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  1. Hi everyone, I'm new to this and I just wanted to make a simple animation with HTML and js using GSAP in Adobe animate. Animation itself is very simple, just using three TweenMax in Adobe Animate. When I hit Command + Return, it plays the animation as I built, however, when I upload them (HTML file, js file, and image file in 'image' folder) on a web hosting server and take a look at it on a browser with the web hosting URL along with the correct path to the HTML file, the page is just blank white background and nothing shows up. Then, when I hit refresh button of the browser, the animation starts as expected. I'm thinking that something is wrong with the way I handled GSAP or TweenMax codes in Animate, or some kind of publishing setting issue? What I did is as below: - I'm using Adobe Animate ver. 22.0.5 on MacOS Catalina (ver. 10.15.7) and Chrome (ver. 125.0.6422.113) - The FLA file is with HTML Canvas platform and not ActionScript 3.0 platform - I included the script tag 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/gsap.min.js' in Global section of Actions Panel in Animate - In the FLA file, there is no length of timeline, it's just one frame (which means no classic tween, just three MovieClips placed on the first frame along with Actions layer) - In the Actions layer, there is no ActionScript. The only codes are: TweenMax.from(this.bkgMC, 1, {alpha:0}); TweenMax.from(this.mainMC, 1, {delay:1, scaleX:0, scaleY:0, ease:Back.easeOut}); TweenMax.from(this.titleMC, 1, {delay:2, alpha:0}); - I didn't change any Publish Settings in Animate. 'Export as' section is selected with 'Texture'. - When I hit Command + Return, the animation opens up in Chrome browser and it works as I created it without problem - The output window says: ** 3 Bitmaps packed successfully into 1 spritesheet(s). Frame numbers in EaselJS start at 0 instead of 1. For example, this affects gotoAndStop and gotoAndPlay calls. (4) - I uploaded the HTML file, js file, and image folder with one png file that were all generated from the FLA in Animate onto a web hosting server - When I open the uploaded HTML file in Chrome with the correct path, nothing appears, just blank white background - When I hit refresh button of the browser, the animation starts as expected - The web hosting server that I use is the free one called InfinityFree (https://www.infinityfree.com/) That is all I can think of to note for now. Am I missing to add some kind of code to call GSAP to work in Animate or do I need to change the Publish Settings in Animate? I'm a designer, not a developer. So I may be doing something simple not correctly. I would appreciate if anyone can help with this. Thank you!
  2. Hello! I'm creating a HTML5 project using Flash CC HTML5 canvas. What I do is adding animation code to each frame. After all frames passed the banner loops and I want it to have exact animation as at the first playing. But all instances are loosing their original position and properties. I need all the stage elements to reset just as it is at regular flash projects. P.S. Previously I worked with greensock AS2 at Flash CS 6 - everything worked perfect. Best regards, Vital banner_test (3).zip
  3. Hello! I'm creating a banner using Flash CC HTML5 canvas. What I do is adding animation code to each frame. After it completes I want the next frame to be played. I included two libs into the HTML file: EasePack.min.js TweenLite.min.js So at the current frame I am writing the following code (source file: test7.zip ): this.stop(); TweenLite.to(this.target, 1.35, {delay: 0.1, y: 180, ease:Elastic.easeInOut, onComplete: pplay } ); function pplay(){ this.play(); window.alert('123'); }; The frame is animated but it stops at the end instead of going to next frame. At this time the alert works, but I can not skip it - it's like a loop function. How can I get to the next frame? P.S. Previously I worked with greensock AS2 at Flash CS 6 - everything worked perfect. Best regards, Vital
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