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Found 8 results

  1. Hello guys. Please help me with some strange behavior. I have parent component (React) where i initialize ScrollTrigger.scrollerProxy with Locomotive Scroll as you recommended in docs (scrollerProxy). If i try to use scrollTrigger inside that parent component (using useEffect) - everything works fine. But if i use scrollTrigger inside child component and provide the same scroller element (with id #smooth-scroll) then i have an issue. I've already tried: to call ScrollTrigger.refresh() inside child component; make reference (useRef) to locomotive instance in parent component and pass it to child via props; make reference to scroller element using useRef inside parent and pass it to child via props; to initialize ScrollTrigger.scrollerProxy with Locomotive Scroll inside child component - this works, but if i have bunch of elements which calling this initialization - i have terrible performance issue. So i think the best way is to provide only one initialization inside parent (i.e. page) and pass it somehow to child components. Link to Codesandbox (to see smooth scrolling click "Open in new window" icon at top right in browser panel). Maybe someone else have the same problem? What i do wrong in this case?
  2. Hi team, I have a problem with my code that I can't solve. So what I have is a master timeline that have 3 nested timelines: getSpinTimeline(), getRotateTimeline(), getPinTimeline() var mtl = new TimelineMax(); mtl.add(getSpinTimeline()) .add(getRotateTimeline()) .add(getPinTimeline()); mtl.timeScale(2.3); After the animation has ended, I hit on a button I would like to reverse() the animation. It works fine if I do mtl.reverse(); But what I am trying to achieve here is to remove getPinTimeline() and reverse only getRotateTimeline() and getSpinTimeline(). I tried the following but failed: mtl.remove(getPinTimeline()).reverse() mtl.seek(getPinTimeline().totalDuration()).reverse() I have also tried creating a duplicate timeline but failed: var mtl2 = new TimelineMax(); mtl2.add(getSpinTimeline()) .add(getRotateTimeline()) mtl2.timeScale(2.3).reverse(); Any idea how I am able to fix this? Thanks, Venn.
  3. I use Adobe Animate to put my canvases together, not sure if that makes a difference to what I am asking: I have the following code on my main timeline, and it works fine there, with buttons that are also on the main timeline. function buttonOver(theBtn) { thisBtn = theBtn; TweenMax.to(thisBtn, 0.1, { ease: Sine.easeOut, scaleX: 1.05, scaleY: 1.05 }); } However I am having difficulty doing the same thing within a child mc. I have a child clip that contains four buttons that I want to all use this function, and I hope to be able to keep this code within the child clip too, so that it becomes a self contained unit which I can reuse in different projects. I have tried several variations and none have worked. It doesn't necessarily throw an error, just no animation occurs. If I put a console.log in the function it sees and responds to that, it's just ignoring the tweens. I am not sure if it is because the child clip does not know what TweenMax is, or if I am targeting the buttons incorrectly, or something else entirely!
  4. Hi! How would one go about targeting a mask for animation that is nested inside a movieclip. .from(this.movieclip.mask, 1, {x:"+=100"},"+=1") does not work for me. Thank You Salakala
  5. Hi guys! I have the following problem: There is a draggable with attached methods onPress and onRelease. The draggable component has a button child. When I click on the draggable but outside of the button both events get fired. But when i click on the button only the onPress event gets fired (you can check this in the browser console). Same result happens if I put an input as a child and click on it. Codepen: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/jqqyEQ I need a way to fire both onPress and onRelease events when I click on buttons and inputs that are children of the draggable component. Thanks in advance!
  6. I'm new to GSAP and really like it so far. I have one challenge that I think could be easily solved by SplitText, but unfortunately my company isn't interested in going the membership route. Is there an alternative to achieving the same thing? I have a parent element with a header and a variable amount of paragraphs. I'd like to animate the header, then each paragraph in turn. That is, once the first paragraph is finished animating, the second paragraph starts animating. When the 2nd paragraph is finished, the 3rd starts animating, and so on. Here is some sample HTML: <article> <h1>My header</h1> <p>First paragraph</p> <p>Second paragraph</p> </article> Does GSAP have an equivalent of jQuery's $.each() function, such that I could call the same animation on an element with a class, like: $( 'article p' ).each( function() { tl.from( $( this ), 1.5, { rotationX : -90, transformOrigin : 'left top', ease : Elastic.easeInOut } ); } ) That's just pseudo code to convey my idea. I realize it won't work Thanks in advance for any help!
  7. Hi Guys, Quick question. I noticed that using SplitText, if the <div> element being passed to the SplitText tool, has an image or any other tag inside, that tag is changed into an empty <div> by the SplitText tool. Is this by design?. <div class="content" id="content"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi non quam elementum enim tincidunt suscipit a et lacus. Nunc eros mauris, semper at pellentesque eget, pretium ut lacus. Sed in pulvinar turpis, vitae congue nisi. Mauris aliquam finibus molestie. Duis a volutpat ligula. Nullam lobortis lorem justo, ac gravida arcu mollis quis. Curabitur condimentum diam imperdiet, iaculis libero eget, tempor turpis. Phasellus neque turpis, pretium sit amet nibh ut, egestas rutrum ex. Nam sodales mollis elit ut consequat.<br> <img src="http://s.cdpn.io/16327/logo_robust.jpg" /> </div> The <img> in the code above gets replaced by an empty div. The solution I've found is wrap the text into an extra <div> element and pass that one to the SplitText, thus preserving the <img> element: <div class="content"> <div id="content"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi non quam elementum enim tincidunt suscipit a et lacus. Nunc eros mauris, semper at pellentesque eget, pretium ut lacus. Sed in pulvinar turpis, vitae congue nisi. Mauris aliquam finibus molestie. Duis a volutpat ligula. Nullam lobortis lorem justo, ac gravida arcu mollis quis. Curabitur condimentum diam imperdiet, iaculis libero eget, tempor turpis. Phasellus neque turpis, pretium sit amet nibh ut, egestas rutrum ex. Nam sodales mollis elit ut consequat. </div> <img src="http://s.cdpn.io/16327/logo_robust.jpg" /> </div> Thanks, Rodrigo.
  8. This is my pen: http://codepen.io/vincentccw/pen/qrsAg right now all the divs move together and back to its original position, but how do I animate the div 1 after another? Do I have to target every single div 1 by 1 and animate it? Wouldn't the code be massive is so?
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