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  1. Hi, I would like to animate two lines as they move as waves. I want something like this, but with the two lines and moving slowly, like the sea. http://codepen.io/winkerVSbecks/pen/EVJGVj Does anyone know how to do this? Thank you
  2. Hello, We recently began implementing GreenSock libraries into our design application, which involves the use of content editable blocks which make up text layers. Our system is built to work with Medium Editor, and works well for any modification, etc we need to make. Now we began implementing animation into our layer system, which will give us entrance and exit effects. I've set up all the tweens and custom animations to the layers, slideIn, rotateIn, zoomIn, bounceIn, etc, using TimelineMax which works amazingly. However when we move to split text, I found a few issues which I ran into, specifically with split text and lines. I've attached an example code pen with the issue, using one of the examples from your repository for SplitText. Your Link: http://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/gFHza My Link: http://codepen.io/jbevan2007/pen/BpLbjv The issue is when a <br> tag is included after typing and creating new lines, the format is as shown below: <div id="quote"> <p>Text with break tag issue<br></p> <p>Even With New Lines</p> </div> This is throwing an exception DOMException: Node was not found in line 246 of SplitText.js. The code on this line is: "element.removeChild(node)" When commenting, this works as expected, and the node in console reports a <br> tag as expected. Is there any way to prevent this from occurring? I could try some workarounds for this format, but you mention compatibility with most every type of structure (excluding spans, etc). I figured this may be a bug you could fix for other users as well. Let me know. Thanks, Justin
  3. Is it possible to animate a curved line with GS? I want to draw a green line starting from point A to point B with a bezier curve? visual example:
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