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  1. Dear support, I am new to GSAP and I consider to become member of business Green, because I am amazed by GSAP's potentional for animation. I am especially interested in the SVGMorph plugin. Ideally I would want to try this: (If it's allowed with the license) Is it allowed with the business Green license to create software plugins from the GSAP library ? 1. Am I allowed to use the (unaltered) GSAP library and the (unaltered) SVGMorph script to create a small custom app that outputs svg data. 2. Use this output svg data from the custom app to drive vector animation tweening in an animation software. We only intend to use this internally in our animation studio as a tool for the production of rendered animation. We don't intend to sell or publish this custom app. We simply love some of the tweening features of GSAP and would like to add them to our tools, but we don't animate for web/SVG. Is this possible with the business Green license or am I infringing on the copyright? Thanks in advance, Sincerely, Jeroen Koffeman
  2. phantomboogie

    Adobe Animate CC

    Not sure if this is the right place to ask but thought I'd give it a shot given the amount of experience here. Has anyone tried an entire animation workflow through Adobe animate CC? Any pros and cons? Is the code usable? Are the export sizes small? does the outputed code easily sharable? Up till now, I've been making prototypes in AfterEffects and coding the SVG files in an editor powered with greensock. It's not the most elegant workflow but I know how the sausage is made and the components I need, that and it works across browsers. Most Animate CC examples I've seen seem to be either frame by frame animations or simple banner ads that don't have many moving pieces with not a lot of moving parts (aka Flash). I read Animate CC has greensock integration so it's not a matter of whether it works, but is it worth investing time to learn and use as my primary animation tool? Would love to hear if someone has experience in this. Thanks
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