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  1. I'm wanting to use GSAP with Pixi Sound to fade audio in and out. The docs say that the plugin works with the main Pixi code base, does that include Pixi Sound? If not, is there another way to still use GSAP with Pixi Sound?
  2. Hello everyone ?, I am new to GSAP and I have a question in using the club member plugins after the membership is over. I am a freelancer and create websites for clients (already using the free plugins). I think about becoming a member with the ShockinglyGreen Plan to get acccess to all the bonus plugins. I have already read many answers in the forum but I am not 100% sure. I know that a member with the ShockinglyGreen Plan is allowed to create websites for his clients and the plugins on these websites will still work after his membership is over. He is not allowed to create for example templates with the plugins and selling them. So my question is: If my membership with the ShockinglyGreen plan will be over after one year, am I still allowed to use these bonus plugins for creating new websites for clients without beeing a member? I know that I won't get updates and so on, but am I still allowed to use the plugins I got during my membership? I want also to add that I really love GSAP and the work behind the multiple plugins. Your work is really great and I really appreciate that :). Thanks in advance for your answer?.
  3. Hello, I added lightGallery framework to my gsap project, it works fine, but there is a scroll problem. When I turn off the lightbox, it shifts up and down. How can I prevent this? Can you help me? I guess scroll is not locking
  4. Coming from CSS, I am used to being able to control what happens at a specific point during an animation with keyframe percentages. This is particularly helpful when the change I want to animate doesn't follow a linear pattern from state A to state B, but rather has some variation in between. So, for example, I can do something like this: @keyframes irregular-animation { 0% { transform: scale(0); opacity: 0; } 75% { transform: scale(1.25); } 100% { transform: scale(1); opacity: 1; } } However, I haven't managed to figure out how to do the same with GSAP. In GSAP, it seems I only have control of the start and end states (like with toFrom), but nothing in between. I know I can use custom ease functions to achieve somewhat of a similar effect to the one in the snippet above (whereby I design the easing curve to overextend a little), but this is far from ideal since I often only want to change a single property in this irregular way, not the entire tween. Notice how, in the snippet above, the opacity follows a linear transformation, and it would not make sense to overextend it (even though, for this example, an opacity of, let's say, 1.5 at 75% wouldn't break the animation). Also, it's hard to manipulate a custom curve such that a property reaches a specific value exactly after 75% of an animation is done (or an even less intuitive percentage, like, say, 27%). Timelines are also not ideal for this (from what I've tried, at least), because I want the entire animation to follow along the same easing curve (which is not the same as reusing the same ease in each tween) and, again, it's tricky to calculate when exactly 75% or some other percentage of the overall animation will be done. But maybe I'm missing something... If you had to recreate the simple animation in the CodePen I linked using GSAP, how would you do it? Is it possible to control the values for properties at a specific point during an animation that resembles what we can accomplish with @keyframes in CSS? Thank you for reading. I appreciate any help.
  5. https://edidiongasikpo.com/using-gsap-scrolltrigger-plugin-in-react
  6. Hi guys ! Is that possible to couple those two plugins (Physics2d & MothionPathPlugin) to create a kind of "maze" what I want is that the svg circle fall and stop at the end of the path ? i don't see this anywhere :3 thk's
  7. This is a guest post from one of the best teachers of GSAP, Carl Schooff, also known as SnorklTV. If you're new to GSAP or just looking to learn about the GSAP 3 syntax, his video courses are second to none! I can't tell you how many hundred's of questions I've seen in the GreenSock forums about controlling GSAP animations on scroll. I'm so happy there is finally a genuine GreenSock tool to power the future of scroll-driven animations. Before I get into the specifics, it's worth a moment of time to honor those that got us here. A short history of Scroll-driven Animations John Polacek paved the way in 2013 with Superscrollorama, a jQuery plugin that used GSAP under the hood. Many amazing sites were created with this highly-acclaimed, ground-breaking, and trend-setting tool. In 2014 Jan Paepke took the reins and did a complete re-write and SuperScrollarama became ScrollMagic. ScrollMagic was hugely successful as it offered a slew of new features. Excellent demo files made the tool easy for beginners to understand. Awards sites exploded with many clever effects made with the ScrollMagic and GSAP combo. However, as with many solo-led open source projects, it's popularity created a hefty support burden that couldn't be managed. As issues went unanswered in the ScrollMagic repo, more users found their way to the GreenSock forums asking for support on a product GreenSock didn't create or have any way of fixing. ScrollTrigger is born On June 1st, 2020, GreenSock released ScrollTrigger to a sold out audience via a historic YouTube Premiere. ScrollTrigger was built with a totally fresh perspective on how GreenSock animations should be controlled via scroll. Not only does the API offer more features than it's predecessors, but it has a strong focus on performance which really shines in this "mobile-first" world. And as you can expect with any GreenSock product support is phenomenal. For a full list of features, you'll need to check out GreenSock's ScrollTrigger API Docs, but my job here is to get you up and running quickly... so let's go! Watch the Video This video is from my course GSAP 3 Express. I've got over 6 hours of training and loads of exclusive demos to help you master the GreenSock Animation Platform from the ground up at creativeCodingClub.com As always, I load my videos up with info so that I don't have to write a ton of stuff, but here are some key points. Get ScrollTrigger and GSAP ScrollTrigger is hosted on a CDN along with GSAP. Just use the script tags below to load it into your page. <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/gsap@3/dist/gsap.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/gsap@3/dist/ScrollTrigger.min.js"></script> Register ScrollTrigger It's recommended to register ScrollTrigger in your JavaScript to avoid tree-shaking with build tools. gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); You can get recent CDN Urls from the GSAP Overview in the docs. For use with npm or more advanced build tools check out the GSAP installation videos. Super Basic Demo with a Single Tween The animation is super slow so that you can see how the animation reacts to entering and leaving the scroller-start and scroller-end positions. See the Pen ScrollTrigger QuickStart by Snorkl.tv (@snorkltv) on CodePen. Control a Timeline with ScrollTrigger See the Pen GreenSock ScrollTrigger Timeline by Snorkl.tv (@snorkltv) on CodePen. GreenSock's Toggle Action Demo In the video I explained how toggleActions work and how important they are. For each toggle event (onEnter, onLeave, onEnterBack, onLeaveBack) you can assign an action (play, pause, restart, reset, resume, complete, reverse, none). You'll assign a toggleAction via a 4-part string like "restart pause resume reverse". The best way to understand how they work is to play with the values in the demos above and study the demo below. See the Pen toggleActions - ScrollTrigger by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. I'm hoping these resources help get you up and running quickly. For more inspiration check GreenSock's massive collection of ScrollTrigger Demos. What's next? I've only scratched the surface of what ScrollTrigger can do. I'll definitely be creating more training on this awesome tool. If you need help learning GSAP and want to take your skills to the next level check out my courses at CreativeCodingClub.com.
  8. Hi! I have an animation that reveal my texts line by line with SplitTextJs. The problem I have is that I have my paragraphs that are splited line by line but my lines wraps so one line is now 2 lines It happen mostly when I refresh the page without the cache. On my codepen I need to refresh more than once without the cache to get the problem. Also, sometimes I have a problem with the split when I have some words in italic or in a span. Thank you!
  9. Hi everyone, I need GSAP WordPress plugin. If anyone know please share here.
  10. Hi, I have build a really small component (see codepen) which is a list of entries with the first being sticky element. I would like to scroll to an entry which seem slightly buggy due to the sticky element, or I am doing something wrong. If you click on the the last element you will see what the problem is. It works well for entries where scrolling is required, but if en entry sits at the end (entry 9 for instance), where we can't scroll to, then the scroller does not scroll to very end but leaves the gap at the bottom (offset of 30px). Is there a way around this (without adding a margin-bottom to the ul list). I hope I could explain it well, if not, please let me know and will try to elaborate. Best regards Thomas PS: the markup can't be changed
  11. Hi, Few months ago I needed a solution for a very special case. I needed to add custom class to the element with custom animated property which I can use everywhere. Related topic: So I ended up with the following plugin, which adds visibility hidden to the element when we reach opacity 0, and removes the visibility property when opacity is not 0. (No, I can not use GSAP inbuilt autoAlpha as that adds visibility visible, but my elements might be hidden with CSS selector) _gsScope._gsDefine.plugin({ propName: "n2AutoAlpha", API: 2, version: "1.0.0", overwriteProps: ["n2AutoAlpha"], init: function (target, value, tween, index) { var start = window.getComputedStyle(target)["opacity"]; if (typeof value === "function") { value = value(index, target); } this._tween = this._addTween(target.style, "opacity", start, value, "n2AutoAlpha"); return true; }, set: function (ratio) { this._super.setRatio.call(this, ratio); if (this._tween) { if (ratio === 0 && this._tween.s === 0) { this._tween.t.visibility = "hidden"; } else if (ratio === 1 && this._tween.s + this._tween.c === 0) { this._tween.t.visibility = "hidden"; } else if (this._tween.t.visibility === "hidden") { this._tween.t.removeProperty("visibility"); } } } }); It works like a charm in most cases. The following scenario is just the simplified version of the production code. The timelines and such are fixed and I can only change the GSAP plugin itself. I have two timelines and both can contain several tween and all tween applies to the same element. When tl1 ends, it starts to play tl2, when tl2 ends, it plays tl1 again. tl1 is an x animation, which also reset the opacity value to the original one. tl2 animates the opacity from 1 to 0 GSAP autoAlpha -> Everything works, expect the animated box do not get hidden when the browser is smaller than 600px. https://codepen.io/anon/pen/JZdzwK Custom plugin -> The visibility status does not change on when tl1 runs from the second time. https://codepen.io/anon/pen/dKorrv When tl2 ends with opacity 0, it sets the visibility to hidden, but somehow the custom plugin skipped in tl1 and visibility hidden is not removed and opacity is not set to 1. Solution would be that the plugin set opacity and adjust the visibility as the core autoAlpha works. How can I reach that in my plugin?
  12. Hello everyone, I have worked on JS-based animations with GSAP libraries for one year. The product I am working on is that provides User Mostly, I use TimelineMax to create timeline animations by using top/left, opacity, scale,... properties. I think my app will be better if I can combine Built-in animations with Timeline, then I can schedule the built animation with duration and offset in my timeline. Built-in animations for example: bounce, slideIn, flash,... reference here: https://daneden.github.io/animate.css/ It's a big challenge to translate from CSS to GSAP based Javascript animations. So I am looking for a plugin powered by GSAP Timeline libs. Please tell me if you have any plugin like that. Thanks a lot.
  13. Although there are already many official plugins available, you will still encounter situations where you want to integrate other third-party libraries such as: three.js, p5.js, and other webgl, canvas libraries. So I don’t know if the official can provide a guide to developing a gsap plugin? Thanks~
  14. Dear support, I am new to GSAP and I consider to become member of business Green, because I am amazed by GSAP's potentional for animation. I am especially interested in the SVGMorph plugin. Ideally I would want to try this: (If it's allowed with the license) Is it allowed with the business Green license to create software plugins from the GSAP library ? 1. Am I allowed to use the (unaltered) GSAP library and the (unaltered) SVGMorph script to create a small custom app that outputs svg data. 2. Use this output svg data from the custom app to drive vector animation tweening in an animation software. We only intend to use this internally in our animation studio as a tool for the production of rendered animation. We don't intend to sell or publish this custom app. We simply love some of the tweening features of GSAP and would like to add them to our tools, but we don't animate for web/SVG. Is this possible with the business Green license or am I infringing on the copyright? Thanks in advance, Sincerely, Jeroen Koffeman
  15. hi! In the code pen you see an animation for the menu. I use the splittext plugin as you can see. First time you open the menu, everything animates as intended. But after closing once, the second time it seems like it's ignoring the timeline. Been fiddling with it for a long time but can't seem to figure it out. Anyone has a hunch of what's going wrong?
  16. Thought I'd post in case someone else finds this useful. Using v0.4.0 of the scramble text plugin I was able to use multibyte emoji in the chars property string after modifying the following lines in scrambleTextPlugin.js: 1) this.chars = chars.split(""); to this.chars = [...chars]; 2) startText = endText.substr(0, ((this._length + (this._tweenLength ? 1 - (ratio * ratio * ratio) : 1) * this._lengthDif) - (l - i) + 0.5) | 0); to startText = [...endText].slice(0,((this._length + (this._tweenLength ? 1 - (ratio * ratio * ratio) : 1) * this._lengthDif) - (l - i) + 0.5) | 0).join(''); 3) endText = endText.substr(i, ((this._length + (this._tweenLength ? 1 - ((ratio = 1 - ratio) * ratio * ratio * ratio) : 1) * this._lengthDif) - i + 0.5) | 0); to endText = [...endText].slice(i,((this._length + (this._tweenLength ? 1 - ((ratio = 1 - ratio) * ratio * ratio * ratio) : 1) * this._lengthDif) - i + 0.5) | 0).join(''); Animation looks something like this now... scrambleText: { chars: '??????????????????✌✋?✊????❤????????????????????????????????☕???????????????♨?????⛽?⛵?✈?☀☁??☔⚡⛄??✨???⚽⚾??⛳?♠♥♦♣???????☎?????????????✂???♿?⚠?↗↘↙↖♈♉♊♋♌♍♎♏♐♑♒♓❗©®™????㊙??', ... } Makes use of the spread operator which is ES6, browser compatibility is listed near the bottom of this page: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Spread_operator If anyone has improvements they'd be appreciated Also, haven't tested every emoji, but it seems to be working with ^ so far...
  17. Hi guys - To create a tween that animates as you scroll what do you need exactly? I am referencing both tweenmax and scrollmagic and I also added the gsap animation plugin. No matter what I do this doesn't seem to want to work. Please help!
  18. I'm using ThrowPropsPlugin with no success on webpack, I Import TweenMax as import { TweenMax } from 'gsap' and import Draggable from 'gsap/Draggable' They work good, however when I try to use ThrowProps, I import it from the common-js folder of ShockinglyGreen as import 'app/vendor/ThrowPropsPlugin'; No errors, but it won't work either. Any help is much appreciated, thanks!
  19. This works : npm install gsap and npm install @types/gsap by configurig tweenlite into systemjs packaging, worked as expected with angular 2/4 The questions are how to install business green gasp package so I can use with angualr 2/4. How plugins like splittext can be used along with this. Appreciate any help. Thanks
  20. I want the SVG animation that I found on the left to have the same effect on the right element. What am I doing wrong?!!?!!?! This is driving me crazy -- why is there a double stroke effect? How can I fix this. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  21. Hey guys, great product. Thank you so much!
  22. carleaql

    Smooth Morph SVG

    Hello, I'm trying to get a smooth animation with MorphSVG: http://codepen.io/carlbren/pen/pEYkRg The steps should as smooth as these ones: http://codepen.io/waterfallmedia/pen/ZbOjRO http://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/WQjRXE (see the cape animated with waveSVG which is not supported) http://codepen.io/osublake/pen/meepJE You can see a stop between the steps in my animation. Please, do you have any idea of what I could do to not feel the steps in the animation? Thanks!
  23. Hello everybody! I am introducing my effort to clone/mimic the reusable animation from animate.css into greensock version. I am inviting everyone here to contribute to the project I've started on Github! First I would like to thank to the founders and administrators who helped me to understand the difference between animate.css and gsap in terms of animation. GreenSock is the one who has flexible building blocks to create amazing web animation. So yeah! Here we go I am now every masters and new user to contribute to my unofficial plugin! You can find the repo links and demo below! DEMO: http://warengonzaga.github.io/sites/animatecssplugin.html (Underdevelopment) GITHUB REPO: https://github.com/WarenGonzaga/AnimateCSSPlugin (Contribute Today!) OFFICIAL GROUP CHAT: https://tlk.io/animatecssplugin/ OFFICIAL BLOG: http://warengonzaga.com/blog/2016/09/20/animatecssplugin-js-gsap/ (Dead Link wait for further updates) ORIGINAL TOPIC: http://greensock.com/forums/topic/15082-best-way-to-use-gsap-with-animatecss/ Calling for @jonathan, @carl, and also @jack they are the GSAP Legends! Best Regards, Waren Gonzaga
  24. Hello everyone here! I am planning to make custom free unofficial plugin for GSAP (it would be nice to make official plugin). But my only problem is where do I start? There's no documentation on how to make own/custom plugin for GSAP. I would like to make some free custom plugin for GSAP for the purpose to extend the abilities and powers of GSAP. I already create a repo for my plugin project for GSAP and I am inviting you guys to contribute! Any suggestions would be great! Calling for @Jack, @Carl and @Jonathan (They are GSAP legends) Github Repository: https://github.com/WarenGonzaga/AnimateCSSPlugin Best Regards, Waren
  25. Hi there, I'm starting to use DrawSVG and I really can't make the drawing properly. I read the tutorials and watched the videos a few times and all that I need is to make the drawing properly. Firstly, I don't want the text coming up first, I want the drawing happening along the duration of the tween and revealing the text. Please let me know what's is wrong with my pen. It's an excellent plugin and we have the business club here at work, but I'm testing all the plugins before we place into our production. Any help it will be great. Kind regards, Fernando Fas
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