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Found 4 results

  1. Hey I am super new to GSAP. How can I ensure that after my reveal animation is completed using GSAP and ScrollTrigger, the page doesn't scroll down right away but instead triggers a new animation on the revealed element (in this case its .center), and only after this animation is completed, it scrolls to the next section? EDIT:- I have tried adding another timeline in .center element but now also as you can see once first end reaches scroll-end after the reveal animation i want my .center element wait for second end to reach scroll-end again. Instead center starts scrolling just after reveal animation is completed(i.e first end reaches scroll-end )
  2. The animation is not looping smooth/continuously because of the delay in the end. How can I make it not stop for a second in the end of the animation like it does on the Codepen?
  3. Hello, I'm trying to update this @Shaun Gorneau Codepen. First of all I would appreciate some help moving the code from jQuery to plain JavaScript. I'm stucked On the other hand I'm experimenting with this pen trying working with a font-size relative to the window width (example: font-size: 8vw;). Obviously, on window resize it messes up all the programming because it changes the object width. Anyone has a better idea than refreshing the page on window resize with a classy: window.onresize = function(){ location.reload(); } Thanks in advance,
  4. Hi Guys, I'm working on an animation that has the same structure as this pen. The effect I'm trying to achieve is Items flowing across the bottom right part of the screen at different speed. I've got 2 questions: 1) I can't understand why at the start of the animation the cats are sitting on the bottom of the container having given them a "top" of 100vh and they don't start from below that container. 2) I'm sure this is not a very performant way to animate this. Is there a better way to do it? Basically I don't care the order of the animations as long as they travel at 45degrees from bottom to the top right of the screen. Animations can occur randomly and they should be continuous. Hope that's clear, Thank you, Jp
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