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  1. @Rodrigo, I have updated the recent code in this snippet where the issue is coming, https://stackblitz.com/edit/vitejs-vite-eh6mh5?file=src%2FApp.jsx
  2. @Rodrigo, yes I have made a minimal demo but in my actual react project it is happening like that. here is the video https://www.loom.com/share/42d949af51bb40b48fa0fe1fb962f3ed?sid=7538ed5f-9c14-4706-9444-745e32412ba8
  3. Hey Guys @mvaneijgen @Rodrigo, Thanks a lot you guys are awesome. Now I understand the thing but one last thing I wanted to ask, at the end sometimes the function takes time to regenerate the elements it shows blank space for a while.
  4. Hi @mvaneijgen, I have the similar kind of issue so not creating new post, Hope that's right and if not please correct me, I am having issue while I use this loop just before the end of the element the loop gets reset. https://codepen.io/EmpChirag/pen/NWQPvGb
  5. hey @Rodrigo, Finally I found the issue. It is happening due to use of if (ScrollTrigger.isTouch === 1) { ScrollTrigger.normalizeScroll(true); } And I have used this for some other section and also I took this solution from the thread and solution by you only So, I found this recent issue solution but if I remove the normalize scroll then the jerk issue starts comming.
  6. Hey @Rodrigo, I have made minimal code here with single page and all gsap code is there only. https://stackblitz.com/edit/vitejs-vite-bkssx8?file=src%2Fpages%2FHome%2Findex.jsx
  7. Namaste Guys, I have worked with quite many projects using gsap and recently found a very annoying issue in an old project. It is flickering a lot only while on low power mode in Iphone. I am attaching the video here. Please if you guys have any clue help me out. Here is the link of video https://www.loom.com/share/3d5d2721c3ab4c2a801dde2ee702d8ff and here is the url of website : https://ovecare.com/ Can anyone solve this issue?
  8. @Rodrigo I have put only 3 sections not whole site because the issue was mostly visible in that area.
  9. hi @Rodrigo since I can't recognise the particular section which is causing issue I have added top sections here. Your guidance is much needed. Thanks. https://stackblitz.com/edit/vitejs-vite-bkssx8?file=src%2Fpages%2FHome%2Findex.jsx
  10. Hey @Rodrigo Thanks. I have tried this but still the same. I doubt on what the @GreenSock is saying because, I have used gsap in many websites not all those are causing issue in the same scenario. i.e. https://solusent.com/
  11. Namaste Guys, I have worked with quite many projects using gsap and recently found a very annoying issue in an old project. It is flickering a lot only while on low power mode in Iphone. I am attaching the video here. Please if you guys have any clue help me out. Here is the link of video https://www.loom.com/share/3d5d2721c3ab4c2a801dde2ee702d8ff and here is the url of website : https://ovecare.com/
  12. Hi @Rodrigo, I have solved it using Promise. Something like this const imagesLoaded = () => { return new Promise((resolve) => { const images = document.querySelectorAll("img"); let loadedCount = 0; const totalImages = images.length; images.forEach((image) => { if (image.complete) { loadedCount++; } else { image.onload = () => { loadedCount++; if (loadedCount === totalImages) { resolve(); } }; } }); if (loadedCount === totalImages) { resolve(); } }); }; imagesLoaded().then(() => { ....gsap code here }
  13. Hi @Rodrigo, thanks for quick response. as per the example I need to bind the code in a function and call it on window load right? Here I did the same but It become worse, it just stopped all animations now. https://stackblitz.com/edit/vitejs-vite-wdrmst?file=src%2Fpages%2FHome%2Findex.jsx
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