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  1. I've seen sandboxes of GSAP animating polygon but none with calc using percent + px units. Does anyone know if I'm implementing this incorrectly or if not, a workaround for this? Sandbox: https://codepen.io/bradwoods/pen/BaEZorO?editors=0110
  2. Hi All, I'm trying to create a continuously changing polygon animation that uses randomly generated values for the points. I've got it working for the 1st set of generated numbers, but it doesn't use the subsequent set of values. It keeps repeating between the initial shape points and the 1st set of generated points. Any ideas on how to "refresh" the points so it can constantly change the shape of the polygon Cheers
  3. n.watanabe

    Polygon Tween not working in React

    Hi. I use GSAP v3 with NextJS. I found that a gsap.to(duration, {"clip-path": polygon(...)} doesn't work well with ReactJS, which works on pure html/javascript/css environment (A working demo in pure html/javascript/css can be found in an answer by OSUblake in my previous question[1]. It has also other movements.) In my attached demo, the top left corner moves from the left to right. However, :before element should expand from the top to the bottom. i.e. the bottom line should move from the top to the bottom. Is this a bug or I'm using GSAP and React wrongly? I attached reproducible codepen in ReactJS. Thank you in advance and sorry for continuous submissions. [1] I found related three articles that can help understanding using ReactJS and GSAP together. https://greensock.com/docs/v3/GSAP/UtilityMethods/selector()
  4. Hey all, Got a bit of a quandary going here. So what I'd like to be able to do is to move the points of a polygon contained within a mask a variable amount (in this demo, 400 pts). A pen can be found here: (FF only) codepen.io/johnblazek/pen/CqEpd I'm using the attrPlugin, and adjusting the x/y coordinates within the point, but I'm getting no luck. Could the fact I'm using this as a mask be messin me up?
  5. kanapkadev

    Animate SVG polygon problem

    Hi Guys! I have a problem with my animation. I don't know why, only when I move mouse scroll or change width of codepen window, my animation start playing. I want to create continuous animation but I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
  6. boldcolin

    Animating SVG polygon

    I've created a 3D bar in illustrator (see codepen). Now I want to animate it with TweenMax (or TimelineMax) as if it's building up from the bottom to the top. I tried a couple of things to make this happen, but without any luck. - Created a clipping-path and then try to change the Y coordinate of the 3 polygons (or wrapped them in a <g id="bars"></g>) - Tried to animate the points of the polygon (http://greensock.com/forums/topic/8565-animating-svg-polygon-points-using-attrplugin/) I hope someone can help me with this. This is the end result what I need to create > http://postimg.org/image/pg2drnvch/
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