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  1. Hi everyone I have one question for you all reading, can you help me with that - So I made a website - https://walkwise.in/ In this website I'm using GSAP, Framer motion, and 4 image sequence, I'm doing on scroll Image sequence animation - Made using Nextjs Now - All the images are stored in cloudinary and whenever a user visits website all images are fetched from there, It takes some time to load, I have reduced this time to some extend but I want this sequences to loads lighting fast. Can you help me with this. Thanks
  2. Zain Rehman

    Video Animation on Scroll

    Hey, I'm New here! my question can bother you. I'm looking for a suggestion basically for my project. I'm developing a website landing section where I want to place a video on Scroll video should be play (I'm Just using a word video it can be any other bes approach) On the whole, as I study myself there are different techniques to do so. 1) video play/off on scroll like this { } 2) Image sequence { } 3) Sprite images https://webdesign.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-animate-a-coffee-drinking-sprite-with-scrollmagic--cms-24795 a. which technique should I follow? b. Should I work on Canvas or just HTML divs'? speed of the loading the first time is my priority as the Apple website has quick response I just want your suggestion in this way.
  3. This has probably been asked before, and it's very likely I'm taking the wrong approach, but is it possible to make use of the ScrollTrigger mechanism to make a scrubber for an image sequence? NOTES: - There are additional notes on the pen that can't be seen in the sample here, so please visit CodePen for better understanding... hopefully. THANKS!
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