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  1. Guest

    Video Scroll Animation

    Where can I find a tutorial or maybe docs or blogs where I can learn how to make a video be animated on scroll. Like every time I scroll the video runs 1 or 2 frames. I am also interested in animating movement of elements on scroll. Let's say I have 3 card and as I scroll the care apea one by one when I scroll from a position of X= -100 to X= 0 while the hole scrolled is sopped. In other wards when the uses get to a point the normal scroll stops and as they scroll the card move from right to left raveling themself and moving into their position and ten the normal scrolling behavior start again. An example would be https://zoox.com/ . Thank you!
  2. Andrea Contesini

    Video Scrub flickering after Chrome update

    Hello, after Chrome last update, my code doesn't work anymore. Video is flickering on scroll. I activated controls on video to check the correct animation of GSAP and all seems to be good but video doesn't follow scroll correctly and needs seconds to align with the scroll position. Video is encoded correctly and since 5/6 day ago, it worked correctly an all devices and browsers. On Safari, for example, it works correctly. It seems that the problem is related to Chrome on Mac. Does anyone have a suggestion? Thanks so much. Here's the code to play video on scrub. //GESTISCO IL PLAY/PAUSE DEL VIDEO SECONDO LO SCROLL let video = document.querySelector('#thevideo'); let sections = document.querySelectorAll('.gsap--section'); /* Make sure the video is 'activated' on iOS */ function once(el, event, fn, opts) { var onceFn = function (e) { el.removeEventListener(event, onceFn); fn.apply(this, arguments); }; el.addEventListener(event, onceFn, opts); return onceFn; } video.play(); // must call .play() first, otherwise it won't trigger things to be scrubbable (weird) video.pause(); var containerH = $(".gsap--outer").outerHeight(); //TIMELINE const videoTl = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { scroller: '.inner-site', pinType: 'fixed', anticipatePin: 1, trigger: ".gsap-pincontainer", start: "top top", end: "+=" + (100 * sections.length) + "%", pin: true, scrub: 2, // markers: true, } }); videoTl.to( video, { currentTime: 14, }); videoTl.to(".gsap--outer", { y: -(containerH - innerHeight), //100% - altezza del col-span }, "<"); }
  3. DevC

    Syncing timeline with video

    Tweenings Greetings, I've shared a demo that works okay in codepen, but has many syncing issues in prod (react). I'd like to know if there is a better way to do what I'm doing here. I'm also curious to find some docs on helping gsap get initialized before rendering. Seem to have the odd refresh where my text treatment is all messed up. After initial text and video wipe this should happen: With the frame cuts of the video the span in "The next number is" {1} should update. With the frame cuts the bg gradient should also update. On repeat is should stay in sync with the video. Thanks for any help. First time forum asker.
  4. I have tried several methods mentioned in the forum yet i could not find a proper smooth play by scroll for videos. I created one in the code pen , yet the issue is it only animates smoothly if it is safari desktop, safari mobile or even firefox mobile (checkd in macos and ios). If it is chrome or firefox desktop which uses webp version of the movie, no chance it just skips animations in the middle. Any thoughts ?
  5. I want the video to play smoothly on scroll, here on my code pen demo it's not smooth, how do I make it better?
  6. Hello Team, It is really impressive framework for animating html elements and so glad to use such aamazing framework. I'm working with PIXIJS with Gsap as animation plugin. I was in tuff position when implementing dragging and syncing video with current time. I had a read through threads in GSAP platform, and the attached PEN is fork of the example available. which is exactly what I want but in Gsap V3. Would be helpful if someone could suggest in GSAP V3, using Timeline, can this be achieveable and any guideliness for me to implement using Timeline. Appreciate your reply. Thanks Irfan
  7. Zain Rehman

    Video Animation on Scroll

    Hey, I'm New here! my question can bother you. I'm looking for a suggestion basically for my project. I'm developing a website landing section where I want to place a video on Scroll video should be play (I'm Just using a word video it can be any other bes approach) On the whole, as I study myself there are different techniques to do so. 1) video play/off on scroll like this { } 2) Image sequence { } 3) Sprite images https://webdesign.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-animate-a-coffee-drinking-sprite-with-scrollmagic--cms-24795 a. which technique should I follow? b. Should I work on Canvas or just HTML divs'? speed of the loading the first time is my priority as the Apple website has quick response I just want your suggestion in this way.
  8. I'm using scrollTrigger to animate some videos (.mp4) on scroll. Everything seemed to work fine, except that it doesn't seem to work on iOS (I tested on iPhone 11 iOS 16.0 and on iPhone 13 iOS 16.2). In fact, it is as if it didn't load the videos, the space remains empty and obviously the GSAP scrollTrigger animation doesn't start. Did I miss something?
  9. I'm trying to animate a video on scroll using ScrollTrigger (switched from ScrollMagic), and the result is quite good. The animation works, but the problem is that frames are often skipped when scrolling. As can be seen from the console (line 26), the scrollPos skips some numbers, thus causing the videoCurrentTime to skip some frames. Is there a way to make this not happen? May I create a variable that increments more precisely with the scrollPos? Can the duration of the ScrollTrigger and the framerate of the video have something to do with it?
  10. Hey guys, I have a pretty interesting challenge. I need to animate the "playhead" of a <video> element. Ie the video.currentTime property. Running currentTime through TweenMax like so doesn't work as setting currentTime takes a little while to update, so it simply jumps to it's destination. I suspect what I want to do can't be done using the native <video> element, but I have to use an image sequence and <canvas> instead, but I wanted to check with you bright fellas before venturing down that path
  11. Sukru

    Horizontal Timeline Multiple Video

    Hi, when I add multiple videos, the video scrolltrigger is also giving problems. Can you help me?
  12. Sukru

    Horizontal Timeline Scroll Video

    Hello, I want to play and pause video with horizontal scrolltrigger. I did the playback but couldn't find a solution to stop it. Can you help me?
  13. Hello guys, I am stuck in a really bad situation and cant find a solution of it. So what I am trying to achieve is that I want to play a video smoothly on scrollTrigger scrub but that is not happening. The video is playing very choppily. I have a created a minimal codesandbox for you guys to have a look https://codesandbox.io/s/gracious-sunset-0xsvr?file=/src/pages/index.jsx Please help me as I am stuck on this for 2 days Thanks
  14. Hello. I'm trying to link videos in json to each other. But i can not create video scrubber for appended elements. This is my scenario: 1. Load first video. 2. Load second video + create video scrubber. 3. Load third video after 2. scrubbing end. 4. Load fourth video + create video scrubber with on click. (Here is what i can't do it). I am playing here: https://stackblitz.com/edit/js-uasbtv?file=index.js Click 'Up' button to create new video scrubber.
  15. Dj.Sunrise

    Pause video and play

    Hi! I'v read articles how to control video in timeline but I dont have idea how to make same video animation like here https://store.google.com/us/product/nest_cam_battery?hl=en-US I builded some minimal demo. So what I want: Play video till 3-4 sec PAUSE, then when video in the middle of the screen of viewport it continues play.
  16. Hi everyone, I'm trying to create an image sequence that can be played backwards or forwards by scrolling the page up and down. But I also need the sequence to be controllable using a video style progress bar. Using some of the code that I've copied from these forums I've managed to get the image sequence working and I've also managed to create a play bar control with a playhead that can be dragged left and right. But I can't get the playhead to control the current image that is displayed in the image sequence. In the code for the image sequence I specify the number of frames, so I'm assuming I need to divide the length of the progress bar into an equivalent number of 'units' and then advance or rewind the image sequence every time the play head is dragged by one 'unit'.
  17. Hi, I am trying to create a banner with timeline animation and a background html5 video. I am trying to keep the video in sync with the timeline, which is also working pretty well in the codepen example. That being unless you switch to another tab or scroll down on a page so the banner is out of sight, then it seems the animation is pause while the video continues to play and therefore gets out of sync. So what is the best practice here? to always keep them in sync? Can I listen for when the timeline is in pause mode and then pause the video, or can the timeline pauses be deactivated?... or a 3rd option Perhaps someone has an example on this or maybe an earlier topic which I couldn't find?! Thanks! /Alex
  18. Hi Guys, I want to start a video via a slider, which is built with draggable and inertia. This works in Chrome and Firefox. Safari interprets the action after onThrowComplete as autoplay and prevents playing the video, due to it's autoplay-policy (except video is muted). However it seems to be OK for Safari if I start the video with a ordinary button (at the bottom of the example). Any idea how to solve this?
  19. Holo_Back

    Play Video Reverse with GSAP

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to play a short video clip on mouseover and play it reverse on mouseout: mouseover: video.play() mouseout: video.playReverse() As there is currently no native function for playing a video reverse, I tried it with setInterval by manipulating currentTime, but this solution is not smooth enough. Is there a smooth solution with GSAP to play a video backwards?
  20. Hi. I'm looking for feedback on my new project, here is a little background on how it became. My clients sometimes send me an already working preview for the animation they have. They either want a creative update or a different size banner. To match the timing as close as possible, I usually record the animation as mp4 and then using a video player with pause/play extract necessary time keys. To simplify this, I created a tool that records the video for me. Just pass the URL get back the mp4 video. I thought it could also be used to export the animation (html5, index.html, zip package) as an mp4 and then used as a video advertisement on FB or Instagram,... https://urlrec.com/ Any feedback on your workflow and if this is something you would use would be excellent.
  21. Hi So I'm a bit of a newbie when it comes to using Greensock and I also have an animation that was created by someone else. :-/ The animation uses GSAP to produce a bit of a lengthy animation that needs to be exported as an MP4 file. The animation is divided up into indivdual steps by adding labels for each one e.g.: TimelineMax.add("step1"); ..... TimelineMax.add("endStep1"); I have the original FLA file, so that I can change the current step to be played via a variable called 'step', which I can export as a SWF file and all plays fine - the animation starts and finshes at the desired step, objects turn on and off, tween etc. However when I try to export as an MP4 file the animation doesn't play correctly and appears to start mid-way through an earlier step. :-/ I'm exporting as follows: File > Export > Export Video Checking 'Convert video in Adobe Media Encoder' Setting 'Stop exporting' to 'After time elapsed' and entering plenty of seconds Export as a MOV and open in AME to output as MP4 So far I've tried everything from inserting enough frames in the timeline to actually taking the working SWF and using something like HD Video Convertor Factory but with very poor results. I just don't understand why it plays fine as a SWF file but completely different when exported as MP4? Anyone else had a similar issue? Unfortunately I can't supply a codepen because I have to adhere to data export restrictions. Many thanks Rich
  22. WebDynamix

    Screenshots to video

    Hello, I'm building an animation that I want to record as video but for now but I can't record screen with a 100% smooth video for x reasons. So, what do you think about the idea to slow down the animation by using the time scale, take automated screenshots and then merge them into a video format and add audio ? Does it make sense or it's a wrong way ? Thanks
  23. Hi, I'm looking for a GSAP developer who could create a full screen interactive module as illustrated in the attached video clip. The site is already in development but we need help with this more advanced module that will be embedded in the home page hero banner. Experience required: - GSAP - Preloader animation with progress bar - Video controlling (play, pause, etc) - SVG animation It would need to be completed in approximately 3 weeks time. All assets, including images, SVGs and video clips would be supplied. Please watch through the short video example of what we are after and if you feel this is something you could develop for us please contact me as soon as possible to arrange a Skype chat. Note: there are two sides "Precision" and "Unleashed". Clicking on each word expands the relevant side and plays the video. Please also ignore the logo in top right, the button in bottom center, as well as the mail icon in bottom right. If you have any questions please comment below. Looking forward to working with one of you geniuses Thanks, Andy
  24. I've have red almost everything on the net and over here about animation video, but can not get anything working... How do I let say on $(window).on('click', function(){ // play.forward.... }); and dblclick, playinReverse... I've tried so many things... these did not help. http://greensock.com/forums/topic/12771-animating-the-playhead-of-video-element-is-it-possible/?hl=ahrengot#entry53668 http://greensock.com/forums/topic/13719-tweening-video-frames/?hl=video+control
  25. Murrayson

    Animation to video

    Hi guys, I am looking into building an adverting system that would use GS at it's core. I am going to use bottom end android tables as display units and I currently find that animations are jerking due to the low spec CPUs. I know that there is some GPU support in CSS3 but I am not sure how practical or applicable this is to the mobile platform. Having said that I know that most of these low spec tablets do have quite good GPU's for video playback up to 1080p 30fps and I am only looking for 720p 30-60fps. So what I am looking to do is use the 'save to image' function of canvas and either post to the server or use something like PhantomJS in Node to render the frames to a folder then use ffmpeg to stitch them into mp4s at the desired frame rate. This would also allow a host of other effect to be applied programmatically. I know that GS plays nice with KineticJS for canvas rendering and I have altered the codepen example (http://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/xaDAG) to use the tick event listener as a test. I am however worried that this is not synchronous and would not post to the server fast enough to capture all the frames if run clientside. Should I rather use seek to jump a frame forward at a time and then render the canvas out. Does seek work with the KineticJS plugin? Many thanks in advance, any other approaches welcome.
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