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  1. Jhonathan07

    Error with Locomotive Scroll and GSAP

    Hi Everyone! Pls help me I have a trouble with the integration of GSAP and Locomotive Scroll When i tried to make an animation on both scripts the animation of Motion Path is going a little slow and looks like frame and frame animation, and i dont know how to solve it ! any idea? Thanks to everyone
  2. Hola forum... first time posting... please note I'm about 6 months new to using the JS version of TweenMax and I still am very much learning. I was a TweenMax user over in Flash for YEARS and am VERY grateful for what you've created in JS. You have created a wonderful tool! However, I've got a prob. I haven't put this in codepen as what I'm trying to get working seems to work just fine in straight HTML by itself... including in Safari, my problem browser (link below). A quick description of what I'm doing: I'm using a WP theme ('The Ken' created by Artbees) w/a fullscreen slideshow plugin. The slideshow is primarily images with the exception of one or two slides I'd like to add animated content to (all SVG). The way I load my animation is simply by placing an <iframe> in my slide content. This works beautifully in both Chrome and Firefox... but Safari and any browser in IOS renders my animation painfully choppy (nearly non-existent unless you stare at it closely... so I know it is 'working'!). This is a URL to the actual source being loaded up in the <iframe>... you'll see this runs wonderfully in any browser (including IOS browsers): http://aztacofestival.com/wp-content/themes/ken-child/main-slide-logo.html Here is the final Dev page in question: http://aztacofestival.com/arizona-taco-festival-2016/ There are four slides in the slideshow at the moment. Please click to slide 2—this is the slide in question. This page I'm developing uses TweenMax all over the place and it's working brilliantly (ie: top right 'We <3 Our Sponsors" is TweenMax. The testimonial roll in the boilerplate / footer area when the pages loads is TweenMax, and all the rollovers below the main slideshow (scroll down) are using TweenMax (again, working beautifully in all browsers). Please note that all my animations are triggered via their own functions. I've tried whittling back all my animation to just the main logo scaling and still have the issue (There is a lot going on. I figured the issue may have been that the animations combined are processor intensive... doesn't seem to be the issue as I have reduced this animation to 1 simple item and still have the issue). I'm worried this may come down to a theme issue... it's just that it's only occurring on Safari (and any IOS browser) that has me confused. Something strange you'll encounter in Safari: When you inspect the source via Safari's 'web inspector' the animations all begin to move / work. But only when in the inspector / rolling over the SVG items markup). Thank you in advance for taking a moment!
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