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Found 6 results

  1. I have been stuck here for a week. I'm trying to make a scroll snap from section 1 to section 2 with a delay time for exit animation and reverse. From section 2 to section 4 it can be a normal scroll. I'm using overflow: hidden that I can't let it go. This is the reason that I think it prevents me from scrolling snap and normal scroll. The scroll way I try to achieve is exactly the same as this website: David | Creative Developer (david-hckh.com) Here is the codesandbox : https://codesandbox.io/s/scroll-rfjx9k How can I achieve this ? Please help me with this....
  2. Hi Friends, im trying to achieve this simple effects using scroll pinning and scroll trigger. So based on my codepen i have a div which holds 5 sections which i want to animate. So for my first section, when top of the viewport touches the top of the section 1 it will pin that section then the .section-1-content-wrapper will animate from left to right (this one is working as expected) Then when i continue to scroll to section 2, when the viewport touches the top of section 2 it will pin that section then the .section-2-content-wrapper will animate from bottom to top (this one is working as expected) Then when it comes to section 3, this one however gave me a little issue, whereby the start of the animation cant seem to stay at the top of the section 3, it will continue to move up and stick so near to the end of section 2 animation as i scroll down which is not what i want, i want it to stay at the top of the following section. Like the one when i scroll from section 1 to 2, the start of the animation will stick to the top of the following section. Basically aside from section 1 , i want the animation to be similar to section 2 which is moving the content from bottom to top for the rest of the sections Another thing is i noticed that i have been repeatedly declare this gsap.to(), and i not sure will it affect the code performance. I am really new to this GSAP animation, and this issue had me scratching my head. I hope you all could help me. Thank you so much.
  3. I am confused with gsap.to moving to coordinates. I have a game board with 182 tiles and 182 playing tiles. The goal When the user clicks the bag, a random playing tile is selected and is "supposed" to move over the tile on the board. The CodePen example is just testing for column A and B. Note: SVG image was create in Inkscape.
  4. Hey ya'll, New to gsap and draggable, trying to mimic a "Pull Down to Dismiss" effect like you will commonly see in native mobile apps. I am sure I am doing to something wrong and could really use some guidance. I have to set my animation duration unrealistically high to accomplish the effect which makes using the then promise from gsap.to - overall where I am at feels hacky, but I can't seem to find a good path in docs. Below is an example of what I am hoping to achieve on all popular mobile browsers: Pen:
  5. Hello Guys, I have used the gsap marquee effect but I am getting some issue when marquee effect repeats. It is working fine on first time when it repeat the second time, it shows some gap and after some time it shows the content. I want to make it smooth and infinite loop without any gap. I am unable to fix this issue. Anybody please help me on this? I will appreciate your help. Thanks in advance!
  6. I am using gsap to change the position of camera in threejs . I need to control the speed of gsap.to() . Below is my code for changing the position gsap.to( camera.position, { duration: 1, y: 5, } ); Now I need to control the movement speed of it. How to do that. Thanks in advance.
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