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  1. Like all new members to the forum, I've found an effect that I'm hoping can be achieved with GSAP. https://www.craftedbygc.com/ A sort of abstract-like liquid flow. I'd love to mask it behind an SVG logo. https://peeke.nl/simulating-blobs-of-fluid But like all first posts in this forum - I have absolutely 0 idea where to start. Any pointers would be amazing! Thank you community ❤️
  2. robertox85

    Liquify Filter on image effect

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for a way to replicate this effect of this website prototype. It seems like a liquify filter is applied to the images, and when the page scrolls the image is restored. I searched both on this forum and on google but I did not find solutions that could do for me. I'm not a javascript expert, I don't know how to reproduce it. I saw that beyond gsap there are libraries like webgl or curtains.js or pixi.js. Do you have any idea how this can be done? Thank you. https://dribbble.com/shots/6749793-Supreme-Landing-Load-States
  3. I am currently renewing my portfolio. And notice that I don't have enough skills for what I want to implement. It's only about the home page of my portfolio, I would continue the rest myself. I need help for the following. the following should be done Fullscreen slider (with my works) with text animation, image / video liquid animation on hover Page transition for the selected work in the slider (without content only the transition) simple page transition for other page (like about,..) Preloader animation Hover animation of the navigation points Draggable/Scrollable endless grid (with image and on hover 'optional' gif/video) - on scrolling/dragging a little liquid effect ) I have a page here in which direction it should go.Here is the link for example (slider show, page transition, hover animation and at the bottom left when clicking on the layer icon the endless grid ) https://heycusp.com I would provide the designs as well the necessary animation. I hope someone can support me there (and can also implement this as in the example) and make my work a little easier. For info only I'm not a company or agency, i'm a ux / ui designer. Please send a message or answer to this topic (with the days you need for it and what you want for it). Cheers Mr.A
  4. Blake

    Foggy window effect

    Hi there, can anyone direct me to some examples of a foggy window effect created with GSAP? I'd love to see any examples or ideas that would show the screen getting foggy, then the fog being wiped away. I've added a pen that someone else made, but shows the direction I'd like to go in. Thank you Natalia for the pen Thanks in advance, B
  5. Mat_

    Liquid shape

    Hi everyone, I'm totally new to greensock and I have some questions. I'd like to know if GS is the tool I need to realize a "simple" animation. The idea is to animate a simple shape, like this one : http://codepen.io/Mat_/pen/mWNpBo to make it wave a little. Nothing too fancy. If it is, can you point me where to start please ? Thanks a lot !!! Best regards, Mat
  6. I just started to get into using the TweenMax JS animation library, and I have to say that it is pretty sweet. I've gone through and started doing test, and such, and tested the bezier plugin ,which is pretty awesome in itself. My question with the bezier plugin is whether or not it would handle responsive design, such as when the user rescales down their browser window? Currently I have this tween, that is set to animate when the item comes into view. var atween = TweenMax.to('.arrow-test', 2, { bezier:[ {left:100, top:250, alpha: 0}, {left:300, top:0, alpha: 0.5}, {left:500, top:400, alpha:1} ], ease:Power1.easeInOut, paused: true }); My CSS is as follows: .arrow-test-wrapper { position: relative; } .arrow-test { position: relative; top: 0; left: 0; } Does animating on bezier curves support responsive design? Or is there something that I am missing in my code? Thanks!
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