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  1. Sukru

    Gsap vertical infinite loop

    Hello, I have two endless loop animations going in different directions, but the animation on the right does not start from the top like the other one and works problematic. Can you help me?
  2. Hi All, i have recently started using gsap. it is so great. i am using it with a react project but for minimal demo i have used js only, i found one demo in gsap's examples. i am trying to achieve same but without infinite loop it should iterate all the items only once. so i am not sure that should i use this loop helper function or it can be achieved without it. anyway i have modify code a bit and it is working as expected but only issue is if cards are less than 14 i doesn't work properly means what i want is it to iterate all items once only but if cards are less, it start iterating from 0 for few cards again. i am not sure where we can make changes so it work with dynamic number of cards. (currently it doesn't work if only few cards are there, less than 14) JFYI, this is how screen is - section - horizontal scroll with pin (cards should loop for only one iteration) - section Thanks in advance :)
  3. Hi Everyone, I'm trying to create a smooth staggered fade out/float up animation for partner logos but having loop as well. My main issue here is that once the last desired elements are visible, it's not animating properly the same way to show the first ones. It's kind of resets the entire timeline without smooth transitioning. That's probably because of set method that I use to reset the animation, but didn't work anything else properly. Any advice or help please? Here's the codepen. https://codepen.io/VahahBio/pen/oNrGydp P.S. trying to make the replica of partners section from https://www.humaan.com/
  4. Hello, I would love to make this kind of animation, but im new to GSAP and for some reason my head wont cooperate. Does anyone have any good tips? 07f6f16c-bc28-4506-983c-caf435ade110.mp4
  5. Hi, I'm having trouble getting the animation to repeat smoothly thanks.
  6. How can I create this same animation with gsap and next js?
  7. pixelbakery

    Vertical Infinite Loop Carousel

    Hi. I was trying to reverse engineer this demo using the Modifiers plugin: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/QEdpLe I got it to go downwards on the Y access okay, but I'm running into issues getting to get it to go up. Any help? Also, if you could explain how the % mod works, that would be great. Please no jquery.
  8. Hello guys, I am new to GSAP, recently I am trying to rotate a gradient infinitely but having issues. Help is appreciated. Thanks for this wonderful forum.
  9. Deallie_Digital

    Marquee Endless Loop Not Working

    Hello All I'm trying to make and endless loop with two rows going in opposite directions. The first row works fine, but the second row has a bug where there is a gap of unrendered elements after Infatuation. Any ideas on what's going on? Code is Below (Apologies, but I have issues making react Code Pens): https://codesandbox.io/s/test-carousel-forked-s5wtub
  10. Hello everyone, My GSAP timeline loops 3 times. I use Splide.js to display my products. I can't make that when my timeline restarts, the product carousel also restarts from the beginning. That's why I come to ask for your help Adel Link to Splide JS : https://splidejs.com/ Link to banner : https://images-armis-staging.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/bricorama/newtemplates2023/appnexus/html/slideshowV2_300x600.html
  11. italoborges

    Scrolling looping the content

    Hello hello! I'm might not have an entirely question now but I would like to hear opinions to where to go in order to achieve my goal. I have a project with animations happening with ScrollTrigger. I would like to control the scrolls when it reaches the bottom or the top. - If reaches the bottom, the scroll is positioned in the top - If reaches the top, the scroll will be positioned in the bottom of the page This way the animations controlled by the ScrollTrigger will always seem in loop accordingly to the scroll. Looking into the examples I found this loop: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/LYRwgPo It's very complex for what I need, but I was trying to understand it and to apply perhaps the same concept. One of the problems I'm facing is the easing, it would need to pause an animation, reset to the position y:0, for example, and finish the left easing time. Any idea how I could apply the same loop concept to my need?
  12. Hi there! I am trying to create a scrolled roulette that gets triggered twice, once at the beginning of the main timeline and again later on the other half of the main timeline. I was not able to use several callbacks for the roulette function, so i just called the roulette outside of the main timeline, then the main timeline and somewhere in the half of it i use a callback to the roulette function. however, every time you scroll back and forth and trigger the callback, the function adds to the previous one(s) so you end up having roulettes all over the place. Also by calling the roulette in the callback, the headers come from the top instead of from the bottom. I guess the callback is not the solution I was looking for to trigger the roulette in the middle of the main timeline? but i wasnt able to find another solution so far. If someone could point me in the right direction, I would be very thankful. Also thanks in advance for having the patience to look into this, because it is my first gsap project and I still miss a lot of basic concepts, so I'd be more than happy if you just tell me what I could be missing to keep looking for my self and I'll post the solution as soon as I come up with it.
  13. Apologies for starting yet another "carousel" related topic, but I was hoping some of the brilliant minds here could help me out. Is there a way to use GSAP to create an infinite looping "carousel" style animation that doesn't repeat the first element in the list, like this embedded CodePen? Mind you: I'm not looking for fancy controls to start or stop or reverse anything, just a simple, clean way to loop a bunch of items that also makes sense in a screen reader type of environment—no repetitions of items in the source code.
  14. Good day, I am trying to figure out a way to have the animation run individually by the same class. I read the page about the common mistake on the loop but still couldn't figure it out. I know Im supposed to use the array but code did not run. can someone help me please?
  15. Good day! I'm sorry for my bad English. Please tell me how to implement an infinite rotation of the list of elements by pressing the "Start" button with the ability to smoothly stop the rotation on a certain element after 3 seconds. The element is determined randomly each time the "Start" button is pressed. The randomly selected item should stop in the middle of the container.
  16. Filip Carlsson

    Animation not looping continuously

    The animation is not looping smooth/continuously because of the delay in the end. How can I make it not stop for a second in the end of the animation like it does on the Codepen?
  17. I have a draggable slider/"panner" that is constructed a little differently due to some demands: - It has to work with percentage widths for the slides / flexbox - It has to work with differing slide widths This has worked all right in my solution, but now I'm trying to "loop" the slider and all examples I can find are using a draggable connected to a tween's progress and I'm not able to see how I can make this work in my situation. Any pointers here? I'd suspect I'd have to do some dom manipulation by moving the first slide to the end etc but I'm not really sure where to start. Any and all advice appreciated!
  18. laurent@belbar

    Vertical Loop for Stacked Photos

    Hi guys, I’m developing my website using Squarespace which is very templated but I have managed to add quite a bit of customisation learning some basic html, css and js coding. I’ve come across an animation that I really like in https://www.thomasdemonaco.com/ and I thought that I could do something similar using gsap. For a start I’m trying to do a simple verical loop - Squarespace will have pictures stacked on the viewport - but after trying so many different things, I cannot get find a solution. The repeat will start from the beginning and not loop. Attached is the codepen. Zach kindly helped with with initial code, I wish I had found a solution! Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks Laurent
  19. Hey guys, I'd like to achieve an infinite horizontal animation that changes direction (and speed) depending on whether the user scrolls up or down. The animation currently changes with scroll, but eventually stops (see codepen). I know there are a few examples of infinite loops on the forum, however I wasn't able to combine them with a change in scroll direction. Any help on how to create an infinite loop with this example would be amazing Cheers~
  20. ooxablon

    help slideshow delay

    Hey, I should tell u guys I'm very basic at javascript let alone Jquery. I ve been experimenting with scrollmagic and gsap, but now i'm stuck and could use your help please. I want to achieve the following: When u scroll into section 2, there should start a picture slideshow on section 3. I want it to keep running until section 3 reaches the top and on scrolling then the slideshow should plit into two specific pictures that in turn go left and right, while the section is pinned. It all looks kinda ok( dunno about the code: I try to keep it as simple as possible so i really understand it:)). The only problem is the slideshow itself...i couldnt keep it looping without having somekind of delay when it finishes the first time and restarts. Then i tried reversing it, but that also gives a delay.How can i fix this? Also if u scroll really fast from top to section 3 the pictures arent loaded yet and then the left right split animation is messed up. Im guessing i could fix this by letting the animation start earlier( on pageload), but I wonder if theres another solution. (Seems weird running an animation in background while nobodys on that section) Sonny
  21. Lasercode

    Loop not working as expected

    Hi guys, this is how i normally created my loops in my banners before gsap3: // ... tl.addCallback(function(){ if(loopCount < 3){ loopCount++; // fade out elements }else{ tl.pause(); } }); Now, that addCallback is not present anymore I use "call()", but the ad does not loop correctly, but only two times. Is "call" not being processed in every loop of the timeline? This would be my whole timeline. Also notice the "tl.to({}, 0.1, {});" in the end, which is needed to avoid a flickering when looping. This was not the case in gsap2 as well. var loopCount = 0; var tl = new TimelineMax({paused:true, repeat:-1}); tl.timeScale(1.2); //fr1 tl.from('#logo', 1, {scale:1.2, opacity: 0 }); tl.to({}, 2, {}); tl.from('.line, .line2', 0.2, { opacity: 0 }); tl.to('.cls-1', 1.2, { 'stroke-width': 102 }); //fr2 tl.from('#bg-blue', 3, {opacity: 0}, 'kaas') tl.from('#stuk1', 0.2, {opacity: 0}, 'kaas'); tl.from('#shop', 0.5, {y: 50, opacity: 0, ease:Back.easeOut},'kaas'); tl.from('#stuk1_shade', 0.2, {opacity: 0}, 'kaas'); tl.from('#stuk2r', 1.3, {x: -72, opacity: 0, ease:Power4.easeOut}, 'kaas'); tl.from('#stuk2l', 1.3, {x: 72, opacity: 0, ease:Power4.easeOut}, 'kaas'); tl.from('#stuk3r', 1.5, {x: -121, opacity: 0, ease:Power4.easeOut}, 'kaas'); tl.from('#stuk3l', 1.5, {x: 121, opacity: 0, ease:Power4.easeOut}, 'kaas'); tl.from('#stoerer', 0.5, {scale: 0.5, opacity: 0, ease:Back.easeOut}, 'kaas+=1.2'); tl.to({}, 1, {}); tl.to('#stoerer', 0.2, {scale: 0.95, yoyo: true, repeat: 3}); tl.to({}, 2, {}); // loop tl.call(function(){ if(loopCount <= 5){ loopCount++; tl.set('.cls-1', { 'stroke-width': 14 }); tl.set('.line, .line2, #logo', { opacity: 0 }); tl.to('#frame2', 0.5, {opacity: 0}); }else{ tl.pause(); } }); tl.to({}, 0.1, {}); What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
  22. Dicom

    Loop animation with control.

    Hi! Help me please!)) Now I have loop animation to the right. If I click "Left(reverse)" animation go to the left, but animation stops. What I need do that animation works loop and when i click" Right(play)" and when I click "Left(reverse)"
  23. Key

    Loop animation while dragging

    Hello, I'm trying to loop a "shake" animation of my drop-area as long as my droppable item is dragged. The animation should start 2sec after an item is dragged and should be repeated every 2 seconds. I found a few pens/topics but none of them could make it works. As you can see, I tried using onPress/Release, but it's still not working, and I have a shake animation after page loaded, which I don't want. Is there a way to do that ? Quentin
  24. How do I execute a function after an animation has completed? I've got a simple animation: I grab an element, and then I animate it. Lets say my animation function is called changeState(). I want to do this sequence: 1. changeState() 2. selectNextElement() 3. changeState() selectNextElement() should only run once changeState() has completed it's animation sequence. Here's my stub for changeState: // get current block and animate it function changeState() { var currentBlock = $(".current") ; // colortween the current block var tl = new TimelineMax() ; tl.to( currentBlock, 1, { backgroundColor:"rgb(205,151,20)" } ) .to( currentBlock, 1, { backgroundColor:"rgb(152, 129, 74)" } ) ; }
  25. flysi3000

    Timeline.restart(), with child timelines

    Hey! Longtime user, sometime-poster. I'm working on some ads that have a replay button. I have a secondary animation that plays at the beginning of my main timeline. That secondary animation is generated by a function that returns a timeline, and is called using add(). Secondary animation looks something like this: function makeWaves() { var tl = new TimelineLite(); tl .add('start', 0) .fromTo('#wave1 .teal', 10, {drawSVG:"0 35%"}, {drawSVG: "0% 95%"}, 'start') .fromTo('#wave1 .navy', 10, {drawSVG:"35% 100%"}, {drawSVG: "95% 100%"}, 'start') .fromTo('#wave2 .blue', 10, {drawSVG:"0 30%"}, {drawSVG: "0 90%"}, 'start') .fromTo('#wave2 .navy', 10, {drawSVG:"30% 100%"}, {drawSVG: "90% 100%"}, 'start') .to('#wave3 .blue', 10, {drawSVG: "80%"}, "start") .to('#wave3 .navy', 10, {drawSVG: "70%"}, "start+=2"); return tl; } Main timeline looks like this: this.timeline .addLabel("start", 0) .to(this.miranda, 0.6, {autoAlpha: 0}, 3.5) .add("f1", 3.7) .add(makeWaves(), "f1") //... more awesome animation When I hit the replay button, which calls timeline.restart(), my secondary animation doesn't fire. I tried setting timeline.restart(false, false) to avoid suppressing callbacks, but no dice. I also tried using exportRoot(), but I've never really been 100% sure how that works. Maybe I'm misunderstanding the use-case for this feature? Anything jump out at you guys that I might be missing? This seems implausible, but any reason using drawSVG would be part of the problem? I might try to put up a CodePen, but this is agency work, which is NDA'd by default, so I don't think I can share it publicly. Thanks guys!
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