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Vadim Volnitskyi

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  1. Hello everyone, I've tried to fix the navigation bar, but it works not fine; what should I change to make it visible when the first section is in the viewport more than 90% and unfix it when the last section is strolled more than 10% down? It should refresh when we get back to the container. Here is my code for this: const tlfour = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".carousel-inner", start: "top-=100px", end: "0", marker: true, toggleActions: "play none none reverse", endTrigger: panels[panels.length - 1] } }); tlfour.to(".carousel-navigation", { position: "sticky", bottom: 100 });
  2. Hello, I need a banner like in the following example: https://www.moxionpower.com/industries/ It should work without jQuery and should use only the Gsap library.
  3. Hello everyone, I have a task to create a banner like next: https://www.moxionpower.com/industries/ I've tried, but it isn't work fine.
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