems I'm able to repeat several times the first animation. But as soon as I add a pause in the timeline, only the first iteration is played. The same applies for repeat > 1 and when the addPause() isn't at the end of the timeline. I might be doing something wrong. Any help appreciated.
I am new to GSAP and I am trying to figure out what is the best way to fire a callback function at the beginning and end or a repeating animation. Here is the code i've tried so far: var tl = new TimelineMax({ delay: 3.0, repeat: -1, repeatDelay: 3.0, yoyo: true, onRepeat: function () { console.log("on repeat, called with delay...bad") }, onReverseComplete: function () { console.log("reverse complete, never called bacause of repeat forever") } }) A few things to keep in mind: I would like the callback function to execute BEFORE the delay on the animation start (playing forward) and on the reverse (playing reverse). So the timeline should execute like this: Start -> callback -> delay -> play animation -> animation end - > callback -> delay -> reverse animation -> reverse end -> callback -> delay (repeat forever) (Start and callback can be swapped, as long as the callback happens before the delay) Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Hi There, I am not quite sure why the following code which simply repeats a timeline that plays a animated sprite twice works fine: TL = new TimelineMax({repeat:1}); TL.stop(); TL.set([spriteSheet], {x:0});; TL.addLabel("f1", "0"), .1, {autoAlpha:1, ease:Sine.easeInOut}, "f1+=0");, 1.5, {x:-(spriteWidth * spriteCopyFrame),ease:SteppedEase.config(spriteCopyFrame)}); but if I add another tween after the sprite stepped ease animation, the sprite is not reanimated on the repeat but the new tween is animated twice as per the repeat:1 TL = new TimelineMax({repeat:1}); TL.stop(); TL.set([spriteSheet], {x:0});; TL.addLabel("f1", "0"), .1, {autoAlpha:1, ease:Sine.easeInOut}, "f1+=0");, 1.5, {x:-(spriteWidth * spriteCopyFrame),ease:SteppedEase.config(spriteCopyFrame)});, .5, {autoAlpha:.8, y:80, x:-35, scaleX:.35, scaleY:.35, ease:Sine.easeOut}, "f1+=1.9"); Ive tried resetting the the sprites x position with different methods but still it will not replay and seems to always hold on the first frame. Any help appreciated as Ive spent a few hours trying different solutions without success
- 7 replies
- repeat
- sprite animation
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Hi. This is my first time using Greensock, also I'm a beginner in javascript. I don't know if my code is beautiful or not, and I ask you to not pay too much attention to that aspect (or maybe you should, that'd help me) Basically, everything is working as I want it to, there's just one minor change I want: Before the text fades out again, I want there to be a delay again. I don't know how or where to put that delay in. All suggestions are welcome : )
Hi, I´m new to this but i love it so far....except for this problem. I made several timelines for my animations, but i can´t get them to loop/repeat. One works fine, but ill guess I´ll have to nest them some way? Or have I got it all wrong?? var t1 = new TimelineMax();, 0.5, {opacity:1, ease: Power2.easeOut}).to(txt1_1, 11, {opacity:1}).to(txt1_1, 0.5, {opacity:0, left: -300}); var t2 = new TimelineMax();, 0.5, {opacity:1, ease: Power2.easeOut, top:0}).to(txt1_2, 2, {opacity:1}).to(txt1_2, 0.5, {opacity:0, top:30}); var t3 = new TimelineMax();, 0.5, {opacity:1, ease: Power2.easeOut, top:0, delay:3}).to(txt1_3, 2, {opacity:1}).to(txt1_3, 0.5, {opacity:0, top:30}); var t4 = new TimelineMax();, 0.5, {opacity:1, ease: Power2.easeOut, top:0, delay:6}).to(txt1_4, 2, {opacity:1}).to(txt1_4, 0.5, {opacity:0, top:30}); var t5 = new TimelineMax();, 0.5, {opacity:1, ease: Power2.easeOut, top:0, delay:9}).to(txt1_5, 2, {opacity:1}).to(txt1_5, 0.5, {opacity:0, left: -300}) ; var tlp1 = new TimelineMax();, 0.5, {opacity:1, ease: Power2.easeIn, left:0, delay:12}).to(panel1, 5, {opacity:1}).to(panel1, 0.5, {opacity:0}); var tlp2 = new TimelineMax();, 0.5, {opacity:1, left: 680, ease: Back.easeOut.config(1.2), delay:11.5}).to(panel2, 5.5, {opacity:1}).to(panel2, 0.5, {opacity:0});
- 13 replies
Hi, Is there a way to access the current iteration of a repeating Timeline? I would like to stop the loop just after the last digit is shown at the last repeat of this numeric counter. This is an automatically generated frame animation: COUNTER1tl=new TimelineMax({repeat:99}); COUNTER1tl .addLabel('d') .set(digit_1,{autoAlpha:1}) .set(digit_2,{autoAlpha:0}) .set(digit_3,{autoAlpha:0}) .set(digit_4,{autoAlpha:0}) .set(digit_5,{autoAlpha:0}) .set(digit_6,{autoAlpha:0}) .set(digit_7,{autoAlpha:0}) .set(digit_8,{autoAlpha:0}) .set(digit_9,{autoAlpha:0}) .set(digit_10,{autoAlpha:0}) .to(digit_1,0,{autoAlpha:1},'d+=0') .to(digit_1,0,{autoAlpha:0},'d+=0.02') .to(digit_2,0,{autoAlpha:1},'d+=0.02') .to(digit_2,0,{autoAlpha:0},'d+=0.04') .to(digit_3,0,{autoAlpha:1},'d+=0.04') .to(digit_3,0,{autoAlpha:0},'d+=0.06') .to(digit_4,0,{autoAlpha:1},'d+=0.06') .to(digit_4,0,{autoAlpha:0},'d+=0.08') .to(digit_5,0,{autoAlpha:1},'d+=0.08') .to(digit_5,0,{autoAlpha:0},'d+=0.1') .to(digit_6,0,{autoAlpha:1},'d+=0.1') .to(digit_6,0,{autoAlpha:0},'d+=0.12') .to(digit_7,0,{autoAlpha:1},'d+=0.12') .to(digit_7,0,{autoAlpha:0},'d+=0.14') .to(digit_8,0,{autoAlpha:1},'d+=0.14') .to(digit_8,0,{autoAlpha:0},'d+=0.16') .to(digit_9,0,{autoAlpha:1},'d+=0.16') .to(digit_9,0,{autoAlpha:0},'d+=0.18') .to(digit_10,0,{autoAlpha:1, onComplete: function(){ /* stop if last repeat */ }},'d+=0.18') .to(digit_10,0,{autoAlpha:0},'d+=0.2') ; If I put a counter variable into the code var COUNTER1_repeat = 99 and decrement it .to(digit_10,0,{autoAlpha:1, onComplete: function(){ if ( !COUNTER1_repeat-- ){ COUNTER1tl.pause() } } }, 'd+=1.8' ) the code works, but seems like a workaround. Not nice in my opinion. Thanks a lot, Oliver
how to loop entire tweenmax animations with onComplete callbacks
siva nargana posted a topic in GSAP
how to repeat this kind of callbacks based animation, I cant repeat this entire animation, each tween start based on callback please answer this problem".div1",0.5,{opacity:1,ease: Linear.easeOut,onComplete: function(){".div2",0.5,{opacity:1,ease: Linear.easeOut,onComplete: function(){".div3",0.5,{opacity:1,ease: Linear.easeOut,onComplete: function(){".div4",0.5,{opacity:1,ease: Linear.easeOut,onComplete: function(){}}); }}); }}); }}); -
Hi, I have a timeline which I created beforehand and put it on pause. Then on trigger I run it with it plays correctly the very first time but subsequent repeats are not right. What am I missing? Thanks for help!
Hi, Is it possible to create a timeline that after playing for the first time, when it repeats it starts from a different point in the timeline? In the example below (CodePen included) I'd like the timeline to play through once from the start, and then after this when the repeat kicks in I'd like it to start from the "start" label. It will basically remove the initial fading in off all the elements after the first play. var tl1 = new TimelineMax({repeat: -1}); tl1 .to(".box", 2, {opacity: 1}) .add("start") // would like animation to start from here when repeating .to("#box-1", 1, {scale: 0, ease:Power0.easeNone}) .to("#box-2", 1, {scale: 0, ease:Power0.easeNone}) .to("#box-3", 1, {scale: 0, ease:Power0.easeNone}) .to("#box-4", 1, {scale: 0, ease:Power0.easeNone}) Many thanks
Hello, I have a tween that appears on click of an object fades in and starts to rotate infinitely with repeat = -1. When I kill that tween and then re-click the object and and the tween re-starts it adds to the duration from the previous tween, so everytime I click and it begins to rotate its duration += previous-duration+duration Code that fades in and starts to rotate object[".planet1UI>img"], 0.8, { autoAlpha: 1, delay: 1.5, onComplete: function() {".planet1UI>img", 4, { rotation: 360, ease: Linear.easeNone, repeat: -1, transformOrigin: "50% 50%" }); } }); code that removes the rotation TweenMax.set([".planet1UI>img", ".planet2UI>img"], { autoAlpha: 0 }); TweenMax.killTweensOf([".planet1UI>img", ".planet2UI>img"], { rotation: true, transformOrigin: true }); TweenMax.killChildTweensOf(".planet1UI"); TweenMax.killChildTweensOf(".planet2UI"); TweenMax.killAll(); So every time I restart the rotation it is 4seconds slower Any ideas? I will add an codepen soon.
- 1 reply
- repeat
- kill animation
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Hello again, I'm back with another issue I'm facing. I am aiming to have a background that moves to give the impression of the sprite movement (essentially moving the viewport but not). To achieve this I have made repeating Tweens which move from one side of the page to the other and put them into timelines for X and Y. To get a feeling of speed I have been messing with the TimelineMax timeScale. The issue I have found is that going up (-ve timeScale) soon results in the timeline reaching progess = 0. This is likely to be an issue travelling left also. I have had a look at a similar topic here: however this has not worked well for me. I believe this is because I am not calling reverse(), rather I'm using negative timeScale. Does anyone know a fix for this that will work well, and is there a better way I should be doing this which would make it easier to repeat etc..? Thanks for your help Jareth
Hi, What is the trick to get the timeline to carry on after the below tween loop in timelineMax? .from(".class", 1.5, { y:-100, repeat:-1, repeatDelay:3, yoyo: true}) I've not been able to find one for love nor money...