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  1. I have been stuck here for a week. I'm trying to make a scroll snap from section 1 to section 2 with a delay time for exit animation and reverse. From section 2 to section 4 it can be a normal scroll. I'm using overflow: hidden that I can't let it go. This is the reason that I think it prevents me from scrolling snap and normal scroll. The scroll way I try to achieve is exactly the same as this website: David | Creative Developer (david-hckh.com) Here is the codesandbox : https://codesandbox.io/s/scroll-rfjx9k How can I achieve this ? Please help me with this....
  2. I have my page where every section needs to be 100vh height and have a `scroll-snap` effect, but the footer needs to be `fixed overlapping` from the bottom. I added minimal reproduction, but when you want to stop scrolling the footer, the page jumps on top; sometimes, it just stops on the footer and only scrolls on the footer. Something magical is happening here, please help me) Also, I tried to move the snap effect to GSAP (based on this codepen — https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/NWxNEwY ), but it started lagging very hard (maybe because of the Three.js model in the background), and on iPhone, scrollAnimation started to be limited to only 60fps (on Pro versions, where we have ProMotion 120Hz, it is very ragged). Will be very grateful for some help with this ☺️
  3. Hello, wonderful community. I am working on a project where I need scroll snapping but it has horizontal scroll and vertical scroll both, I got example of horizontal scroll with snapping to next section but I am not able to do it altogether. In this codepen only horizontal snapping is working. I need scroll snap work for whole page includes horizontal sections and vertical sections both. Help is appreciated always ?
  4. Hi everyone, I have some trouble with my project. I'm trying to mix Observer and Scrolltrigger. I have a body with overflow: hidden to disable the native scroll of HTML. I am using a manual scroll with a Scrolltrigger. But I'm facing a problem when it becomes the manual scroll. It doesn't run onEnter and onEnterBack then using Observer to snap back. How can I make onEnter and onEnterBack run while keeping overflow: hidden in the body and the manual scroll?
  5. Hi, First of all thanks a lot creating super animation library. I am newbie here. So i am facing the issue related to Pinning and Scroll Snapping. Here is the CASE. So there are a big image which will be first pin on first scroll once user scroll more that image will be go towards left and fit as per given the X and Y values and once it sets the summary text is appearing so this is the main issue here, I have used the CSS properties for scroll snapping but when that summary screen appears the page scroll is locking and once the summary divs are finish the the page scroll is stuck until we move our cursor. I tried to achieve the same effect using snap but no luck. Please help me. thanks in advance.
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