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  1. Thanks Cassie, Works perfectly, and looks like Affinity Designer got a new sale . codepen Now it works as expected, back to game designing . . .
  2. Thank you, I thought that may be the problem, but manual editing would take hours with the final scene. I will try either one and get back to you ( on success ) . . .
  3. Thank you, I thought that may be the problem, but manual editing would take hours with the final scene. I will try either one and get back to you ( on success ) . . .
  4. Well, I have wasted a lot of time trying to figure out the problem. Also using different approaches like flip plugin. I accidentally stumbled on the issue, but have no idea how to fix it. The { duration: 1 } option is causing the problem, if I set it to zero it works as expected, with NO animation… have a look at my CodePen. https://codepen.io/simonatmuldev/pen/podNPyJ?editors=1111 if you change duration from 0 to 1 none of the tiles end up in the right place.
  5. I am confused with gsap.to moving to coordinates. I have a game board with 182 tiles and 182 playing tiles. The goal When the user clicks the bag, a random playing tile is selected and is "supposed" to move over the tile on the board. The CodePen example is just testing for column A and B. Note: SVG image was create in Inkscape.
  6. Flip would sound great if I was a ShockinglyGreen greenjsock member, but I'm not. So I'll have to stick with fromTo with
  7. Thanks for the advise. Working perfectly now
  8. I have added a simple codepen to the original post. basically I am creating a game board similar to scrabble. when the user clicks on their tile that corresponds to the board's tile number, in this example "A-1" with id of '#hex2" the tile moves over the existing board tile.
  9. is there a simple way to move one svg group (or object) over another group's (or object) coordinates using gsap ? The example in codepen moves the object relatively, however it would be ideal to moveto #hex1 position
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