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Lionel Sirvel

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  1. Hi Jack, Thank you for your prompt reply. I am trying to implement the above solution since yesterday. But I am running into some issues. As mentioned in the documentation in NPM section, download the bonus zip file and in the "npm-install-this" directory, copy the "gsap-bonus.tgz" file and drop it in the project directory and simply hit "npm install ./gsap-bonus.tgz" command Please find attached the screenshots below. I even tried the second solution by creating a new custom library and pointing this directory https://github.com/greensock/GSAP/tree/master/types to that, but with no success. Am I missing something major in this process?
  2. Hi All, I am currently trying to create an animation using gsap libraries for the very first time...For which I have included the gsap external library from preferences in Phpstorm...pfa the screenshot below Its works just fine on Codepen...you can find the link below Is gsap compatible with PhpStorm?...because the syntax is not getting detected in the IDE....and I am stuck halfway..Your help would be greatly appreciated Thanks, Lionel Sirvel
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