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  1. bayne

    Motion Path + Drag on ellipse path

    Hello ! Hello! I'm trying to make my 'button' element follow my dotted line and complete several loops while counting the laps. I've tried many examples from forums, but I can't achieve what I want. I tried this one: https://codepen.io/osublake/pen/YYemRa, but everything is very 'laggy' when I implement it and doesn't work really well. https://codepen.io/benoitdelorme/pen/abermMx
  2. Hey guys, I'm a Webflow designer developer who keeps running into issues implementing split type - every time I add it to my project, it ends up looking a mess for some reason. 🥲 I've attached an image (down below) of the kind of problems I have been getting. I'll also attach my code - I have tried so many variations now, honestly it's melting my brain! Here is the the timeline I want to add the text animation to - I want the text to pop up line by line when the star begins to spin (which you can see in the timeline below). It should be triggered at the same point. (pictured is #star-1) let tl3 = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: '#services', start: 'top 20%', // trigger when #about comes 30% into view end: 'bottom 85%', // set the end point to be 100% of the trigger's height scrub: true, // enable scrubbing markers: true, toggleActions: 'play none none reset', // play the animation when triggered onUpdate: (self) => { if (self.progress >= 0.12 && !self.spun) { gsap.to('#star-1', { rotation: "+=720", duration: 1, ease: 'power4.out' // OutQuart easing }); self.spun = true; } else if (self.progress < 0.12 && self.spun) { self.spun = false; // Reset the flag when progress goes below 12% } // Spin #star-2 at 50% progress if (self.progress >= 0.27 && !self.spun2) { gsap.to('#star-2', { rotation: "+=720", duration: 1, ease: 'power4.out' // OutQuart easing }); self.spun2 = true; // } else if (self.progress < 0.27 && self.spun2) { self.spun2 = false; // Reset the flag when progress goes below 50% } // Spin #star-3 at 70% progress if (self.progress >= 0.53 && !self.spun3) { gsap.to('#star-3', { rotation: "+=720", duration: 1, ease: 'power4.out' // OutQuart easing }); self.spun3 = true; // } else if (self.progress < 0.53 && self.spun3) { self.spun3 = false; // Reset the flag when progress goes below 70% } } } }); tl3.to('.animation-object3', { motionPath: { path: '#path3', align: '#path3', alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.8], autoRotate: true, ease: 'easeInCirc', delay: 0, }, }); // Add an event listener to the window resize event window.addEventListener('resize', function() { // Invalidate the motion path data for each timeline tl1.invalidate(); tl2.invalidate(); tl3.invalidate(); ScrollTrigger.refresh(); }); Here is an example of the kind of staggered text animation I want to add: let typeSplit = new SplitType('[animate]', { types: 'lines, words, chars', tagName: 'span' }) gsap.from('[animate] .line', { y: '100%', opacity: 0, duration: 0.5, ease: 'power1.out', stagger: 0.1, }) Thank you for any help or guidance! 😊
  3. Hello everyone. I want the card with the active class to be centered on top initially. And it is also unclear why draggable does not work properly. It is necessary, if we did not move the circle to the next card, then return it back to the active one, and if we moved the circle a little further and stopped, then move it to the next card and make it active. The wrapper block must not drop the rotate value below 0. I really need your help, I've been working on this task for a very long time
  4. iDVB

    MotionPath and Scale

    I've looked at a number of threads asking this similar affect. None quite capture what I'm hoping to do. I have a motionPath set using an svg <ellipse> that is animating a number orbs around the circle. When the orbs are near the back of the circle (top of ellipse looks farther away) they should be smaller and at the front bigger. I was hoping to use a modifier that would simply take the progress along the path to set the scale. But I'm not sure how to get the progress inside a modifier. The other challenge I have is that the start and end points on the <ellipse> don't quick net to the initial alignment I want for the orbs so it just means that the closest to the screen part of the path is actually an odd number like 0.03 .... so anything lower or higher in progress should be smaller in scale. Also, the animation is a bit more complex in that, while it always needs to maintain that depth as far as the orbs scale go. Also, there is a planet (circle) in the middle and the z-index of planet and orbs should be swapped during the animation the make it look like the orbs are going in front and then behind the planet. the overall animation should: - spin, fade,scale into view on the path where Orb1 is front and center - wait 2s and then progress the orbs along path so that Orb2 is front and center do this until Orb3. - then cross-fade the colors of the orbs to green - then proceed to progress the orbs along the path same as above for 3 more orbs (pausing for 2s on each) - then stop all animation I think I could just use a hand with the motionPath + scale part and the rest I can do. But I thought it important to describe the overall to understand we can't just loop infinitly.
  5. Hellow Everyone! Just need a little help. I only want to show the path that the SVG (Rocket )has covered and not the whole path. as the rocket goes up the path is shown. https://codepen.io/Fawad4real/pen/LYaaOZG
  6. fawad4Real

    move icons imgs along svg path

    Hey there! I have a request. I have completed 95% of the animation, but I'm facing an issue with the last item. I want the icons to loop at a specific distance repeatedly, but the problem is that each icon completes a duration of 40s and gets merged together, which is not what I want. Do you have any solutions for this issue? Thanks! issue I am facing. what I want is something like this, which keeps moving in an infinite loop at a slow speed. my codepen https://codepen.io/Fawad4real/pen/bGZLVOy
  7. I have an animation that goes from left to right. The arrows point towards the invert, as shown in the image. I want to reverse the animation so that it goes in the opposite direction, from left to right. Is there an easy way to do this?" Mi code : "use client" import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; import { gsap, MotionPathPlugin } from 'gsap/all'; gsap.registerPlugin(MotionPathPlugin); const CornerTopRight = () => { useEffect(() => { // Número de animaciones const numAnimations = 4; // Duración y retraso base const duration = 5; const baseDelay = 0.3; const repeatDelay = 0.9; // Crear un bucle para generar las animaciones for (let i = 1; i <= numAnimations; i++) { const delay = baseDelay * (i - 1); gsap.to(`.arrowCornerTopR${i}`, { duration, yoyo: true, repeat: -1, ease: "linear", motionPath: { autoRotate: 90, drawSVG: 0, path: ".pathCornerTopR", align: ".pathCornerTopR", alignOrigin: [0.8, 0.8] }, delay, repeatDelay, }).play(); } // Limpiar todas las animaciones al desmontar el componente return () => { for (let i = 1; i <= numAnimations; i++) { gsap.killTweensOf(`.arrowCornerTopR${i}`); } }; }, []); return ( <svg className="w-full" viewBox="0 0 95.084 22.22" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <g fill="#000000" transform="matrix(0.9718469977378846, 0, 0, 0.8569409847259521, 0.8365160947518957, 1.7288000841259965)"> <path d="M95.084 6.222h-.813v1.777h.813zm0 3.555h-.813v1.778h.813zm0 3.555h-.813v1.778h.813zm0 3.555h-.813v1.778h.813zm0 3.556h-.813v1.777h.813zm0-16.443c0-.511-.09-1.01-.256-1.476l-.756.33c. 1.146v.444h.813zM93.751.913a3.509 3.509 0 0 0-1.66-.849l-.146.876c.476.098.92.324 1.29.658zM90.402 0h-1.626v.889h1.626zM87.15 0h-1.626v.889h1.626zm-3.253 0h-1.627v.889h1.627zm-3.253 0h-1.627v.889h1.627zM77.39 0h-1.627v.889h1.627Zm-3.254 0H72.51v.889h1.626zm-5.93.022h-1.627V.91h1.627zm2.905 0h-1.627V.91h1.627zM23.823.056h-1.626v.888h1.626zm-3.253 0h-1.627v.888h1.627zm-3.253 0H15.69v.888h1.627zm-3.253 0h-1.627v.888h1.627zm-3.253 0H9.184v.888h1.627zm-3.254 0H5.931v.888h1.626zm-5.93.021H0v.89h1.627zm2.904 0H2.905v.889H4.53z" /> <path d="M68.208.016h-1.627v.889h1.627zm-3.253 0h-1.627v.889h1.627zm-3.253 0h-1.627v.889h1.627zm-3.254 0h-1.626v.889h1.626zm-3.253 0H53.57v.889h1.626zm-3.253 0h-1.626v.889h1.626zm-5.93.022h-1.627v.888h1.626zm2.904 0H47.29v.888h1.626z" /> <path d="M46.011.032h-1.626V.92h1.626zm-3.253 0h-1.627V.92h1.627zm-3.253 0h-1.627V.92h1.627zm-3.253 0h-1.627V.92h1.627zm-3.253 0h-1.627V.92h1.627zm-3.254 0H28.12V.92h1.626zm-5.93.021h-1.627v.89h1.627zm2.904 0h-1.626v.889h1.626z" /> <path className='pathCornerTopR' d="M1.425 1.729 L35.857 1.729 L93.244 1.729 M93.244 1.729 L93.244 8.869 L93.244 20.77" /> </g> {[1, 2, 3, 4].map((index) => ( <path key={index} fill-opacity="1" className={`arrowCornerTopR${index}`} fillOpacity="1" d="M 3.374 0.171 C 3.374 0.171 1.787 4.069 1.787 4.069 C 1.787 4.069 4.961 4.069 4.961 4.069 C 4.961 4.069 3.374 0.171 3.374 0.171 Z" transform="matrix(0, 1, -1, 0, 8.1867e-8, 1.00523e-7)" /> ))} </svg> ); }; export default CornerTopRight;
  8. Hi everyone! I'm trying to animate multiple numbers along an ellipse path with motionPath while the user scrolls. They each start at different stages of the ellipse. I've almost got it working but there's some strange behaviour happening for the scroll down the page. The scroll back up the page seems to be working fine. Been scratching my head over this for a while... what am I missing?!
  9. Hi Team, What I'm trying to achieve The overall effect is curvy timeline (vertical) that is revealed as the user scrolls down the page. As the user scrolls down the page, the curved line is drawn, dots are added to the line and content is revealed. The content is sourced from a CMS (rows), there are unknown number of rows, and the content in each row can vary in size/height The Tech This is all being done in React My approach I've broken the curvy line into multiple sections: Top - The start of the timeline (Data row 1) Middle 1 - The first Section (Data row 2) Middle 2 - The second section (data row 3) ...n middles sections Bottom - The end of the timeline Each is its own component which is responsible for the animation. Where I'm struggling All this, for the most part works OK. Where I'm getting unstuck is: 1) Nicely transitioning from row to row (leading dot on the motion path) 2) On scroll up removing the lead dot. I have a demo in stackbitz, I hope this is ok? I realise there's a bit going on in this so let me know if I need to simplify further. https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-ahd2tq?file=src%2FApp.js
  10. Hello, Sorry for asking this but I don't succeed to make it work: var tl = gsap.timeline({repeat: -1, repeatDelay: 0}); tl.to(element, 5, { motionPath: { path: [ // { x: "0vh", y: "0vh" }, { x: "10vw", y: "10vh" }, { x: "-10vw", y: "70vh" }, { x: "0vh", y: "0vw" }, ], // you probably want more points here...or just use an SVG <path>! curviness: 2, // align:"self" // autoRotate: true }, ease: "none", // clearProps: 'all' }); I just want an element to make a curvy triangle movement and go back to its initial start. Working with vh and vw is good I think to adapt to screen size changes. As far as I have understood, coordinates are here in relative position regarding the initial position of the moving element. For the moment, I got a jump at the start of the movement, I saw align and alignOrigin are here to fix this problem potentially but I don't get it at all. What to do ? thanks
  11. roxzu

    Change path during animation

    Hello , Im trying to do a animtion on scroll . What I want to do is a dot that starts at the bottom of the pink path and as you scroll the dot it goes up and when it is at the intersection it changes path to purple. I can't share my exact code but this is what I did overall.But the point doesn't go the other path and when i try whitout the tl.to(target) but gsap.to(target) that works witout the scrolltrigger. I don't know if I was clear but i hope someone can help me let tl = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".test", pin: ".test", start: "top center", end: "+3000 center", scrub: true, }, }) tl.to('.test-dot-1', { ...this.makeMotionPath(.43, .57,tl), duration: 1000, }); makeMotionPath(start, end,tl) { return { motionPath: { path: '#path-3', align: '#path-3', start: start, end: end, alignOrigin: [0.5, .5], }, onUpdate: function () { let progress = start + this.ratio * (end - start) let target = this.targets()[0]; if (progress >= 0.47) { console.log('tl',tl) console.log(target) tl.to(target, { motionPath: { path: '#path-2', align: '#path-2', start: .47, end: 1, alignOrigin: [0.5, .5], }, duration: 100, onUpdate: function (){ console.log('test') }, }); } }, } },
  12. ordinaryJoe

    MotionPath how to convert to GSAP 3

    Hy, I tried converting my blob animation to GSAP 3, but am having some dificulties, this is my old code: https://codepen.io/Josip-Bogdan/pen/JjxZLKO This is my new code: https://codepen.io/Josip-Bogdan/pen/xxMzLJv
  13. Hey there, Scroll trigger is not working when body overflow is hidden. I want the circle to move from top to bottom following the svg motionPath on mouse wheel. Is there any way to make this work?
  14. Hello GSAP community, I'm new to GSAP and struggling with making an element follow an SVG path while scrolling. The element isn't properly aligned and the animation feels off during scrolling. Any quick tips on getting it to align correctly with the path and ensuring smooth scrolling animation? Your guidance is much appreciated!
  15. Yannis Yannakopoulos

    Animate text on an SVG path

    Hello! I want to layout some text on an SVG path and have an animation play in a loop, on hover. On mouse out, the text should go back to its initial state. I used SplitText and the MotionPath plugins in my CodePen and it looks kind of what i want, but i have the following issues: Timeline related: The intended initial layout, is the one you'll see if you comment out addPause (line 44). I thought i'd probably need to change the startTime of the timeline, but that's not working. What am i missing? On mouseout, i'd like to tween the timeline to its initial state (the corrected initial layout), but again not working as expected. Any ideas? SplitText & MotionPath related: Right now the letter & word spacing is off. It's tight to the stagger values. So how can i maintain the default ones? (This animation is intended to work with words of different lengths). Is there a callback i could use onResize that would re-calculate the correct position of the letters? Any help in any of the above would be much appreciated Thanks in advance
  16. naduv

    GSAP MotionPath Circular Animation

    I have this svg file: <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="660" height="576" viewBox="0 0 660 576" fill="none"> <g id="developer-skill" clip-path="url(#clip0_1_2)"> <path id="Vector" d="M536 263.483C536 376.415 444.218 467.965 331 467.965C217.782 467.965 126 376.415 126 263.483C126 150.55 217.782 59 331 59C444.218 59 536 150.55 536 263.483Z" fill="#1E1F41"></path> <g id="php" filter="url(#filter1_d_1_2)" data-svg-origin="100 365" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,97.89892,-257.04252)" style="translate: none; rotate: none; scale: none; transform-origin: 0px 0px;"> <path id="php_2" d="M150 345H50C46.6863 345 44 347.686 44 351V379C44 382.314 46.6863 385 50 385H150C153.314 385 156 382.314 156 379V351C156 347.686 153.314 345 150 345Z" fill="white"></path> <path id="Vector_85" d="M83.2912 371V357.909H88.2003C89.206 357.909 90.0497 358.097 90.7315 358.472C91.4176 358.847 91.9354 359.362 92.2848 360.018C92.6385 360.67 92.8153 361.412 92.8153 362.243C92.8153 363.082 92.6385 363.828 92.2848 364.48C91.9311 365.132 91.4091 365.646 90.7188 366.021C90.0284 366.391 89.1783 366.577 88.1683 366.577H84.9148V364.627H87.8487C88.4368 364.627 88.9183 364.525 89.2933 364.32C89.6683 364.116 89.9453 363.835 90.1243 363.477C90.3075 363.119 90.3991 362.707 90.3991 362.243C90.3991 361.778 90.3075 361.369 90.1243 361.016C89.9453 360.662 89.6662 360.387 89.2869 360.191C88.9119 359.991 88.4283 359.891 87.8359 359.891H85.6626V371H83.2912ZM94.8752 371V357.909H97.2466V363.451H103.313V357.909H105.691V371H103.313V365.439H97.2466V371H94.8752ZM108.27 371V357.909H113.179C114.184 357.909 115.028 358.097 115.71 358.472C116.396 358.847 116.914 359.362 117.263 360.018C117.617 360.67 117.794 361.412 117.794 362.243C117.794 363.082 117.617 363.828 117.263 364.48C116.91 365.132 116.388 365.646 115.697 366.021C115.007 366.391 114.157 366.577 113.147 366.577H109.893V364.627H112.827C113.415 364.627 113.897 364.525 114.272 364.32C114.647 364.116 114.924 363.835 115.103 363.477C115.286 363.119 115.378 362.707 115.378 362.243C115.378 361.778 115.286 361.369 115.103 361.016C114.924 360.662 114.645 360.387 114.265 360.191C113.89 359.991 113.407 359.891 112.814 359.891H110.641V371H108.27Z" fill="#1E1F41"></path> </g> <g id="jsx" filter="url(#filter2_d_1_2)"> <path id="jsx_2" d="M597 345H497C493.686 345 491 347.686 491 351V379C491 382.314 493.686 385 497 385H597C600.314 385 603 382.314 603 379V351C603 347.686 600.314 345 597 345Z" fill="white"></path> <path id="Vector_86" d="M536.456 357.909H538.808V367.114C538.804 367.957 538.625 368.684 538.271 369.293C537.918 369.898 537.423 370.365 536.788 370.693C536.158 371.017 535.423 371.179 534.583 371.179C533.816 371.179 533.126 371.043 532.512 370.77C531.903 370.493 531.419 370.084 531.061 369.543C530.703 369.001 530.524 368.328 530.524 367.523H532.883C532.887 367.876 532.964 368.181 533.113 368.437C533.266 368.692 533.477 368.888 533.746 369.025C534.014 369.161 534.323 369.229 534.673 369.229C535.052 369.229 535.374 369.151 535.638 368.993C535.902 368.831 536.102 368.592 536.239 368.277C536.379 367.962 536.452 367.574 536.456 367.114V357.909ZM548.495 361.508C548.436 360.95 548.184 360.515 547.741 360.204C547.302 359.893 546.731 359.737 546.028 359.737C545.534 359.737 545.11 359.812 544.756 359.961C544.402 360.11 544.132 360.312 543.944 360.568C543.757 360.824 543.661 361.116 543.657 361.444C543.657 361.717 543.718 361.953 543.842 362.153C543.97 362.354 544.142 362.524 544.36 362.665C544.577 362.801 544.818 362.916 545.082 363.01C545.346 363.104 545.613 363.183 545.881 363.246L547.108 363.553C547.603 363.668 548.078 363.824 548.534 364.02C548.994 364.216 549.405 364.463 549.767 364.761C550.134 365.06 550.424 365.42 550.637 365.842C550.85 366.263 550.956 366.758 550.956 367.325C550.956 368.092 550.76 368.767 550.368 369.351C549.976 369.93 549.409 370.384 548.668 370.712C547.931 371.036 547.038 371.198 545.99 371.198C544.971 371.198 544.087 371.04 543.337 370.725C542.591 370.41 542.007 369.95 541.586 369.344C541.168 368.739 540.942 368.002 540.908 367.133H543.241C543.275 367.589 543.416 367.968 543.663 368.271C543.91 368.573 544.232 368.799 544.628 368.948C545.029 369.097 545.476 369.172 545.971 369.172C546.486 369.172 546.938 369.095 547.326 368.942C547.718 368.784 548.025 368.567 548.246 368.29C548.468 368.009 548.581 367.68 548.585 367.305C548.581 366.964 548.48 366.683 548.284 366.462C548.088 366.236 547.814 366.048 547.46 365.899C547.11 365.746 546.701 365.609 546.233 365.49L544.743 365.107C543.665 364.83 542.813 364.41 542.186 363.847C541.564 363.281 541.253 362.528 541.253 361.591C541.253 360.82 541.462 360.144 541.88 359.565C542.301 358.985 542.875 358.536 543.599 358.216C544.324 357.892 545.144 357.73 546.06 357.73C546.989 357.73 547.803 357.892 548.502 358.216C549.205 358.536 549.757 358.981 550.157 359.552C550.558 360.119 550.765 360.771 550.777 361.508H548.495ZM555.052 357.909L557.935 362.703H558.037L560.933 357.909H563.637L559.603 364.455L563.7 371H560.952L558.037 366.238H557.935L555.02 371H552.284L556.42 364.455L552.335 357.909H555.052Z" fill="#1E1F41"></path> </g> <g id="vue" filter="url(#filter3_d_1_2)"> <path id="vue_2" d="M131 239H31C27.6863 239 25 241.686 25 245V273C25 276.314 27.6863 279 31 279H131C134.314 279 137 276.314 137 273V245C137 241.686 134.314 239 131 239Z" fill="white"></path> <path id="Vector_87" d="M53.0426 251.909L56.4496 262.213H56.5838L59.9844 251.909H62.5923L57.9773 265H55.0497L50.4411 251.909H53.0426ZM70.4721 260.871V255.182H72.786V265H70.5424V263.255H70.4402C70.2186 263.805 69.8542 264.254 69.3471 264.604C68.8443 264.953 68.2243 265.128 67.487 265.128C66.8436 265.128 66.2747 264.985 65.7804 264.7C65.2903 264.41 64.9068 263.99 64.6298 263.44C64.3528 262.886 64.2143 262.217 64.2143 261.433V255.182H66.5282V261.075C66.5282 261.697 66.6987 262.192 67.0396 262.558C67.3805 262.925 67.8279 263.108 68.3819 263.108C68.7228 263.108 69.0531 263.025 69.3727 262.859C69.6923 262.692 69.9544 262.445 70.1589 262.117C70.3677 261.785 70.4721 261.369 70.4721 260.871ZM79.5121 265.192C78.5277 265.192 77.6776 264.987 76.9616 264.578C76.25 264.165 75.7024 263.581 75.3189 262.827C74.9354 262.068 74.7436 261.175 74.7436 260.148C74.7436 259.138 74.9354 258.252 75.3189 257.489C75.7067 256.722 76.2479 256.126 76.9425 255.7C77.6371 255.269 78.4531 255.054 79.3906 255.054C79.9957 255.054 80.5668 255.152 81.1037 255.348C81.6449 255.54 82.1222 255.838 82.5355 256.243C82.9531 256.648 83.2813 257.163 83.5199 257.79C83.7585 258.412 83.8778 259.153 83.8778 260.014V260.724H75.8303V259.164H81.6598C81.6555 258.721 81.5597 258.327 81.3722 257.982C81.1847 257.632 80.9226 257.357 80.5859 257.157C80.2536 256.957 79.8658 256.857 79.4226 256.857C78.9496 256.857 78.5341 256.972 78.1761 257.202C77.8182 257.428 77.5391 257.726 77.3388 258.097C77.1428 258.463 77.0426 258.866 77.0384 259.305V260.666C77.0384 261.237 77.1428 261.727 77.3516 262.136C77.5604 262.541 77.8523 262.852 78.2273 263.07C78.6023 263.283 79.0412 263.389 79.544 263.389C79.8807 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45.5426C360.637 45.0014 360.458 44.3281 360.458 43.5227H362.816C362.821 43.8764 362.897 44.1811 363.047 44.4368C363.2 44.6925 363.411 44.8885 363.679 45.0249C363.948 45.1612 364.257 45.2294 364.606 45.2294C364.985 45.2294 365.307 45.1506 365.571 44.9929C365.836 44.831 366.036 44.5923 366.172 44.277C366.313 43.9616 366.385 43.5739 366.39 43.1136V33.9091ZM378.429 37.5078C378.369 36.9496 378.118 36.5149 377.675 36.2038C377.236 35.8928 376.665 35.7372 375.962 35.7372C375.467 35.7372 375.043 35.8118 374.69 35.9609C374.336 36.1101 374.065 36.3125 373.878 36.5682C373.69 36.8239 373.594 37.1158 373.59 37.4439C373.59 37.7166 373.652 37.9531 373.776 38.1534C373.903 38.3537 374.076 38.5241 374.293 38.6648C374.511 38.8011 374.751 38.9162 375.016 39.0099C375.28 39.1037 375.546 39.1825 375.815 39.2464L377.042 39.5533C377.536 39.6683 378.011 39.8239 378.467 40.0199C378.928 40.2159 379.339 40.4631 379.701 40.7614C380.067 41.0597 380.357 41.4197 380.57 41.8416C380.783 42.2635 380.89 42.7578 380.89 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377.737 33.892 378.435 34.2159C379.138 34.5355 379.69 34.9808 380.091 35.5518C380.491 36.1186 380.698 36.7706 380.711 37.5078H378.429Z" fill="#1E1F41"></path> </g> <g id="node" filter="url(#filter8_d_1_2)"> <path id="node_2" d="M236 61H136C132.686 61 130 63.6863 130 67V95C130 98.3137 132.686 101 136 101H236C239.314 101 242 98.3137 242 95V67C242 63.6863 239.314 61 236 61Z" fill="white"></path> <path id="Vector_92" d="M175.049 73.9091V87H172.94L166.771 78.0831H166.663V87H164.291V73.9091H166.413L172.575 82.8324H172.69V73.9091H175.049ZM181.813 87.1918C180.855 87.1918 180.024 86.9808 179.32 86.5589C178.617 86.1371 178.072 85.5469 177.684 84.7884C177.301 84.0298 177.109 83.1435 177.109 82.1293C177.109 81.1151 177.301 80.2266 177.684 79.4638C178.072 78.701 178.617 78.1087 179.32 77.6868C180.024 77.2649 180.855 77.054 181.813 77.054C182.772 77.054 183.603 77.2649 184.306 77.6868C185.009 78.1087 185.553 78.701 185.936 79.4638C186.324 80.2266 186.518 81.1151 186.518 82.1293C186.518 83.1435 186.324 84.0298 185.936 84.7884C185.553 85.5469 185.009 86.1371 184.306 86.5589C183.603 86.9808 182.772 87.1918 181.813 87.1918ZM181.826 85.3381C182.346 85.3381 182.781 85.1953 183.13 84.9098C183.48 84.62 183.74 84.2322 183.91 83.7464C184.085 83.2607 184.172 82.7195 184.172 82.1229C184.172 81.522 184.085 80.9787 183.91 80.4929C183.74 80.0028 183.48 79.6129 183.13 79.3232C182.781 79.0334 182.346 78.8885 181.826 78.8885C181.294 78.8885 180.85 79.0334 180.497 79.3232C180.147 79.6129 179.885 80.0028 179.71 80.4929C179.54 80.9787 179.455 81.522 179.455 82.1229C179.455 82.7195 179.54 83.2607 179.71 83.7464C179.885 84.2322 180.147 84.62 180.497 84.9098C180.85 85.1953 181.294 85.3381 181.826 85.3381ZM192.125 87.1726C191.354 87.1726 190.664 86.9744 190.054 86.5781C189.445 86.1818 188.963 85.6065 188.61 84.8523C188.256 84.098 188.079 83.1818 188.079 82.1037C188.079 81.0128 188.258 80.0923 188.616 79.3423C188.978 78.5881 189.466 78.0192 190.08 77.6357C190.694 77.2479 191.377 77.054 192.132 77.054C192.707 77.054 193.18 77.152 193.551 77.348C193.922 77.5398 194.216 77.772 194.433 78.0447C194.65 78.3132 194.819 78.5668 194.938 78.8054H195.034V73.9091H197.354V87H195.078V85.4531H194.938C194.819 85.6918 194.646 85.9453 194.42 86.2138C194.194 86.478 193.896 86.7038 193.525 86.8913C193.154 87.0788 192.688 87.1726 192.125 87.1726ZM192.771 85.2741C193.261 85.2741 193.679 85.142 194.024 84.8778C194.369 84.6094 194.631 84.2365 194.81 83.7592C194.989 83.282 195.078 82.7259 195.078 82.0909C195.078 81.456 194.989 80.9041 194.81 80.4354C194.635 79.9666 194.375 79.6023 194.03 79.3423C193.689 79.0824 193.27 78.9524 192.771 78.9524C192.255 78.9524 191.825 79.0866 191.48 79.3551C191.135 79.6236 190.875 79.9943 190.7 80.4673C190.525 80.9403 190.438 81.4815 190.438 82.0909C190.438 82.7045 190.525 83.2521 190.7 83.7337C190.879 84.2109 191.141 84.5881 191.486 84.8651C191.836 85.1378 192.264 85.2741 192.771 85.2741ZM204.166 87.1918C203.182 87.1918 202.332 86.9872 201.616 86.5781C200.904 86.1648 200.357 85.581 199.973 84.8267C199.59 84.0682 199.398 83.1754 199.398 82.1484C199.398 81.1385 199.59 80.2521 199.973 79.4893C200.361 78.7223 200.902 78.1257 201.597 77.6996C202.291 77.2692 203.107 77.054 204.045 77.054C204.65 77.054 205.221 77.152 205.758 77.348C206.299 77.5398 206.776 77.8381 207.19 78.2429C207.607 78.6477 207.936 79.1634 208.174 79.7898C208.413 80.4119 208.532 81.1534 208.532 82.0142V82.7237H200.485V81.1641H206.314C206.31 80.7209 206.214 80.3267 206.026 79.9815C205.839 79.6321 205.577 79.3572 205.24 79.157C204.908 78.9567 204.52 78.8565 204.077 78.8565C203.604 78.8565 203.188 78.9716 202.83 79.2017C202.472 79.4276 202.193 79.7259 201.993 80.0966C201.797 80.4631 201.697 80.8658 201.693 81.3047V82.6662C201.693 83.2372 201.797 83.7273 202.006 84.1364C202.215 84.5412 202.507 84.8523 202.882 85.0696C203.257 85.2827 203.695 85.3892 204.198 85.3892C204.535 85.3892 204.84 85.3423 205.112 85.2486C205.385 85.1506 205.622 85.0078 205.822 84.8203C206.022 84.6328 206.173 84.4006 206.276 84.1236L208.436 84.3665C208.3 84.9375 208.04 85.4361 207.656 85.8622C207.277 86.2841 206.791 86.6122 206.199 86.8466C205.607 87.0767 204.929 87.1918 204.166 87.1918Z" fill="#1E1F41"></path> </g> </g> </svg> And I'm using this gsap motion path plugin to code: <script> gsap.registerPlugin(MotionPathPlugin); // Create a timeline let lt = gsap.timeline({ id: "timeline" }); // Define the motion path for #php lt.to('#php', { duration: 5, repeatRefresh: true, // Refresh the animation on repeat repeat: -1, // Repeat indefinitely motionPath: { align: '#Vector', path: "#Vector", alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5], start: 2, // Original start position } }); </script> My questions are: 1. Why the php block stops and then moves for next animation cycle? 2. If i animate 2 or 3 blocks at a delay of 4 seconds then all blocks moves at same point i.e. moves with php block. What's the issue in the code? What am i doing wrong here?
  17. I cannot flip the car image and it always appears backwards. What am i doing wrong? And i want to show the text when the car is near red points, and hide it after, but i cannot figure it out. Any help would be appreciated)
  18. Jhonathan07

    Error with Locomotive Scroll and GSAP

    Hi Everyone! Pls help me I have a trouble with the integration of GSAP and Locomotive Scroll When i tried to make an animation on both scripts the animation of Motion Path is going a little slow and looks like frame and frame animation, and i dont know how to solve it ! any idea? Thanks to everyone
  19. I wanted to code this illusion with GSAP but i don't know why circles are not syncing way i expect them to with " +=0.5 ", timing is off. can someone help? https://tiphero.com/rolling-motion-illusion more about it...
  20. Fatih Solhan

    Dynamically change path on MotionPathPlugin

    Hi, I am trying to build an event loop visualization as Jack Archibald did in this wonderful talk. I've created three SVG (2 ellipses, 1 circle) for this visualization. My goal is to be able to change the path in the middle of the animation and it should continue to follow the next path at the first opportunity(probably when it reaches the center-top position of the center circle or the center-bottom position of the center circle. My current implementation is adding an "onRepeat" callback to the currently playing animation and killing it when it starts to repeat. Then I'm starting to the next animation. But the problem with that is the square doesn't transition smoothly to the next path because my SVG's start positions are not the same. Even though I set their start position as close as possible to each other, I *should* be able to decide to follow another path in any phase of the currently running animation. So, I need some suggestions or clarifying that if this is possible with my way or should I try another approach. Any idea is appreciated. I hope my explanation makes sense, if you could watch Jake's talk for a few seconds, you can understand better my goal I also added a small video about how I use three different svg and merge them around center circle. svgs.mov
  21. fd_alistair

    Call back function for end of motionpath

    Hi there, I've checked the documentation for MotionPath and can't see the ability to add a callback function for when the animation has completed?...ideally I'd like this to be called at the end of each loop. Any help would be appreciated. Regards Al
  22. Hi there, I am trying to make a div(#rec) follow an svg path with I did in my below code but, I want the div to follow down, as I scroll down and follow back up as I scroll up, I will appreciate if you help work on the code below, Thanks https://codepen.io/onseyi/project/editor/DeWepm <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Document</title> <style> body { margin:0; width: 100%; height: 3000px; background:#dfdfdf; overflow-x: hidden; } #rec { position: absolute; width: 150px; height: 100px; background-color: #8894aa; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="rec"></div> <svg fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="100%" width="100%" viewBox="0 0 1300 3000"> <path id="path" d="M143.78,431.83c103.76,235.99,223.54,324.48,318.04,360c143.34,53.87,223.51-16.03,379,51.84 c136.54,59.6,292.87,208.71,272.99,325.44c-25.74,151.18-320.87,94.36-612.23,336.96c-155.68,129.63-367.75,392.59-331.29,624.96 c43.59,277.79,443.64,520.03,985.93,492.48" stroke="black" stroke-width="8"/> </svg> <script src="gsap.min.js"></script> <script src="MotionPathPlugin.min.js""></script> <script> gsap.registerPlugin(MotionPathPlugin); gsap.set("#rec", {xPercent:-50, yPercent:-50, transformOrigin:"50% 50%"}); gsap.to("#rec",{duration:5, motionPath:{ path:"#path", autoRotate: true } }); </script> </body> </html> index.html
  23. I am using React as part of my stack. I have two elements: 1. A circle, made up of a div using css to style it 2. A square, made up from an svg using a fill colour. I want to be able to use a library, possibly gsap, to programatically trigger the change in position of the both elements from position (x,y) to position (x,y) on the screen using a custom path (svg) or bezier curve. With the above in place, I want to be able to apply a motion blur to the circle and square to enable it to look as if there is a blurred trail behind it. Can anyone recommend me the the right tools to achieve the above?
  24. Hello! I want to move the purple block along the path I've draw in the SVG. This is one section of my website which uses gsap all over the page. Rest of the page can be easily selected using the ref but when I use MotionPath, It throws Invalid scope and Target not found error. Here's the codesandbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/gsap-motionpath-react-bkscsf?file=/src/App.js Thank You!
  25. BrooklynTboi

    Uncaught TypeError: t[0] is undefined

    Hi, I've been having an issue with this error ("Uncaught TypeError: t[0] is undefined"), whenever I try to use motionPath and give it a value of an object with multiple values in it, it gives me that error, and I've been trying to solve it for so long with no use. I tried gsap.registerPlugin, I tried importing instead of CDN, I tried different syntax, all with no use. Please help, I've been at this for so long. Should also mention that the error keeps getting spammed, goes up to 90 times sometimes, but it's repeats anyways. Here's the code: Javascript: CSS: HTML: Here's the error itself:
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