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  1. Ideal

    Advanced Slider transition effects

    Hello, I want to recreate the slide transition effect on this site: https://elementis.co/destinations. If anyone can help me, here is the CodePen. Thank you in advance.
  2. how to create this pinning effect the same as this website https://www.airvoir.com/
  3. storm

    Wipe Scroll effect

    Hey there, I have been trying to make something like this codepen, I have managed to do the wipe effects but I wanted it to have that smooth scrolling effect. Issues: changing the srub from true to a certain value e.g (1.2) ruins the effect. also, pinning seems to be not working. I am kinda new to gsap, want some expert eyes to critic the code and maybe help me achieve the effect and optimize the code a bit. thanks.
  4. Hi, I am a back end developer and have very least knowledge of JavaScript but I can understand code. I have been finding out whole day the code or logic used by https://travelshift.com/ they used to create top banner/slider which changes the slide/image by long click (about 1 second). I used chrome extension Wappalyzer and came to know that its using GSAP. I have been finding something similar but could not get any working code example. Can anyone please provide some similar example with code or any article link please. Also I want to know this animation name so I can google it better way. willing to get a response, thanks!
  5. Sumit Vaishnav

    How can I make this slider

    Hi There, I need help regarding to create a slider which I defining below : I want to same functionality as like this screen shot (https://prnt.sc/lu4qnBnOiLXP) Is it possible with GSAP if yes please guide me what step I need to follow. https://greensock.com Thanks
  6. Hi, I've got ScrollTrigger on a project and have implemented the pairing of horizontal and vertical scrolling. You can view the example code pen in this post. What I'm trying to do now is do some cool effects on each section as it scrolls into and out of view. I love this example: https://digilab.kunsthaus.ch/en/exhibition/ausstellung-zur-eroeffnung-des-kunsthauses-am-heimplatz?group=switzerland Hoping that someone very talented in these always helpful forums could point me in the right direction. Thanks
  7. Hey Guys, I'm new to GSAP and reading through docs to find out if a particular effect can be created with GSAP. The link below shows the animation in motion and I've created most of it except the distortion that occurs when the mouse moves from one section to another. Can this be done with GSAP, if yes, how? https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/466755948875173685/?lp=true Thanks.
  8. WarenGonzaga

    A sample of Venetian Masking Animation

    Hi guys! I want to share my work on how to make a venetian effect using GSAP I hope it will help other guys on their animation! You can freely fork this project on codepen! thanks! Any feedback and improvements are welcome! Codepen Link: http://codepen.io/Waren_Gonzaga/pen/akywzY Big thanks to Jonathan and Jack of GreenSock for guiding me here! Pretty new here!
  9. WarenGonzaga

    Venetian Mask Effects on GSAP?

    Is it supported by GSAP the animation for venetian mask effect animation? I surf the net about making a venetian mask effect using GSAP. If you guys know how to make please post here thanks! The animation look like this but using GSAP! Reference of animation: https://codepen.io/dudleystorey/pen/HrFBx
  10. Tweenrookie

    Animation Galeries

    Do you know if there are libraries with pre-built tweening effects?
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