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  1. i want to recreate the on scroll effect of the https://www.aquest.it/it site. i have made the on scroll animations to move images vertically and text horizontally but i am not able to achieve that smooth bending effect.
  2. I’m working on a Next.js project with GSAP free version, where I’ve implemented a footer reveal animation inspired by the behavior on the Raxo website. The goal is to make the footer overlap the main content when a specific section (<div ref={titleRef}>) becomes visible at the bottom of the viewport. Here’s a brief description of my setup: The main content is pinned while scrolling. The footer slides up and overlaps the main content as the user scrolls to the end. I’m using GSAP ScrollTrigger for the animations and react for component structure. You can find my implementation on CodeSandbox: 👉 CodeSandbox Link Problems: Pinning Issue: The main content pinning is not smooth, especially during the transition when the footer starts overlapping the main content. The transition feels jittery and unstable. Footer Flickering: The footer flickers significantly on Safari during the reveal animation. While the flickering in Chrome is minimal and tolerable, it’s highly noticeable and disruptive on Safari (both macOS and iOS). White Area Beneath Footer on Fast Scrolling: During fast scrolling, the pinned footer (set to 100vh) moves slightly, and a white area becomes visible beneath the footer. It seems like the footer isn’t fully pinned to the bottom during these fast scroll events. Relevant Code: Here’s the simplified code structure. The complete implementation is available in the CodeSandbox Link: CustomLayout.js "use client"; import { useEffect, useRef } from "react"; import gsap from "gsap"; import { ScrollTrigger } from "gsap/ScrollTrigger"; gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); export default function CustomLayout({ children }) { const titleRef = useRef(null); const containerRef = useRef(null); const mainContentRef = useRef(null); useEffect(() => { if (!titleRef.current || !containerRef.current || !mainContentRef.current) return; const title = titleRef.current; const container = containerRef.current; const mainContent = mainContentRef.current; gsap.set(container, { y: "100%", force3D: true, backfaceVisibility: "hidden" }); gsap.set(mainContent, { opacity: 1, scale: 1, force3D: true, backfaceVisibility: "hidden" }); const timeline = gsap.timeline() .to(mainContent, { opacity: 1, scale: 0.99, duration: 1, ease: "power3.out", }) .to(mainContent, { y: "-2%", duration: 0.5, ease: "power2.inOut", }); ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: title, start: "bottom bottom", end: () => `+=${container.getBoundingClientRect().height}`, pin: mainContent, animation: timeline, pinSpacing: false, scrub: 1, onEnter: () => { gsap.to(container, { y: 0, duration: 1, ease: "power4.out", clearProps: "transform", }); }, onLeaveBack: () => { gsap.to(container, { y: "100%", duration: 1, ease: "power4.out", clearProps: "transform", }); }, }); ScrollTrigger.refresh(); return () => { ScrollTrigger.killAll(); }; }, []); return ( <div className="flex flex-col"> <header>Header Content</header> <main ref={mainContentRef} className="flex-grow bg-gray-100"> {children} <div ref={titleRef} className="h-[1px] opacity-0 bg-transparent flex items-center"> <p className="relative lg:absolute h-0 w-full bg-red-500 text-5xl font-bold text-white text-center"> Footer Title </p> </div> </main> <footer style={{ minHeight: "100vh", transform: "translateZ(0)", willChange: "transform", }} ref={containerRef} className="lg:relative bg-black text-white h-[calc(100vh+180px)] sm:h-auto z-[2] overflow-hidden" > Footer Content </footer> </div> ); } What I've Tried: Using force3D and backfaceVisibility: Added force3D: true and backfaceVisibility: hidden to both the footer and main content, but these didn’t resolve the flickering, pinning smoothness, or the white area issue. Tuning ScrollTrigger Configurations: Adjusted the start, end, and pinSpacing values for ScrollTrigger. Experimented with invalidateOnRefresh, fastScrollEnd, and easing functions without success. Testing with or Without Hardware Acceleration in CSS: Tried enabling/disabling transform: translateZ(0) and will-change: transform, but the flickering and white area issues persist. Adjusting Duration and Scrub: Changed the animation duration and scrub values in GSAP. This slightly improved the pinning but didn’t eliminate the white gap during fast scrolls. Environment: Browser: Major problem in Safari (macOS and iOS). GSAP Version: Free version ([email protected]). React: [email protected]. Framework: Next.js. Expected Behavior: The main content should pin smoothly during scrolling, and the footer should reveal without any flickering or jittering. Questions: Is the flickering in Safari a known issue, and are there any workarounds or best practices for smooth pinning and reveal animations? Why does fast scrolling cause the footer to shift, revealing the white area beneath it, and how can I prevent this behavior? Are there specific optimizations in GSAP ScrollTrigger to handle such issues on Safari? Any help or suggestions to fix these issues would be greatly appreciated! References: Similar footer behavior: https://raxo.co/ During fast scrolling, the footer should maintain its position without revealing any white area beneath it.
  3. code-im-perfect

    Weird CSS rotation after timeline transforms

    I have attached a simple recreation of the bug that I'm facing, there is a much more complicated timeline so cannot shift to CSS only animation. As you can see in the demo, rotation works perfectly fine with gsap, but css transforms it, without considering the transform, is there any way I can "apply" the gsap transforms as CSS at the end of the timeline and just remove all the previous gsap effects? Anyways, would separate infinite gsap timeline be less efficient than an infinite CSS animation? cuz that would be a lot simpler to apply.
  4. Hi, i have working in cargo collective website then i've added smooth scroll lenis.js and my requirement also one section use animation like card scrolling pin effect horizontally then i have implement gsap scrollTrigger but i have scrolling then smooth scroll lenis.js working perfectly but when enter the section they are hold card's not see only white background showing so please check it and help me.
  5. Hi everyone, I am working on a project where I want to create a blob effect using GSAP. I have animated two blob SVGs using GSAP as you can see in codepen attached below, but I am still learning, and I don’t know how to do everything. I have tried everything, mask-image, -webkit-mask-image but I'm not getting the result that I want. My goal is to mask an image into the blobs, like in the image I have attached. Can anyone please help me with this? How can I use GSAP to mask an image into the blobs? Thank you in advance for your help and suggestions.
  6. Hi, im trying to make a Scrolltrigger animation with a grid, that has tiles in it, the tiles should come in from the bottom staggered as they are now, to recreate the problem i made a stackblitz demo: https://stackblitz.com/edit/sveltejs-kit-template-default-tcgsr9?file=src%2Froutes%2Fstyles.css,src%2Froutes%2F%2Bpage.svelte,src%2Fcomponents%2FGridContainer.svelte so when you first start the server and scroll down, the grid is placed way too low (where it would usually start when animating the scrolltrigger) but it doesnt animate, upon reloading the page, it animates as expected. I put a green square below it to show the displacement at first, it happens every time, if i stop the server with Ctrl+C and start it up, on first load the grid is way too low and doesnt get animated. for the +page the Grid is inside two wrappers, the 2nd wrapper is there because of different components that i have in a column in between other components, i could solve it without the inner wrapper but im not sure if thats the problem, since ive tested it without it aswell... I attached 2 Screenshots of what it looks like for me, the 1st one is after reloading, what it should look like and the 2nd one is when i first start the server, when it doesnt animate with Scrolltrigger Any help or advice on whats wrong and how to fix it, is appreciated. Thanks in Advance!
  7. how to create this pinning effect the same as this website https://www.airvoir.com/
  8. Hi, I am trying to achieve a 3D cube with a parallax layer on top the follows when the cube rotates, just like this example i have stumbled apon (https://ilovemobile.nexd.com/c/4ct5X7ospn/creative/m7CpkDDHVYsxSRX4), I see its made with canvas, but im not too familiar with that and have since tried to give it a go with GSAP, but cant seem to get it right... Anyone get any tips for me? I have tried to create a CodePen with my current code (note images are not that well represented here, but i tried the best i could with placeholders.)
  9. Screencast from 2024-09-26 11-13-57.webm Screencast from 2024-09-26 11-05-01.webm
  10. I wanna create a scrollTrigger animation like the one in https://figr.design/ website homepage; if you have any suggestions, that would be a great help for me.
  11. My question leans more to a THREE problem than to a GSAP problem, I suppose. But I know that there are some THREE enthusiasts on this forum, and given the fact that this is the best JS-related forum anyway, I dare to post my question hoping you don't disagree with me too much... Thank you in advance! I couldn't get my example working on CodePen, so I prepared one on Stackblitz, hope that's ok: https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-d1zs6g?file=components%2FPointCloud.vue In this example there are several PointClouds that can be loaded into a THREE canvas (in a Nuxt app). A deletePlyModel function takes care of unloading the current model before a new one is loaded: const deletePlyModel = () => { // If no model is currently loaded, do nothing if (!currentPlyModel) return; // Find the point cloud object in the scene const pointCloud = scene.getObjectByName(currentPlyModel); // If the point cloud object is found, dispose and remove it if (pointCloud) { pointCloud.geometry.dispose(); pointCloud.material.dispose(); scene.remove(pointCloud); // Clear the currentPlyModel reference currentPlyModel = null; } render(); // Update the scene }; Even though I am not sure if everything is correct with this dispose function, it works. What I would like to achieve is to implement some animation (fade out, scale, etc) on the points of the pointcloud before they are removed from the scene. (Much like lumalabs.ai does it, if anybody is familiar with that site.) But even with the help of AI I am not able to achieve a working result. First I tried this: const timeline = gsap.timeline(); timeline.to(pointCloud.material, { opacity: 0, duration: 1 }); Gemini.ai suggested some other solutions, the last one was to loop over the colors after converting them to their Float32 pendent: function hexToNormalizedRgb(hex) { const r = (hex >> 16) & 0xFF; const g = (hex >> 8) & 0xFF; const b = hex & 0xFF; return [r / 255, g / 255, b / 255]; } const deletePlyModel = () => { // [..] if (pointCloud) { const timeline = gsap.timeline(); const normalizedFadeColor = hexToNormalizedRgb(0xffffff); pointCloud.geometry.attributes.color.array.forEach((color, i) => { // Access the color components directly const colorElement = pointCloud.geometry.attributes.color.array[i]; timeline.to(colorElement, { x: normalizedFadeColor[0], y: normalizedFadeColor[1], z: normalizedFadeColor[2], duration: 1, delay: i / pointCloud.geometry.attributes.color.count * 0.5 }); }); } } This resulted in GSAP target 0 not found. What would be the proper way to apply a fadeout or a scale function (staggered) to those points?
  12. First of all sorry, but I can't provide a codepen, I will try to describe the problem the best I can. Basically I have this type of structure: <div class='middle'> <div class='canvas-holder'> <!-- [Three.js Canvas] --> </div> </div> This is the CSS each of this element have: .middle { position: relative; margin-top: 7rem; } .canvas-holder { position: absolute; height: 100%; // [Three.js Canvas] canvas { position: sticky; top: 0; } } The Three.js canvas has a certain size (window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight), with GSAP I wanted to animate the position of a model inside the Three.js canvas. I wanted to move up the model by 5 when I scroll, so I wrote this: // peeler_model is the model I want to move gsap.to(peeler_model.position, { y: 5, scrollTrigger: { target: middle_div, // I wanted to take the div as a reference point for the markers start: "top top", end: "bottom bottom", scrub: true, markers: true } }) Now with this what I thought would've happened is that by setting the target as the middle_div the first top at the start would have went at the top of the middle_div like this: But instead what happened was that START went at the top of the body. I don't know how to really fix it, I used percentages instead of top and bottom to fix it a bit, but it would be really helpful if top would go at the top of the target like it always did for me. The only thing I can think of of why this is happening is because the canvas has a parent with absolute positioning, but that's really strange. Anyways thanks in advance for the help.
  13. Hello everyone, I need help with my WordPress site on Elementor, specifically with animation using GSAP. What I'm trying to achieve with GSAP in WordPress Elementor is this: Imagine there's a first section with a video background and text overlay. As I scroll down, another section appears while the first section remains fixed in the viewport. As I continue scrolling, the second section gradually reveals itself. The first section's video remains visible, while the second section's background fills the screen. In the middle of the second section, there's a logo that is masked/clipped, allowing you to see through to the video of the first section. please see the video example from apple website https://www.apple.com/sg/ipad-pro/ or can visit this link to see the exact video https://filebin.net/pw5ljr9fqsm1aupr
  14. displaynameee

    CS2 case opening animation

    I want to create CS2 case opening animation in my Nuxt 3 project using GSAP plugin. I am using gsap in my project for the first time, so I am facing many difficulties. The result I want to achieve is to make the case opening animation like in cs2. However, my result is far from that. I am facing these problems. I can't create a loop with gsap. Transitions between animations are not smooth they should move as if they were a single animation. I have shared the code in the codepen url but I couldn't get the Vue code to run in the codepen. Currently, the only working part of the code is that the indicator stops on the earned item when the animation ends.
  15. Hello Everyone, iam new to gsap and still learning day by day.. but in this i got stuck and not able to find any answers. what im trying to do is that i have crated a pinned Panels where panels of same class will overlap one by one, im trying to animate the full animation first rquired of that pinned element and after all the animation of that pinned element get completed then only it should start overlapping Please watch this youtube video To know what i want ; its only 10sec long video
  16. My Problem: I can't make the transition between the two animations in my CodePen so that they are combined into a single smooth animation. What I'm Looking for in the Animation: Global Animation: The two animations below should be combined into a single smooth animation. Resize on Scroll: During scrolling, a div should resize until it reaches a certain size on the left side. Text Appearance: Once the size is reached, text should appear on the right side. Image Change: For each section of text, a new image should appear. Technical Details: Div Resizing: The div should gradually change size based on scrolling until it reaches a predefined width on the left side of the screen. Text Appearance: The text should appear smoothly after the div has reached its final size. Each section of text corresponds to a different scroll step. Image Change: Each new section of text should trigger the appearance of a new image. What I've Tried So Far: GSAP ScrollTrigger: I've used GSAP ScrollTrigger to try and trigger the animations on scroll. I managed to resize the div, but then I can't get the text to scroll alongside it. GSAP Timeline: I tried creating a timeline with GSAP to sequence the animations, but I'm having trouble synchronizing the text appearance and image change with the div resizing. CSS Transitions: I also tried using CSS transitions for resizing, with a fixed position. Additional Information: Sketch: I have attached a sketch to help illustrate what I'm aiming for. YouTube Link: Here is a YouTube link showing the expected result in two parts after resizing: Youtube Link :
  17. Daniel Matt

    Scroll animation with fixed columns

    I have a layout that includes a full-width image and below 2 columns with text. 1. In the beginning I would like to hide text columns, so it is something like an image covering the whole text in the viewport. https://prnt.sc/qMmbPSGgazwy 2. When you start scrolling the image moves up (like a normal scroll) and then uncovers the "fixed" lext column. https://prnt.sc/DsNgwu3TfMla https://prnt.sc/ITl-ejbnOFfR 3. When I scroll enough, I have a gap between the image and the left column. I would like to lock the position of the image (so it is a little) visible above the left column. https://prnt.sc/BhYYBCI0WsHM When I scroll more, then it will appear scrolling the right column up. The right column will be moved up as long as reaches the left column top. https://prnt.sc/PUsj_YQneNCV 4. After reaching the position, then it will start in the normal scroll. I tried a few methods with sticky, fixed positions, but I stuck with that. Any help here?
  18. Hello, I will be much appreciate if someone can help me with this! Since I am not a programmer I have used some help and basic knowledge to achieve the following scrolling effect. https://codepen.io/M-Milde-the-scripter/pen/pomNZeV Basically it start with a image sequence animation, followed by second animation presenting a text with half opacity words, which becomes visible while the user scroll down, and once all the words becomes visible the entire text continue to scroll to reveal the next content. As you can see I am adding some classes on the html element while the user scroll down: - on the header I add .header-active and on the body I add .bg-1 when the first animation ends - and again on the body I add .bg-2 when the second animation ends What I want to achieve is simply to remove those classes in the same order, once the user start to scroll up: - remove the class .bg-2 from the body once the second animation reveals from the t and start to play backwards - remove the class .header-active from the header and .bg-1 from the body, once the firs animation is showing from the top and star to go backwards while the user scrolling up. So the final effect will be when the user scroll back to top the background is again white and the navigation is not visible. on the top example I try with "onReverseComplete", but no success Thank you in advance!
  19. I am looking for examples of controlling a canvas animation with ScrollTrigger. The documentation suggests this is possible, but not sure where to start. I am creating banner ads with Adobe Animate and would like to use ScrollTrigger for presentation effects on my website. I have a video looping on my home page and would like to use ScrollTrigger to control the video. The video is currently streaming from Vimeo but I can make it in Animate as a canvas animation similar to the banners. I use GSAP from inside Adobe Animate for the superior easing effects and more precise controls. https://roguemotion.graphics
  20. Sajidul Islam

    On Hover SVG animation

    Hi, I would like to get help to fix an issue I'm encountering with the DrawSVG plugin and GSAP. I would like to animate my SVG element on hover and when I mouse leave it should revert. Currently, It's working fine except- If there are are multiple buttons all animation are executing at the same time when I hove any of the element, which I don't want. I want to execute the animation individually for each button. How can I achieve this effect? Many Thanks, Sajidul
  21. I want to make a half wheel animation with javascript, the purpose of the animation is an animation with 50 or more long names and I want to determine the winner in the variable, but I could not make this animation and I could not find any examples on the internet. example:
  22. Mary.Me

    Animation Interruption

    Hello everyone! I'm working with React+Three.js + GSAP. I'm trying to animate a 3D model to make it rotate infinitely around its Y axis. The animation itself is applied, but I encounter a bug. The issue is that the animation randomly stops (does not complete a full rotation), and to restart it, I have to either drag the model again or move it (change its coordinates); otherwise, the model just remains stationary. So, it does not seem like a loading issue since otherwise, it would continue rotating on its own. I've tried animating using GSAP and useFrame. I've attempted importing the model as .jsx, as .glb, but I get the same effect everywhere. I also made a rotation animation in Blender and imported it, but I have the same error. I also used other models. But I'm getting the same error. This is the first time I'm encountering such an issue. Please advise on what might be the problem. Here is a GIF demonstrating the operation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14pjIwIL-RqjsGepeEYC2owZ97dopJgDC/view?usp=drive_link This is the code of my component with a 3D model. I've shortened it for convenience. The comments indicate functions that I also tried. It didn't work. import React, { useRef, useEffect } from 'react' import { useAnimations, useGLTF } from '@react-three/drei' import * as THREE from 'three'; import { useGSAP } from '@gsap/react'; import gsap from 'gsap'; import { useFrame } from '@react-three/fiber'; export function Model(props) { const group = useRef() const { nodes, materials, animations } = useGLTF('models/bmw_m4_csl_2023.glb') const { actions, names } = useAnimations(animations, group) /*useEffect(()=>{ actions[names[0]].reset().fadeIn(3).play() },[]) */ gsap.registerPlugin(useGSAP) /*useGSAP(()=>{ let ctx = gsap.context(() => { gsap.to(group.current.rotation,{ y: "+=1", repeat: -1, ease: 'none', repeatRefresh: true, duration: 4 }),group}) return () => ctx.revert(); },[]);*/ /* useFrame(() => { group.current.rotation.y += 0.01 })*/ useEffect(() => { if (!group.current) return; gsap.to(group.current.rotation, { duration: 2, repeat:-1, y:2*Math.PI }); }, []); return ( <group ref={group} {...props} dispose={null}> <group scale={0.01}> <group rotation={[-Math.PI / 2, 0, 0]} scale={100}> <mesh castShadow receiveShadow geometry={nodes.M4xNME_exhaust_M4xNME_mechanical_0.geometry} material={materials.M4xNME_mechanical} /> <mesh castShadow receiveShadow geometry={nodes.M4xNME_exhaust_M4xNME_silver_0.geometry} material={materials.M4xNME_silver} /> </group> <group rotation={[-Math.PI / 2, 0, 0]} scale={100}> <mesh castShadow receiveShadow geometry={nodes.M4xNME_radiator_M4xNME_Black_0.geometry} material={materials.M4xNME_Black} /> <mesh castShadow receiveShadow geometry={nodes.M4xNME_radiator_M4xNME_Grille7_0.geometry} material={materials.M4xNME_Grille7} /> </group> </group> ) } useGLTF.preload('models/bmw_m4_csl_2023.glb') export default Model; Here is the component where the component with the 3D model is called. import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; import Model from './Model'; import { OrbitControls } from '@react-three/drei'; import { Canvas } from '@react-three/fiber'; const ModelView = () => { return ( <Canvas frameloop='demand' camera={{ position: [20, 10, 20], fov: 12 }}> <directionalLight position={[-19.772, 15.337, -0.439]} intensity={3.5} color="white"></directionalLight> <directionalLight position={[21.998, 14.051, -3.370]} intensity={2.46} color="white"></directionalLight> <directionalLight position={[-0.069, 13.752, -21.463]} intensity={5.08} color="white"></directionalLight> <directionalLight position={[4.116, 16.240, 20.387]} intensity={2.4} color="white"></directionalLight> <ambientLight intensity={2.12}></ambientLight> <directionalLight position={[0.009, 0.076, 7.499]} intensity={1.6} color="white"></directionalLight> <OrbitControls enableZoom={false} maxPolarAngle={Math.PI / 2} minPolarAngle={Math.PI / 2} /> <Model /> </Canvas> ); }; export default ModelView;
  23. Hi, i have made some animation with gsap, i used gsap.from for made the animation, but when i refresh with (CTRL+R) for F5 the animation on my bottom page don't play... i upload video for you can see what i talk .. my code : https://codepen.io/arkunis/pen/zYXKKLx video for you can see Thx for your help !
  24. Konoha Digital

    Slider: Draggable image animation

    Hi, i am starting a new project where a slider has already been set up with swiper js. Now i was wondering if its possible to add a cool animation when i drag or scroll through the slider like on this website: http://manifesto.clapat.com/index-showcase-carousel.html the images seem to be cut on the sides and seem to have more depth also they skew in the direction they are dragged. I was just wondering if someone could give me some direction on how to approach this kind of effect with GSAP or if there is a tutorial that someone could point me to. So no debugging for now^^. Also i wanted to know, if this effect is possible with a slider made with swiper JS or if there are any complications. Additionally i would like to implement the transition effect when clicking on the slider images. I saw that it can be made with the FLIP plugin, i just hope it works within Swiper JS. Thanks
  25. How can I use GSAP to animate cards within elementRef such that each card pauses when entering the viewport during a scroll, and as I scroll further, the card fades in opacity while moving to the left before the next card comes into view? Sandbox Link I have added the link of the sandbox so that I can explain my goals more clearly. You should view the preview in a next window in the editor only then will you be able to see the horizontal scroll. Thank you very much for your help ?
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