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  1. Hi guys. I am using locomotive scroll and gsap and scrolltiriger in my project. in codepen demo you can see the structure idea that I want to implement in my real project. (a smooth scrolling and a pin section with horizontal scrolling effect) I found out that the desire behavior happens only after an element with class pin-spacer is added to dom. in this demo on code pen after running the project everything work just fine but in my real project(that have this structure but with some photos and iframes and other things) the element with class pin-spacer is added with delay and it causes that the scroll behavior ( section with horizontal scrolling behavior ) not happening after page is loaded and it works after something like 20 seconds. I tried to used gsap and locomotive scroll packaes with npm or cdn or adding <script> directly and none of them solve my problem. could you help me please? how can I make the element pin-spacer added to dom right away? I want horizontal scrolling work when dom is ready
  2. I am trying to use the scrollTrigger plugin while implementing the fix for the safari scroll issue you flag in this article here. When I apply the CSS from this it breaks the pages native scroll and therefore the scrolltrigger doesn't fire. What can I do to resolve this In the section: Stop iOS Safari from resizing the window on scroll body, html { height: 100vh; width: 100vw; overscroll-behavior: none; overflow: hidden !important; } #viewport { position: fixed; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: scroll; height: 100vh; width: 100vw; -webkit-overscroll-behavior: none; overscroll-behavior: none; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; } https://greensock.com/docs/v3/HelperFunctions#scrollResize My simple scrollTrigger on the element is just this but it breaks cause the above CSS ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: '#test', start: 'top top', // endTrigger: '#otherID', end: 'bottom 50%+=100px', onToggle: (self) => console.log('toggled, isActive:', self.isActive), onUpdate: (self) => { console.log( 'progress:', self.progress.toFixed(3), 'direction:', self.direction, 'velocity', self.getVelocity() ); } });
  3. Hello masters, I need help to create an animation like this: https://monosnap.com/file/d9JYlNbcmfA3Zbcn1vwOFoNjM9kCC6 I don't mean marquee text. I mean lines and text which appears on the scroll. Can someone help me to implement that? I will be happy to see any ideas and demos. Regards, Sergey
  4. Hi, I wanted to create a vertical/horizontal scroll but I've meet a problem where when using react 18, project just dont work. Could someone help me fix this issue so I can use react 18? https://codesandbox.io/s/test-forked-i9ng90?file=/src/App.js
  5. Hello, I added lightGallery framework to my gsap project, it works fine, but there is a scroll problem. When I turn off the lightbox, it shifts up and down. How can I prevent this? Can you help me? I guess scroll is not locking
  6. Hi! I was trying to achieve a similar effect to this codepen (found it in the gsap showcase) , but without all the complications of the loop. Most precisely, I was trying to achieve that instant snap effect, but without restarting when the array ends. Something exactly like this. I spent several hours yesterday without catching it, I would really apprec.iate any start point to work arround. Thanks in advance
  7. Hello, I want to reduce the initial section height while scrolling and I do this, but there is a space between the section below it? Can you help?
  8. I wan't to have a google search result page like sticky header animation with gsap, how can i do it.
  9. Hello everyone! I am trying to achieve some type of animation that seems to be a little bit hard to implement for me. I want a user to scroll a page till they reach a desired block (a text block) where only part of it is visible. When block hits top of the viewport it should grow to 100vh and start scrolling to show the content inside. When scrolled to the bottom of text block the page should continue scrolling down. On scrolling up to the page the animation should reverse. I seem to be facing a couple of issues with my current progress: 1. When I scroll to the text block or scroll out of it sometimes it feels like I should scroll one more time or move a cursor to make scroll work. Looks like it's 'focusing on/out " of inner scrollbar. It's very well seen when you scroll with a mouse, not touchpad. 2. When I scroll down the page and start scrolling up if the cursor is hovering over even the smallest part of my text block it starts scrolling it. I would like the block to take the whole screen and only start scrolling after that. I guess I need second scrollTrigger instance for that? Thanks in advance for your help! I am only discovering the world of GSAP, so pardon me if the question is simple. I was searching the forum for quite a while to find something similar and didn't succeed.
  10. Hi, I'm really stressed, I don't know if you can help me. I tried everything but for some reason the menu keeps moving with respect to the size of the window, what can I do? if I disable the trigger the menu does not move, and also the rest of the panels do not move, the only one that changes is the pined one. can you help me
  11. First of all thanks a lot for creating GSAP, it is amazing! I am new to gsap, I am working on a project where i intend to create 6 slides, which are both vertically and horizontally (fake-horizontally) scrollable. but withing one of those slides (2nd slide) I want to implement the below pen! I tried several approaches, but it does not seem to be working, I've been at it from 4 days straight, please help out! Approaches i tried: 1. simply added the code with some minor changes in "start and end positions" [ it did work, but there were 2 different scrollers, and not connected to each other] 2. tried horizontal: true [since it's "fake horizontal" it didn't work either] 3. containerAnimation -> well this almost worked, but "pin : true" cannot be used with containerAnimation. And i want the scroller to stay in view until the animation on 2nd slide is completely finished. any suggestions would be very helpful, thank you very much!
  12. Hello, first of all, the problem is; I am making a project with gsap. I want parallax to work on desktop version and I have succeeded. When the menu opens, I wanted to pause the body scroll, which works successfully. But there was a problem. I can't pause sroll in mobile version because the project is not loaded in GSAP (768px) resolution. I want to pause body scroll in both mobile and desktop versions. I am sharing the code and codepen link with you. Can you help me? console.clear(); gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger, ScrollSmoother); let smoother; const mm = gsap.matchMedia(); mm.add("(min-width: 768px)", () => { smoother = ScrollSmoother.create({ wrapper: "#smooth-wrapper", content: "#smooth-content", smooth: 1, normalizeScroll: true, ignoreMobileResize: true, effects: true, }); return () => smoother.kill(); });
  13. Hello, I was using parallax in my project but I am using code to turn this feature off for mobile devices. However, when I did this, the parallax visuals became normal as I wanted. But I can't pause body scroll with scrollsmoother in this way. For example, when I open the menu, the page scroll works. I have such a problem, how can I solve it? I share my project link with you; Example https://yeni.dybank.com.tr/ If you try this link on mobile, you will understand more easily what I mean. Thank you so much.
  14. So I am trying to replicate an effect I recently saw (the inspiration for what I am trying to build can be found at the top of the page here) and managed to figure out the endless slider effect (yep, I am definitely far from being a gsap master). But now that I have the endless effect, I want to figure out how they sped up the effect on the users scroll. I linked what I currently have built via CodePen. I found this post that effects the speed of an animation using ScrollTrigger but it was recommended to use the containing div and animate that which doesn't really work for this case, at least I don't think it does but I am open to being wrong. I would appreciate any insight on how one might be able to adjust the slider scroll speed on scroll down. And before I end this, thank you to everyone in the GreenSock team. This library is incredibly powerful and unbelievably helpful. I just wish I would of tested it out sooner.
  15. I wrote the following code to change the shape of svg, but this code has a problem. I want the color of #rect to change at the same time every time atr changes. Is it possible to do the same code with another solution? var tl = gsap.timeline({}); //2 tl.to("#Tear", { attr: { d: First } }); //3 tl.set("#rect", { attr: { style: "fill:#FB7185" } }).to("#Tear", { attr: { d: Second } }); //4 tl.set("#rect", { attr: { style: "fill: #38BDF8" } }).to("#Tear", { attr: { d: Third } }); //5 tl.set("#rect", { attr: { style: "fill: #A78BFA" } }).to("#Tear", { attr: { d: Fourth } }); const scroll = ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: ".J02ig", pin: true, scrub: 0.5, start: "top top", end: "max", animation: tl // onToggle: self => console.log("toggled, isActive:", self.isActive), // onUpdate: self => console.log("direction:", self.direction) }); scroll.scroll();
  16. Please check the codepan , i want to scroll the content between the fixed div. but as of now the div is fixed but the inner content is not scrolled.
  17. https://canal.luxurycollection.ae/ For example, please look at this site. When you go to it, you will see that when you scroll through the first block an animation (rotate) is triggered for the element on the left until the end of this block. I can also start scrolling in reverse order and the animation will also be triggered back. How can I do this? I tried to do something, but it did not lead to anything :( I would be happy for any help! Whether it's ready-made code or if you can just point me in the right direction by telling me what to use for it. Thanks :)
  18. Hello, I am running modal box and menu in codepen. However, the scroll moves during this process, how can it be made active and passive? Can you do it on Codepen example, I tried a few times but I couldn't. Thank you in advance.
  19. Hello, I'm using companets like this in my project, but the page can be scrolled up and down. I definitely want to lock the scroll, I just want it to return to normal when I turn it off. Can you help?
  20. This is probably really obvious, but i can't make it work. Basically I adapted the code from the given codepen to my react project but I can't get it to work in the way I want. What I'm trying to do is make use of image sequence animation triggered by scrolling while also snapping to full screen sections. I've managed making these work individually but when I tried combining them is when I ran into trouble. The conclusion I came to is: the way I have it setup now, for the scroll snapping to work is body overflow:hidden and everything is taking place in a container div configured for snapping which is scrolling. Now the canvas animation is not triggering because it is expecting for the window to scroll which is not actually happening it is the div that is. I think the solution should be me directing and giving the right scroller to ScrollTrigger but I can't get it to work. I'm going to share the code below and I thank anyone in advance for any help provided. index.css Home.js Solutions I tried are a combination of the code below: I should mention that using this code above made the animation play trough once upon refreshing the site but it would not respond to the scroller. I'm sorry if the post is breaking any forum rules and if I didn't explain the problem quite as well as I could've.
  21. hello i am jignasha please someone tell me how gsap3 scrolltrriger work with angular framework , i want one ball is moveing on scroll event in website
  22. HI, I would like to make an animation which will scroll inside a section. And the BG image will remain sticky until I complete my second scroll. But, I'm unable to complete my animation and need help badly. So this is my need- 1. Main section will remain until I finish the nested Scroll. 2. When The nested scroll first appear It has to an Scale up effect. There will be no effect for the rest. 3. Only 1 nested scroll can be pass at a time. No matter if it's slow or first scroll. 4. There will be an indicator which will be automatically marked. I mean which no of slider is viewing now will have an active color. I've tried the following but it skips the section. https://codepen.io/aaronmeder/pen/vYZGyJq Live Demo URL can be found (Under the Globe Section)
  23. Hi, I am trying to animated section with scroll created as components in React. You can find a similar effect to what I am trying to achieve here (the text on the right or the images inside the phone). In my animation I would like the headingOne to appear from the bottom of the screen and fade away towards the top of the screen, followed by the headingTow that should come from the right or left followed by the cards while the section is pined and only after the animation finished the normal scrolling would begin again. Doing this I have encountered some difficulties. One of which beaning an error that says ";" expected while using the TweenLite and I don't really see why... Also I am not use that I used gsap correctly. For the headingOne I would like to display it none, but only after the fade away animation finishes so the headingOne would come into the middle of the screen. I would greatly appreciate is you could take a look at the code pen and point out my mistakes. Thank you!
  24. Guest

    Video Scroll Animation

    Where can I find a tutorial or maybe docs or blogs where I can learn how to make a video be animated on scroll. Like every time I scroll the video runs 1 or 2 frames. I am also interested in animating movement of elements on scroll. Let's say I have 3 card and as I scroll the care apea one by one when I scroll from a position of X= -100 to X= 0 while the hole scrolled is sopped. In other wards when the uses get to a point the normal scroll stops and as they scroll the card move from right to left raveling themself and moving into their position and ten the normal scrolling behavior start again. An example would be https://zoox.com/ . Thank you!
  25. Hello teachers, I have this example, I need help with a combination of animations. The idea: With normal scrolling it stops at the top of the section (done) and with further scrolling it changes the content of the .container-sliders-wrapper (done) but i need the following animations: the img goes to the top and disappears with the fadeout and the text just fades and changes with the other text content on the slide I put a link with the real example: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OKG0Ads2NYR1k073ERUrHwTQB9KuPofn/view?usp=sharing I hope I explained well and you can help me PD: I use vh value, please open the codepen an full view
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