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  1. We love answering GSAP-related questions, but in order to get you a fast, accurate answer it is very important that you provide code we can test. Your problem may be related to CSS, HTML, a framework or JavaScript (or a mixture of those). A tiny code snippet (outside of its context), is difficult to diagnose. We need code that we can dig into and play with...quickly. We are big fans of CodePen.io, an online editor that allows you to create (and share) demos that are easy to inspect and edit. They make isolating issues much faster. Watch How it is Done: GSAP 3 Starter Pen: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/VoZNxw To create a demo with all of GSAP including every bonus plugin: Click the Edit on CodePen button Click the Fork button to create your own copy (lower right corner). Add the minimal amount of HTML, CSS and JavaScript necessary to replicate your issue. Save the pen Paste the URL of your pen (demo) into a new forum topic with a short description of the problem. Include OS, browser and device information where applicable. CodePen is completely free to use and you don't even have to sign up or log in. We do recommend creating a free account as it will allow you to save and organize your pens and much more. Using a framework/library like React, Vue, Next, etc.? CodePen isn't always ideal for these tools, so here are some Stackblitz starter templates that you can fork and import the gsap-trial NPM package: React (please read this article!) Next Svelte Sveltekit Vue Nuxt Please share the StackBlitz link directly to the file in question (where you've put the GSAP code) so we don't need to hunt through all the files. Helpful tips: Isolate the problem Create a demo from scratch. Don't copy your whole project Make demos focused and concise Use stand-ins for content like simple colored <div> elements The special "trial versions" of the bonus plugins also work on the following domains: codesandbox.io, stackblitz.com, jsfiddle.net Use the pen below to easily copy and paste the urls to the bonus plugins: Each time you reply to a thread in the forums, please make sure to use the "Fork" button in the bottom right of the CodePen window so that you don't keep overwriting the original CodePen with new changes. This will help context not to be lost in our forums when other people view the thread later. It allows us to better keep track of how your demo is being changed. Thanks for your cooperation. We look forward to helping you.
  2. Hello ! Would it be possible to update the code from the nuxt3 boilerplates (https://stackblitz.com/@GSAP-dev/collections that can be accessed from here https://gsap.com/demos/?page=1) ? I've setup an udpated version of the page transition starter and made it available on stackblitz and github if you want to use it / have a look to update yours. https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-aizm9r?file=app.vue https://github.com/felixdenoix/nuxt-page-transitions/ Regards Felix
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