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  1. Hi, I'm trying to successfully pin two separate elements on the same page: 1. The first section (100vh) which is stacked above the rest of the page. As I scroll I'd like it to move yPercent: -100 out of view. The rest of the page (the other sections) I would like to act normally, no stacking, it should move as a single body. 2. I have a sticky nav in the middle of the page that I'm trying to pin to the top once it's in view and end at the end of the html I'm working off of the `Layered Pinning From Bottom` ScrollTrigger example. I have 1 working but I can't seem to figure out how to do 2. Any advice or feedback would be helpful! Thanks all
  2. I am using gsap to change the position of camera in threejs . I need to control the speed of gsap.to() . Below is my code for changing the position gsap.to( camera.position, { duration: 1, y: 5, } ); Now I need to control the movement speed of it. How to do that. Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi there. I'm a Japanese creator. Please forgive me for my poor English. Thank you for adding the ScrollPlugin. I wanted to add heavy scrolling to the site and give users a special experience. The way to do that is to use document.addEventListener("wheel") to detect how much power you scrolled from event.deltaY and process the value and transform the container class to How to move it. However, we could not benefit from scrollTrigger in this way. How can I benefit from ScrollTrigger? What I want is a way for scrollTrigger to work using the code I wrote in codepen. Wise people, please tell me how to solve this problem.
  4. Hi everyone, I'm trying to play a short video clip on mouseover and play it reverse on mouseout: mouseover: video.play() mouseout: video.playReverse() As there is currently no native function for playing a video reverse, I tried it with setInterval by manipulating currentTime, but this solution is not smooth enough. Is there a smooth solution with GSAP to play a video backwards?
  5. I am playing with spiral animation using tweenlinemax, I saw couple of examples related to spiral animation for growing text font size during animate but I also want to reduce the size of font after 1 second duration. tl.to("#Text",10,{attr:{startOffset:'100%'}}) .to("#theText", 5, {fontSize:50},2) .to("#theText", 5, {fontSize:10},1); //this is not working so is there any way to grow up and down the font size while animate on SVG path using tweens.
  6. Brand new to this, but I'm not seeing the answer out there (maybe I'm looking up the wrong terms). Anyway, I'm doing a few tests, and I'm seeing a flash of the unanimated objects before they come on. For instance, if they animate from 0% scale to 100, they appear for an instant at full size before they disappear and the animation begins. It's only local at the moment, but I see it in both chrome and firefox. I'm using jquery for selectors, and both jquery, TweenMax, and the function to animate are all being loaded in the head before any of the elements are defined in the body html. Is there a typical way to resolve this or most likely cause to look at?
  7. Hi everyone, I'm looking for a way to replicate this effect of this website prototype. It seems like a liquify filter is applied to the images, and when the page scrolls the image is restored. I searched both on this forum and on google but I did not find solutions that could do for me. I'm not a javascript expert, I don't know how to reproduce it. I saw that beyond gsap there are libraries like webgl or curtains.js or pixi.js. Do you have any idea how this can be done? Thank you. https://dribbble.com/shots/6749793-Supreme-Landing-Load-States
  8. I'm trying to do my first ScrollTrigger animation where I have two sections inside a container; first one has three boxes and the next one has a few lines of text. The goal is to animate the lines of text as the user scrolls down only after all the boxes in the previous container have been animated. I have created an example below to demonstrate this. The boxes are being animated as needed, however the lines of text begins animating, while the boxes are still animating. Also, the elements and text containers overlap each other. I'd like the text container to not overlap and reveal the lines of text as they are visible on the viewport. Any idea what I could be doing wrong? Any help is much appreciated, Thank you!
  9. So I've just started learning GSAP and I recently faced a problem with something that I'm trying. So I have multiple div's with the same style as height:20px; background:red; . Now, I used gsap in this to increase the height of the div, which is triggered by clicked event, to 100px. But the problem i've faced is that when I try to animate only one div that has been clicked, both the div's seem to be animated. Now I know what the problem is here and I've even found the solution with jquery using $(this). But i want a Solution using Vanilla JS. Your help would be much appreciated. Thanks. My Code const div = document.querySelectorAll('div'); const divArr = Array.prototype.slice.call(div); const tl = gsap.timeline({ paused: true, reversed: true }); tl.to(divArr, { height: '100px', duration: 1 }) divArr.forEach(e => { e.addEventListener('click', function () { if (tl.reversed()) { tl.play(); } else { tl.reverse(this); } }) })
  10. Hi All, I am currently trying to create an animation using gsap libraries for the very first time...For which I have included the gsap external library from preferences in Phpstorm...pfa the screenshot below Its works just fine on Codepen...you can find the link below Is gsap compatible with PhpStorm?...because the syntax is not getting detected in the IDE....and I am stuck halfway..Your help would be greatly appreciated Thanks, Lionel Sirvel
  11. I'm looking for a developer to be able to convert this exact slider to React. – https://codepen.io/jeffdfarr/pen/qBOzVwb?editors=1010 Here's what I'm looking for it to do... Auto scroll Ability to be draggable Infinite loop Ideally I'm looking to have this done in a 1-2 weeks.
  12. I'm using scrollTrigger to scale the svg used in clip path but the page width is slightly greater than 100vw and height also seem to be a bit more as my center component also scroll a bit up at the end but however when i set markers to true this problem is magically gone and im scratching my head to find a reason for this behaviour can someone help my understand this issue better #EDIT: This was because the initial page (without ScrollTrigger) has no scroll so when ScrollTrigger adds scroll to the page. I.e. Say your page is 1830px initially but then ScrollTrigger puts a 17px scroll bar on the page now your viewport is 1813px but the content is already painted according to 1830px to compensate this 17px extra width the page shows a horizontal scrollbar it can be solved by using body {overflow-y: scroll;} Using this will initially put a scrollbar does solving the issue alltogether What have i learned from this: The main cluprit of this was the pin-spacer div creater by scroll trigger I dont know why but it was wider than the viewport width (1830px compared to 1813px in my case) and at the bottom of the scroll something triggred some a change in trigger element style from. transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px); left: 0px; top: 0.001px; margin: 0px; width: 1830px; height: 890px; padding: 0px; box-sizing: border-box; max-width: 1830px; max-height: 890px; position: fixed; to transform: translate3d(0px, 890.001px, 0px); left: 0px; top: 0px; margin: 0px; width: 1829.52px; height: 889.524px; padding: 0px; bottom: auto; right: auto; this didnt make any sense for me #Solution for this [Techincally just a workaround using css] Enable markers in gsap (because everything is fine when markers are enabled) then use this css rule to hide the markers div[class^="gsap-marker-"] { visibility: hidden; opacity: 0; }
  13. Hello everyone, since a few months I've been working on a wordpress website (with oxygen builder) hosted on digital ocean. Recently I added page transitions thanks to Barbajs and with GSAP I have a swipe up effect. On chrome I have no problem but on Safari the site is slow to load, I don't know if it's the videos that are slow or the GSAP or barba js. The website is currently protected on a private server I can't give you access but here is a piece of my js that calls barba and gsap : function video_text_animation() { let tl = gsap.timeline(); if (tl.scrollTrigger) { tl.scrollTrigger.kill(); } //////// Video Header title ////////////// var childSplit = new SplitText(".bloc_header--header", {type:"lines", linesClass: "bloc_header--header-child"}); var parentSplit = new SplitText(".bloc_header--header", { type: "lines", linesClass: "bloc_header--header-parent"}); var w = window.innerWidth; var size = w > 1366 ? "big" : "small"; if (size === "big") { tl = gsap.timeline(); tl.addLabel("animateVideo").from(childSplit.lines, { duration: 0.5, yPercent: 100, ease: "power4", stagger: 0.1 }); } return tl; } function animation_scroll_text() { gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); let tl = gsap.timeline(); if (tl.scrollTrigger) { tl.scrollTrigger.kill(); } //////// Diptyque title ////////////// new SplitText(".dyptique__card-heading--title", {type:"lines", linesClass: "dyptique__card-heading--title-child"}); new SplitText(".dyptique__card-heading--title", {type:"lines", linesClass: "dyptique__card-heading--title-parent"}); var w = window.innerWidth; var size = w > 1366 ? "big" : "small"; if (size === "big") { gsap.utils.toArray(".dyptique__card-heading--title").forEach((section, i) => { tl = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { id: "trigger2", start: "center 80%", trigger: section, toggleActions: "play pause pause pause", }, }); tl.addLabel("animateDiptyque").from(section.querySelectorAll(".dyptique__card-heading--title-child"), { duration: 0.5, yPercent: 100, ease: "power4", stagger: 0.1 }); }); } //////// Content title ////////////// new SplitText(".bloc_contents--title", {type:"lines", linesClass: "bloc_contents--title-child"}); new SplitText(".bloc_contents--title", {type:"lines", linesClass: "bloc_contents--title-parent"}); if (size === "big") { gsap.utils.toArray(".bloc_contents--title").forEach((section, i) => { tl = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { id: "trigger3", start: "center 80%", trigger: section, toggleActions: "play pause pause pause", }, }); tl.addLabel("animateTitle").from(section.querySelectorAll(".bloc_contents--title-child"), { duration: 0.5, yPercent: 100, ease: "power4", stagger: 0.1 }); }); } return tl; } function add_scripts() { jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { "use strict"; $('head').append('<link href="https://wordpress-364904-1405009.cloudwaysapps.com/accueil/?xlink=css&ver=5.4.2" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">'); $('head').append('<link href="https://wordpress-364904-1405009.cloudwaysapps.com/le-mag/?xlink=css&ver=5.4.2" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">'); $('.center-title').attr({'data-aos-enable': 'true','data-aos': 'fade','data-aos-delay': '1',}); $('.title-anim').attr({'data-aos-enable': 'true','data-aos': 'slide-up','data-aos-anchor-placement': 'top-bottom','data-aos-easing': 'ease','data-aos-duration': '400','data-aos-offset': '50',}); $('.center-title2').attr({'data-aos-enable': 'true','data-aos': 'fade','data-aos-delay': '1',}); $('.title-anim-02').attr({'data-aos-enable': 'true','data-aos': 'fade',}); $('.diptyque__card').attr({'data-aos-enable': 'true','data-aos': 'fade','data-aos-anchor-placement': 'center-bottom',}); $('.bloc_contents--text').attr({'data-aos-enable': 'true','data-aos': 'fade','data-aos-delay': '200',}); $('.quadriptyque__card_1').attr({'data-aos-enable': 'true','data-aos': 'fade','data-aos-anchor-placement': 'center-bottom',}); $('.quadriptyque__card_2').attr({'data-aos-enable': 'true','data-aos': 'fade','data-aos-delay': '400','data-aos-anchor-placement': 'center-bottom',}); $('.quadriptyque__card_3').attr({'data-aos-enable': 'true','data-aos': 'fade','data-aos-anchor-placement': 'center-bottom',}); $('.quadriptyque__card_4').attr({'data-aos-enable': 'true','data-aos': 'fade','data-aos-delay': '400','data-aos-anchor-placement': 'center-bottom',}); $('.quadriptyque__card--image').attr({'data-aos-enable': 'true','data-aos': 'fade','data-aos-once': 'true',}); $('.triptyque__card_2').attr({'data-aos-enable': 'true','data-aos': 'fade','data-aos-anchor-placement': 'center-bottom','data-aos-delay': '200',}); $('.triptyque__card_3').attr({'data-aos-enable': 'true','data-aos-anchor-placement': 'center-bottom','data-aos-delay': '400','data-aos': 'fade',}); $('.triptyque__card').attr({'data-aos-enable': 'true','data-aos': 'fade','data-aos-anchor-placement': 'center-bottom',}); $('.diptyque__card2').attr({'data-aos-enable': 'true','data-aos': 'fade','data-aos-delay': '400','data-aos-anchor-placement': 'center-bottom',}); $('body').addClass('oxygen-aos-enabled'); }); AOS.init({}); window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); } function delay(n) { n = n || 2000; return new Promise((done) => { setTimeout(() => { done(); }, n); }); } // Preload Animation function pageTransition_init() { var tl = gsap.timeline(); tl.set(".footer-main", {display: "none"}); tl.set(".logo-img-pre", {y:100}); tl.set(".loading-screen", {bottom: "-100%", opacity: 1}); tl.to(".loading-screen", {duration: 1.7, height: "100%", bottom: "0%", ease: "Expo.easeInOut",}); tl.to("#video_home_top video", {duration: 0, display: "block"}); tl.to(".header-main", {duration: 0, display: "block"}); tl.to(".footer-main", {duration: 0, display: "block"}); tl.to(".logo-img-pre", {duration: 0.7, delay:-0.7 , y:0, opacity:1, ease:"power4",}); tl.to(".loading-screen", {duration: 1, delay:1, height: "100%", bottom: "100%", ease: "power4",}); tl.to(".logo-img-pre", {duration: 0.3, delay:-1, opacity: 0, display:"none"}); return tl; } // Transition Functions function pageTransition() { var tl = gsap.timeline(); tl.set(".loading-screen", {bottom: "-100%", opacity: 1}); tl.to(".loading-screen", {duration: 1.2, height: "100%", bottom: "0%", ease: "Expo.easeInOut",}); tl.to(".loading-screen", {duration: 1, height: "100%", bottom: "100%", ease: "Expo.easeInOut",}); return tl; } function load_video() { const list_videos = document.getElementsByTagName("video"); for (var i = 0; i < list_videos.length; i++) { list_videos[i].load(); console.log(list_videos[i].readyState); } } jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { "use strict"; jQuery('html, body').animate({scrollTop:0}); var masterTimeline = new gsap.timeline(); masterTimeline .add(pageTransition_init()) .add(video_text_animation(), "-=1"); $(function () { barba.init({ sync: true, transitions: [ { async leave(data) { const done = this.async(); pageTransition(); await delay(1000); done(); } , enter(data) { jQuery('html, body').animate({scrollTop:0}); load_video(); var tl = gsap.timeline(); tl.set("#video_home_top video", {duration: 0, display: "block"}); tl.to(".header-main", {duration: 0, display: "block"}); tl.to(".footer-main", {duration: 0, display: "block"}); } }, ], views: [{ namespace: 'index', beforeEnter(data) { document.body.classList.add("oxy-overlay-header"); add_scripts(); switch_footer(); animation_scroll_text(); video_animation(); }, } }); }); });
  14. I am trying to animate an object from mid screen to slide up out of screen and at same time animate other object into mid screen from slide bottom. Similar to any vertical slider. This is the reference: https://appshah.com
  15. Good Day All! I am writing because I have recently ran into a problem with the Club Greensock plugins in a project. Basically the story is as follows: I have a React project that is running on Next.js and is deployed on Vercel. Their pipeline is integrated to GitHub and all you have to do is push changes to your remote repo and it is built and deployed automatically by Vercel. As a side note, the flow is quite amazing and it is worth checking out... So I have recently added the Club Greensock plugins to the project and they are working like magic on the local server, the plugins really are amazing! However, whenever I deploy I am getting the following error since I am git-ignoring the tarball as I have read a couple of comments by the GSAP team asking not to upload the files to GitHub: error "./gsap-bonus.tgz": Tarball is not in network and can not be located in cache (["/vercel/3c5442f4/gsap-bonus.tgz","/vercel/.cache/yarn/v6/npm-gsap-3.4.1-b86fc24265bbb3738ad1efb8f7bd4b2aa4a38a20/node_modules/gsap/.yarn-tarball.tgz"]) I have read some posts in the forums but the suggestions and fixes don't seem to apply to this particular case. I am thinking that a quick fix could be if by any chance the plugins are deployed as a private NPM package. I really don't have any other ideas at the moment... Please, please, please let me know if anyone else has run into a similar issue and what solutions have you devised/come across!
  16. Hi. I'm quite new to GSAP and Gatsby (first time using gatsby and second time with GSAP), GSAP is quite buggy with me. Sometimes animations trigger, sometimes not. I followed the NPM usage guide you put on this site, except this step, which might or might not be the problem but I want to exhaust all options before I ask for further help: I'm sorry if this is not GSAP specific. I just want to understand the above code segment so I can know how to translate it properly in Gatsby's config. Transpilers, Bundlers, Webpack, Babel still confuse the heck out of me since I'm a newbie developer still. ? Gatsby's and Webpack's docs don't show an option like this so I'm not sure how to approach this. Can someone tell me how to do that in Gatsby? Thank you for this amazing library it's been a joy to use (outside Gatsby at least!).
  17. Hi, I'm creating a simple polygon svg shape, and using it to mask an image using the clip-path:url(#id) method. I'm then trying to animate this using GSAP. This works fine, except in FireFox, where no animation occurs. This can be viewed at this codepen: http://codepen.io/rorytawn/pen/OVeWNB. All I'm trying to animate is simple 2D transforms like x and scale. I know FireFox has some issues with clip-path, so I tried animating the same shape, when it is not used as a mask, and that works fine in FireFox. So the issue is something to do with animating the svg when it is assigned to clip-path. I tried another example using GSAPs AttrPlugin, which does work in all browsers including FireFox. Codepen here: http://codepen.io/rorytawn/pen/MwMbVx. But as far as I'm aware, this won't allow me to animate using css features, rotation, skew etc. If anyone can please point me in the right direction to get the first example to work in FireFox it would be much appreciated! Many thanks!
  18. Hi, Can someone help please!!!! I am currently having an issue with Barba + GSAP on page transition. It work fine on the first page, when clicking on different link the scrollTrigger doesn't work... it load the animation before scrolling to the viewport. I've tried to Reset & Kill -> contentTl.kill(true) but it didn't work. Thank you. That's the link for codepen -> https://codepen.io/william_bella/project/editor/AxLLKq
  19. Feature lists don't always tell the story in a way that's relevant to you as the developer/designer in the trenches, trying to get real work done for real clients. You hear about theoretical benefits of CSS animations or some fancy new library that claims to solve various challenges, but then you discover things fall apart when you actually try to use it or the API is exceedingly cumbersome. You need things to just work. .expander { cursor: pointer; font-weight: 400; position: relative; } section .card{ padding-bottom: 6px; margin-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 35px; padding-top: 6px; box-shadow: none; } .expandable-list { padding-left: 0; } .expandable-content { padding: 0; height: 0; overflow: hidden; } .expander-button { position: absolute; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #BBB; width: 15px; height: 15px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; border: 1px solid #FFF; margin-top: 8px; /* vertically center with heading top: 50%; margin-top: -9px; */ left: -8px; margin-left: -18px; font-size: 0px; } .expander-plus, .expander-minus { position: absolute; background-color: #FFF; display: block; } .expander-plus { width: 1px; height: 7px; left: 6px; top: 3px; } .expander-minus { width: 7px; height: 1px; top: 6px; left: 3px; } .project-post p { font-family: "Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; } .project-post h2 { padding-top: 16px; margin-bottom: 10px; } .expPoint, .project-post .expList li { font-size: 1.1em; list-style: none; line-height: normal; margin: 0px 0px 0px 8px; padding: 6px 4px 4px 20px; position:relative; border: 1px solid rgba(204,204,204,0); } .expPoint, .expContent { font-family: "Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; } .expPoint:hover, .project-post .expList li:hover { background-color:white; border: 1px solid rgb(216,216,216); } .expContent { height: 0px; overflow: hidden; color: #656565; font-size: 0.9em; line-height: 150%; font-weight: normal; margin: 5px 0px 0px 0px; padding-top: 0px; } .toggle { width:6px; height:8px; position:absolute; background-image:url(/_img/toggle_arrow.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; left: 9px; top: 12px; } .expMore { color: #71b200; text-decoration: underline; font-size:0.8em; } #featureAnimation, #featureBox { background-color:#000; border: 1px solid #333; height: 220px; overflow:hidden; line-height: normal; font-size: 80%; } #featureAnimation { position:relative; visibility:hidden; } #featureBox { position:absolute; } #featureAnimation, #featureBox, #whyGSAP, .featureTextGreen, .featureTextWhite { width: 838px; } #whyGSAP, .featureTextGreen, .featureTextWhite { text-align: center; } #whyGSAP, .featureTextGreen, .featureTextWhite { font-size:50px; position:absolute; font-family: "Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; top:0; } .featureTextGreen { color:#91e600; font-weight: bold; } .featureTextWhite { color:white; font-weight:normal; } .star { position: absolute; width: 16px; height: 16px; display: none; } #browserIcons { top:64px; left: 100px; width: 92px; height: 92px; position: absolute; text-align:left; } #browserIcons img { position:absolute; } .featureTextMinor { color:#CCCCCC; font-weight:normal; font-size:20px; position:absolute; font-family: "Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; visibility:hidden; } .dot { position:absolute; background-color: #91e600; } #ctrl_slider { position:absolute; width: 725px; height:10px; left:18px; top:196px; background: rgba(80,80,80,0.3); border:1px solid rgba(102,102,102,0.5); visibility:hidden; } Why GSAP? Performance Compatibility Other tools fall down in older browsers, but GSAP is remarkably compatible. Scale, rotate & move independently (impossible with CSS animations/transitions) XNJYHQLJYQEW CSS, canvas libraries, colors, beziers, etc. Total control pause(), play(), reverse(), or timeScale() any tween or sequence. GSAP The standard for HTML5 animation replay
  20. Hi folks, I've been using scrollmagic for my scroll based animations. And I've just started to learn GSAP ScrollTrigger. With Scrollmagic, I've achieved a scroll animation as seen below. It has 3 sections with repeated elements - a title, paragraph and a image for each section. I've used two separate timelines for scroll in and scroll out actions. I'd love to learn, how this exact same animation is done in with scrollTrigger? Is there a easy way to do this using ScrollTrigger? Thanks GSAP team for ScrollTrigger and the great support to this community.
  21. With over 120,000 posts in the popular GreenSock forums, we've noticed some common mistakes that you'd be wise to avoid. We threw in a few tips as well. Here is a summary of the mistakes: Creating from() logic issues Using fromTo() when from() or to() would work Not setting ALL transforms with GSAP Not using xPercent and yPercent Recreating animations over and over Adding tweens to completed timelines Not using loops Importing things incorrectly Using CSS transitions and GSAP on the same properties Using the old/verbose syntax Creating from() logic issues It's usually smart to use .to() and .from() tweens instead of .fromTo() because they're more dynamic - they pull either the starting or ending values from whatever they happen to CURRENTLY be at the time that tween renders for the first time. It’s one of the tips in the article on animating efficiently. But be careful because that dynamic nature can bite you in a few scenarios. First, keep in mind that .from() tweens go from the provided value to the current value. Take a look at this example: See the Pen Illustrating .from() effects - Part 1 by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. Try clicking it one time and letting it play. It works, fading in the element. Now try clicking it multiple times right after each other. The box stops showing up because it uses the current opacity as the end point which, if the animation has not completed, is some value less than 1. The fix for this is simple: use a .fromTo(). Alternatively you could create the animation beforehand and use a control method (we'll talk more about this approach later in this article). See the Pen Illustrating .from() effects - Part 1 by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. Second, keep in mind that by default immediateRender is true by default for .from() and .fromTo() tweens because that's typically the most intuitive behavior (if you're animating from a certain value, it should start there right away). But if you create a .from() tween after a .to() tween affecting the same properties of the same object, try to figure out what will happen: const tl = gsap.timeline() tl.to(".box", {x: 100}); tl.from(".box", {x: 100}); You might expect the box to animate x from 0 to 100 and then back to 0. Or maybe you'd expect it to animate from 0 to 100 and then stay at 100. Let’s see what happens: See the Pen Illustrating .from() effects - Part 1 by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. The box animates x from 100 to 100 and then back to 0. Why is that? By default .to() tweens wait to render until their playhead actually moves (it's a waste of CPU cycles to render at a time of 0 because nothing will have changed). But since from() has immediateRender: true, x jumps to 100 immediately on the current tick! Then it runs the .to() tween on the next tick (since it’s first in the timeline) and records the current starting value which is 100! So it animates 100 to 100 over 0.5 seconds. Then it runs the .from() tween which has the cached value of 0 as the end value. If you have several timelines affecting the same element, situations like this can be a little tricky to catch. So just be mindful of how things work when using .to() and .from() tweens. They’re very powerful but with power comes responsibility. A simple solution here is to set immediateRender: true on the .to() tween, or immediateRender: false on the .from() tween. The third situation is similar but involves repeatRefresh and repeats. Let’s say you have a situation where you want a looped animation that fades in some text and fades it out. You could create a timeline, use a .from() to fade in the text, then use a .to() to fade it out: const tl = gsap.timeline({repeat:-1}); tl.set(".text", { color: "random([green, gray, orange, pink])" }, 2); tl.from(chars, { opacity: 0 }); tl.to(chars, { opacity: 0 }); This will work just fine! Here’s the same thing but staggered using SplitText to make it look a little nicer: See the Pen Fade in and out text by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. But this only randomizes the colors at the start. What if we want new random values each repeat? That’s where repeatRefresh comes in. Let’s add repeatRefresh: true to see what happens: See the Pen Random on Reset (wrong way) by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. The animation plays correctly the first time but after that the elements don’t fade in a second time! Why is that? repeatRefresh uses the end values of the animation as the starting values of the next iteration. In this case, the opacity of our text elements are all 0 at the end. So when the animation gets to the .from() the second time around, the opacity animates from a value of 0 to a value of 0 since the tween is relative. What we want to do instead is always animate from a value of 0 to a value of 1 so here the easiest fix is to use a .fromTo(): See the Pen Random on Reset by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. Now it does what we want. There are other solutions like using a .set() before the .from() but most often it’s easiest to just use a .fromTo() in cases like this. Using fromTo() when from() or to() would work If you can, it's better for performance, maintainability, and ease to use relative tweens like .from() or .to(). So don't use .fromTo() unless you need to. .fromTo() tweens aren't bad, but should only be used when needed. Not setting ALL transforms with GSAP If you are going to animate an element with GSAP, even the initial transform values (including on SVG elements) should be set with GSAP because it delivers better: Accuracy - The browser always reports computed values in pixels, thus it's impossible for GSAP to discern when you use another unit like % or vw in your CSS rule. Also, computed values are in matrix() or matrix3d() which are inherently ambiguous when it comes to rotation and scale. The matrix for 0, 360, and 720 degrees are identical. A scaleX of -1 results in the same matrix as something with rotation of 180 degrees and scaleY of -1. There are infinite combinations that are identical, but when you set transform-related values with GSAP, everything is saved in a perfectly accurate way. Performance - GSAP caches transform-related values to make things super fast. Parsing all of the components from a computed value is more expensive. If you are worried about a flash of unstyled content, you can handle that by using a technique that hides the element initially and then shows it via JavaScript as this post covers. Or you can set the initial styles with CSS rules and ALSO set them in GSAP. Not using xPercent and yPercent Did you know that you can combine percentage-based translation and other units? This is super useful if, for example, you'd like to align the center of an element with a particular offset, like {xPercent: -50, yPercent: -50, x: 100, y: 300}. We often see people use percent values in the x and y properties which is technically possible but can cause confusion at times. For example, if you set x and y to "-50%" and then later you set xPercent: -50, you'd see it move as if it's at xPercent: -100 because the x and xPercent both have -50%. Whenever you're setting a percentage-based translation, it's typically best to use the xPercent and yPercent properties. // Not recommended x: "50%", y: "50%", // Recommended xPercent: 50, yPercent: 50 Recreating animations over and over Creating your tweens and timelines beforehand has several advantages: Performance - Instead of having to create them right as they’re needed, you can do it ahead of time. Additionally, you need fewer instances of animations. Most of the time you’d never notice, but it’s good practice. Simplified logic - This is especially true when related to user interaction events. Freedom - Want to pause an animation when an event happens? Do it. Want to reverse an animation when the user does something? No problem. This sort of thing is much more difficult to handle when you create animations inside of event callbacks. Most of the time when you create animations beforehand, you will want to keep them paused until they’re needed. Then you can use control methods like .play(), .pause(), .reverse(), .progress(), .seek(), .restart(), and .timeScale() to affect their play state. Here’s a simple example: See the Pen Playing and reversing an animation on hover by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. For more information related to creating animations beforehand, you can see the animating efficiently article. One exception to this rule is when you need things to be dynamic, like if the initial values may vary. For example, if you’re animating the height of the bars in a chart between various states and the user may click different buttons quickly, it’d make sense to create the animation each time to ensure they flow from whatever the current state is (even if it's mid-tween) like the demo below. See the Pen Playing and reversing an animation on hover by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. If you're animating dynamically to a new position that's updated very frequently, you might want to consider the gsap.quickTo() method. Adding tweens to completed timelines A common pattern of mistakes that I’ve seen goes like this: const tl = gsap.timeline() tl.to(myElem, { x: 100 }); myElem.addEventListener("click", () => tl.to(myElem, { x: 300 }) ); Did you catch the mistake? If you add new tweens to a timeline that is already completed, they won’t be called unless you re-run the timeline. Almost always in these situations you should just use control methods for a previously created animation or create a new animation instead (not using an existing timeline) following the guidelines that we covered in the previous section. Not using loops If you want to apply the same effect to multiple elements (sections, cards, buttons, etc.) when a certain event happens to each one, you should almost always use a loop. For example, don’t use a selector like "button" when you want it to affect just one button. For example, if you wanted to fire an effect when each button is clicked: // BAD: immediately animates ALL buttons at once! gsap.effects.explode("button", { direction: "up", duration: 3 }); // GOOD: animation is specific to each button, and only when clicked gsap.utils.toArray("button").forEach(btn => btn.addEventListener("click", () => gsap.effects.explode(btn, { direction: "up", duration: 3 })) }); Inside of this loop, you can use a selector that is scoped to the given element so that you're only getting things INSIDE that element. For example: gsap.utils.toArray(".container").forEach(container => { let info = container.querySelector(".information"), silhouette = container.querySelector(".silhouette .cover"), tl = gsap.timeline({ paused: true }); tl.to(info, { yPercent: 0 }) .to(silhouette, { opacity: 0 }, 0); container.addEventListener("mouseenter", () => tl.play() ); container.addEventListener("mouseleave", () => tl.reverse() ); }); See the Pen Who&#39;s That Pok&eacute;mon? - forEach example demo by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. Importing GSAP incorrectly A common issue people face when using GSAP in a module environment is importing GSAP or its plugins incorrectly. Most of the time import errors error can be avoided by thoroughly reading the relevant parts of the installation page. I won't copy all of the details into this post, but be sure to make use of that page if you're facing any sort of import error. It even has a very handy GSAP install helper tool that can generate the correct import code to use in most environments. Using CSS transitions and GSAP on the same properties You should definitely avoid having CSS transitions applied to elements that you're animating with GSAP. That's terrible for performance because the browser would constantly be interrupting things. For example, let's say you animate width to 500px from 100px. On every single tick (requestAnimationFrame), GSAP would set the interpolated value but the CSS transition would basically say "NOPE! I won't let you do that yet...I'm gonna transition to that new value over the course of ____ seconds..." and it'd start interpolating. But on the very next tick, GSAP would set a new value and CSS transitions would interrupt and start over again, going to that new value. Over and over and over. That would not only add a bunch of stress to the browser, but it'd slow things down regarding the overall timing of the animation. For example, if the GSAP tween has a duration of 1 second and the CSS transition is also set to 1 second, that means it'd stop moving after TWO seconds! Using the old/verbose syntax Drop the Lite/Max I regularly see people using the old syntax even though they are loading GSAP 3. Old habits die hard. Even though the old syntax still technically works, the new modern GSAP 3 syntax is sleeker and simpler. Plus the old syntax won't be supported in GSAP 4 (which is far off in the future, but it's still a good idea to write future-friendly code). For example instead of using something that has Lite/Max in it, just use gsap: // old TweenLite.to() TweenMax.from() new TimelineMax() // new gsap.to() gsap.from() gsap.timeline() Use the string form for eases The shorter string form of eases requires less typing and lets you avoid extra import statements in module environments. // old Power2.easeOut Sine.easeInOut // new "power2" // The default is .out "sine.inOut" Duration belongs in the vars parameter Putting the duration inside of the vars parameter does require a bit more typing, but it makes things more readable and intuitive. GSAP’s defaults and effects are very helpful but you can’t make use of them if you’re putting the duration as the second parameter. // old gsap.to(elem, 1, { x: 100 }); // new gsap.to(elem, { duration: 1, x: 100}); // using GSAP’s defaults: const tl = gsap.timeline({ defaults: { duration: 1 } }); tl.to(elem, { x: 100 }); // no duration necessary! tl.to(elem, { y: 100, duration: 3 }); // easily overwrite the default value For a more full listing of changes in GSAP 3, check out the GSAP 3 Migration Guide. Numerical values don’t usually need to be strings For example if you want to set the x transform to 100 pixels, you don’t need to say x: "100px", you can just say x: 100. Simple! The only time when you need to pass numerical values as strings are if you need to change the unit (like x: "10vw") or pass in a complex value (like transformOrigin: "0px 50px"). The target of a tween can be a selector string I often see people do something like this: gsap.to(document.querySelectorAll(".box"), { x: 100 }); Or even with jQuery: gsap.to($(".box"), { x: 100 }); Both of the above will work but could be simplified by passing a selector string in as the target; GSAP will automatically use .querySelectorAll() to get a list of all of the elements that match. So the above can be written simple as gsap.to(".box", { x: 100 }); You could also pass in a complex selector string like ".box, .card" and it will select all boxes and cards. Or use an Array of elements so long as they are of the same type (selector string, variable reference, generic object, etc.). Conclusion So how'd you do? Is your GSAP code clear of these common mistakes? Hopefully you learned a few things. As always, if you need any help, the GreenSock forums are a fantastic resource. We love to help people develop their animation superpowers. If you're looking for another great learning resource, read how to animate efficiently! Now go forth and tween responsibly!
  22. Hi there, I'm new to animating using Gsap and I'm planning to integrate it to Nextjs together with Scrollmagic, however, I'm unsure of how to do it. I keep getting error when trying to use tween staggerFrom property. It keeps saying it doesn't exist. If anyone have experience the same issue as me and manage to find a fix, do let me know in the comments. Thank you. Edit: I managed to figure out how to do it. Thank you all for your help
  23. Hi All, I want the same effect like this: http://www.arkleboyce.co.uk/ I am a beginner with GSAP as well as JS. I have tried this here https://codepen.io/SumitKKundu/pen/xxZJrOE , I could change the content based on current element on viewport on scroll but that is not working properly. Please help me to archive this effect using GSAP and ScrollTrigger. Thanks, Sumit
  24. Hey there ? I have no real idea of what I'm doing when it comes to javascript, but I'm totally hooked on the interactions and animations that are possible when using it. And today I discovered GSAP, which seems to tie all that stuff together very nicely. So here I am asking for help, trying to implement GSAP into my most recent 'Project'. What I'm trying to do is replicate an interaction on the Wieden + Kennedy home page. The closer your cursor gets to the featured project title (lower left of the screen) the more it's underline grows. When the cursor reaches the project title, the underline reaches it's full length, and underlines the project title. I'll also point out that it doesn't matter where your cursor is hovered on that featured project title, the underline stays at it's maximum value. (Something I've been having trouble figuring out) [It's definitely easier to see this in action than to read my crappy explanation of it, so it might be worth clicking the link up there] Phewf. After piecing together sections of code from around the web, and before I discovered GSAP. This is what I had. https://codepen.io/samuelhigginson/pen/MWKBjJm It's.. kind of something that works? But there are a couple of things that aren't quite right. My line starts to get going as soon as the cursor enters the viewport. On W+K's page there seems to be some kind of 'Trigger Div' which initiates the interaction. My line only reaches 100% when the cursor is exactly in the centre of the Project Title. W+K have a much more satisfying 'Hover anywhere on the Project Title' thing going on. If the window resizes, the distances change and things go wrong. And the final difference I can spot, and what ultimately led me to GSAP. That delicious easing. My lines width is a scaled replication of the cursors distance from the Project Title. What W+K have, is a buttery smooth, slippery sliming line. And I'm all about that. So I got to googling and came across this post, here on the GreenSock forum. I noticed some similarities between the solution offered there and what I had going on, so I forked the pen and started trying to merge that solution with my own. And I ended up with this. https://codepen.io/samuelhigginson/pen/LYGgaab?editors=1111 Not great. But.. not totally disgusting? I know I've probably over complicated this massively, and my approach and calculations are probably way off. But this is all my perfectly smooth brain can manage, for now. So I'm reaching out to you people with the GreenSocks and asking for help. Anything you can suggest to get this little line dancing would be greatly appreciated. Cheers.
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