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  1. FactoryWW

    useRAF and lagSmoothing on gsap object

    Hello everyone, I searched the forum and could not find it. Can I use these methods useRAF() and lagSmoothing() on a gsap object. I saw use-cases on tweens and timelines that developers use useRAF() and lagSmoothing(),but i need on gasp object. I am new to GSAP animations, any help is appreciated. The problem is next: When i switch tab my animation stops, and i don't want that. I want to run without drop of frames in that tab. I have created my animation over gsap object like this : this.spinAnimation = gsap.to(".spinner", { rotation: "+=" + this.animationSettings.normalVelocity * 1000, duration: 1000, repeat: -1, ease: "none", });
  2. As many games and simulations have their own request for animation frame calls that can be core to rendering obj positions frame by frame, it would be nice if I could call GSAP's from our own request frame function. Ideally everything gets a position in a single RAF. For instance I would love to do this: function animate(){ requestAnimationFrame(animate); TweenMax.ticker._tick(true); //call GSAP rfa manually render() } requestAnimationFrame(animate); TweenMax.ticker.setManualRequestAnimation = true; //set a flag somehow //now all tween run off from the user defined RAF TweenMax.to(obj1,1, { x:,y:,z:.... TweenMax.to(obj2,1, { x:,y:,z:.... I do realize there is the ticker event that i can listen to, but I dont want run my entire application based off of GSAP's RAF event. This would mean stop my RAF run tween then turn on my RAF in my own, with multiple tweens. It seems to make sense that GSAP runs off an game animation render loop and not vice versa. Is there a way to do this?
  3. voxels

    Threejs tween with sound in RAF

    Hi everybody, im new on gsap...playing with threejs, tween and audio visualizer. I have a group with some mesh as child 1 - I would like to animate each element of the mesh with a value created in RAF . 2 - I would like to make endless tween on rotation (unfortunally , "repeat: -1" its not working). Is there another elegant / better solution for do that. Thanks in advance for any help... On RAF i have some function: 1 for render() three scene and one for analyze the sound and pass the value on tween. So this... // The sound analyzer . function soundAnalyzer() { if ((cristal)&&(frequencyData)){ tl_cristal_rotationX = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1 }); analyser.getByteFrequencyData(frequencyData); if(typeof frequencyData === 'object' && frequencyData.length > 0) { scale_value = 9000 - frequencyData[1] * 35 ; scale_value_Low = 1800 - frequencyData[1] * 5 ; cristal.traverse( function ( child ) { if ( child instanceof THREE.Mesh ) { tl_cristal_rotation = new TimelineMax(); tl_cristal_rotation.to(child.rotation, scale_value_Low, { ease: Linear.easeNone, x: -360 , y: -360, repeat:-1 }) } }); tl_cristal_rotationX.to(cristal.rotation, scale_value , { ease: Linear.easeNone, x: -360 }) } } } // and here RAF loop and Render // animation loop function animate() { if(dae) { soundAnalyzer() } requestAnimationFrame( animate ); render(); stats.update(); } TweenLite.ticker.addEventListener("tick", render); //and render the scene function render() { renderer.clear(); camera.position.x += ( mouseX - camera.position.x ) * .015; camera.position.y += ( - mouseY - camera.position.y ) * .015; camera.lookAt(scene.position); composer.reset(); composer.render(scene, camera); composer.pass(OldVideoPass); composer.pass(BrightnessContrastPass); composer.pass(RGBSplitPass); composer.toScreen(); } Thank u very much and sorry for my English.. hope is readable..
  4. I have the following tween that is called every 60 seconds with a setTimeout: ThrowPropsPlugin.to( nextItem, { throwProps:{ x:{ velocity:200, min: 0, max: 0 } }, onUpdate: function(){ _animateItem( Math.round( ((nextItem._gsTransform.x + 45 ) / vpW ) * 100 ) ); }, ease: Power3.easeOut, onComplete: DRA.prepareNext.init }, 4 ); Everything is going fine, until I leave the browser window (new tab). I want it to continue animating. I read that I can cancel the usage of RAF. But I couldn't read anything about it in the docs ( So I've read that ThrowPropsPlugin uses the TweenLite. I've added the following code to cancel the RAF: function focusBrowserTab() { TweenLite.ticker.useRAF(true); } function blurBrowserTab() { TweenLite.ticker.useRAF(false); } window.addEventListener('focus', focusBrowserTab); window.addEventListener('blur', blurBrowserTab); This would be the best possible solution for me. Disable the usage of RAF when the window is blurred. When the window focus is back I want to make use of RAF again. It is animating now in a non focussed tab, but the tween does not take 4 seconds. More like 30 or so. And when I focus on the tab the timings seem to be messed up. Is there something I do wrong here? Edit: Forgot to tell that I also tried the TweenLite.lagSmoothing(1000, 16); But this didn't make any difference.
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