I've been catching back up with Flash Pro and Greensock using the new Canvas and WebGL file formats. One thing I noticed is when I try to use relative numbers with Greensock I get unexpected results.
In AS3 I would have use something like this
TweenLite.to(mc, 1, {x:"500"});
and the mc would have moved 500px to the right of where it was sitting on the stage.
When I use the same piece of code in Flash Pro in JS instead of AS3
TweenLite.to(this.mc, 1, {x:"500"});
The mc seems to move to a location that is far more then 500px and not always in the direction that I thought it would move..
Since I'm using Flash Pro I'm not sure I can recreate this in codepen?
Again this might be an issue with CreateJs and not GSAP.