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Im trying to move clip path inside SVG along x axis while element that is inside clip path to be cliped by clip path and stay in position - in order to make a layered effect. Im not sure if I described it correctly. Or is there any other technique to achieve this. This is my CodePen
Hi everyone. I'd like to create an animation that plays in a loop and also plays when I scroll. Animation: animates the css clip-path property of the images according to the current index. Currently, when the component is mounted, the animation plays correctly but remains stuck on the last image of the array. And when I scroll, nothing happens. Does anyone have a solution or know where to find the bug ? Thank you in advance Demo link : I was inspired by the following examples:
Hello Team, Following code pen has click event anywhere on page, 1. Could you please assist me in transforming jquery to equivalent result using gsap. 2. Also please suggest how to achieve same result if by clicking any 5 menu items that animates radial clip path entire page by originating from any one menu item. ( Example: Clicking any navigation item from website: ) Regards Prad.
Hi, I used the "clipPath" property for animation, but it seems incorrect after call From my point of view, instead of inset(0 0 42.5 0) it should be inset(0 0 42.5% 0) There is the minimal demo, please check the console. Thx.
Hello, I'm trying to have animate a clip path on a div. The div contains an image or a video. The clip path is in a svg, and i use css to apply the clip path, but the animation is laggy. I have tried to insert an image into to the svg the animations i smooth. When i try to use foreignObject to put the video into the svg. The animations is smooth, but there is somekind border on the foreignObject. Currently im stocked how to proceed, what should i search for, how do i debug? In my codepen the first two examples is clippath on a div with some element inside. The next two is the element inside the svg.
I'm using scrollTrigger to scale the svg used in clip path but the page width is slightly greater than 100vw and height also seem to be a bit more as my center component also scroll a bit up at the end but however when i set markers to true this problem is magically gone and im scratching my head to find a reason for this behaviour can someone help my understand this issue better #EDIT: This was because the initial page (without ScrollTrigger) has no scroll so when ScrollTrigger adds scroll to the page. I.e. Say your page is 1830px initially but then ScrollTrigger puts a 17px scroll bar on the page now your viewport is 1813px but the content is already painted according to 1830px to compensate this 17px extra width the page shows a horizontal scrollbar it can be solved by using body {overflow-y: scroll;} Using this will initially put a scrollbar does solving the issue alltogether What have i learned from this: The main cluprit of this was the pin-spacer div creater by scroll trigger I dont know why but it was wider than the viewport width (1830px compared to 1813px in my case) and at the bottom of the scroll something triggred some a change in trigger element style from. transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px); left: 0px; top: 0.001px; margin: 0px; width: 1830px; height: 890px; padding: 0px; box-sizing: border-box; max-width: 1830px; max-height: 890px; position: fixed; to transform: translate3d(0px, 890.001px, 0px); left: 0px; top: 0px; margin: 0px; width: 1829.52px; height: 889.524px; padding: 0px; bottom: auto; right: auto; this didnt make any sense for me #Solution for this [Techincally just a workaround using css] Enable markers in gsap (because everything is fine when markers are enabled) then use this css rule to hide the markers div[class^="gsap-marker-"] { visibility: hidden; opacity: 0; }
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- scrolltrigger
- clippath
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Hi, I'm creating a simple polygon svg shape, and using it to mask an image using the clip-path:url(#id) method. I'm then trying to animate this using GSAP. This works fine, except in FireFox, where no animation occurs. This can be viewed at this codepen: All I'm trying to animate is simple 2D transforms like x and scale. I know FireFox has some issues with clip-path, so I tried animating the same shape, when it is not used as a mask, and that works fine in FireFox. So the issue is something to do with animating the svg when it is assigned to clip-path. I tried another example using GSAPs AttrPlugin, which does work in all browsers including FireFox. Codepen here: But as far as I'm aware, this won't allow me to animate using css features, rotation, skew etc. If anyone can please point me in the right direction to get the first example to work in FireFox it would be much appreciated! Many thanks!
Hi, I have a bug on IOS. It seems that clipPath doesn't work! See those three animations, please! Can anybody help with this bug? Thanks! Note: I can't upload any image on GSAP platform.
I am trying to use GSAP with React. In React I am creating a component with some text animations, for which I would I would like to create several instances at runtime. The main component should look like this: import React, { Component } from 'react'; import './App.css'; import { TimelineMax, Bounce} from 'gsap'; import Title from './Title.js'; let mainTimeline; class App extends Component { componentDidMount() { setTimeout(this.animate, 1000); } componentWillUnmount() { mainTimeline.kill(); } animate = () => { mainTimeline = new TimelineMax({ id: 'Everything' }); const titleTimeLine = new TimelineMax({ id: 'Title' }); const titleTimeLine2 = new TimelineMax({ id: 'Title2' }); mainTimeline.addLabel('start'); // get external timelines titleTimeLine.add(this.title.timelineEnter); titleTimeLine2.add(this.title2.timelineEnter) mainTimeline .add(titleTimeLine, 'start') .addLabel("title2") .add(titleTimeLine2, 'title2') } render() { return ( <div className="App"> <Title text="The benefits are:" clipPathId="clipPath1" ref={(el) => { this.title = el; }}/> <Title text="This should work" clipPathId="clipPath2" ref={(el) => { this.title2 = el; }}/> </div> ); } } export default App; And the Tile component is: import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { TimelineMax, Power4, SlowMo} from 'gsap'; import './Title.css' class Title extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); const { text, clipPathId } = this.props; } get timelineEnter() { const tl = new TimelineMax(); const duration = 1;, duration, {attr:{x1:120, x2:880}, ease:Power4.easeInOut}) .to([this.reveal, this.line], duration, {y:"+=120", ease:Power4.easeInOut}) .to(this.line, duration, {attr:{x1:500, x2:500}, ease:Power4.easeInOut}) .to(this.clipPathReveal, duration, {y: -180, scale: .3, transformOrigin:"50% 50%", ease:SlowMo.ease.config(0.7, 0.7, false)}) return tl; } render() { return ( <svg className="demo" viewBox="0 0 1000 500"> <defs> <clipPath id={this.props.clipPathId} ref={(el) => { this.theClipPath = el; }}> <rect ref={(el) => { this.reveal = el; }} x="0" y="-100" width="1000" height="250" fill="#000" /> </clipPath> </defs> <line ref={(el) => { this.line = el; }} x1="500" y1="150" x2="500" y2="150" strokeWidth="20" stroke="red"/> <g ref={(el) => { this.clipPathReveal = el; }} clipPath="url(#clipPath1)"> <text transform="translate(500 250)" fill="#3088Ef" textAnchor="middle" fontSize="80">{this.props.text}</text> </g> </svg> ); } } export default Title; The problem is that in the code: <g ref={(el) => { this.clipPathReveal = el; }} clipPath="url(#clipPath1)"> <text transform="translate(500 250)" fill="#3088Ef" textAnchor="middle" fontSize="80">{this.props.text}</text> </g> for the clipPath attribute, I need to pass a dynamic URL. Otherwise, it doesn't work correctly. Is there a way to pass a dynamic id to the URL in clipPath="url(#clipPath1)". Something like clipPath="url({dynamicURL})" or something? In the first instance of <Title>, it should produce clipPath="url(#clipPath1)", while in the second it should be clipPath="url(#clipPath2)" and so on.
Hey there, I'm trying to use TweenMax to animate an image inside a SVG clipPath. The problem is: when the transition is happening, the clipPath deactivate on Chrome and appears only after animation stops. On Safari and Firefox works just fine. Anyone can help me? Is a compatibility issue or am I doing something wrong? Thanks guys!
Hello, I made this handwriting type animation using <clipPath>ed letters and moving mask paths, done with GSAP. It renders correctly in every browser I tested, but not on Edge. Edge seems to clip every clipPath letter to a small shape. I don't know if this problem is related to GSAP, but every idea on this matter would be greatly appreciated!
Hi, I wanted to start a discussion for feedback and thoughts on the best ways to do some masking animation. I've seen the really good one with the green grass and the star shape, but it doesn't work in Firefox. I did find a stackoverflow topic where the author found the Attr Plugin worked with changing <rect> properties! I've got a couple examples up on Codepen and wondered if anyone else has thoughts, examples or work arounds for something we do in Flash so easlily. I'm looking to try and mask an image and reveal it from the center out. clipPath, clip-path and svg are new subjects for me and I found that this works great in Doesn't work in FF Attr Plug makes it work! I have a local version that does some offsetting and has overflow hidden that I'm going to put on Codepen, but it looks jumpy. This is the other forum post: This is the SO post:
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- attrplugin
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