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  1. lucalopez

    Infinite Image Grid with Lazy Load

    Hi GSAP Community, I found this great project by Timothy Ricks and Jesper Landberg for creating an infinite image canvas - this project currently has a collection limit of 20 items. I was wondering if it would be possible to: - Extend beyond the 20-item limit - Add lazy loading to load images dynamically Is something like this feasible insight Webflow? Here's the original project link: https://webflow.com/made-in-webflow/website/Infinite-Draggable-Scrollable-Grid Any insights or code examples would be greatly appreciated!
  2. As you can see in the attached screenshot, when we hover on the section the image animates, can we achieve this by GSAP. I am new to GSAP. please help me with the example if possible for you guys. Thanks in advance.
  3. When working with images in GSAP, I've noticed that on the initial load, the start position gets shifted if we don't set the image to eager: loads or given a specific height to it. However, I have been setting all my images to eager: loads instead of a lazy load, so it instantly downloads images at once, and the start position doesn't shift. But this increases the initial load of the page. Sometimes aspect ratio works and then I don't need to set images to eager: loads, lazy load works fine and sometimes setting the aspect ratio doesn't work. Is there a way we can maintain the scrolltrigger start position?
  4. Konoha Digital

    Slider: Draggable image animation

    Hi, i am starting a new project where a slider has already been set up with swiper js. Now i was wondering if its possible to add a cool animation when i drag or scroll through the slider like on this website: http://manifesto.clapat.com/index-showcase-carousel.html the images seem to be cut on the sides and seem to have more depth also they skew in the direction they are dragged. I was just wondering if someone could give me some direction on how to approach this kind of effect with GSAP or if there is a tutorial that someone could point me to. So no debugging for now^^. Also i wanted to know, if this effect is possible with a slider made with swiper JS or if there are any complications. Additionally i would like to implement the transition effect when clicking on the slider images. I saw that it can be made with the FLIP plugin, i just hope it works within Swiper JS. Thanks
  5. Hi, I am trying to create a simple image change timeline animation. I have 2 images of a bird flapping its wings. When I hover over it I want to set image 1 to visibility: hidden and set image 2 to visibility: visible and have that animation repeat. I'm also wanting to have the animation pause on the currently visible image when the user moves their mouse away. I don't want the change to fade, I want it to be a hard image change. Here is the code I was trying but I'm having no luck. I know there must be a better/easier way to do this. gsap.set(this.pigeonImg1, { autoAlpha: 0 }); gsap.set(this.pigeonImg2, { autoAlpha: 1 }); const pigeonTL = gsap.timeline({ paused: false, repeat: -1 }); pigeonTL.to(this.pigeonImg1, { autoAlpha: 0, duration: 0 }); pigeonTL.to(this.pigeonImg2, { autoAlpha: 1, duration: 0 }); pigeonTL.to(this.pigeonImg1, { autoAlpha: 0, duration: 0 }); pigeonTL.to(this.pigeonImg2, { autoAlpha: 1, duration: 0 }); Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  6. Hi everyone, I am new in here. My employer wants me to create a page which has an animated background exactly like the grid in this web, whose grid is moving like waves. They want to use different grid image but with the same effect. When I check the website, they use GSAP, hence why I am here. I have been reading the documentations, and so far haven't found any method to create such animation. If anyone can help me, that would be highly appreciated.
  7. Hi all, I am new to gsap and this library has been fantastic so far. I was looking to recreate the following effect where you click an image, and it flips to the corresponding page. https://dribbble.com/shots/17535054-Homepage-Animation-for-Melbourne-Wooden-Showroom After doing a bit of digging, I thought I could use the following demo below as a base to toggle between component states. https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/OJzRdBj To start, I thought it would be best to observe how the component would behave when used multiple times within another component, like a list. Here is where I'm at: https://codesandbox.io/s/gsap-flip-react-test-t3odk8?file=/src/App.js I expected there to be some problem with the states, but I'm not too sure why clicking on any of the three list items only triggers a flip from the last item in the list. It would be super helpful if someone could help me with this, or point me in any direction if this is not the ideal way to approach this. Please let me know if I can provide any additional information. Thank you in advance.
  8. I’m trying to reproduce an effect i saw on this website : https://stuart.com/delivery-express-courier/ Just after the section with this title : Eco-friendly courier service, go green with us You can see the result on the temp website: https://swoopin.webflow.io/ There is 3 sections, and on the scroll, the image on the left stay fixed then fade to each other, while the text on the right continue to scroll normally I started workin on it, i got essential but it's buggy How could i fix that ? <script> gsap.to('#IMAGE-ELEMENT', { scrollTrigger: { trigger: '#IMAGE-ELEMENT', start: 'top top', pinReparent: true, pin: '#IMAGE-ELEMENT', endTrigger: '#LAST-SCROLLABLE-CONTENT', end: 'top top', } }); gsap.to('#CONTENT-ELEMENT-2', { scrollTrigger: { trigger: '#CONTENT-ELEMENT-2', start: 'top center', onEnter: () => { var imageUrl = 'https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/5f369e90e946a4c5add5fc1a/5f3d850c8947f9d2f61724d0_shutterstock_447317020.png'; $('#IMAGE-ELEMENT') .fadeOut(10) .delay(10) .queue(function (next) { $(this).css("background-image", "url(" + imageUrl + ")"); next(); }) .fadeIn(); console.log(1); }, onEnterBack: () => { var imageUrl = 'https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/5f369e90e946a4c5add5fc1a/5f3d850c8947f9d2f61724d0_shutterstock_447317020.png'; $('#IMAGE-ELEMENT') .fadeOut(10) .delay(10) .queue(function (next) { $(this).css("background-image", "url(" + imageUrl + ")"); next(); }) .fadeIn(); console.log(2); } } }); gsap.to('#LAST-SCROLLABLE-CONTENT', { scrollTrigger: { trigger: '#LAST-SCROLLABLE-CONTENT', start: 'top center', onEnter: () => { var imageUrl = 'https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/5f369e90e946a4c5add5fc1a/5f3fde6487584b24a32bac96_shutterstock_254033086-901x644.jpg'; $('#IMAGE-ELEMENT') .fadeOut(10) .delay(10) .queue(function (next) { $(this).css("background-image", "url(" + imageUrl + ")"); next(); }) .fadeIn(); console.log(3); }, onEnterBack: () => { var imageUrl = 'https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/5f369e90e946a4c5add5fc1a/5f3fde6487584b24a32bac96_shutterstock_254033086-901x644.jpg'; $('#IMAGE-ELEMENT') .fadeOut(10) .delay(10) .queue(function (next) { $(this).css("background-image", "url(" + imageUrl + ")"); next(); }) .fadeIn(); console.log(4); } } }); gsap.to('#CONTENT-ELEMENT-1', { scrollTrigger: { trigger: '#CONTENT-ELEMENT-1', start: 'top center', /* onEnter: () => { var imageUrl = 'https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/5f369e90e946a4c5add5fc1a/5f3d850c2c39379303de0a17_camion%20poster.png'; $('#IMAGE-ELEMENT') .fadeOut(10) .delay(10) .queue(function (next) { $(this).css("background-image", "url(" + imageUrl + ")"); next(); }) .fadeIn(); console.log(5); }, */ onEnterBack: () => { var imageUrl = 'https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/5f369e90e946a4c5add5fc1a/5f3d850c2c39379303de0a17_camion%20poster.png'; $('#IMAGE-ELEMENT') .fadeOut(10) .delay(10) .queue(function (next) { $(this).css("background-image", "url(" + imageUrl + ")"); next(); }) .fadeIn(); console.log(6); } } }); </script> Thank you !
  9. Hello Scrollers ! First time I ask for some help on the forum, but I'm a bit stuck at the moment with my portfolio's slider. The idea is to have the thumbnail on the left, and the infos on the right. Everytime the user scrolls 100vh, the thumbnail and the infos change. this Codepen I found this codepen, which is close to what I am trying to achieve, but I still have three problems : I don't understand how, but the right side of the animation doesn't work properly. The first element should be at top:0 when the animation starts ; When the user scrolls, my element starts by going down, and then up, but it should directly go up ; I cannot figure out how to pin the right element until the user scrolls 100vh everytime + I don't understand why the other elements are still in opacity: 0, and not visible on screen. If anybody could enlighten me, it would be nice ! Thanks, A GSAP newbie
  10. Hi! Thank you so much for this incredibly valuable forum. I've learned a lot lurking already. I am having trouble animating an alternating entrance point based on class name. In my example all 3 images "reveal" from left to right, but I'd like them to alternate so the images ON the right reveal from the right. Each block has a class of either "reveal-image-left" or "reveal-image-right" that could be leveraged instead if the "reveal-image" selector that's being used across all 3 images now. (The HTML is identical for each block with the alternating positioning done with Flexbox) I cannot for the life of me figure this out and I'm not fluent enough in GSAP/Js to get this over the finish line. Many thanks for your help!
  11. Hi everyone, I would like to achieve the following image parallax effect (vertical translation) with Scrolltrigger and without Smooth Scroll. https://tympanus.net/Tutorials/SmoothScrollAnimations/ I tried the parallax demos in the docs, but they work differently then this example. Which way is the best to get this effect? Thanks Martin
  12. Hi there draggable is working fine on my touch device, but not on my desktop using a mouse – latest Firefox Mac, haven't tested any other browsers. Anyone have any ideas as to why? In this specific case the element I'd like to be draggable is placed within an anchor-tag and I suspect that's where the problem lies. Adding `dragClickables: true` doesn't seem to make a difference. I could change the HTML, but I'd like to avoid that if possible, as this would require some amount of work and testing on project that is live. Thanks for the help!
  13. robertox85

    Liquify Filter on image effect

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for a way to replicate this effect of this website prototype. It seems like a liquify filter is applied to the images, and when the page scrolls the image is restored. I searched both on this forum and on google but I did not find solutions that could do for me. I'm not a javascript expert, I don't know how to reproduce it. I saw that beyond gsap there are libraries like webgl or curtains.js or pixi.js. Do you have any idea how this can be done? Thank you. https://dribbble.com/shots/6749793-Supreme-Landing-Load-States
  14. Hello guys, I've recently started learning GSAP and I'm really glad that there is such nice community here! So I've been trying to replicate this effect as seen here: https://www.castoretpollux.com/agence. Specifically the effect of hovering the text with image reveal. I need pretty much the same effect, but I wasn't able to recreate it. Any help and suggestions are welcome! Thanks in advance!
  15. Alibiy

    Sync image and text scale effect

    I'm trying to make this animation https://codepen.io/kozach/pen/XWmYPLg, but without loss of image quality. To achieve this i create 5 images, each resolution is 40% more than viewport resolution and accordingly each image is scaled by no more than 40%, after which the image changes and the scaling is repeated. Here my solution: https://codepen.io/kozach/pen/pojVdvx But I can’t synchronize the movement of text with the image to get the same result as in the example. Can someone tell me what could be the problem and how to fix it? Or maybe there is another way to achieve same result?
  16. Umer Zaman

    Image revealing animation with GSAP

    Hey guys, I want to add On scroll image revealing animation on my website. Check out the link below to see the image revealing animation which I want to add in my website but I can’t seem to find any helpful example or library on the internet so I could do it myself. It would be great if you guys could help me to do this animations with GSAP because i'm new to GSAP. Here is the Link: http://renvoye.com/case-mixpanel Best Regards, Umer Zaman
  17. Alexli

    3D transform of <image> element

    Dear All, I love Gsap and I am working on a website full of animations using Gsap. Gsap is awesome! Recently I ran into a new problem, I am not able to do 3D transform for an <image> element in my SVG I have looked into many threads in here, and this one too: I am not sure what I have missed, but I am quite sure Gsap can do the 3D transform of it. Guys, please help me out. Thank you so much. Wish you All have a wonderful Friday. Cheers, Alex
  18. digableinc

    Animated SVG stroke to reveal an image?

    I've spent the day testing various methods to get an SVG stroke animation to reveal an image but i've come up with nothing. I've used GSAP to animate SVG's as masks, but i've never attempted to do a stroke animation to act as a mask. I've done this millions of times in After Effects, but just can't seem to wrap my head around this - if its even possible. In this basic pen i've placed a random image below an SVG stroke animation. Anyone know if this is even possible?
  19. Hello, I am novice, but i really impressed with this. I want to make product detail page having animations like this website: https://www.etq-amsterdam.com/store/product/men/low-3-timber/ When you click on product image, it will zoom it to full screen having pan effect. Also, when you scroll it, image will scale accordingly. I think they are using tweenmax, but i didn't able to crack it. Could you please help me with this? Thanks, Keyur
  20. Hi all, i've a little problem i tried to resume in the attached codepen. Say i've layout made of many containers, and i have an image i want to be displayed with an animation, a vertical toggle. The very same code, only works if i've set, at JS line 29: .from($target.find(".myImage"), 0.5, { width: 0, ease: Power3.easeOut }) while it does not, most of the time, if i try: .from($target.find(".myImage"), 0.5, { height: 0, ease: Power3.easeOut }) What am I missing?
  21. I would like to animate the gradient mask's position from right to left on image, how do you accomplish this using Tweenmax that is compatible for most browsers specially on Chrome & Firefox? **I was able to create a gradient mask in chrome using -webkit-mask-image but mask don't work on firefox** HTML: <div id="gradient mask"> <div id="myimage"></div> </div> CSS: #myimage { background-image: url(image.jpg); width: 259px; height: 194px; }
  22. richfinch

    Image sequence flickering?

    Hi, I'm a novice when it come to this stuff but I've recently set up a holding page for a friend of mine and she wanted a video on it. However I found out that a video is no good in iOS devices as it starts off paused, and you have to click to play it. Therefore I started browsing the net to find a solution, which seemed to be to turn the video into an image sequence. Thats when I found this example codepen http://codepen.io/jamiejefferson/pen/aJcGl So I used the Javascript and bits of the CSS to create my code http://codepen.io/anon/pen/pgrQZO . However as you can see it is very glitchy? I've been trying to iron out the flickering but with no luck. Any ideas how to smooth it all out, as I'm really stuck!? Many Thanks in advance for any help! http://greenwich-design.co.uk/clients/guiltydolls/guilty_dolls2/
  23. Hi, i am using the "pathDataToBezier" function to follow an image (car) along an SVG path. When not using the autoRotate function (false) - the top left corner of the image is right on the path / track , but when i am using the autoRotate function "true" - the image is not x/y centered in the middle of the path and have some weird offset in the curved areas. // animate road var path = MorphSVGPlugin.pathDataToBezier("#roadPath"); TweenMax.to("#car", 5, {bezier:{values:path, type:"cubic", autoRotate:true}, ease:Linear.easeNone, repeat:-1}); the image is a 22x10px image, which should rotate in the middle / center of the image along the path... What do I have to change? Have a look at http://codepen.io/technics1210/pen/vmxdLz?editors=1111
  24. Dayo

    Hover image scale in drupal

    Hello! I'm trying to create a simple hover effect on images in a 2 column gallery. I use drupal 8 and iv'e included the html code for one of the images in the gallery http://codepen.io/anon/pen/ZLPJQL The problem is that everything works in firefox but in chrome the animation flickers and the images goes invisible for a while before returning to normal (only on the right side of the gallery weirdly enough). Iv'e had this problem with chrome before and seen some threads on it but i can't remember what code it was that fixed the flicker problem. Iv'e tried setting force3d:true but it did not help. I'm using Jquery in the .js file beacuse i got errors when i was using the original script which looked like this: <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> $('.tileImage').hover( function () { TweenMax.to(this, 2, {scaleX:1.1, scaleY:1.1, ease:Circ.easeOut}); }, function () { TweenMax.to(this, 2, {scaleX:1, scaleY:1, ease:Circ.easeOut}); } ); </script> Any help is much appreciated, thanks for a great tool!
  25. Hecsa

    SVG Pieces to form image

    Guys i really need help on this. Basically as you can see from the linked codepen i have a lowpoly lion in SVG, all made out of single triangles. At the moment i made this animation of all the pieces falling from a single spot and forming the image, but what i need is different. I need all the pieces to come randomly from all the directions, top, lef, right, bottom, all going to the center and create the lion. There is a simple way to make this with TweenMax? I dont really know how to make this and i'm not really good with Javascript. Thanks in advance!
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