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  1. Hi, I'm a novice when it come to this stuff but I've recently set up a holding page for a friend of mine and she wanted a video on it. However I found out that a video is no good in iOS devices as it starts off paused, and you have to click to play it. Therefore I started browsing the net to find a solution, which seemed to be to turn the video into an image sequence. Thats when I found this example codepen http://codepen.io/jamiejefferson/pen/aJcGl So I used the Javascript and bits of the CSS to create my code http://codepen.io/anon/pen/pgrQZO . However as you can see it is very glitchy? I've been trying to iron out the flickering but with no luck. Any ideas how to smooth it all out, as I'm really stuck!? Many Thanks in advance for any help! http://greenwich-design.co.uk/clients/guiltydolls/guilty_dolls2/
  2. Hello, I am working with a banner that is 970x418. I am trying to create a parallax effect on y-scroll (drag). In order to do this, I assume that: 1) I need to create a "container div" with a "foreground div" and "background div," foreground on top of the background. 2) Set the container itself to scroll/drag and affect both div's together. 3) Change the speed the background div to be a little slower, in order to give the parallax illusion. So far, I haven't found anything that shows me how to work with dragging one item and using the info of that item to affect the positioning of another. I've seen sites that give code libraries like scrollMagic, but they are not easy when it comes to finding out how to do specific things, only what is shown in their examples. Please help.
  3. Note: This page was created for GSAP version 2. We have since released GSAP 3 with many improvements. While it is backward compatible with most GSAP 2 features, some parts may need to be updated to work properly. Please see the GSAP 3 release notes for details. Since launching MorphSVGPlugin, we've made a bunch of improvements and exposed several new features. Here are the highlights... The challenge Before we dive into solutions, it helps to understand the tasks that MorphSVGPlugin must perform in order to work its magic: Convert the path data string into pure cubic Beziers Map all of the segments between the start and end shapes (match them up), typically based on size and position If there are more segments in one than the other, fabricate new segments and place them appropriately Subdivide any segments with mis-matching point quantities If a shapeIndex number isn't defined, locate the one that delivers the smoothest interpolation (shortest overall distance that points must travel). This involves looping through all the anchor points and comparing distances. Convert all the data back into a string Isolate the points that need to animate/change and organize a data structure to optimize processing during the tween. That may sound like a lot of work (and it is) but MorphSVGPlugin usually rips through it with blazing speed. However, if you've got a particularly complex path, you'll appreciate the recent improvements and the new advanced options: Performance tip #1: define a shapeIndex MorphSVGPlugin's default shapeIndex:"auto" does a bunch of calculations to reorganize the points so that they match up in a natural way but if you define a numeric shapeIndex (like shapeIndex:5) it skips those calculations. Each segment inside a path needs a shapeIndex, so multiple values are passed in an array like shapeIndex:[5,1,-8,2]. But how would you know what numbers to pass in? The findShapeIndex() tool helps for single-segment paths, what about multi-segment paths? It's a pretty complex thing to provide a GUI for. Typically the default "auto" mode works great but the goal here is to avoid the calculations, so there is a new "log" value that will act just like "auto" but it will also console.log() the shapeIndex value(s). That way, you can run the tween in the browser once and look in your console and see the numbers that "auto" mode would produce. Then it's simply a matter of copying and pasting that value into your tween where "log" was previously. For example: TweenMax.to("#id", 1, {morphSVG:{shape:"#otherID", shapeIndex:"log"}}); //logs a value like "shapeIndex:[3]" //now you can grab the value from the console and drop it in... TweenMax.to("#id", 1, {morphSVG:{shape:"#otherID", shapeIndex:[3]}}); Notes shapeIndex:"log" was added in MorphSVGPlugin version 0.8.1. A single segment value can be defined as a number or a single-element array, like shapeIndex:3 or shapeIndex:[3] (both produce identical results) Any segments that don't have a shapeIndex defined will always use "auto" by default. For example, if you morph a 5-segment path and use shapeIndex:2, it will use 2 for the first segment and "auto" for the other four. Performance tip #2: precompile The biggest performance improvement comes from precompiling which involves having MorphSVGPlugin run all of its initial calculations listed above and then spit out an array with the transformed strings, logging them to the console where you can copy and paste them back into your tween. That way, when the tween begins it can just grab all the values directly instead of doing expensive calculations. For example: TweenMax.to("#id", 1, {morphSVG:{shape:"#otherID", precompile:"log"}}); //logs a value like precompile:["M0,0 C100,200 120,500 300,145 34,245 560,46","M0,0 C200,300 100,400 230,400 100,456 400,300"] //now you can grab the value from the console and drop it in... TweenMax.to("#id", 1, {morphSVG:{shape:"#otherID", precompile:["M0,0 C100,200 120,500 300,145 34,245 560,46","M0,0 C200,300 100,400 230,400 100,456 400,300"]}}); As an example, here's a really cool codepen by Dave Rupert before it was precompiled: http://codepen.io/davatron5000/pen/meNOqK/. Notice the very first time you click the toggle button, it may seem to jerk a bit because the entire brain is one path with many segments, and it must get matched up with all the letters and figure out the shapeIndex for each (expensive). By contrast, here's a fork of that pen that has precompile enabled: http://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/MKevzM. You may noticed that it starts more smoothly. Notes precompile was added in MorphSVGPlugin version 0.8.1. Precompiling only improves the performance of the first (most expensive) render. If your entire morph is janky throughout the tween, it most likely has nothing to do with GSAP; your SVG may be too complex for the browser to render fast enough. In other words, the bottleneck is probably the browser's graphics rendering routines. Unfortunately, there's nothing GSAP can do about that and you'll need to simplify your SVG artwork and/or reduce the size at which it is displayed. The precompiled values are inclusive of shapeIndex adjustments. In other words, shapeIndex gets baked in. In most cases, you probably don't need to precompile; it's intended to be an advanced technique for squeezing every ounce of performance out of a very complex morph. If you alter the original start or end shape/artwork, make sure you precomple again so that the values reflect your changes. Better segment matching In version 0.8.1, there were several improvements made to the algorithm that matches up corresponding segments in the start and end shapes so that things just look more natural. So even without changing any of your code, loading the latest version may instantly make things match up better. map: "size" | "position" | "complexity" If the sub-segments inside your path aren't matching up the way you hoped between the start and end shapes, you can use the map special property to tell MorphSVGPlugin which algorithm to prioritize: "size" (the default) - attempts to match segments based on their overall size. If multiple segments are close in size, it'll use positional data to match them. This mode typically gives the most intuitive morphs. "position" - matches mostly based on position. "complexity" - matches purely based on the quantity of anchor points. This is the fastest algorithm and it can be used to "trick" things to match up by manually adding anchors in your SVG authoring tool so that the pieces that you want matched up contain the same number of anchors (though that's completely optional). TweenMax.to("#id", 1, {morphSVG:{shape:"#otherID", map:"complexity"}}); Notes map is completely optional. Typically the default mode works great. If none of the map modes get the segments to match up the way you want, it's probabaly best to just split your path into multiple paths and morph each one. That way, you get total control. Animate along an SVG path The new MorphSVGPlugin.pathDataToBezier() method converts SVG <path> data into an array of cubic Bezier points that can be fed directly into a BezierPlugin-based tween so that you can essentially use it as a motion guide. Watch the video Demo See the Pen pathDataToBezier() docs official by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. Morph back to the original shape anytime If you morph a path into various other shapes, and then you want to morph it back to its original shape, it required saving the original path data as a variable and feeding it back in later. Not anymore. MorphSVGPlugin records the original path data in a "data-original" attribute directly on the element itself, and then if you use that element as the "shape" target, it will automatically grab the data from there. For example: TweenMax.to("#circle", 1, {morphSVG:"#hippo"}); //morphs to hippo TweenMax.to("#circle", 1, {morphSVG:"#camel"}); //morphs to camel TweenMax.to("#circle", 1, {morphSVG:"#circle"}); //morphs back to circle. Conclusion We continue to be amazed by the response to MorphSVGPlugin and the creative ways we see people using it. Hopefully these new features make it even more useful. How do I get MorphSVGPlugin? If you're a "Shockingly Green" or "Business Green" Club GreenSock member, just download the zip from your account dashboard or the download overlay on GSAP-related page on this site. If you haven't signed up for Club GreenSock yet, treat yourself today.
  4. WANTED: An Experienced HTML5/JS Web Developer (who also specializes in using GSAP) Greetings GSAP Community, =D I am in the market for an experienced responsive, interactive, and/or animation web developer, who also considers themselves an expert in using GSAP? I am inexperienced in this field, but after researching to find exceptional information and reading many positive reviews holding GSAP in high regard, I am interested in hiring an experienced web developer to help bring an all-natural fully-layered vector map illustration to life on the web using GSAP? Basically, we have created an all-natural fully-layered vector map (perspective) illustration of an entire city/community/town/beach resort areas, but would love for it to have some constant moving elements and interactive elements to allow our target audience to become educated of how our business services operates? By chance, would anyone in the GSAP community forum have any recommendations on best way for us to find such a developer? Thank you very much for taking a few moments of your time to read my request for support in this matter and look forward to hearing from you. =) With Warmest Regards, Christopher
  5. Hey there. In my Project I use allot of Tweens. At a specific point it wish to reset all current tweens excluding a select few. I wish to store a variable on these Tween to exclude so when resetting all the current tweens these can be tracked an avoided. I've tried this sofar but when assigning the failed tag SStimer return undefined. Yet I can access this tween when using TweenMax.getAllTweens()[index]. Am i Missing something major here? trigger.SStimer = new TimelineMax({delay: 180}) .call(function () { console.log('Slow selection fired'); delete this }); trigger.SSTimer.failedTag = true;
  6. Hi there. I'm trying to call some code on an interaction, for example,on a close button click, but I want the code to execute only if certain conditions are met. I think I might have formatted that portion (the if statements) as AS3 (as that's what I'm more comfortable with). Can you take a look and tell me why my if statements aren't firing? It's a huge piece so a codepen would be tricky to recreate, but here is the code in question, hopefully it's enough to solve: function minimizeShoe() { //TweenMax.set("#plus1", {css:{zIndex:501}}); TweenMax.to("#panel2_box1", .35, {scaleX:0.334, scaleY:0.334, top:-17, left:0, delay:.2, transformOrigin:"left bottom", onComplete:layerShoe}); TweenMax.to("#panel2_info1", .15, {y:"+=128", delay:.1, force3D:false}); TweenMax.to("#plus1", .35, {y:"+=386", delay:.2}); TweenMax.to("#plus1_2", .35, {rotation:"-=90", delay:.2}); scale1.removeEventListener('click', minimizeShoe, false); } function minimizeJacket() { //TweenMax.set("#plus2", {css:{zIndex:501}}); TweenMax.to("#panel2_box2", .35, {scaleX:0.334, scaleY:0.334, top:-17, left:167, delay:.2, transformOrigin:"left bottom", onComplete:layerJacket}); TweenMax.to("#panel2_info2", .15, {y:"+=128", delay:.1, force3D:false}); TweenMax.to("#plus2", .35, {y:"+=386", x:"+=168", delay:.2}); TweenMax.to("#plus2_2", .35, {rotation:"-=90", delay:.2}); scale2.removeEventListener('click', minimizeJacket, false); } function minimizeFitbit() { //TweenMax.set("#plus3", {css:{zIndex:501}}); TweenMax.to("#panel2_box3", .35, {scaleX:0.334, scaleY:0.334, top:-17, left:333, transformOrigin:"left bottom", onComplete:layerFitbit}); TweenMax.to("#panel2_info3", .15, {y:"+=117", delay:.1, force3D:false}); TweenMax.to("#plus3", .35, {y:"+=386", x:"+=336"}); TweenMax.to("#plus3_2", .35, {rotation:"-=90"}); scale3.removeEventListener('click', minimizeFibit, false); } function layerShoe() { scaleText1.style.display = "none"; TweenMax.set("#plus2", {css:{zIndex:501}}); TweenMax.set("#plus3", {css:{zIndex:501}}); TweenMax.set("#panel2_box1", {css:{zIndex:500}}); scale1.addEventListener('click', scaleShoe, false); scale2.addEventListener('click', scaleJacket, false); scale3.addEventListener('click', scaleFitbit, false); expandBtn1.addEventListener('click', scaleShoe, false); expandBtn2.addEventListener('click', scaleJacket, false); expandBtn3.addEventListener('click', scaleFitbit, false); } function layerJacket() { TweenMax.set("#plus1", {css:{zIndex:501}}); TweenMax.set("#plus3", {css:{zIndex:501}}); scaleText2.style.display = "none"; TweenMax.set("#panel2_box2", {css:{zIndex:500}}); scale1.addEventListener('click', scaleShoe, false); scale2.addEventListener('click', scaleJacket, false); scale3.addEventListener('click', scaleFitbit, false); expandBtn1.addEventListener('click', scaleShoe, false); expandBtn2.addEventListener('click', scaleJacket, false); expandBtn3.addEventListener('click', scaleFitbit, false); } function layerFitbit() { TweenMax.set("#plus2", {css:{zIndex:501}}); TweenMax.set("#plus1", {css:{zIndex:501}}); scaleText3.style.display = "none"; TweenMax.set("#panel2_box3", {css:{zIndex:500}}); scale1.addEventListener('click', scaleShoe, false); scale2.addEventListener('click', scaleJacket, false); scale3.addEventListener('click', scaleFitbit, false); expandBtn1.addEventListener('click', scaleShoe, false); expandBtn2.addEventListener('click', scaleJacket, false); expandBtn3.addEventListener('click', scaleFitbit, false); } function ifStatements(){ if(scale1.position().y == 0) { minimizeShoe(); } if(scale2.position().y == 0) { minimizeJacket(); } if(scale3.position().y == 0) { minimizeFitbit(); } } function exitHandler(){ ifStatements(); } scale1, scale2, and scale3 are all variables of divs that get moved to the top - I want that checked with the if statement, and then it minimized using the minimize function I've created. It's all working great except the if statements they aren't executing properly. Hopefully this makes sense what I'm asking!
  7. I am trying to sync a short audio clip to fire at every 180px as a div scrolls horizontally. If this animation were linear, it would be easy...but I am using Power4.easeOut and I am not sure how to synchronize the audio clip with the rate of deceleration in the tween. Any help on this issue would be much appreciated! Essentially, I want the audio clip to fire every time one of those blue squares passes the green line in the middle (view codepen). $(document).ready(function() { // Animation Variables var target = $('.animation--scroll'); var animTime = 3; var random = Math.random() * 170; var rewardItem = $('.rewardItem-container'); // Audio Variables var scrollSound = new Audio('/img/animations/8bit_coin.wav'); // Animation Functions var tween = function(index) { TweenMax.to(target, animTime, { ease: Power4.easeOut, x: (index * -180) + 90 - random }); }; $('.toggle-animation').click(function() { tween(5); // this is where I want the sound to play, but in a loop at a decele // rated rate. scrollSound.play(); }); });
  8. I've been catching back up with Flash Pro and Greensock using the new Canvas and WebGL file formats. One thing I noticed is when I try to use relative numbers with Greensock I get unexpected results. In AS3 I would have use something like this TweenLite.to(mc, 1, {x:"500"}); and the mc would have moved 500px to the right of where it was sitting on the stage. When I use the same piece of code in Flash Pro in JS instead of AS3 TweenLite.to(this.mc, 1, {x:"500"}); The mc seems to move to a location that is far more then 500px and not always in the direction that I thought it would move.. Since I'm using Flash Pro I'm not sure I can recreate this in codepen? Again this might be an issue with CreateJs and not GSAP.
  9. I'm not 100% sure this is the correct place to post this. I have a question about Flash Pro CC 2015 when using the canvas file type. When I create a movieclip and set the registration point to the top left corner and place it on the stage. When I change the properties in the Properties panel and set the x and y values to 0 it moves to the top left corner like it should. But when I set these values using javascript this.mc.x = 0 and this.mc.y = 0; It uses the center point of the movie clip. So the top and left half of my mc are off of the stage. I'm not sure why this is. Does it have something to do with how the DOM reads the js file? I would like to have it when I write that code that it does the same thing as it does on the stage when i use the properties panel Thanks!
  10. My animation is slow but my various browser debugging tools don't show where the delay is happening. I will post again with specifics and a Codepen if this fails, but could someone take a look at my animation and tell me how they would approach understanding its performance? What tools do you use to see how long things are taking, how memory is being used, and where the bottlenecks are? http://catalyst.goodlookingsoftware.com/a/ Many thanks, Aaron
  11. Note: This page was created for GSAP version 2. We have since released GSAP 3 with many improvements including a much smaller file size! Please see the GSAP 3 release notes for details. In recent months, the whirlwind shift to HTML5 in the banner ad industry has prompted a slew of policy changes. Publishers and networks are scrambling to answer questions from designers who want to build things "properly" (a term whose meaning can vary wildly these days). Growing pains abound. Shortly after we published an article describing the state of affairs and offering recommendations for a path forward, the IAB released a draft of their new HTML5 ad specs which echoed many of those recommendations. For example, the file size limit for standard ads was raised to 200kb. This was cause for much celebration across the industry. But we're not out of the woods yet. There is still a persistent mindset about how we look at kilobytes that's crippling the web. This article aims to challenge the old paradigm and explain why it's so important to re-assess kilobyte costs. Why limit kilobytes? Conventional wisdom says that kilobytes have a direct impact on load times and consequently user experience. File size limits exist to promote better performance. Period. Does conventional wisdom apply the same way in the HTML5 era? As we modernize our kilobyte-count policies, let's remember what the goal is: performance...or more accurately, better user experience. Not all kilobytes are created equal HTML5 has unique strengths that challenge us to move beyond the simplistic "aggregate total file size" mentality of yesteryear. We need to look at kilobyte cost in a new, more nuanced way. There are four primary factors: Cache status When is 35kb not really 35kb? When it's cached. A cached file has absolutely zero bandwidth cost regardless of its size. It loads immediately. This is particularly relevant in banner ads because there are certain chores common to almost every ad (like animation management tasks) that can be encapsulated and shared among many, many banners. The end user only loads that shared resource once and then it's cached and completely "free" thereafter...for all ads pointing at that file...on all sites. Does it really make sense to penalize ads for using those ubiquitous shared resources even though they're so pervasively cached that they don't typically affect load performance? In the modern world, file size limits should apply to the banner-specific assets that have a direct impact on loading times, not standardized shared resources. Location Kilobytes loaded from a CDN (Content Delivery Network) are typically "faster" because they're geographically dispersed and automatically loaded from the closest server. Plus CDNs have inherent redundancies leading to better reliability. Spread 200kb spread across 24 files will take longer to download than 200kb spread across only 4 files. This isn't particularly relevant in the discussion about shared resources (which should be cached very quickly), but is an argument in favor of loading TweenMax rather than the combination of TweenLite, CSSPlugin, EasePack, and TimelineLite even though they collectively use fewer kilobytes. If the industry remains focused solely on aggregate total file size, it pushes designers/developers toward less capable solutions that use fewer kilobytes even though they don't necessarily affect load times and could be replaced by more robust options that allow more creative expression. Performance yield Some kilobytes are cheap in terms of the initial load but expensive for runtime execution. If our goal is better user experience, this factor should weigh heavily into the overall kilobyte cost equation. Would you rather have a banner that loads 200ms faster with janky animation or one that's super-smooth at runtime but takes a fraction of a second longer to load? Are publishers primarily concerned with displaying ads faster initially or ensuring that their site runs smoothly once loaded? Of course there are reasonable limits either way (waiting an extra 30 seconds for a huge file to load would be intolerable even if it made things run buttery smooth), but in most cases we're only talking about fractions of a second difference. For example, GSAP contains "extra" code that automatically GPU-accelerates transforms, applies lag smoothing, leverages 3D transform matrices, avoids layout thrashing, organizes things internally to make auto overwriting super fast, etc. - would removing those features for the sake of milliseconds on initial load (and zero savings once it's cached) be a step forward or backward? Incentivizing the wrong things If the IAB and publishers don't embrace a common set of shared resources that get excluded from file size calculations... It creates inefficiencies and redundancies - thousands of ads may each contain their own [duplicate] copy of a library like TweenMax, squandering valuable bandwidth. It penalizes the use of robust, industry-standard libraries in favor of custom JS and micro-libraries that probably aren't nearly as capable, well-tested, cached, compatible, or performant. When something breaks, it will be more difficult for the various ad networks and publishers to troubleshoot and support custom JS and diverse micro-libraries. Lots of APIs to learn (or in the case of custom JS, more advanced expertise would be required). GreenSock would likely need to create a minimalistic version of TweenMax that has a tiny subset of the features. We feel strongly that this is a step backward and explain why here. So ultimately, an "all-inclusive" file size policy could actually hurt load times as well as runtime performance. Yet the primary goal of file size limits is to protect performance. Hm. If the industry rallies behind a few popular, well-maintained and performant libraries, exempting them from file size calculations because of their ubiquity, it would not only deliver a better overall user experience, but also make it easier to create high quality banners. There would be fewer headaches for networks and publishers too. TweenMax (GSAP's largest file) technically weighs around 34kb but those kilobytes are the remarkably inexpensive kind. TweenMax is widely cached, it's on multiple CDNs, it packs various tools into a single file (zero "spread"), and it has an extremely high performance yield because of its many runtime performance optimizations. There are so many ads using it already that it has little or no effect on load times. Should it really cost banner ad designers/developers 34kb against their file size budgets? Is it wise to incentivize cooking up their own custom code for handling animation tasks instead? The good news Every major ad network we’ve contacted understands the value of shared resources and is very GSAP-friendly. In fact, virtually all of them have GSAP on their own CDNs and don't count its file size against ads unless the publisher insists otherwise (which is rare). One notable exception is Adwords, but we have been told they're working on a solution. Allows GSAP Excludes GSAP from file size calculation* Hosts GSAP on CDN Advertising.com/AOL YES YES YES Google DoubleClick YES YES YES Flashtalking YES YES YES Sizmek YES YES YES Flite YES YES YES Cofactor YES YES YES Adwords YES YES YES *Unless publisher objects which is uncommon Google DoubleClick is even pioneering a process that will automatically detect when GSAP is used in an ad and swap in its own CDN link to maximize caching benefits. Pretty cool stuff. Conclusion Let's embrace the unique strengths of HTML5 and modernize the way we count kilobyte costs. Let's support policies that incentivize better performance and user experience rather than a race to the smallest total file size for each individual ad. Caching, CDNs, kilobyte spread, and performance yield should all factor into the way we view kilobytes the HTML5 era. FAQ Isn't it unfair if the IAB only recommends a few popular libraries? What about newer or lesser-known libraries? This is an entirely valid concern. The list should be reviewed regularly and the IAB can assess each library's industry support, performance profile, compatibility, and track record for ongoing updates and bug fixes. New contenders could be submitted for consideration anytime. But remember that the key to realizing the performance benefits is keeping the list short so that caching is focused and pervasive. If there are too many "standardized" libraries, it dilutes caching and defeats the purpose. There's no way that everyone will agree on which libraries should be on the list but if we get hung up on not offending anyone or being afraid to appear biased, we'll miss the opportunity to move the industry forward. The list won't be perfect, but not having a list at all is much worse. What happens when a library gets updated? Wouldn't it need to be re-cached? Yes. And trust me - we want libraries to be updated somewhat regularly to work around new browser inconsistencies, patch library bugs, and implement new features that drive things forward. But these updates wouldn't need to interfere with existing or legacy ads - when a library is updated, a new CDN URL would be generated and new ads could optionally point to that version. Those ads would indeed trigger browsers to cache that new version but this should happen very quickly. Most likely within a matter of days the new version would be pervasively cached across the web. Yes, each end user would pay that kilobyte tax once on the first load and then it would be "free" thereafter. Would GreenSock still recommend this policy if GSAP wasn't included in the short list of exempt libraries? Absolutely. This isn't just about getting GSAP an exemption - this is what we believe is best for the industry overall even if GSAP isn't on the list.
  12. I've been using the 'scrollTo' plugin to scroll my divs, but now I need to implement that same functionality to affect an iframe. Is this possible?
  13. Hello! I'm creating a banner using Flash CC HTML5 canvas. What I do is adding animation code to each frame. After it completes I want the next frame to be played. I included two libs into the HTML file: EasePack.min.js TweenLite.min.js So at the current frame I am writing the following code (source file: test7.zip ): this.stop(); TweenLite.to(this.target, 1.35, {delay: 0.1, y: 180, ease:Elastic.easeInOut, onComplete: pplay } ); function pplay(){ this.play(); window.alert('123'); }; The frame is animated but it stops at the end instead of going to next frame. At this time the alert works, but I can not skip it - it's like a loop function. How can I get to the next frame? P.S. Previously I worked with greensock AS2 at Flash CS 6 - everything worked perfect. Best regards, Vital
  14. Note: This page was created for GSAP version 2. We have since released GSAP 3 with many improvements. While it is backward compatible with most GSAP 2 features, some parts may need to be updated to work properly. Please see the GSAP 3 release notes for details. The latest version of GSAP delivers some fun new features that open up entirely new animation possibilities. Check out the videos and demos below that show what's so exciting about 1.18.0. Here's a quick summary: New "cycle" property allows you to add rich variations to staggered animations Relative HSL color tweens (affect just the hue, saturation or lightness) Complex string tweening like "1px 5px rgb(255,0,0)" Numerous improvements and bug fixes (see github) New "cycle" property for staggered animations Have you ever wanted to animate a bunch of elements/targets and alternate between certain values (or even randomize them) in a staggered fashion? The new super-flexible "cycle" property does exactly that. Instead of defining a single value (like x:100, rotation:90), you can define an Array of values to cycle through (like cycle:{x:[100,-100], rotation:[30,60,90]}) or even use function-based values (like cycle:{x:function() { return Math.random() * 200; }}). The amount of functionality you can pack into a single line of code is staggering (pun intended). Demo: array-based and function-based "cycle" values See the Pen Basic staggerTo() using cycle by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. Advanced "cycle" effects with SplitText See the Pen SplitText with stagger and cycle by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. Caveats The cycle property is available only in the staggerTo(), staggerFrom(), and staggerFromTo() methods in TweenMax, TimelineLite and TimelineMax. When using function-based values the function will be passed an argument which represents the index of the current tween. Inside the function body, the scope (this) refers to the target of the current tween (see source of first demo above). Relative HSL color animation Have you ever wanted to tween a color to something a little darker or lighter without having to guess at cryptic hex values? How about tween a hue to 180 degrees around the color wheel? With relative HSL tweening, it's easy. You can now use familiar relative prefixes ("+=" and "-=") directly inside hsl() strings! //30% darker backgroundColor:"hsl(+=0, +=0%, -=30%)" //to grayscale (0% saturation) backgroundColor:"hsl(+=0, 0%, +=0%)" //opposite color (180 degrees around the other side of the color wheel) backgroundColor:"hsl(+=180, +=0%, +=0%)" Relative HSL demo See the Pen Relative HSL color tweening in GSAP 1.18.0 by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. Caveats Be careful about doing relative tweens when they could be interrupted. For example, if you have a mouseover that creates tween to +=30% and then a mouseout that does -=30% and then the user rolls over/out/over/out, you'll get odd results because of the nature of relativity. For bullet-proof rollover effects with relative values check out the demo we used in the video: Hover Demo with Relative HSL Values When you tween to a saturation of 0%, that basically loses any kind of hue data - the underlying color/hue of grayscale is non-existent. So then if you try tweening back to a saturation of 80% or something, it'll be red because that's the default zero position of hue. For example, tween a blue <div> to "hsl(+=0, 0%, +=0%)" and then to "hsl(+=0, 80%, +=0%)", it'll end up red instead of blue. That's not a bug - it's just the nature of colors in the browser (they end up in the rgb color space). Tween complex string-based values Complex string-based values containing multiple numbers can be animated without any extra plugins. For example, a value like "10px 20px 50px" can be animated to "4px 13px 200px". GSAP will find each number in the strings (in order), compare them and animate the ones that changed. CSSPlugin already does this for CSS values and it even converts units, but the base engine (TweenLite) can now do basic string tweening. It will even find rgba(...) values and make sure to round them appropriately during animation. This new feature extends to AttrPlugin too which means it can animate the complex strings inside SVG element attributes like the points in a <polygon> or <polyline> or even <path> data (please carefully read the caveats below). See the Pen Complex string-based tweening: simple shape morph by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. Caveats This feature is NOT intended to perform complex shape morphing in SVG. It simply animates the numbers inside the strings (in order). Robust shape morphing requires dynamically parsing path data and injecting extra points in certain cases. This new complex string-based tweening lays the groundwork in the core to do a lot of advanced effects in the future, especially via plugins. If you're animating the "d" attribute of a <path> element or the "points" attribute of a <polygon> or <polyline> element, keep in mind that you MUST make sure the number (and type) of points match between the starting and ending values. And since those are attributes, use the AttrPlugin (which is already inside TweenMax). Community Demos City Construction by Sarah Drasner See the Pen City Construction Site by Sarah Drasner (@sdras) on CodePen. GreenSock Cycle by Petr Tichy See the Pen GreenSock - staggerTo with cycle by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. Special Thanks This major update is extra special as it contains features that were largely shaped by feature requests and feedback from our community. We really appreciate the strong community that we have in our forums that not only helps each other, but also helps shape the tools themselves. Extra special thanks to Elliot Geno for suggesting cycle and relative HSL tweening, Diaco for being a testing powerhouse, and everyone who voted on the API changes. Now go download GSAP 1.18.0 and make something beautiful.
  15. Hi everyone ! Hope you are fine. I come to you because I am trying to make a carousel with images fading in / out. I decided to use opacity (maybe it's not the best way to do it) and JS. I succeed to do something with JQuery but the performance were a disaster. Made my browser (chrome) crash. Then I decided to make it with javascript and tried to realise something as light as possible (hard task). But, when I thought my algorithm was good I was in front of 2 problems : 1) I don't succeed to make it infinite (not too hard to do) 2) I have an error during a loop : Cannot tween a null target. I put some console.log everywhere at every stage but impossible to localise the moment where I am sending a null object to TweenLite. Dafuq So, as you will see in my (short) codepen, am I missing something ? I deeply thank you in advance for the time spend on my request.
  16. So on this website, I use Timeline to set up and intro animation on the home page. When I host it, I'll set a cookie script so it'll only happen the first time you hit the home page, but for now, it's part of the problem. I have CSS statements and media queries interacting with my script and it just occurred to me that I have queries in my script for the different values and dimensions of the animations based on screen size. It's hard to explain, but as I'm new to GSAP, I cannot think for the life of me how to make them now conflict. I've attached the files needed. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Maybe you can see what I'm going for. Sorry if it's a cluster****. It's been a messier process than usual. website.zip
  17. Note: This page was created for GSAP version 2. We have since released GSAP 3 with many improvements. While it is backward compatible with most GSAP 2 features, some parts may need to be updated to work properly. Please see the GSAP 3 release notes for details. Published: 2015-08-07 Google sparked an urgent and rather violent shift away from Flash technology when it announced that Chrome will pause "less important" Flash content starting as early as September 2015. Flash has served as the de facto standard for banner ads for more than a decade. Firefox also blocked Flash after major security issues were discovered and Facebook's security chief called for Adobe to kill Flash once and for all. Amazon says it will no longer accept any Flash ads after September 1. Clearly Flash is on its way out of web browsers. Advertisers can no longer afford its liabilities. Now what? Modern browsers are remarkably capable of handling slick animations natively using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS (collectively referred to as “HTML5” or just “H5”), making them the obvious choice as the tag-team successor to Flash. No more plugins. However, a few barriers are clogging up the transition. Some are technical, some are political, and some have to do with a glaring lack of information. Let's address things head-on, identify some solutions, and get things moving in the right direction. GreenSock has a rich heritage in the banner ad industry, serving as its most popular animation library in both Flash and HTML5. In fact, it’s one of the fastest-growing JavaScript tools on the entire Internet and it was originally born out of banner-specific needs. We obsess about animation in the browser, studying the technical challenges, performance benchmarks, and workflow. Consequently, we’re in a unique position to lend a hand during this transition and perhaps illuminate the path forward. 40 kilobytes? Are you kidding? Years ago, when bandwidth was a tiny fraction of what it is today, the ad industry codified a set of standards for banner ad file sizes. A common limit was 40kb (sometimes even 30kb) including all images, fonts, animations and scripts which Flash compressed into a single amazingly small swf file. Technically each publisher determines its own file size policies, but almost everyone looks to the IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) as a standards-setting body, like the W3C for web browsers. The IAB exists to help guide the industry but they don't mandate or enforce anything. When Flash ruled the banner ad landscape, certain file size specs were recommended by the IAB and the system worked well. However, the technology landscape has changed drastically. Bandwidth, page size, and banner budget over the yearsBandwidth (Mbps)Banner budget (kb)Page size (kb)2008200920102011201220132014201540kb33Mbps40kb1,795kb Year Bandwidth (Mbps) Banner budget (kb) Page size (kb) Jan 1, 2008 5.86 40 312 Jan 1, 2009 6.98 40 507 Jan 1, 2010 9.54 40 679 Jan 1, 2011 10.43 40 788 Jan 1, 2012 12.7 40 1081 Jan 1, 2013 15.62 40 1529 Jan 1, 2014 20.83 40 1622 Jan 1, 2015 32.78 40 1795 Page size (kb) Since 2008, average bandwidth has grown by a factor of 5.6 which is remarkably on-pace with the growth of the average web page size (5.7), but the IAB has been cautious about declaring HTML5 specs due to all the complexities involved. They released a set of HTML5 guidelines in 2013, but omitted any file size specs, saying only that HTML5 ads weigh "more" than swf ads. Without specs, many publishers clung to the safe limits of yesteryear. The gatekeepers who impose the 40kb budgets often do not have the authority or wherewithal to allow more than what the latest IAB spec dictates. Consequently, developers are forced to shoehorn HTML5 banners into archaic Flash specs which isn't what the IAB intended. This must change. From our vantage point, fear is driving the industry. Publishers and networks are afraid to raise the file size limits without IAB approval. Some do it anyway, but disagree on exactly how much, leading to wild variations. Developers have no choice but to build for the least common denominator in their ad campaign which is either totally unclear or ends up being the dreaded creativity-crushing 40kb. (UPDATE: The IAB released a draft of its new HTML5 specs.) HTML5 is fundamentally different...embrace that HTML5 banners often weigh 3-5 times as much as a Flash swf but far too many people myopically focus on the aggregate total file size. They miss the unique strengths of HTML5 technology that we should be exploiting - shared resources and browser caching. These have a tremendous impact on loading time and overall performance which is the whole point of the file size limits anyway! Flash compiled all assets into a single swf meaning that if 10 different banners on a site all used a certain library, it got baked into each and every swf. End users paid the file size price 10 times. Multiply that by millions of ads and it gets pretty crazy. In HTML5, however, a library can be dropped onto a CDN (content delivery network) and shared among all banners, thus end users only load it once and it’s completely "free" thereafter...for all ads pointing at that CDN...on all sites. This is a BIG deal. It means that common animation chores like the requestAnimationFrame loop, timing, sequencing, intelligent GPU layerizing, lag smoothing, compatibility workarounds, performance optimization, etc. can be extracted and shared among them all (much like what the Flash Player did for swf files). The unique banner-specific code can be much more concise, reducing overall load times and improving performance. File size limitations should be applied to the banner-specific assets, excluding the shared resources that drive common functionality. Imagine how silly it would have been if the 17MB Flash Player download was included in the aggregate file size for each swf banner. Ad networks and publishers can put a certain subset of tested-and-approved libraries onto their CDNs and exempt them from file size calculations. We're thrilled to see industry leaders like Advertising.com/AOL, Google DoubleClick, Flashtalking, and Sizmek already taking this approach with GSAP. This strategy allows developers to avoid burning hours manually cooking up their own proprietary libraries to fit within the ad specs. Ad networks and publishers win because load times (and costs) are lowered and it's easier to troubleshoot problems when a common toolset is used. They reap the benefits of all the compatibility and performance optimizations in tools like GSAP. End users get ads that perform better, load faster, and look more appealing. Animation technologies and approaches For those tasked with building HTML5 banners, the choices are perplexing. Is it best to use a visual IDE like Adobe Edge Animate, Google Web Designer, or Tumult Hype? Even Flash is capable of outputting HTML5 content. These tools can make building ads easier (especially for designers who don’t want to write code), but a common complaint is that the resulting output is bloated and slow, making them ill-suited for banner ads. Some networks explicitly state that they won't accept ads built with these tools. We'd love to see the visual tools mature and export concise, performant, ad-friendly code because plenty of designers aren't comfortable hand-coding banners yet. Ideally, they'd tap into GSAP under the hood so that designers and developers could collaborate on the same files without worrying about runtime redundancies. There are also network-specific banner-building tools but their proprietary nature makes them impractical for many campaigns. If an agency uses one network’s proprietary tool and then their client asks to run the ad on another network too, it must be rebuilt. Learning how to use each network's proprietary tool can be cumbersome. Hand-coded animations are usually much lighter-weight, performant, and universally accepted, but building them requires a particular skill set. And which underlying technologies should be used? CSS animations? jQuery? GSAP? CreateJS? Once again, answers vary wildly among ad networks and publishers. The goal of this article isn't to provide an in-depth review or comparison of the various tools. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses, but let's briefly touch on some of the major runtime animation technologies: CSS transitions and CSS animations - these are supported in all modern browsers, but not IE9 or earlier. They're cheap from a file size standpoint and they perform well. For simple animations like button rollovers, they're great. However, file size rises quickly and things get cumbersome when you attempt even moderately complex animations. Simply put, they will take longer to build, they won't work in some older browsers, there are bugs (particularly when animating SVG elements), and certain tasks are outright impossible. Additional reading: https://css-tricks.com/myth-busting-css-animations-vs-javascript/ and http://greensock.com/transitions/ and https://css-tricks.com/svg-animation-on-css-transforms/ jQuery - it was never intended to be a robust animation tool, so jQuery suffers from poor performance and workflow issues. Most ad networks strongly advise against using it. GSAP is up to 20x faster. Additional reading: http://greensock.com/jquery/ CreateJS - Adobe Flash can optionally export to this canvas-based library. You can't just publish existing Flash banners to CreateJS (you must do some conversion work and leverage JavaScript instead of ActionScript) but for designers who are already used to the Flash interface, this can be a boon. One down side to canvas-based libraries is that you lose accessibility (the browser sees it as essentially a blob of pixels), but that's probably not a top priority for banners. File size can also become a concern (possibly mitigated by CDN standardization). You can use GSAP to animate CreateJS content. Additional reading: http://createjs.com Zepto - like a lightweight version of jQuery that uses CSS transitions under the hood for animations. Zepto is better than jQuery for banners, but it suffers from similar workflow issues as well as the inconsistencies/bugs inherent in CSS transitions/animations (like with SVG transforms). Active development seems to have stalled. Additional reading: http://zeptojs.com Web Animations - a new spec being worked on that has a lot of promise, but it just isn't a realistic contender at this point because it is in flux and several browser vendors remain noncommittal about ever supporting it. The polyfill has performance problems. Additional reading: http://w3c.github.io/web-animations GSAP - Widely recognized as the performance leader, GSAP solves all kinds of real-world animation problems from browser inconsistencies to workflow headaches (far too many to go into here). The Flash banner ad community is full of designers and developers who use GSAP daily, making it much easier to transition to HTML5; no new syntax to learn. Ongoing development and support have a solid track record for over 7 years. Additional reading: http://greensock.com/why-gsap/ Recommendations Based on our experience and the results from our survey, we suggest the following: Standardize a few JavaScript libraries Ideally, the IAB would equip the community with a short list of recommended libraries that get CDN-ified and exempted from file size calculations. Historically, the IAB has been extremely reluctant to officially endorse any third party tools. That's understandable - it could be seen as playing favorites or unfairly excluding someone's favorite library. However, without specific recommendations, the HTML5 landscape is so fractured and complex that it will result in a free-for-all (which is basically what it is now). The IAB can set the tone and move the focus away from aggregate total file sizes and into the modern era that leverages shared resources and browser caching to deliver excellent performance. It is imperative that this list of "recommended" libraries be very short, otherwise the caching impact will be diluted. The IAB can run their own independent tests and look at performance, features, compatibility, support, workflow benefits, and overall industry demand to determine which libraries get recommended. Of course we feel strongly that GSAP belongs on that list because: It is the top performer. It has widespread industry acceptance, both in Flash and HTML5. It's recommended by Google, used by the biggest brands in the world, etc. It is framework-agnostic, super flexible and robust, able to animate anything. It is professionally supported, yet free to use in banner ads. Modernize file size specs Given the 5.6x growth factor of bandwidth and page size since 2008, it seems entirely reasonable to adjust the old 40kb limit to 200kb (5x) for the modern HTML5 era. This is entirely consistent with some in-depth testing that has been done recently aimed at identifying the file size threshold at which real-world users perceive a dip in performance. The results showed that the threshold was upwards of 250kb. Combined file size isn't the only issue that contributes to slow load times; the number of server requests can have a significant impact. A single 300kb file can often load faster than 200kb split among 20 files. HTML5 banners can't realistically mash everything into one file, though. Doing so would kill the benefits of caching and resource sharing. So a reasonable compromise seems to be a 10-file maximum. Sprite sheets can be used to combine images. Given all the factors, we'd recommend the following for standard (non-rich media) ads: 200kb combined total (gzipped) Maximum of 10 files. Any additional must be loaded "politely" (after the parent page finishes loading) Shared CDN resources like GSAP don't count toward these totals. Some have suggested slicing the 200kb standard limit into two parts - a 50kb initial load, and then the rest "politely" loads. However, we advise against this for standard (non-rich media) ads because it unnecessarily complicates the design and production process as well as QA and enforcement. Rich media ads will likely require more files and kb than the limits mentioned above, and those should be polite-loaded. By "rich media", we mean ads that contain video or expand or perform API calls (like feeding the viewer's zip code to a backend script), etc. Update documentation and guidelines It is surprisingly difficult to get answers to some of the most basic questions when preparing a banner ad campaign for even the biggest networks and publishers. What are the file size limits? Which libraries can be used? Do CDN resources count against the total file size? Is there a network-specific CDN link for common libraries? Online docs either have outdated information or none at all related to HTML5. Drop support for IE8 Legacy IE support is not just painful for developers, it's exceedingly expensive for advertisers. Certain effects are outright impossible, so creatives must learn about the IE8 pitfalls and adjust their designs. Developers are forced to rebuild entire portions, implement workarounds and perform extra testing, all to accommodate a tiny fraction of the web audience who probably don't represent the demographic that advertisers are targeting anyway. This was never an issue for Flash, but it's a HUGE issue for HTML5 because it relies on native browser technologies that are absent from older browsers like IE8. Our recommendation is to draw a line in the sand and drop support for IE8 for sure, and potentially even IE9. Consider SVG instead of iframes Displaying ads inside an iframe is nice for security, but it forces ads into a strict rectangular space (ruling out fancy overlays with transparency/mask effects that show the main web page behind) and there's a performance price too. SVG is widely supported and it has some excellent transparency/masking capabilities, plus it can serve as a single container for an entire ad (see Chris Gannon's blog post and video)! Further testing needs to be done to better understand the performance and security implications, but it certainly seems like a worthwhile contender. Create a gallery of sample banners and templates Rather than pouring over specs and instructions and then building something from scratch, most developers prefer to analyze banners that already conform to the standards and use one as a template for their own project. Each network has different API's and ways you must track clicks, etc., so it would be lovely if each one provided a gallery of demos at each standard size. Codepen.io is a great place to host a collection because it's so easy to see (and edit) the HTML, CSS, and JS as well as the result all in one place. Developers can simply click the "fork" button and start producing their own version of that banner immediately in the browser. Codepen even integrates nicely with crossbrowsertesting.com for easy QA. Adjust client expectations As the industry transitions from Flash to HTML5, clients must be made aware of the design, budget, and schedule implications. HTML5 banners take more time to produce and test, therefore they will be more expensive. Plus there are certain effects that were easy in Flash but are virtually impossible in HTML5, so creative expectations need to be adjusted as well. Common GreenSock Questions With the broader discussion out of the way, let's narrow our focus to GreenSock for a moment and address some of the most frequently asked questions: Which networks support GSAP? All networks that we're aware of allow GSAP, and most even exempt its file size from the ads and host it on their CDNs. Google DoubleClick recommends GSAP for complex animations. Here's a breakdown of how some of the major players stack up: Allows GSAP Excludes GSAP from file size calculation* Hosts GSAP on CDN Advertising.com/AOL YES YES YES Google DoubleClick YES YES YES Flashtalking YES YES YES Sizmek YES YES YES Flite YES YES YES Cofactor YES YES YES AdWords YES YES YES *Unless publisher objects which is uncommon TweenMax is too big! Where's TweenNano? Let's face it: TweenMax (the most robust tool in the GSAP suite) is overkill for many banners that are only doing simple fades and movement. Wouldn't it be smart for GreenSock to create a super-small animation engine that's targeted at banners and only has the basic features? In the Flash days, we did exactly that and called it "TweenNano". It weighed about 2kb. On the surface, it sounds like a great idea but there are several reasons we avoided TweenNano in the HTML5 toolset: Caching - this is the biggest factor; loading the JavaScript file is a one-time hit and then the browser caches it, mitigating the entire loading issue on every page thereafter. Realistically, TweenNano must include a subset of TweenLite and CSSPlugin features and weigh at least 8kb; how much longer would it take for the average user to load an extra 25kb for TweenMax? It's not even noticeable (less than one second). So it doesn't seem like a worthwhile tradeoff to rip out all those features just to gain a fraction of a second only the first time it loads, especially for banners where caching and resource sharing could be used so effectively. If networks toss TweenMax.min.js on their CDNs, it effectively becomes "free" (zero load time) very quickly, giving them instant access to all the timeline tools plus a bunch of advanced plugins. Thus it seems smarter to press the full-featured, super-fast TweenMax engine into service rather than a sliced-down TweenNano with limited effects. Performance - GSAP has been engineered with a huge priority on performance which sometimes comes with a file size tradeoff. We could accomplish the same tasks with less code in places, but runtime performance would suffer. We feel strongly that when it comes to animation, it's wiser to pay a small up-front kb tax (only a fraction of a second in most cases) in order to get maximum runtime performance. Animations must look smooth and conserve battery power. Think of it this way: would you rather buy a computer that boots up 2 seconds faster or one that's 30% faster all the time (after it boots)? Flexibility/Creativity - what if you want to animate a non-essential CSS property like boxShadow or slide along a curve or scrub through a timeline? Even if there's just one part of your banner that needs a more advanced feature, it presents a dilemma. Creativity is hampered. Again, the fraction of a second one-time cost difference for TweenMax seems well worth it for the added flexibility and peace of mind. API confusion - years ago, Adobe created a lightweight version of the Flash Player dubbed "Flash Lite" with similar aspirations (bake only the essentials into a lighter weight flavor), but it was a complete failure. One of the problems was that developers couldn't remember which features were available in the regular Flash Player versus Flash Lite. Likewise, TweenNano's feature disparity would create some confusion/frustration. What about creating a tool that lets users select only the features they need, and then it spits out a customized stripped-down version of TweenMax? Again, this sounds appealing, but it would likely lead to worse load times because instead of having one common TweenMax that gets shared and cached, every banner would have its own different (and partially redundant) flavor to load. Ultimately, we're committed to delivering the tools that are needed most, so if the broader industry decides not to leverage shared resources and publishers insist on sticking to all-inclusive aggregate file size totals, we're open to creating TweenNano. Luckily, it looks like there's excellent momentum behind TweenMax getting CDN-ified and exempted from file size limits. In our opinion, that's definitely the smartest approach. What's so special about GSAP? It's beyond the scope of this article to explain all the benefits of using GSAP; see http://greensock.com/why-gsap/ for a summary. If you're still wondering what the big deal is, we'd encourage you to find someone who is proficient with it and ask about their experience. Usually people who take the time to learn it have a "light bulb" moment pretty quickly and never want to go back to using other libraries or CSS. It's difficult to explain to the uninitiated - lists of features don't really do it justice. It's not merely about performance (although that's a biggie) - it's about feeling empowered to animate almost anything you can imagine with minimal code. Do I need a commercial license to use GSAP in banner ads? GreenSock's standard "no charge" license covers usage in banner ads even if you get paid a one-time fee to produce the banners. We fully encourage the use of GSAP in banner ads and beyond. You may want to check out Club GreenSock for some bonus plugins that allow you to easily achieve advanced effects. Is anyone building a GUI for GSAP? A visual tool for building GSAP-based animations is a popular request, and we have been approached by several large and small companies about the possibilities, but there's nothing rock solid to report yet. We hope that companies like Adobe and Google will offer export options from their tools that leverage GSAP as the runtime engine and produce well-formatted, concise code. There's a pretty neat tool called Animachine that's in alpha and can be installed as a Chrome extension. It shows promise, but isn’t entirely stable at this point. There are also several online GSAP-based banner builders: http://html5maker.com/, https://tweenui.com/, and http://www.loxiastudio.com. Where can I get GSAP training? You can have GreenSock come directly to your organization and sit with your team to get them up to speed quickly. We can even convert one of your Flash banners and then teach you how we did it which is an excellent way to learn banner-specific tricks. The Q&A sessions are invaluable. We have limited slots available, though, so contact us as soon as possible to get your event scheduled. There are plenty of other learning resources available: GreenSock's getting started video/article GreenSock's learning resources New GreenSock eBook (published by Noble Desktop) Lynda.com course ihatetomatoes.net course (intermediate/advanced) Noble Desktop class in NYC 02Geek course Egghead.io The GreenSock forums are a fantastic place to not only ask your question(s), but also poke around and see what others are saying. It's one of the best places to learn even if you never ask a question. There are plenty of demos on codepen.io as well. For inspiration, we'd suggest following these people: Chris Gannon Sarah Drasner Petr Tichy Sara Soueidan Diaco.ml Blake Bowen Ico Dimchev UPDATE: The IAB released a draft of its new HTML5 specs and is soliciting public feedback before finalizing the document. The outstanding news is that they agreed with our assessment regarding a 200kb limit for standard ads. The IAB is expected to release an update to its HTML5 Best Practices guide soon which will likely contain a short list of JavaScript libraries that are recommended for exemption from file size calculations. We're confident GSAP will be on that list. #network-support { border-spacing: 1px; border-collapse: separate; background-color: #ccc; width: 830px; line-height: 1.1em; } #network-support thead td { background-color: #333; color: white; } #network-support td { text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom; font-family: Asap, Arial, sans-serif; padding: 10px 14px; background-color: white; } #network-support .network { text-align: left; font-weight: bold; } #network-support .yes { background-image: url(/wp-content/themes/greensock/images/licencing-check.png); } #network-support .yes, #network-support .no { background-color: white; background-repeat: no-repeat; vertical-align: middle; background-position: center center; background-size: 35px 35px; color: transparent; } .disclaimer { font-size: 11px; color: #777; padding: 2px; }
  18. I've seen a lot of posts about media queries and running animations on screen size, but I haven't seen any that I can use for my problem. My problem is that between the mobile/tablet and desktop versions, the original logo is a different percentage size and is scaled down to a different size. Forgive my code. It's a little sloppy at the moment. But as you can see, on the desktop version, the original img width is 50%, and on mobile/tablet, it's 90%, so the post-animation sizes will be different as well. Can anyone help with this? Thank you.
  19. Actually I am making a web app which part of it contains a touch swipe action in order to browse between different parts of a section in mobile devices of course, the elements which move after the user swipes will be dynamically added or removed; I have made a static version of this so far but I need to make sure it is capable of being dynamic, I have used hammer js for controlling swipe action and tweenmax js for handling the animation. My problem is that I do not know how to recognize which .chanel element is in sight so I can figure out which is the next one and which is the previous one (how to Pass that element to my timeline instead of writing too many timelines), Also I have to dynamically change my Timeline in a way that it sets the .chanel element left to -offset if its the previous one and sets to offset if its the next one for example. I hope I could describe my problem well. Thanks in advance.
  20. Hi all, Fairly new to the whole javascript tweening animation business. I've included a fairly complex svg file in a website I'm working on via an <object> tag and am using GSAP to animate it. //GSAP tweening/animation STUFF $(document).ready(function(){ var svg = document.getElementById("homeAnimation"); var svgDoc = svg.contentDocument; var homeSwitch = svgDoc.getElementById("homeSwitch"), homeSmallGear = svgDoc.getElementById('homeSmallGear'), homeBigCog = svgDoc.getElementById('homeBigCog'), homePipeBall1 = svgDoc.getElementById('homePipeBall1'), homePipeBall2 = svgDoc.getElementById('homePipeBall2'), homePipeBall3 = svgDoc.getElementById('homePipeBall3'), homePipeBall4 = svgDoc.getElementById('homePipeBall4'), homeBeltGearLeft = svgDoc.getElementById('homeBeltGearLeft'), homeBeltGearRight = svgDoc.getElementById('homeBeltGearRight'), homeChart = svgDoc.getElementById('homeChart'), phoneChart = svgDoc.getElementById('phoneChart'), phonePie = svgDoc.getElementById('phonePie'); var tmax_home_switch = new TimelineMax(); //Switch has separate timeline so it can pause the animation but still move. var tmax_home_chart = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1}); //Chart has separate timeline so it can repeat. var tmax_options = { }; //options config goes here var tmax_home_tl = new TimelineMax(tmax_options); //timeline takes options input and is declared var tmax_repeat_options = { }; //options config goes here var tmax_home_t2 = new TimelineMax( tmax_repeat_options); //timeline takes options input and is declared //Clear the stage tmax_home_tl.set([homePipeBall1, homePipeBall2, homePipeBall3, homePipeBall4], {opacity:0}); tmax_home_tl.set(homeChart, {x:-20}); tmax_home_tl.set(phoneChart, {scale:0, transformOrigin: "center center"}); tmax_home_tl.set(phonePie, {scale:0, transformOrigin: "center center"}); //starts off paused tmax_home_tl.pause(); tmax_home_t2.pause(); tmax_home_chart.pause(); // mouseover cursor change. homeSwitch.addEventListener("mouseover", funcover, false); function funcover() { homeSwitch.style.cursor = "pointer"; } homeSwitch.addEventListener("click", function() { tmax_home_switch.to(homeSwitch, 0.2, { rotation: 60, repeat:0, delay:0.2, transformOrigin: "center center"}) .to(homeSwitch, 0.1, { rotation: 0, repeat:0, delay:0, transformOrigin: "center center"}); tmax_home_tl.paused(!tmax_home_tl.paused()); tmax_home_t2.paused(!tmax_home_t2.paused()); tmax_home_chart.paused(!tmax_home_chart.paused()); if(tmax_home_tl.set([homePipeBall1, homePipeBall2, homePipeBall3, homePipeBall4], {opacity:1})) { TweenMax.set([homePipeBall1, homePipeBall2, homePipeBall3, homePipeBall4], {opacity:0}); } }); tmax_home_chart.to(homeChart, 0.25, { x:50, transformOrigin: "center center"}, 8) .to(homeChart, 0.5, { y:26, transformOrigin: "center center"}) .to(homeChart, 20, { x:500, transformOrigin: "center center"}); tmax_home_tl.staggerTo([homePipeBall1, homePipeBall2, homePipeBall3, homePipeBall4], 0.5, { opacity:1 }, 3.4) .staggerTo([phoneChart, phonePie], 0.5, { scale:1, transformOrigin: "center center"}, 0.5); tmax_home_t2.to(homeSmallGear, 4, { rotation: 360, repeat:-1, ease: Power0.easeNone, transformOrigin: "center center"}, "cogs") .to(homeBigCog, 8, { rotation: 360, repeat:-1, ease: Power0.easeNone, transformOrigin: "center center"}, "cogs") .to([homeBeltGearLeft, homeBeltGearRight], 8, { rotation: 360, repeat:-1, ease: Power0.easeNone, transformOrigin: "center center"}, "cogs+=4"); }); There is the code all the elements being selected are definitely in the SVG file that is being imported. It seems to randomly work and other times not. Any suggestions? I'm getting a "Uncaught Cannot tween a null target." in Chrome but it works fine in Firefox and sometimes IE. Here is the bones of the site: http://www.mulrooneydesign.com/apps/infov4/ I'm guessing that the GSAP code is firing before the SVG DOM is instantiated any way to avoid this happening? Also any critique of my code generally is more than welcome. B
  21. Hello everyone, I am new to GSAP and I need your help to convert a CSS keyframe animation in a javascript one with GSAP. @keyframes elliptical-anim { 0% { transform: translate3d(0,150%, 0) rotate3d(0, 0, 1,0deg) translate3d(0,-150%, 0) rotate3d(0, 0, 1,0deg) scale3d(.1,.1,1); } 20% { transform: translate3d(0,150%, 0) rotate3d(0, 0, 1,-72deg) translate3d(0,-150%, 0) rotate3d(0, 0, 1,72deg) scale3d(1,1,1); } 96% { transform: translate3d(0,150%, 0) rotate3d(0, 0, 1,-359deg) translate3d(0,-150%, 0) rotate3d(0, 0, 1,359deg) scale3d(1,1,1); } 100% { transform: translate3d(0,150%, 0) rotate3d(0, 0, 1,-359deg) translate3d(0,-150%, 0) rotate3d(0, 0, 1,359deg) scale3d(.3,.3,1); } } I'm using the 3D version of the animations in order to force the hardware acceleration. Thanks in advance for your help !
  22. Dear All, I am using the Avada theme + ScrollMagic, but I get this following error in the console in Firefox: ReferenceError: TweenMax is not defined In the theme's functions.php I am trying to enqueue the scripts and add/delete dependencies, but I still can't get it to work: wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery', false, array(), $theme_info->get( 'Version' ), true ); //LAURAN BEGIN//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //wp_deregister_script( 'TweenMaxMin' ); wp_register_script( 'TweenMaxMin', $template_directory . '/assets/js/1lauran/TweenMax.min.js', array(), $theme_info->get( 'Version' ), true ); wp_enqueue_script( 'TweenMaxMin' ); //wp_deregister_script( 'ScrollMagic' ); wp_register_script( 'ScrollMagic', $template_directory . '/assets/js/1lauran/ScrollMagic.js', array(), $theme_info->get( 'Version' ), true ); wp_enqueue_script( 'ScrollMagic' ); //wp_deregister_script( 'animationGsap' ); wp_register_script( 'animationGsap', $template_directory . '/assets/js/1lauran/plugins/animation.gsap.js', array(), $theme_info->get( 'Version' ), true ); wp_enqueue_script( 'animationGsap' ); //wp_deregister_script( 'debugAddIndicators' ); wp_register_script( 'debugAddIndicators', $template_directory . '/assets/js/1lauran/plugins/debug.addIndicators.js', array(), $theme_info->get( 'Version' ), true ); wp_enqueue_script( 'debugAddIndicators' ); //wp_deregister_script( 'lauranScrollMagic' ); wp_register_script( 'lauranScrollMagic', $template_directory . '/assets/js/1lauran/lauranScrollMagic1.js', array(), $theme_info->get( 'Version' ), true ); wp_enqueue_script( 'lauranScrollMagic' ); //LAURAN EINDE///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// And this is my script: //jQuery(document).ready(function($){ jQuery(document).ready(function(){ // place custom JS here console.log("DOM ready"); // window, links, and other assets loaded jQuery(window).on("load", function(){ // or place custom JS here to make sure DOM is ready and the window is loaded console.log("window, links, and other assets loaded"); var images = [ "http://blabla.com/wp-content/themes/Avada/img/example_imagesequence_01.png", "http://blabla.com/wp-content/themes/Avada/img/example_imagesequence_02.png", "http://blabla.com/wp-content/themes/Avada/img/example_imagesequence_03.png", "http://blabla.com/wp-content/themes/Avada/img/example_imagesequence_04.png", "http://blabla.com/wp-content/themes/Avada/img/example_imagesequence_05.png", "http://blabla.com/wp-content/themes/Avada/img/example_imagesequence_06.png", "http://blabla.com/wp-content/themes/Avada/img/example_imagesequence_07.png" ]; // TweenMax can tween any property of any object. We use this object to cycle through the array var obj = {curImg: 0}; // init controller // create tween var tween = TweenMax.to(obj, 0.5, { curImg: images.length - 1, // animate propery curImg to number of images roundProps: "curImg", // only integers so it can be used as an array index repeat: 3, // repeat 3 times immediateRender: true, // load first image automatically ease: Linear.easeNone, // show every image the same ammount of time onUpdate: function () { $("#myimg").attr("src", images[obj.curImg]); // set the image source } } ); var controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller({loglevel: 3}); // build scene var scene1 = new ScrollMagic.Scene({triggerElement: "#imagesequence", duration: 220}) .setTween(tween) .addIndicators() // add indicators (requires plugin) .addTo(controller); var scene2 = new ScrollMagic.Scene({triggerElement: ".box2"}) .setTween("#animate1", 0.5, {backgroundColor: "green", scale: 2.0}) // trigger a TweenMax.to tween .addIndicators({name: "1 (duration: 0)"}) // add indicators (requires plugin) .addTo(controller); var scene3 = new ScrollMagic.Scene({triggerElement: '#containerLauran',duration: 300}) .setPin('#blockLauran') .addIndicators() .addTo(controller); var scene4 = new ScrollMagic.Scene({triggerElement: '#containerLauran2',duration: 200}) .setPin('#blockLauran2') .addIndicators() .addTo(controller); }); }); All scripts seem to have been added/enqueued correctly if I check the html structure with the Firefox inspector. All scripts are added in the right order as enqueued in the functions.php file of the WP-theme. Can someone help me out? It looks like if I am almost there... Thanks! Lauran
  23. My group of coders build/deploy flash games to several different sites, and it's usually fairly straightforward. One of these sites used to have a flash-based container that would load in our games, and it worked fine. But the people on that team who knew AS3 left, so they made a new container that is primarily javascript, with a thin AS3 shim to load in the games. This works fine for debug builds, but things slow down to a crawl when we try release builds (load times go from 30 seconds or so to over ten minutes). Their old container doesn't have an issue with release builds. This week was our company's hackathon, so I decided to delve into this and see what I could find. We do our game asset loading using XMLLoader to load in a couple xmls (one at a time) that have MP3Loaders and SWFLoaders in them. The behavior I was seeing in the release builds was that it would load the xml, wait about 90 seconds, then audit the child loaders for size, wait another 90 seconds or so, then load in the children, sometimes taking breaks between children. Prior to this week, none of them had estimatedBytes vars in the loader definitions in the xml. So, I added estimatedBytes to the first file that just had a MP3Loader wrapped in a LoaderMax block, and it zipped right along, leading me to believe that I'd found at least a way to fix things. But adding estimatedBytes to the second xml where all the children were individual SWFLoaders didn't reduce the lag with the second file at all. I tried updating the greensock swc on the games side (we had a version from late 2013), and besides requiring some very minimal refactoring based on changes in the api, that didn't appear to help the issue either. I also tried upping the maxConnections for the second XMLLoader, grouping all the SWFLoaders into a single LoaderMax bundle, and turning off the integrateProcess flag for the SWFLoaders (though this may or may not have been done in the right place, will probably try adding this to the xml lines next), but all to no avail. As these are very large projects, copying and pasting snippets seems unproductive, but I'm just wondering if you have any other ideas I should be trying. I know the JS layer is using greensock for something, but after sifting through the codebase for it, nothing jumped out at me as even remotely related. Any of this sound even remotely familiar to something you've run across?
  24. When it comes to animation, SVG and GSAP go together like peanut butter and jelly. Chocolate and strawberries. Bacon and...anything. SVG offers the sweet taste of tiny file size plus excellent browser support and the ability to scale graphics infinitely without degradation. They're perfect for building a rich, responsive UI (which includes animation, of course). However, just because every major browser offers excellent support for displaying SVG graphics doesn't mean that animating them is easy or consistent. Each browser has its own quirks and implementations of the SVG spec, causing quite a few challenges for animators. For example, some browsers don't support CSS animations on SVG elements. Some don't recognize CSS transforms (rotation, scale, etc.), and implementation of transform-origin is a mess. Don't worry, GSAP smooths out the rough spots and harmonizes behavior across browsers for you. There are quite a few unique features that GSAP offers specifically for SVG animators. Below we cover some of the things that GSAP does for you and then we have a list of other things to watch out for. This page is intended to be a go-to resource for anyone animating SVG with GSAP. Outline Challenges that GSAP solves for you Scale, rotate, skew, and move using 2D transforms Set the transformOrigin (the point around which rotation and scaling occur) Set transformOrigin without unsightly jumps Transform SVG elements around any point in the SVG canvas Animate SVG attributes like cx, cy, radius, width, etc. Use percentage-based x/y transforms Drag SVG elements (with accurate bounds and hit-testing) Move anything (DOM, SVG) along a path including autorotation, offset, looping, and more Animate SVG strokes Morph SVG paths with differing numbers of points Tips to Avoid Common Gotchas Limitations of SVG Browser support Inspiration Awesome SVG Resources Get Started Quickly with GSAP Challenges that GSAP solves for you GSAP does the best that it can to normalize browser issues and provide useful tools to make animate SVG as easy as it can be. Here are some of the challenges that using GSAP to animate SVG solves for you: Scale, rotate, skew, and move using 2D transforms When using GSAP, 2D transforms on SVG content work exactly like they do on any other DOM element. gsap.to("#gear", {duration: 1, x: 100, y: 100, scale: 0.5, rotation: 180, skewX: 45}); Since IE and Opera don't honor CSS transforms at all, GSAP applies these values via the SVG transform attribute like: <g id="gear" transform="matrix(0.5, 0, 0, 0.5, 100, 0)">...</g> When it comes to animating or even setting 2D transforms in IE, CSS simply is not an option. #gear { /* won't work in IE */ transform: translateX(100px) scale(0.5); } Very few JavaScript libraries take this into account, but GSAP handles this for you behind the scenes so you can get amazing results in IE with no extra hassles. Set the transformOrigin (the point around which rotation and scaling occur) Another unique GSAP feature: use the same syntax you would with normal DOM elements and get the same behavior. For example, to rotate an SVG <rect> that is 100px tall by 100px wide around its center you can do any of the following: gsap.to("rect", {duration: 1, rotation: 360, transformOrigin: "50% 50%"}); //percents gsap.to("rect", {duration: 1, rotation: 360, transformOrigin: "center center"}); //keywords gsap.to("rect", {duration: 1, rotation: 360, transformOrigin: "50px 50px"}); //pixels The demo below shows complete parity between DOM and SVG when setting transformOrigin to various values. We encourage you to test it in all major browsers and devices. With MorphSVG, you can Morph <path> data even if the number (and type) of points is completely different between the start and end shapes! Most other SVG shape morphing tools require that the number of points matches. Morph a <polyline> or <polygon> to a different set of points Convert and replace non-path SVG elements (like <circle>, <rect>, <ellipse>, <polygon>, <polyline>, and <line>) into identical <path>s using MorphSVGPlugin.convertToPath(). Optionally define a "shapeIndex" that controls how the points get mapped. This affects what the in-between state looks like during animation. Simply feed in selector text or an element (instead of passing in raw path data) and the plugin will grab the data it needs from there, making workflow easier. MorphSVGPlugin is a bonus plugin for Club GreenSock members (Shockingly Green and Business Green). Tips to Avoid Common Gotchas There are some things that GSAP can't solve for you. But hopefully this part of the article can help prepare you to avoid them ahead of time! Here are some things to keep in mind when creating and animating SVGs. Vector editor/SVG creation tips: When creating an SVG in Illustrator or Inkscape, create a rectangle the same size as your artboard for when you copy elements out of your vector editor and paste them into a code editor (how-to here). How to quickly reverse the direction of a path in Illustrator (Note: If the Path Direction buttons are not visible in the attributes panel, click the upper right menu of that panel and choose 'Show All'): Open path: Select the pen tool and click on the first point of your path and it will reverse the points. Closed path: Right click the path and make it a compound path, choose menu-window-attributes and then use the Reverse Path Direction buttons. If you're morphing between elements it might be useful to add extra points yourself to simpler shapes where necessary so that MorphSVG doesn't have to guess at where to add points. You can think of masks as clip-paths that allow for alpha as well. When using masks, it's often important to specify which units to use. Use a tool like SVGOMG (or this simpler tool) to minify your SVGs before using them in your projects. Code/animation-related tips: Always set transforms of elements with GSAP (not just CSS). There are quite a few browser bugs related to getting transform values of elements which GSAP can't fix or work around so you should always set the transform of elements with GSAP if you're going to animate that element with GSAP. Always use relative values when animating an SVG element. Using something like y: "+=100" allows you to change the SVG points while keeping the same animation effect as hard coding those values. You can fix some rendering issues (especially in Chrome) by adding a very slight rotation to your tween(s) like rotation: 0.01. If you're having performance issues with your issue, usually the issue is that you have too many elements or are using filters/masks too much. For more information, see this post focused on performance with SVGs. You might like injecting SVGs into your HTML instead of keeping it there directly. You can do this by using a tool like Gulp. You can easily convert between coordinate systems by using MotionPathPlugin's helper functions like .convertCoordinates(). Technique tips/resources: You can animate the viewBox attribute (demo)! You can animate (draw) a dashed line by following the technique outlined in this post. You can animate (draw) lines with varied widths by following the technique outlined in this post. You can animate (draw) handwriting effects by following the technique outlined in this post. You can create dynamic SVG elements! You can animate (draw) a "3D" SVG path. You can fake nested SVG elements (which will be available in SVG 2) by positioning the inner SVG with GSAP and scaling it (demo). You can fake 3D transforms (which will be available in SVG 2) in some cases by either Faking the transform that you need. For example sometimes rotationYs can be replaced by a scaleX instead. Applying the transform to a container instead. If you can limit the elements within the SVG to just the ones you want to transform, this is a great approach. For example, applying a rotationY to the <svg> or <div> containing a <path> instead of applying it to the <path> itself. Limitations of SVG The current SVG spec does not account for 3D transforms. Browser support is varied. Best to test thoroughly and have fallbacks in place. Most browsers don't GPU-accelerate SVG elements. GSAP can't change that. Browser support All SVG features in this article will work in IE9+ and all other major desktop and mobile browsers unless otherwise noted. If you find any cross-browser inconsistencies please don't hesitate to let us know in our support forums. Inspiration The Chris Gannon GSAP Animation collection is great for seeing more SVG animations made with GSAP. Be sure to also check out Chris Gannon's full portfolio on CodePen and follow him on Twitter for a steady influx of inspiration. Awesome SVG Resources SVG Tutorials - MotionTricks The SVG Animation Masterclass - Cassie Evans Understanding SVG Coordinate Systems and Transformations - Sara Soueidan Improving SVG Runtime Performance - Taylor Hunt SVG tips - Louis Hoebregts A Compendium of SVG Information - Chris Coyier Making SVGs Responsive with CSS - Sara Soueidan viewBox newsletter (SVG focus) - Cassie Evans and Louis Hoebregts Get Started Quickly with GSAP Below are a few resources that will get you up and running in no time: Getting Started Guide with Video Sequence Animations like a Pro (video) GSAP Documentation
  25. GreenSock

    GSAP 1.16.x Update

    Note: This page was created for GSAP version 2. We have since released GSAP 3 with many improvements. While it is backward compatible with most GSAP 2 features, some parts may need to be updated to work properly. Please see the GSAP 3 release notes for details. We're constantly improving GSAP to solve the problems you face as a developer/designer. In the recent release of GSAP 1.16.0 and 1.16.1, Draggable got some big upgrades and SVG support has never been better across the whole platform. Here's a summary of what's most exciting in 1.16.x: Draggable gets "autoScroll" What happens if you're dragging an element inside a scrollable container (or page) and you reach the edge? Wouldn't it be nice if it automatically scrolled in that direction for you? Wouldn't it be even cooler if it applied variable-speed scrolling based on how close your mouse/touch is to the edge, and it handle MULTIPLE containers? Wish granted. Video tour Interactive demo See the Pen Draggable autoScroll by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. Draggable's new getDirection() method Sometimes it's useful to know which direction an element is dragged (left | right | up | down | left-up | left-down | right-up | right-down), or maybe you'd like to know which direction it is compared to another element. That's precisely what getDirection() is for. Video tour Interactive demo See the Pen Draggable getDirection() by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. Easier SVG animation with svgOrigin For SVG elements, CSSPlugin recognizes a new svgOrigin special property that works exactly like transformOrigin but it uses the SVG's global coordinate space instead of the element's local coordinate space. This can be very useful if, for example, you want to make a bunch of SVG elements rotate around a common point. So you can do TweenLite.to(svgElement, 1, {rotation:270, svgOrigin:"250 100"}) if you'd like to rotate svgElement as though its origin is at x:250, y:100 in the SVG canvas's global coordinates. It also records the value in a data-svg-origin attribute so that it can be parsed back in. So for SVG elements, you can choose whichever one fits your project better: transformOrigin or svgOrigin. Sara Soueidan used this feature in her excellent Circulus tool demo. Interactive demo See the Pen GSAP svgOrigin by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. For more information about how GSAP has solved cross-browser SVG challenges, see https://css-tricks.com/svg-animation-on-css-transforms/ and for performance data, see https://css-tricks.com/weighing-svg-animation-techniques-benchmarks/. More Draggable improvements Draggable exposes a lockedAxis property so that you can find out whether it's "x" or "y" (assuming you set lockAxis:true in the config object). New onLockAxis callback that fires whenever the axis gets locked. Several performance optimizations were made to Draggable, particularly for transforms and scrolling. Draggable allows you to native touch-scroll in the opposite direction as Draggables that are limited to one axis. For example, a Draggable of type:"x" or "left" permit native touch-scrolling in the vertical direction, and type:"y" or "top" permit native horizontal touch-scrolling. SVG support is better than ever. It plots the rotational origin accurately, for example. Touch support has been improved as well. Bug fixes See the github changelogs for 1.16.0 and 1.16.1 for a complete list. Conclusion If you're already using GSAP and/or Draggable, we definitely recommend grabbing the latest version. If you haven't tried GSAP yet, what are you waiting for? Head over to the Getting Started article/video now and you'll be having fun in no time. Helpful links Getting Started with GSAP Draggable demo and main page Draggable docs GSAP docs Got questions? Visit the forums
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