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  1. Hello, GSAP Community! I'm facing an inconsistent performance issue when using GSAP for animations on iOS devices, specifically in the Safari browser. The same code works perfectly in Chrome for iOS and in browsers on Android, but in Safari the animations have a noticeable lag, appearing to miss frames, especially in animations synchronized with scrolling. Tested browsers: • Safari on iOS: has lag. • Chrome on iOS: runs smoothly. • Browsers on Android: perfect performance. We've tried a few solutions: 1. Optimizing CSS properties for transformations (translate3d, will-change, etc.). 2. Adjusting the refresh rate of animations and force3D. 3. Reducing the complexity of animations to see if it's a load issue. 4. We've consulted other forums and followed tips like enabling/disabling specific GSAP settings, but to no avail in Safari. This behavior appears to be specific to the Safari browser on iOS and seems to be a common issue reported by other developers. I would like to know if the community has any more specific recommendations or solutions to work around this Safari limitation. Any tips on how to improve the performance of animations in Safari for iOS? Code Example: https://codepen.io/Vinicius-Gouveia/pen/vEBdQVZ?editors=1111
  2. Albin Joseph

    Too much lag in iOS for scrolltrigger

    Hey guys I have created a scrolltrigger animation for my website using GSAP. Everything is working fine except for in iOS. I have tried ScrollTrigger.normalise(true), force3D: false, will-change: translate based on various answers from @Cassie and other possible fixes but still no luck. can you please suggest any changes. Also when I tried to use ScrollTrigger.normalize(true) the entire browser got messed up and scroll trigger animation were extensively flickering and not moving forward. https://www.aestriks.com/
  3. KakaoTalk_Video_2024-04-07-21-26-01.mp4 Hello GSAP community! I am quite new to GSAP and here to get some help! I was using on GSAP for scroll animation on my web page and I met weird behavior with scrollTrigger on iOS environment. I tried to pin an element inside of a scrollable container and it worked smoothly in desktop and Chrome. But when I open the page using Safari on my iOS device, the pin position is broke and jumps around depending on browser's address bar appearance. You can see it's behavior on the video I recorded. Where I found this behavior for the first time is in much different code base, but it is still happening while I tried to reproduce it with minimal code example. Basic scrollTrigger settings with Vite, React, Tailwind Any advice to remove this behavior or any walk arounds for this situation? Thanks! This is the all I wrote for the example page the video shows import "./App.css"; import { useEffect } from "react"; import gsap from "gsap"; import ScrollTrigger from "gsap/ScrollTrigger"; function App() { useEffect(() => { gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); const SC = ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: ".container", start: "top top", end: "bottom top", scrub: true, pin: ".pin", markers: true, }); return () => { SC.kill(); }; }, []); return ( <div> <div className="w-full h-dvh bg-green-500"></div> <div className="container w-full h-[200dvh] bg-yellow-500"> <h1 className="pin text-4xl font-extrabold bg-blue-400">PIN ME</h1> </div> </div> ); } export default App;
  4. Hello Guys, im very new to Javascript & GSAP. I have tested some things on a Testpage See here (not responsive yet) and here are the files: HTML IMG CSS JS FILE on Desktop and Android everything works fine ! Only on IOS mobile (Safari & Chrome on IOS) when u open the Testpage See here the scrollTrigger is not working correct. Between the Sections i have WHITE SPACE see in this screenvideo SCREENVIDEO i testet so many things, only solution for now what have worked is : ScrollTrigger.normalize.Scroll (this works on IOS but looks weird! Is there anything i can do , or i'm doing something wrong ? ps: pls i don´t know how to do a DEMO on Codepen or something like this ( all Files linked ) thank your for helping.
  5. danshk

    Scroll zoom-in to text/SVG problem

    Hello community. I'm trying to implement an animation that has been talked about here more than once from the site https://lenis.darkroom.engineering where Enter Lenis is approaching us in the screen. I implemented the same "backing" and it worked fine until I started testing it in Safari browser and on mobile devices The issue is that as I get closer, the edges of my shape (SVG) start to blur and I can see the outlines are not clear. I tried to implement my shape as a normal text, but I faced the same problem, my outlines during the animation process become not clearly visible. I also tried to add will-change property, but with this property my edges become blurred even in Google Chrome browser where everything was fine before. What could be the problem? Thanks! Demo: https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/scale-problem-tx8s3m?file=%2Fsrc%2FApp.tsx%3A32,11 Lenis Website: https://lenis.darkroom.engineering
  6. Hi, I have a circular slider on my website, copied from this example https://codepen.io/Mrchoy/pen/eYbezYG It works fine but I noticed a big performance issue on iOS devices, the slider is almost impossible to use because of the lag. Is there something I can do to improve this? The js is copied from the example, I just changed the css and of course the content of the cards. Thank you
  7. Dear Support, We are developing a website that has Scroll Smoother applied on the whole page with multiple scrolltriggers applied. We use normalizescroll(true) globally on all pages so that it follows scroll correctly (Android and IOS). But this options breaks the <a href> elements on touch hold event. Specifically on mobile devices when you hold a <a> element it fires the click event. When we disable normalizescroll it doesnt fire the click event when you hold a <a> element. We created a small codepen to recreate the issue. Please visit it from mobile devide(preferably Android with Chrome). We have fully updated softwares.
  8. CecoSvidovski

    Scroll Trigger jumpy animations on mobile

    Hello there! I'm using the latest GSAP and ScrollTrigger libraries and am getting jumpy animations on mobile. Both on Android 10 - the latest Chrome and Mozilla, and iOS 17.2 - latest Chrome, Safari, Mozilla and Brave. This happens when I try to implement a parallax effect. The problem occurs on your parallax demo too. When I enable normalizeScroll the problem disappears from both iOS and Android but it introduces a new problem on iOS. On iOS the scroll starts lagging a lot when my finger is on the screen. When my finger leaves the screen everything continues smoothly.
  9. I'm using scrollTrigger to animate some videos (.mp4) on scroll. Everything seemed to work fine, except that it doesn't seem to work on iOS (I tested on iPhone 11 iOS 16.0 and on iPhone 13 iOS 16.2). In fact, it is as if it didn't load the videos, the space remains empty and obviously the GSAP scrollTrigger animation doesn't start. Did I miss something?
  10. Viktor Borítás

    Animation problem only on iPhone, iOS

    Hello good People! I have an issue with (apparently)`transform:rotate()` css in an animation where i use ScrollMagic which uses GSAP 2.x I can't reproduce exactly this on CodePen, yet can't add the 2.x version gsap js. Here is the current dev site: https://legopd22.iwanwilaga.com/ Please check the robot animation on scroll (with orange background) especially on iOS / apple devices. So it breaks on my old iphone6. Other android phone and desktop doing well on any browser i checked. Do you have hints please why this happens? I applied these css but didn't fix it. transform-origin:center!important; transform-box:fill-box!important; Using TweenMax(). and nested timelines function SVG_Vernie_Robot_Anim(){ let ctrl = new ScrollMagic.Controller(); var timeline_robot_inner_elements = new TimelineLite(); var timeline_robot_slide = new TimelineLite(); var timeline_master = new TimelineLite(); var robot = document.querySelector("svg#robot-vernie"); var robot_head = document.querySelector("g#Head_Vernie"); var robot_eyebrow_left = document.querySelector("g#Eyebrow_Left"); var robot_eyebrow_right = document.querySelector("g#Eyebrow_Right"); timeline_robot_slide .add(TweenMax.to(robot, 1, {transform:`translateX(${is_mobile ? 100 : 250}px) translateY(${is_mobile ? 25 : 0}px) rotate(-10deg) scale(1.5)`},0)) .add(TweenMax.to(robot_head, 1, {transform:'rotate(15deg)'},0)) ; timeline_robot_inner_elements .add(TweenMax.to(robot_eyebrow_left, 1, {transform:'rotate(-25deg)'},1)) .add(TweenMax.to(robot_eyebrow_right, 1, {transform:'rotate(25deg)'},1)) ; timeline_master .add(timeline_robot_slide,0) .add(timeline_robot_inner_elements,2) ; new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: ".wp-block-getwid-section.szekcio-terkep", duration: 200, //px }) .setTween(timeline_master) .addTo(ctrl); } SVG_Vernie_Robot_Anim(); To me seems the problem is with rotation. Other `translate` properties work ok. Can you reproduce the same issue? Thank you so much! Best, Wiktor
  11. Hi! We are developing a long onepager with scrolltrigger. Many sections are pinned this way: ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: ".panel_riddle", start: "top top", pin: true, end: "+=100%" }); This page is currently 20000px long on the iPhone. Everything works fine on desktop, but when scrolling fast on ios (safari and chrome) there is a problem. When scrolling fast down and up one after the other, the website jumps to another y-position when the scrolling ends. I already tested the GSAP helper functions "stop overscroll" and "stop resizing window", but the problem remains. Strange thing is that the yScroll value of the page stays the same before and after the wrong jump. So for example fast scrolling to yValue 17500, then the page jumps a bit further or back and the yValue is still 17500 from above. Does anyone know if this is a general IOS bug in interaction with scrolltrigger, or in which direction we have to think. Thanx a lot. Attached a video from this behavior at the page bottom. In the upper left corner you can see the page yScrolling value. FullSizeRender_1.mp4
  12. VincentdeVreede

    iOS 10 & ScrollToPlugin

    Hello all, I just had a problem with iOS 10 Safari and the ScrollToPlugin, there are some changed that now will trigger the autoKill function. It has taken me more than a hour to realize that it was the autoKill function who stopped the animation. (iOS9 Safari didnt had this problem) Just for people with the same problem (I think almost everybody who is using ScrollToPlugin) for now just add "autoKill:false": TweenLite.to(window, 1, {scrollTo: {y:2000, autoKill:false}, ease:Power2.easeInOut}); Sorry for no Codepen but you can easily try it out with the Safari Developers Debug, just open a page that is using GSAP on your iPhone en run code without autoKill:false. (Sometimes it will not autoKill it, but almost always). Hope that I have made someone happy with the same problem Greets! Vincent
  13. J00

    scroll skips on ios devices

    hi, I have a problem on ios devices with scrollTrigger, when I scroll, scroll suddenly skips or jumps, I have no idea why this happens because the code I wrote is only this. There's a video at the bottom that you can see what I mean. Thank you for your attention:) gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger:{ trigger:'#s0', scrub:true, start:'top top', end: 'bottom -220%', pin: '#s0', } }) // .to('#photo1',{maskImage: 'linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 1) 0%,rgba(0, 0, 0, 1) 0%,rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 50%)'}) .to('#photo1', { opacity: 0 }); idk.mov
  14. Hi! First of all - thanks for the wonderfull ScrollTrigger plugin! It's amazing! Now to my issue: When I try to snap on iOS I get some very laggy scrolling - just like back then with this issue: So now I wanted to know if there is a possibility to pass the autoKill attribute to the snapping. I tried to simply use it but wasn't that lucky I'm building something like this: https://codepen.io/team/pixelart/pen/mdVbobo In this codepen it seems to work, but not in my project (I can't see a difference). First I thought it is caused by the scroll-behavior: smooth, but it still happens after I set it back to auto. Any idea what could cause the lag or how to fix this? Thanks, janein
  15. GreenSock

    iOS 7 Safari Performance: A Step Backward?

    Note: This page was created for GSAP version 2. We have since released GSAP 3 with many improvements. While it is backward compatible with most GSAP 2 features, some parts may need to be updated to work properly. Please see the GSAP 3 release notes for details. With the release of iOS 7, I was anticipating some big leaps forward in browser performance. What I found was quite surprising. Is anyone else experiencing the same thing? Here's a quick [and very casual] video showing what I discovered: A lot of people in the industry talk about the benefits of using CSS transitions because they're so much faster, especially with transforms (scale/translate/rotate) on mobile devices. What happened? Why is Zepto (which uses CSS transitions) so much slower? GSAP's performance remains solid in iOS 7 (far better than jQuery and other libraries), but CSS transitions fall flat on their face (at least with transforms). Can anyone shed some light on what's happening? Are you seeing the same results in iOS 7? Also, is anyone else seeing worse performance when altering the scrollTop or scrollLeft of DOM elements? Useful links Speed test Draggable Demo CSS Transitions/Animations vs. GSAP Cage Match jQuery vs. GSAP Cage Match Why GSAP? A practical guide for developers UPDATE: Apple reached out to us and acknowledged the apparent bug and said they're working on a fix. (Thanks Apple)
  16. baomastr

    IOS scrolling animation problem

    Hello. thank you for your work. I'm using GSAP with React and ScrollMagic and having troubles with IOS scroll animations. other platforms have great productivity of animations. What am I doing wrong?
  17. leydar

    Janky SVG on iOS

    I'm loading an SVG I created in Inkscape and using it as a control in an Ionic hybrid app with help from GSAP. When a user clicks on the L/R it spins about and disappears to reveal other options. Using it in the browser and on Android works great. On iOS however it's occasionally spotty. This mostly occurs after a reboot. Subsequent interactions are at the desired speed. This might be difficult to reproduce as it's possibly specific to the device I'm using. Having said that, I'm open to completely redesigning how the thing disappears. I just need it to hide and show itself in some aesthetically pleasing manner. Incidentally, I tried using autoAlpha: 0 and it didn't change the opacity or hide the elements. I've isolated the control in an otherwise blank project to better illustrate the issue (github). The video attached shows the control running on an iPhone SE, iOS 11.4, 64-bit A9 SoC processor (two 1.8GHz cores), 2GB RAM, PowerVR GT7600 (six-core graphics). addEventHandlers () { const yingyang: any = document.getElementById("select-side"); yingyang.addEventListener("load", function() { const content = yingyang.contentDocument; const ying = content.getElementById("ying"); ying.addEventListener('click', function() { TweenMax.to(ying, 0.4, { scale: 2, x: "+100%", y: "-50%", transformOrigin:"100% 0%", opacity: 0, force3D:false, autoRound: false }); this.animateSelectSide(yingyang); }.bind(this)); }.bind(this)); }; animateSelectSide(yingyang: HTMLElement) { TweenMax.to(yingyang, 0.7, { rotation: -270, opacity: 0, force3D:false, autoRound: false, onComplete: function() { yingyang.style.left = '-500px'; } }); }; speedkills.MP4 yingyang.svg
  18. izorgor

    IOS Audio issue

    Hey guys, This is not strictly related to the greensock, but also could be I created a banner which has video inside and the video is muted. Whenever my banner is showed, no matter if inside app or inside browser, on IOS, any other sound in background (such as music player) will stop. I know this is default behavior of the IOS (and android as well), but I also saw that some company managed to build banner with video which doesn`t stop background music, but I`m still not sure how. So my questions is - is it possible to workaround somehow this issue inside banner itself via javascript or something ? Maybe something like playing video through the canvas (already tried that didn`t worked), or separating video and audio, dunno. Is there hack or a way to play video that will not affect background music on IOS ? ! Thanks
  19. Dennisat

    Not smooth animations on iPad/iPhone

    Note that I am working on other's implementation, I am not familiar with GSAP yet. In this animation, when the safe opens... red boxes are coming out of it. There is a performance issue with these flying boxes. They don't "fly" smoothly only on ios devices (all of them). This is happening at line 168 in logosDistances.forEach loop. For the debugging, to ensure that there is no other animation in progress at the same time... I wrapped this tween in a timeout of 3sec. There is TinyURL for this animation, the: https://tinyurl.com/redredbox Thank you in advance

    Scrolling with vertical draggable

    Hi all, I'm attempting to create a vertical draggable with for a "fashionable" effect, an everything works as expected on Android, but not on iOS. On Android, the page doesn't scroll when I swipe up on the draggable, and scrolls only when I tap outside of it. On iOS, bot IPhone and iPad, looks like the page has a priority on the draggable (or the swipe event "bubbles" from the draggable), thus the draggable stays almost in the same position, and the page scrolls. In this pen, the gray draggable scrolls into the black box, and overflows it for a maximum of half of the draggable height. How can I get the same behavior on the platforms? Thanks in advance! (It's better to test the pen in full page mode: https://codepen.io/massic80/full/qYbpOL)
  21. Hi, I'm having real issues with a draggable map I've created, specifically on devices using iOS. My animations all run nicely, however when I press and try to drag the map around, there's a good 4-5 seconds before the page responds, and then the move happens instantly, rather than smoothly. If necessary I can provide you with a link to view the development site if that helps, however, I'll need to send it privately if possible? There are a number of layers creating the map, all stacked on top of each other - might this have something to do with it? Any help you're able to give me would be greatly appreciated. Kind regards
  22. tallwhitey

    ScrollTo plugin for iOS error while focus

    TLDR: In iOS 11, if using scrollTo plugin for the window while an input is focused, it thinks the bottom of the mobile keyboard is the bottom of the viewport rather than the top of the keyboard, thus hiding any inputs located at the very bottom of a page. Any Greensock fixes? I discovered this error due to iOS's 3rd-party keyboards not accounting for the input selector bar on top of the mobile keyboard when determining the bottom of the viewport while an input is focused located at the bottom of the window, thus blocking the view of the input. What seems to be happening is if the window element is moved using scrollTo while an input is focused at the very bottom of the window, the correct positioning is not scrolled to. This is the case mainly for values that exceed the height of the window, and subsequently effects using the scrollTo Plugin when using scrollTo:"max" I know you all can't fix the iOS issue, but since its affecting the plugin, is there any workaround to account for when an input is selected such as a chat entry box at the bottom of the screen, and have the plugin scroll to the bottom of the screen properly? I've included a codepen, but only works in debug mode since there was already an issue you all found with scrolling in iOS in iframes. Thanks! https://s.codepen.io/tallwhitey/debug/gozWWQ/VGrWNnabZVaM
  23. I noticed that very specific to Apple iOS mobile devices using the Safari browser on mobile, using the animation effect marginRight for background elements having a background-image with repeat-x seemed to have a stuttering effect. When viewed in desktop browsers and browsers other than Safari, the stuttering effect on the background repeated element is not seen. Is it because of one of the CSS effects I applied, which is the width != 100%, or is it the way GSAP JavaScript code is written? Please kindly view the Codepen attached. All good helpful feedback appreciated!
  24. Hello I am new to both adobe animate cc (2017) and GSAP and would appreciate a dumb down answer to this question. So I've followed the tutorial of opening an action, opening a url of the zip file that you download from Greensock. It works when working in html5 canvas for adobe animate cc. However when working in IOS air canvas, I can't find how to upload the zip file. Does anyone know if GSAP works with IOS air and how?
  25. Hi guys! I'm having a bit of trouble here with Draggable util. I am trying to make a tabbed interface on mobile, made of a horizontal container which can be scrolled in the X axis with sections, and sections which can have any number of posts, and can scroll in the Y axis. With draggable, this works great in desktop when using a mouse, but when on mobile (Android, iOS, or Chrome Inspector as mobile), the X axis won't budge. You can watch it in action in the codepen. Any insight on it would be greatly appreciated
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