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Found 12 results

  1. Hey all, I am using Adobe animate and am a beginner in GSap. I am trying to do a hover over effect but somehow... cant get it to work. Above the script i have placed this. var textDisplay = root.textDisplay_txt; in the animate canvas i have a dynamic text object with the corresponding instance name "textDisplay_txt" so now i need to get some text in there when i hover over a logo. In this case an AMD socket logo. (could even be an image map or anything else for that matter i guess) The eventlisteners work.. i just dont know what to use here as a property, scaling works. Note the line text? : <p>blabla</p>... thats where i need to do somehting i think., though i am pretty clueless at this point. root.logoAmd_mc.addEventListener('mouseover', logoAmd_over); root.logoAmd_mc.addEventListener('mouseout', logoAmd_out); function logoAmd_over(){ var logoAmd = root.logoAmd_mc; gsap.to(logoAmd,{ scaleY : 1.1, scaleX : 1.1, }); gsap.to(textDisplay,{ text? : <p>blablabla</p> }); } function logoAmd_out(){ var logoAmd = root.logoAmd_mc; gsap.to(logoAmd, { scaleY : 1, scaleX : 1, }); }
  2. Hi all, I've been using GSAP for awhile now, but am new to using Adobe Animate with GSAP. This is probably a simple question, but I can't seem to find out why scaling up objects in Adobe Animate using GSAP causes those elements to become extremely pixelated. Is there some kind of setting I am missing in Animate? Thanks!
  3. hey guys! GSAP animation is the first and only animation library I have used. Although learning it through the Docs hasn't been difficult, it would be nice to have someone develop an extension for GSAP products for code editors. This extension could provide quick access to parameters, functions stc. I think this has been a community demand for a long time and I would request anyone with knowledge of developing IDE extensions to please take up this project thanks in advance!
  4. Hello I am new to both adobe animate cc (2017) and GSAP and would appreciate a dumb down answer to this question. So I've followed the tutorial of opening an action, opening a url of the zip file that you download from Greensock. It works when working in html5 canvas for adobe animate cc. However when working in IOS air canvas, I can't find how to upload the zip file. Does anyone know if GSAP works with IOS air and how?
  5. I'm currently using GSAP TimelineMax, TweenMax etc.. in Adobe Animate cc 2017.5 (canvas) and its work well but, I need to apply GSAP TextPlugin to my Animate cc (canvas) project. I'm try to do this adding dynamic text field but its not working and following error appear in console " TypeError: b.nodeName is undefined ". Thanks.
  6. I want this: https://support.google.com/webdesigner/answer/6212374?hl=en&ref_topic=3243982 to be possible in Adobe Edge Animate. So, I want to load content from a feed from adwords and show it in the ad I've created with adobe edge animate. I can't find how to do this. Anyone has a template or something?
  7. Hi! We have been working on a new way to export faster, smaller HTML5 from Adobe Animate. As we are nearing launch we would love to hear about your experiences with Flash and Animate for HTML5. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Z3DNNQB Be sure to enter your email for a chance to download the product before launch!
  8. Hi, new to these forums. I have a html5 banner I created in Animate for DCM with a click tag. Everything works fine, the link works if you click the banner, it validates in DCM html checker, but when i view the banner in a browser the cursor doesn't change to the hand/pointer cursor like it does on all links, banners. Any idea why this would happen? Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!
  9. Hi Everyone, I've created an edge animate website with 4 sections. Each section has some sort of simple animation to bring in content. The problem that I have is that when the user clicks on the navigation more than say 10-15 times the pages start seriously lagging until the page becomes unresponsive and crashes. I am testing this currently in Chrome and edge in IE. I have stripped this website right down to the bare bones and changed properties from Left and top to x and y and removed background images to see whether these things are causing the problem but the problem still persists. Here is the website and below is example code. Any help would be appreciated thank you. http://digital.akauk.com/_test/gsap/website/superhero.html Website code: // ----------------------------------------- SET VARIABLES ------------------------------------------------------- // TweenMax.defaultEase = Power2.easeInOut; // Stage dimensions var stageHeight = sym.$("Stage").height(); var stageWidth = sym.$("Stage").width(); var mainNavWidth = $("#Stage_mainNav").width(); var footerWidth = $("#Stage_footer").width(); var sHomeWidth = $("#Stage_sHome").width(); var sAboutWidth = $("#Stage_sAbout").width(); var sVideoWidth = $("#Stage_sVideo").width(); var sGalleryWidth = $("#Stage_sGallery").width(); sym.$("#Stage_mainNav").css({ "left": stageWidth/2 - mainNavWidth/2 }); sym.$("#Stage_footer").css({ "left": stageWidth/2 - footerWidth/2 }); sym.$("#Stage_sHome").css({ "left": stageWidth/2 - sHomeWidth/2 }); sym.$("#Stage_sAbout").css({ "left": stageWidth/2 - sAboutWidth/2 }); sym.$("#Stage_sVideo").css({ "left": stageWidth/2 - sVideoWidth/2 }); sym.$("#Stage_sGallery").css({ "left": stageWidth/2 - sGalleryWidth/2 }); // Background images sym.$("body").css({ "overflow-x" : "hidden" // Stop horizontal scrollbar }); var homeImage = sym.$("homeImage"); var aboutImage = sym.$("aboutImage"); var videoImage = sym.$("videoImg"); var galleryImage = sym.$("galleryImage"); homeImage.css({ "background-attachment": "fixed", "background-size": "cover", "-webkit-background-size": "cover", "background-position": "50% 50%", "background-repeat" : "no-repeat" }); aboutImage.css({ "background-attachment": "fixed", "background-size": "cover", "-webkit-background-size": "cover", "background-position": "50% 50%", "background-repeat" : "no-repeat" }); videoImage.css({ "background-attachment": "fixed", "background-size": "cover", "-webkit-background-size": "cover", "background-position": "50% 50%", "background-repeat" : "no-repeat" }); galleryImage.css({ "background-attachment": "fixed", "background-size": "cover", "-webkit-background-size": "cover", "background-position": "50% 50%", "background-repeat" : "no-repeat" }); // Main section containers var sHome = sym.$("sHome"); var sAbout = sym.$("sAbout"); var sVideo = sym.$("sVideo"); var sGallery = sym.$("sGallery"); var firstPlay = true; // Home section var flyingBoy = sym.getSymbol("sHome").$("flyingBoy"); var Logo = sym.getSymbol("sHome").$("Logo"); var homeImage = sym.$("homeImage"); var playerBg = sym.getSymbol("sHome").$("playerBg"); var footer = sym.$("footer"); var mainNav = sym.$("mainNav"); var buyNowBtn = sym.getSymbol("footer").$("buyNowBtn"); var facebookBtn = sym.getSymbol("mainNav").$("facebookBtn"); var twitterBtn = sym.getSymbol("mainNav").$("twitterBtn"); var animateFlyingBoy = new TweenMax(flyingBoy, 1.5, {paused:true, top:"56px", repeat:-1, yoyo:true, repeatDelay:0, ease:Linear.easeNone}); // About section var aboutImage = sym.$("aboutImage"); var aHeading = sym.getSymbol("sAbout").$("aHeading"); var text = sym.getSymbol("sAbout").$("Text"); var logo2 = sym.getSymbol("sAbout").$("logo2"); // Video section var videoImg = sym.$("videoImg"); var videoHeading = sym.getSymbol("sVideo").$("videoHeading"); var videoLogo = sym.getSymbol("sVideo").$("videoLogo"); var videoBtnLeft = sym.getSymbol("sVideo").$("arrowL"); var videoBtnRight = sym.getSymbol("sVideo").$("arrowR"); var videoThumbsContainer = $("#Stage_sVideo_containerHolder"); // Gallery section var aImagesGallery = ["images/img1.jpg", "images/img2.jpg", "images/img3.jpg", "images/img4.jpg", "images/img5.jpg", "images/img6.jpg"]; var totalImagesGallery = aImagesGallery.length; var slideToGallery = 0; var imageWidthGallery = 944; var tGallery; var arrowRGallery = sym.getSymbol(sGallery).$("arrowR"); var arrowLGallery = sym.getSymbol(sGallery).$("arrowL"); var containerGallery = sym.getSymbol(sGallery).getSymbol("containerHolder").$("container"); // Main nav button colours var bSelected = "#a21111"; var bNormal = "#ffffff"; // Main Nav Buttons var bHome = sym.getSymbol("mainNav").$("homeBtn"); var bAbout = sym.getSymbol("mainNav").$("aboutBtn"); var bVideo = sym.getSymbol("mainNav").$("videoBtn"); var bGallery = sym.getSymbol("mainNav").$("galleryBtn"); // Gallery var nextImage_btn = sym.getSymbol(sGallery).$("btnNext"); var prevImage_btn = sym.getSymbol(sGallery).$("btnPrevious"); var imageCount = 1; // Video var t; // Thumb reference var arrowR = sym.getSymbol(sVideo).$("arrowR"); var arrowL = sym.getSymbol(sVideo).$("arrowL"); var container = sym.getSymbol(sVideo).getSymbol("containerHolder").$("container"); var containerHolder = sym.getSymbol(sVideo).$("containerHolder"); var closeVideoBtn = sym.getSymbol(sVideo).$("closeVideoBtn"); var currentSection = "home"; //the section you are currently on var nextSection; //the section you are navigation to // Initialise call initialise(); // ---------------------------------------- INITIALISATION ----------------------------------------------- // function initialise() { //console.log("initialise"); enableNav(); initialStates(); prepPosAlpha(); showHomeSection(); disableNavElement(bHome); } // end initialise(); function initialStates() { //console.log("initialStates"); // Home section flyingBoy["origX"] = flyingBoy.position().left; Logo["origY"] = Logo.position().top; playerBg["origY"] = playerBg.position().top; // About section aHeading["origY"] = aHeading.position().top; text["origY"] = text.position().top; aboutImage["origX"] = aboutImage.position().left; // Video section videoHeading["origY"] = videoHeading.position().top; containerHolder["origY"] = containerHolder.position().top; videoBtnLeft["origX"] = videoBtnLeft.position().left; videoBtnRight["origX"] = videoBtnRight.position().left; // Gallery section arrowRGallery["origX"] = arrowRGallery.position().left; arrowLGallery["origX"] = arrowLGallery.position().left; containerGallery["origX"] = containerGallery.position().left; } // end initialStates(); function prepPosAlpha(){ //console.log("prepPosAlpha"); // Prep home flyingBoy["offStageX"] = "-500px"; TweenMax.set(flyingBoy, {scale:0, opacity:0, x:flyingBoy["offStageX"]}); TweenMax.set(Logo, {scale:2, opacity:0}); TweenMax.set(playerBg, {y: playerBg["origY"] + 25, opacity:0}); TweenMax.set(homeImage, {opacity:0}); // Prep About TweenMax.set(aboutImage, {opacity:0}); TweenMax.set(aHeading, {opacity:0, y:aHeading["origY"] + 25}); TweenMax.set(text, {opacity:0, y:text["origY"] + 25}); TweenMax.set(logo2, {opacity:0, scale:2}); // Prep video TweenMax.set(videoImg, {opacity:0}); TweenMax.set(videoHeading, {opacity:0, y:videoHeading["origY"] + 25}); TweenMax.set(videoLogo, {opacity:0, scale:2}); TweenMax.set(videoBtnLeft, {opacity:0, x:videoBtnLeft["origX"] + 125}); TweenMax.set(videoBtnRight, {opacity:0, x:videoBtnRight["origX"] - 125}); TweenMax.set(containerHolder, {opacity:0, y:containerHolder["origY"] + 25}); // Prep Gallery TweenMax.set(arrowLGallery, {x:arrowLGallery["origX"] - 125, opacity:0}); TweenMax.set(arrowRGallery, {x:arrowRGallery["origX"] + 125, opacity:0.5}); TweenMax.set(containerGallery, {x:containerGallery["origX"], opacity:0}); // Hide sections TweenMax.set([sHome, sAbout, sGallery, sVideo], {visibility:"hidden"}); } // Show section functions function showNextSection() { if(nextSection == "home"){ showHomeSection(); } if(nextSection == "about"){ showAboutSection(); } if(nextSection == "videos"){ showVideoSection(); } if(nextSection == "gallery") { showGallerySection(); } } // end showNextSection(); function showHomeSection(){ introHome(); currentSection = "home"; } function showAboutSection(){ introAbout(); currentSection = "about"; } function showVideoSection(){ introVideo(); currentSection = "videos"; } function showGallerySection(){ introGallery(); currentSection = "gallery"; } // ----------------------------------------- RESET SECTIONS ------------------------------------------------------- // function resetCurrentSection() { // console.log("resetCurrentSection"); // Reset sections by moving objects to original positions if(currentSection == "home") { resetHomeSection(); return; } if(currentSection == "videos") { resetVideoSection(); return; } if(currentSection == "about") { resetAboutSection(); return; } if(currentSection == "gallery") { resetGallerySection(); return; } } // end resetCurrentSection() function resetHomeSection() { // Pause video player //player.pauseVideo(); // Pause tweening boy animateFlyingBoy.pause(); // Hide player // Reset elements for homesection TweenMax.set(homeImage, {opacity:0}); TweenMax.set(Logo, {scale:2, opacity:0}); TweenMax.set(playerBg, {opacity:0, y:playerBg["origY"] + 25}); TweenMax.set(flyingBoy, {scale:0, opacity:0, x:flyingBoy["offStageX"]}); hideSections(); } // end resetHomeSection() function resetAboutSection() { // Send scrollbar to page top TweenMax.set(aboutImage, {opacity:0}); TweenMax.set(aHeading, {opacity:0, y:aHeading["origY"] + 25}); TweenMax.set(text, {opacity:0, y:text["origY"] + 25}); TweenMax.set(logo2, {opacity:0, scale:2}); hideSections(); } // end resetAboutSection() function resetVideoSection() { // Stop video player //fullscreenplayer.stopVideo(); // Hide videoplayer //$("#Stage_sVideo_fullscreenplayer").hide(); // Hide close button closeVideoBtn.hide(); // Show video buttons videoBtnRight.show(); videoBtnLeft.show(); // Reset objects TweenMax.set(videoImg, {opacity:0}); TweenMax.set(videoHeading, {opacity:0, y:videoHeading["origY"] + 25}); TweenMax.set(videoLogo, {opacity:0, scale:2}); TweenMax.set(videoBtnLeft, {opacity:0, x:videoBtnLeft["origX"] - 125}); TweenMax.set(videoBtnRight, {opacity:0, x:videoBtnRight["origX"] + 125}); TweenMax.set(containerHolder, {opacity:0, y:containerHolder["origY"] + 25}); TweenMax.set(container, {x:0}); slideTo = 0; videoBtnLeft.hide(); hideSections(); } // end resetVideoSection() function resetGallerySection() { // Reset arrows TweenMax.set(arrowLGallery, {left:arrowLGallery["origX"] - 125, opacity:0}); TweenMax.set(arrowRGallery, {left:arrowRGallery["origX"] + 125, opacity:0}); // Reset gallery slideToGallery = 0; // Reset containerGallery TweenMax.set(containerGallery, {left:containerGallery["origX"], opacity:0}); hideSections(); arrowLGallery.hide(); arrowRGallery.show(); } // end resetGallerySection() // --------------------------------------- HIDE SECTIONS ------------------------------------------------------- // function hideSections(){ // Hide Sections TweenMax.set([sHome, sAbout, sGallery, sVideo], {visibility:"hidden"}); } // ----------------------------------------- NAVIGATION ------------------------------------------------------- // buyNowBtn.bind("click", function(){ //console.log("buyNowBtn clicked"); }); buyNowBtn.bind("mouseover", function(){ TweenMax.to(this, 0.5, {opacity:0.7}); }); buyNowBtn.bind("mouseout", function(){ TweenMax.to(this, 0.5, {opacity:1}); }); facebookBtn.bind("click", function(){ //console.log("facebook clicked"); }); facebookBtn.bind("mouseover", function(){ TweenMax.to(this, 0.5, {opacity:0.7}); }); facebookBtn.bind("mouseout", function(){ TweenMax.to(this, 0.5, {opacity:1}); }); twitterBtn.bind("click", function(){ console.log("twitter clicked"); }); twitterBtn.bind("mouseover", function(){ TweenMax.to(this, 0.5, {opacity:0.7}); }); twitterBtn.bind("mouseout", function(){ TweenMax.to(this, 0.5, {opacity:1}); }); function enableNav(){ // Deselect buttons bHome.css("color", bNormal); bAbout.css("color", bNormal); bVideo.css("color", bNormal); bGallery.css("color", bNormal); // Home button bHome.bind("click", function(){ navControl($(this)); }) bHome.bind("mouseover", function(){ onOver($(this)); }) bHome.bind("mouseout", function(){ onOut($(this)); }) // About button bAbout.bind("click", function() { navControl($(this)); }); bAbout.bind("mouseover", function() { onOver($(this)); }); bAbout.bind("mouseout", function() { onOut($(this)); }); // Video button bVideo.bind("click", function() { navControl($(this)); }); bVideo.bind("mouseover", function() { onOver($(this)); }); bVideo.bind("mouseout", function() { onOut($(this)); }); //Gallery bGallery.bind("click", function() { navControl($(this)); }); bGallery.bind("mouseover", function() { onOver($(this)); }); bGallery.bind("mouseout", function() { onOut($(this)); }); } // end enableNav() function onOver(obj){ $(obj).css("color", bSelected); } function onOut(obj){ $(obj).css("color", bNormal); } function disableNavElement(btn){ btn.unbind("click"); btn.unbind("mouseover"); btn.unbind("mouseout"); btn.css("color", bSelected) } function navControl(obj){ // Kill all tweens TweenMax.killAll(false); resetCurrentSection(); var bName = $(obj).attr('id').substr(14); // $(obj) // Enable button enableNav(); if( bName == "homeBtn") { nextSection = "home"; disableNavElement(bHome); } if( bName == "aboutBtn") { nextSection = "about"; disableNavElement(bAbout); } if( bName == "videoBtn") { nextSection = "videos"; disableNavElement(bVideo); } if( bName == "galleryBtn") { nextSection = "gallery"; disableNavElement(bGallery); } // Display next section showNextSection(); } // ---------------------- HOME ------------------------------------------- // function introHome(){ //console.log("introHome"); //sHome.show(); TweenMax.set([sHome], {visibility:"visible"}); // Animate in elements if(firstPlay){ TweenMax.from(mainNav, 0.3, {opacity:0, immediateRender:false}); TweenMax.from(footer, 0.3, {opacity:0, immediateRender:false}); firstPlay = false; } TweenMax.to(homeImage, 0.5, {opacity:1, delay:0, immediateRender:false}); TweenMax.to(playerBg, 0.5, {y:playerBg["origY"], opacity:1, delay:0.3, immediateRender:false}); TweenMax.to(Logo, 0.5, {opacity:1, scale:1, delay:0.6, immediateRender:false, onComplete:function(){ //$("#Stage_sHome_player").show(); player.playVideo(); }}); TweenMax.to(flyingBoy, 1, {scale:1, immediateRender:false, x:flyingBoy["origX"], opacity:1, delay:0.9, onComplete:function(){ animateFlyingBoy.play(); } }); } // end introHome(); //------------------------ ABOUT ----------------------------------------// function introAbout(){ //console.log("introAbout"); //sAbout.show(); TweenMax.set([sAbout], {visibility:"visible"}); TweenMax.to(aboutImage, 0.5, {opacity:1, x:aboutImage["origX"], delay:0, immediateRender:false}); TweenMax.to(aHeading, 0.5, {opacity:1, y: aHeading["origY"], delay:0.3, immediateRender:false}); TweenMax.to(text, 0.5, {opacity:1, y :text["origY"], delay:0.6, immediateRender:false}); TweenMax.to(logo2, 0.5, {opacity:1, scale:1, delay:0.9, immediateRender:false}); } // end introAbout() //------------------------ VIDEO ----------------------------------------// function introVideo() { // console.log("introVideo"); // sVideo.show(); TweenMax.set([sVideo], {visibility:"visible"}); TweenMax.to(videoImg, 0.5, {opacity:1}); TweenMax.to(videoHeading, 0.5, {y:videoHeading["origY"], opacity:1, delay:0.3}); TweenMax.to(containerHolder, 0.5, {opacity:1, y:containerHolder["origY"], delay:0.6}); TweenMax.to(videoLogo, 0.5, {opacity:1, scale:1, delay:0.9}); TweenMax.to(videoBtnLeft, 0.5, {opacity:1, x:videoBtnLeft["origX"], delay:1.2}); TweenMax.to(videoBtnRight, 0.5, {opacity:1, x:videoBtnRight["origX"], delay:1.2}); } // end introVideo() //------------------------ GALLERY --------------------------------------// function introGallery(){ //console.log("introGallery()"); // Show gallery section // sGallery.show(); TweenMax.set([sGallery], {visibility:"visible"}); TweenMax.to(containerGallery, 0.5, {opacity:1, x:containerGallery["origX"]}); TweenMax.to(arrowRGallery, 0.5, {x:arrowRGallery["origX"], opacity:1, delay:0.3}); TweenMax.to(arrowLGallery, 0.5, {x:arrowLGallery["origX"], opacity:1, delay:0.3}); } nextImage_btn.click(function(){ imageCount++; sym.getSymbol("sGallery").$("photo").attr("src", "images/img"+ imageCount + ".jpg"); if(imageCount >= 5) { nextImage_btn.hide(); } else { nextImage_btn.show(); prevImage_btn.show(); } }); prevImage_btn.click(function(){ imageCount--; sym.getSymbol(sGallery).$("photo").attr("src", "images/img"+ imageCount + ".jpg"); if(imageCount <= 1){ prevImage_btn.hide(); } else { prevImage_btn.show(); nextImage_btn.show(); } }); // ------------------------- VIDEO SECTION -------------------------------- // var aVidThumbs = ["images/thumb01.jpg", "images/thumb02.jpg", "images/thumb03.jpg", "images/thumb04.jpg", "images/thumb05.jpg", "images/thumb06.jpg", "images/thumb05.jpg", "images/thumb06.jpg"]; var aYouTubeStr = ["-DaPBBOHfsA", "DlM2CWNTQ84", "DMEa0CJbAUs", "-DaPBBOHfsA", "DlM2CWNTQ84", "DMEa0CJbAUs", "-DaPBBOHfsA", "DlM2CWNTQ84"]; var totalImages = aVidThumbs.length; var slideTo = 0; var imageWidth = 253; // vidPlayer init $("#Stage_sVideo_fullscreenplayer").hide(); closeVideoBtn.hide(); closeVideoBtn.bind("click", function(){ footer.show(); fullscreenplayer.stopVideo(); TweenMax.to($("#Stage_sVideo_fullscreenplayer"), 0.5, {opacity:0, onComplete:function(){ $("#Stage_sVideo_fullscreenplayer").hide(); }}); // Hide close button $(this).hide(); }) TweenMax.set($("#Stage_sVideo_fullscreenplayer"), {opacity:0}); imageSymbolArray = []; photoBorderArray = []; vHolderBgArray = []; function traceSelected (symbolInTheArray){ $("#Stage_sVideo_fullscreenplayer").show(); closeVideoBtn.show(); footer.hide(); TweenMax.to($("#Stage_sVideo_fullscreenplayer"), 0.5, {opacity:1}); fullscreenplayer.loadVideoById({'videoId' : aYouTubeStr[symbolInTheArray.getVariable("index")]}); } // end traceSelected(); for(i=0; i<aVidThumbs.length; i++){ t = sym.createChildSymbol("videoHolder", container); t.$("photo").css({"background-image" : "url('" + aVidThumbs + "')"}); t.$("photoBorder").css({"opacity" : "0"}); photoBorderArray.push(t.$("photoBorder")); t.getSymbolElement().css({"position" : "absolute", "left":i*270+"px"}); // 253px + 17px for margin t.getSymbolElement().css({"cursor" : "pointer"}); t.setVariable("index",i); imageSymbolArray.push(t); } // For thumb click and large video $.each(imageSymbolArray, function( count, symbolInTheArray ){ //create jQuery reference to the item - not really needed here but shows how to do it. var menuItem = $(symbolInTheArray); //create a jQuery reference to the DIV element inside the symbol. var menuElement = $(symbolInTheArray.getSymbolElement()); //now you can bind interactivity to the menu items' DIVs menuElement.bind ("click", function(){ traceSelected(symbolInTheArray); }); } ) $.each(photoBorderArray, function( count, photoBorderInTheArray ){ //create jQuery reference to the item - not really needed here but shows how to do it. var borderPhotoItem = $( photoBorderInTheArray); //create a jQuery reference to the DIV element inside the symbol. //var menuElement = $(symbolInTheArray.getSymbolElement()); //now you can bind interactivity to the menu items' DIVs borderPhotoItem.bind ("mouseover", function(){ TweenMax.to(this, 0.5, {opacity:1}); }); borderPhotoItem.bind ("mouseout", function(){ TweenMax.to(this, 0.5, {opacity:0}); }); } ) // Hide left arrow arrowL.hide(); arrowR.bind("click", function(){ arrowL.show(); if(slideTo<totalImages-3){ slideTo++; slideContainer(); $(this).show(); } if(slideTo == totalImages-3){ $(this).hide(); } }); arrowL.bind("click", function(){ arrowR.show(); if(slideTo>0) { slideTo--; slideContainer(); } if(slideTo == 0) { arrowL.hide(); } }); arrowR.bind("mouseover", function(){ TweenMax.to(this, 0.3, {opacity:0.7}); }); arrowR.bind("mouseout", function(){ TweenMax.to(this, 0.3, {opacity:1}); }); arrowL.bind("mouseover", function(){ TweenMax.to(this, 0.3, {opacity:0.7}); }); arrowL.bind("mouseout", function(){ TweenMax.to(this, 0.3, {opacity:1}); }); function slideContainer() { TweenMax.to(container, .8, {left: -slideTo*(imageWidth+17)}); } // ------------------------ GALLERY ------------------------------------- // var galleryFirstPlay = true; for(j=0; j<aImagesGallery.length; j++){ //console.log(j); tGallery = sym.createChildSymbol("imgHolder", containerGallery); tGallery.$("photo").css({"background-image" : "url('" + aImagesGallery[j] + "')"}); tGallery.getSymbolElement().css({"position" : "absolute", "left":j*944+"px"}); } // Hide left arrow arrowLGallery.hide(); arrowRGallery.bind("click", function(){ if(slideToGallery<totalImagesGallery-1){ slideToGallery++; slideContainerGallery(); $(this).show(); } if(slideToGallery == totalImagesGallery-1){ $(this).hide(); } arrowLGallery.show(); }); arrowRGallery.bind("mouseover", function(){ TweenMax.to(this, 0.3, {opacity:0.7}); }); arrowRGallery.bind("mouseout", function(){ TweenMax.to(this, 0.3, {opacity:1}); }); arrowLGallery.bind("click", function(){ arrowRGallery.show(); if(slideToGallery>0) { slideToGallery--; slideContainerGallery(); } if(slideToGallery == 0) { $(this).hide(); } }); arrowLGallery.bind("mouseover", function(){ TweenMax.to(this, 0.3, {opacity:0.7}); }); arrowLGallery.bind("mouseout", function(){ TweenMax.to(this, 0.3, {opacity:1}); }); function slideContainerGallery() { //console.log("slide " + slideToGallery) TweenMax.to(containerGallery, .8, {left: -slideToGallery*imageWidthGallery}); }
  10. Hello there, i would like to learn parallax scrolling on adobe edge animate with GreenSock elements. I would like to make same kind effects on http://marquonslhistoire.com/en/quarterfinals/ please contact me if you can help me to teaching to make this kind project.
  11. Hello everybody, I am a completly new EdgeUser. I am more familiar with AfterEffects, but I can imagine the things you can do with a tool like edge. I used flash for several years but more like copy and paste (AS2). What I am looking for is basically very easy, but not for me. I searched and searched but I cant found the solution for: get the parent symbol an do some tweening with tweenMax: TweenMax.to(sym.$("jacket01"),2,{css:{y:-220, scale:0.4, opacity: 1}, delay:9, ease:Expo.easeOut}); //I am currently inside an element named ("menue"), from here I want to tween a Symbol named ("jacket01") which is on the stage. I tryed a lot of things but nothing realy worked: TweenMax.to(sym.$("jacket01").parent(),2,{css:{y:-220, scale:0.4, opacity: 1}, delay:9, ease:Expo.easeOut}); I cant find the answer to such a simple question. I would be great if there is someone of your professional coders could give me an answer. It would be very helpful to dive in the new edge tool. Thank you very, very much in advance from germany P.S. This is my first result with adobe Edge: fake-RangeRover_site all done with edge: http://go-motion.net/range03
  12. So has anyone been using Adobe Edge? Ok, so I really thought about whether this should be shared or not (and promoting some possibly bad Greensock usage/code in the process - thus sort of being detrimental to the point of Greensock JS in the first place). But hey, it's still using Greensock JS after all.. This tutorial shows how to import and use Greensock JS within Adobe Edge: http://chrisgannon.w...ipt-adobe-edge/ Adobe Edge is the new HTML/jQuery based animation program, and it may SOME DAY end up being the equivalent to the Flash IDE. That's if Adobe can figure out a way - not just to make cool animations - but also to create better, re-usable code behind the pretty scenes (so that other people can actually edit it if they're developers and not just animators). If Adobe succeeds, then this method of being able to import Greensock JS into Edge might be like you can do to import Greensock libraries in Flash and use it in the program. Edge is only still in Beta and has a long way to go before it's ready to do any professional projects.. because the size of the files it creates and organization of code is not great, let's just say. As such, think of this tutorial, and Edge as only a fun thing to play around in for now! At least now we know Greensock JS is usable in it!
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