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Found 16 results

  1. I wanna create a scrollTrigger animation like the one in https://figr.design/ website homepage; if you have any suggestions, that would be a great help for me.
  2. Hello I'm pretty new to gsap and have been looking online for a way to create the video example shown here but haven't found anything that matches it exactly, would love some help on how to create this effect where you can ideally click or drag to cycle through the images in this way Any help would be really appreciated! I'm using webflow if that matters at all. I look the codepen example from another thread and tried to edit it as best as I could to match my example but I'm stuck as to how to get it exact
  3. Hi guys, I'm trying to implement a horizontally scrolling gallery on my website in Webflow. I want it to be sticky until the gallery reaches the end, and then the page to resume regular scrolling. There are a number of youtube tutorials that I tried, but none worked. I have to admit, although I have a tiny little bit of experience in simple coding, I am by no means a pro. In fact, quite the opposite. After having tried to make this work for the last 5 hours, I think I can justify asking you guys Youtube-Turorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LWinkSulwU The website I'm trying to build: https://tobias-kopp-fotografie.webflow.io/home-new-copy-scrolltrigger2 Would be so awesome if you could help. I bet it's some stupid minor detail that makes it not work at all. I tried to find that error so hard, whithout success ... Cheers, Tobi
  4. Dear Coding Wizards, I've reached the limits of my current GSAP knowledge and require your expertise to realize my dream of launching an artwork gallery. The primary challenges I'm facing with my scripts are: Scroll Wheel Issues: Difficulty with implementing smooth navigation for next and previous slides using the scroll wheel. Keyboard Arrow Navigation: Challenges with enabling seamless navigation using keyboard arrows (up and down) to switch between slides. Mobile-Friendliness: I believe my project is mobile-friendly, but I'm not entirely certain. If there are any elements I might have overlooked or opportunities to make the project more contemporary and lightweight, your insights would be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your valuable assistance. Warm regards, René
  5. Hi there beloved community. I'm in the process of launching a new portfolio but there's a bug with my GSAP-based marquee which showcases my projects in a gallery. From what I can see it looks like my code doesn't calculate the proper width & height of all of the media's inside of the marquee. And sometimes on load it only loads some of the actual content inside. Another thing: the marquee height is clamped, and inside of my runMarquee function it looks like the height doesn't adapt when resizing. I use: SvelteKit (framework) Hygraph (GraphQL) Another issue I'm facing is that most of my content inside of the marquee's has different aspect-ratios, especially the videos doesn't load in the proper format. So please also look for a solution to this. Preview link of website: https://krause-ew9w4q45a-asgerkrause.vercel.app/ sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I need it to be bullet-proof. If you have a stronger code for the same results, please let me know! HTML structure: <div class="marquee"> <div class="track"> <!-- Media will go here --> <video autoplay loop muted src={url} type="video/mp4" /> <img src={url} alt="" /> </div> </div> CSS: .marquee { height: clamp(18.75rem, 12.5rem + 16.6667vw, 25rem); position: relative; overflow: hidden; display: block; margin-left: calc(var(--space) * -1); width: 100vw; } .marquee .track { height: 100%; transform-origin: 0 0; display: block; position: relative; } .marquee .track > * { height: 100%; width: auto; padding-left: 4px; position: absolute; object-fit: cover; } JS: onMount(() => { function runMarquee() { const allMarquees = document.querySelectorAll('.marquee'); allMarquees.forEach((marquee, index) => { marquee.querySelector('.track'); const allItems = marquee.querySelectorAll('.marquee>.track>*'), proxy = document.createElement('div'); allItems.length; let totalX = 0, marqueeH = 0; marquee.offsetWidth; allItems.forEach((item, i) => { const itemW = item.offsetWidth, itemH = item.offsetHeight; (totalX += itemW), gsap.set(item, { x: totalX, width: itemW, height: itemH }), itemH > marqueeH && (marqueeH = itemH); }); const marqueeVal = gsap.utils.wrap(0, totalX), marqueeProgress = gsap.utils.wrap(0, 1); gsap.set([marquee], { height: marqueeH }); const stringX = `-=${totalX}`, animation = gsap.to(allItems, { repeat: -1, duration: 300, x: stringX, ease: 'none', paused: !0, modifiers: { x: function (x, target) { return `${(x = ((parseInt(x) - totalX) % totalX) + (totalX - target.offsetWidth))}px`; } } }); function updateProgress() { const dragValue = marqueeVal((this.deltaX / 2) * -1) / totalX, currentProgressAnim = animation.progress(), endProgress = marqueeProgress(currentProgressAnim + dragValue); animation.progress(endProgress); } Draggable.create(proxy, { type: 'x', trigger: marquee, inertia: !0, onDrag: updateProgress, onThrowUpdate: updateProgress }), window.addEventListener('resize', function resize() { animation.render(animation.time(), !1, !0); }), animation.play(); }); } runMarquee(); }); Thanks
  6. Hello, I added lightGallery framework to my gsap project, it works fine, but there is a scroll problem. When I turn off the lightbox, it shifts up and down. How can I prevent this? Can you help me? I guess scroll is not locking
  7. Hey thanks for your help! I'm a new coder and just discovered Green Sock. I'm trying to plug this into my website on Square Space and need help changing the images. I have several images uploaded to Imgur with url links ready to go but I can't seem to find out where to place those in html (after the <display layer> or <display block> divs), in css, or Javascript by replacing the code at the bottom that links to a set of randomized photo options. At this point I am lost and would appreciate any help you can give me. Thanks! Anna
  8. Hello, Please I need help recreating this using gsap because i want to have smooth scroll. Every attempt I made using gsap meant that I lost the infite loop effect. I really do not know how or what to do. I went through this demo it did not have an infinite loop and also I did not really understand the code. I would be glad if i could find a solution with helpful explanations so that I learn aswell.
  9. I want to make a smooth on scroll image slider going up side as shown on website...Please check website and help me to create same animation https://maisoncacao.com/
  10. Hi, I've been trying to make a gallery navigation like this: https://www.powerhouse-company.com where the menu is a gallery of images and moves when you drag the canvas and then you have the select to sort the diverse articles, the animation is beautiful. I'm guessing I have to use a plugin to do the sorting like they use (flickity), but I'm kind of lost on how to make the canvas. I just want to be able to drag my canvas in fullview and integrate it with images which would be Links. I'm not expecting any of you to tell me the answer. I'd be more than happy if you just simply point me in the right direction. And sorry if my english is not good, it's not my first language. Thank you all for your time!
  11. plug-in out there? I much prefer this to a jQuery plug-in if such a thing exists.
  12. I made this sweet rotator that I can put as many images into as I could ever want, but I am trying to add forward and back buttons. It's not going well. I tried this code for the forward button but I can't seem to figure out how to add a 30 second pause before restarting the animation. rightBtn.click(function(e) { console.log( slideAnimating ); var btnIndex = rightBtn.index(this); if(!slideAnimating && btnIndex !== slideNumber) { timerFunction.pause(); nextSlide = btnIndex; changeSlide(); } }); Then the left button I want to play the animation in reverse to get the last image that was designated currentSlide and nextSlide to move backwards, wait 30 seconds then go back to the normal flow. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  13. my gallery is loaded from an xml doc that is dynamically generated , when a user takes webcam picture the xml doc gets updated, I would like to add this new pic to the gallery. what would be the best way to do this?
  14. Do you know if there are libraries with pre-built tweening effects?
  15. Somebody knows a big source of animation effects and tweens examples to copy from?
  16. There have been a number of posts here about various ways to preload images or build dynamic slideshows with the javascript version of GSAP. Please check out this tutorial by Michael from nightlycoding.com. He did an excellent job: http://nightlycoding.com/index.php/2012/09/image-slideshow-with-preloadjs-jquery-and-tweenmax/ Keep an eye on him. He has a number of GreenSock tutorials. Very cool. Carl ---
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