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  1. Yeah, I tried 3.10.0 and it works perfectly! Thank you so much. Happy tweening.
  2. @GreenSock gsap-latest-beta.min.js solved! Thank you. I'm happy if anyone knows how to import min.js on nextjs/reactjs.
  3. Hi, OSUblake. Solved! Awesome. Thank you for information. I'll take a look at the beta release. You all do great jobs. Happy tweening, Watanabe
  4. Hi, Cassie. Yeah, His demo has rotation and x, but it has nothing to do here. Below is a demo in pure html/javascript/css. It works finely as expected. However, when I write it in React, it doesn't work. https://codepen.io/asterisk37n/pen/ZEvOwBm
  5. Hi. I use GSAP v3 with NextJS. I found that a gsap.to(duration, {"clip-path": polygon(...)} doesn't work well with ReactJS, which works on pure html/javascript/css environment (A working demo in pure html/javascript/css can be found in an answer by OSUblake in my previous question[1]. It has also other movements.) In my attached demo, the top left corner moves from the left to right. However, :before element should expand from the top to the bottom. i.e. the bottom line should move from the top to the bottom. Is this a bug or I'm using GSAP and React wrongly? I attached reproducible codepen in ReactJS. Thank you in advance and sorry for continuous submissions. [1] I found related three articles that can help understanding using ReactJS and GSAP together. https://greensock.com/docs/v3/GSAP/UtilityMethods/selector()
  6. Thank you so much. For people visiting this question, I leave a document about changing CSS variables.
  7. Hi. I have a question about how to target :before element and run a tween on it, and need help to run my codepen demo. I found some people have shown a demo targeting ".class:before"[1][2][3][4], and came across a website[5] that is apparently using GSAP and targeting :before element. However, I also found other people said it is impossible[6], and my codepen demo doesn't work. Can anyone fix my codepen to target :before element? I'm using the latest version of GSAP ("gsap": "^3.9.1") with nextjs for my production environment. Thank you in advance. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] https://giginc.co.jp/ [6]
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