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  1. I tried to make a swipe in on hover effect for my button, I found out you can't directly manipulate pseudo elements in gasp and I found out about the variable way. When I hover over the link it slides in but when I hover out it does nothing; it just stays there, it does not reverse back to its original position. It worked for rotate, skew and scale but not for transform translateX. I also tried using left property, but it had the same exact results. My example: using variables with gsap (codepen.io)
  2. Hi. I have a question about how to target :before element and run a tween on it, and need help to run my codepen demo. I found some people have shown a demo targeting ".class:before"[1][2][3][4], and came across a website[5] that is apparently using GSAP and targeting :before element. However, I also found other people said it is impossible[6], and my codepen demo doesn't work. Can anyone fix my codepen to target :before element? I'm using the latest version of GSAP ("gsap": "^3.9.1") with nextjs for my production environment. Thank you in advance. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] https://giginc.co.jp/ [6]
  3. Hey Guys! I've recently discovered your awesome products and have been enjoying playing around with the examples. However, I've run into some trouble trying to implement it into my project haha. Yet confident this won't be a biggie for you guys. So , if it's not too much of a bother please take a look at the codepen attached to see what I mean. https://codepen.io/Raulito/pen/jmwXxp *Specifically, I keep getting the error 'cannot tween a null target' in the console , which stops all my other animations from running , when trying to use the CSSRulePlugin to target the :before pseudo element. *I've noticed that this error occurs and can be seen in the console both on codepen AND when doing local development without a server, but for some reason works when I'm developing it locally using XAMP. * Cheers, Raul.
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