Hello everyone ?,
I am new to GSAP and I have a question in using the club member plugins after the membership is over. I am a freelancer and create websites for clients (already using the free plugins). I think about becoming a member with the ShockinglyGreen Plan to get acccess to all the bonus plugins. I have already read many answers in the forum but I am not 100% sure. I know that a member with the ShockinglyGreen Plan is allowed to create websites for his clients and the plugins on these websites will still work after his membership is over. He is not allowed to create for example templates with the plugins and selling them.
So my question is: If my membership with the ShockinglyGreen plan will be over after one year, am I still allowed to use these bonus plugins for creating new websites for clients without beeing a member? I know that I won't get updates and so on, but am I still allowed to use the plugins I got during my membership?
I want also to add that I really love GSAP and the work behind the multiple plugins. Your work is really great and I really appreciate that :).
Thanks in advance for your answer?.