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  1. Hey folks, either I´m blind or there is no answer yet to my question: I would like animations only to happen once when scrolling in, but when scrolling out (backwards, so the trigger is active again) and then scroll in again I dont want the animation to reverse and run again. So long story short: the animation should only be triggered once and then the animated elements should stay where they are forever indepently of scrolling back:) I found only this http://greensock.com/forums/topic/7832-disable-reverse/ but it seems not to be up to date anymore. Is there a simple way to achieve this? Or do I have to remove the listener by hand, once the animation finished? The snippet shows that the "false" parameter doesn´t help here (just in case here without false parameter: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/zrJVLQ )... Thanks in advance for any possible help. Somehow I feel this should be very easy to achieve, but I didn´t manage to make it work.. Greetings, Paul
  2. Hi there I'm working through some of the concepts of GreenSock and was hoping someone could point out to me the issue with this animation. As you can see in the codepen the slider measuring the duration of the entire timeline is only about 80% through when it appears all my animations are finished. As a result, when I got to reverse the animation, there is a considerable delay before an animation kicks in. Thanks DB
  3. Is it possible to add timeScale when playing a timeline with this method:? timeline.reverse() I'm running play timeline within a 'if scroll is this' loop and would like to reverse the timeline with faster speed on the 'else' statement like this: if (scrollTop < 64) { timeline.play(); } else { timeline.reverse(); } Thanks for your time. Yan
  4. Hi team, I have a problem with my code that I can't solve. So what I have is a master timeline that have 3 nested timelines: getSpinTimeline(), getRotateTimeline(), getPinTimeline() var mtl = new TimelineMax(); mtl.add(getSpinTimeline()) .add(getRotateTimeline()) .add(getPinTimeline()); mtl.timeScale(2.3); After the animation has ended, I hit on a button I would like to reverse() the animation. It works fine if I do mtl.reverse(); But what I am trying to achieve here is to remove getPinTimeline() and reverse only getRotateTimeline() and getSpinTimeline(). I tried the following but failed: mtl.remove(getPinTimeline()).reverse() mtl.seek(getPinTimeline().totalDuration()).reverse() I have also tried creating a duplicate timeline but failed: var mtl2 = new TimelineMax(); mtl2.add(getSpinTimeline()) .add(getRotateTimeline()) mtl2.timeScale(2.3).reverse(); Any idea how I am able to fix this? Thanks, Venn.
  5. Hello, I'm not a coder I'm sure you'll be able to tell I have the start of my SVG menu button working, now I want it to reverse the "menuClick" animation on click. Please can you help? Many thanks, Jimmy
  6. Hi, So I have this code: var toggleInfo = function(){ var info = new TimelineLite(); $('.info-open').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); info.to('.info', 0, { css: { className: "-=display-none"}, immediateRender:false}); info.to('.info', 0, { css: { className: "+=flex"}, immediateRender:false}); info.from('.info', 0.4, { css: { transform: "scale(0.2) translateZ(0)", opacity: 0 }, ease: Power3.easeOut, force3D: "auto"}); info.staggerFrom('.about span', 0.4, { css: { transform: "translateY(60px) translateZ(0)", opacity: 0}, ease: Power3.easeOut, force3D: "auto"}, 0.1); info.staggerFrom('.contact li', 0.4, { css: { transform: "translateY(-30px) translateZ(0)", opacity: 0}, ease: Power3.easeOut, force3D: "auto"}, 0.1); info.from('.info-close', 0.2, { css: { transform: "translateY(-60px) translateZ(0)", opacity: 0}, ease: Power3.easeOut, force3d: "auto"}); }); $('.info-close').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); info.reverse().timeScale(2); }); } And it works fine the first time i click the triggers. However, when I click "info-open" again after I have clicked "info-close", it fires info.reverse(). This is an overlay im toggling and the first open and close works, but when i want to open it again it only fires the reverse animation thus closing the overlay.
  7. I'm wondering if anyone has seen this or knows something I could try to fix it. I am flipping a card over and animating it to the center using a timeline. To return it to its former position, I reverse the timeline. Most of the time it works great, but in 5-10% of the cases, the timeline will not complete all the steps when reversed. Sometimes the card gets "stuck" in the center of the screen or the z-index isn't set back to default. To demonstrate, go to this site: http://gaylord.dluxstudio.co/home.html. Click on the "Brain" card and then any other card to show the flip. Clicking the "X" reverses the flipped card animation. My technique is to iterate through the child cards, creating a new timeline: var tl = new TimelineLite({paused:true}); tl .add('grow', 0) .set(element, {className:'+=flipped'}) .set(element, {zIndex:999}) .to(element, 0.05, {width: flippedWidth, height: flippedHeight, x: leftOffset, y: topOffset}, 'grow') .add('flip', 'grow+=0.15') .to(frontCard, 0.35, {rotationY:180}, 'flip') .to(backCard, 0.35, {rotationY:0}, 'flip') .to(element, 0.35, {z:50}, 'flip') .to(element, 0.35, {z:0}, 'flip+=0.15'); I then add the timeline to the element using: element.animation = tl; When the "X" button is clicked I reverse the animation: card[0].animation.reverse(); If there is a better way to reverse these timelines, I'd love to know. I really can't figure out why only in some cases the reversed timeline does not complete all the steps. Thanks for any help you might have for me.
  8. Hello, I have a little problem understanding the function of reverse TimelineLite. If someone has 5 minutes to help me understand, would be nice. $('#plop').on('click', function() { $(this).toggleClass('is-open'); // Animation var animNav = new TimelineLite({ paused: true }); animNav.to('#nav', 0.2, { x: 100, opacity: 1, ease: Sine.easeInOut }) .staggerTo('.nav-link', 0.1, { opacity: 1, ease: Sine.easeInOut }, '0.1', '-=0.15'); if ($(this).hasClass('is-open')) { animNav.play(); } else { animNav.reverse(); } return false; });
  9. Hello, in the following link, i have a sample o collapsing a header height with tweenmax, but in the line 84 a create a variable to get the height of the header, when the header is collapse the console show me 140px, but when is open show me 45. In the big height shows me the small height and viceversa. I use the reverse function to open and close the header, how to get the correct value of the header and not the reverse reference o the height. The link with the example here: http://jsfiddle.net/Gonzalo2683/0veqxee1/ Thaks
  10. I'm a little bit stumped on how to make this feature work... I've got cards are flipping the way I'd like them to (Thank you GSAP!) However I want to add the functionality that if a card is already flipped over and the use clicks on another card's 'view' to flip a second card over... I want the first card (that is already flipped over to it's back) to play in reverse (and go back to its starting position) and then the second card can flip over. Much like this: http://www.google.com/landing/now/#cards/ Any help is GREATLY appreciated, as I can't figure out the proper way to achieve this effect. (you can see I get stumped at line 42 of the codepen)
  11. Hi all, New to Greensock so bear with me I've created a sidebar which is hidden, when you mouseenter the sidebar, it fires TimelineMax to animate the sidebar open. When you mouseleave it reverses that timeline. This works great. If you hover over the sidebar, even erratically, it behaves as expected. Now, I have a nav item inside the sidebar which, when clicked, fires another timeline which opens a full page subnav. I set a variable to say this subnav is open so I can keep the sidebar open. So the reverse will only run if the subnav is closed. If you hover the sidebar and click the button (looks like a little bottle) a full page colourful nav will appear. If you keep you cursor over the button, click it again (to close the colourful nav), then mouseleave the sidebar, it reverses as expected. If you... Hover the sidebar click the button mouseleave the sidebar to interact with the colourful nav then go back to the sidebar to click the button again to close the nav THEN mouseleave The sidebar should close but it remains open, the timeline doesn't reverse. All the variables seem correct so I'm stumped! I hope this makes sense, I've tried to explain it as best I can. See the Codepen for the working code. Many thanks!
  12. tween = TweenMax.fromTo(class_name, duration, {top: start_y_percent, left: start_x_percent, scaleX: 0, scaleY: 0, xPercent: -50, yPercent: -50}, {top: end_y_percent, left: end_x_percent, xPercent: -50, yPercent: -50, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, onReverseComplete:hide, ease: Elastic.easeOut}).progress(current_progress); Box elastic eases in, but on reverse(), I don't want the elastic ease (just the default ease). I've looked at http://greensock.com/docs/#/HTML5/GSAP/TimelineMax/reverse/, but not sure if possible using reverse(). If not, what's the best way to do this? Thanks. UPDATE: I killed the tween and created a TweenMax.to to reverse the animation (but with some different properties).
  13. Hello I've got a modal which appears on a button click. I use clearProps to remove inline styles. tl.add(TweenLite.from('.ng_modal_dialog', 2, {left: "30%", backgroundColor: "red", clearProps: 'all'})); Then I do reverse(). Which adds them all back again. Can I clearProps after I've done reverse()? Thank you.
  14. Hello and thanks and congratulation for this amazing tool. Newbies here, i only know few basics about javascript/jquery but managed -thanks to the extensive documentation and active community- to do what i wanted to do: animate a menu. However i surely haven't done it the cleanest way possible that's for sure, because i collected informations from topics to topics and melted all possible junk of codes in an experimental mix of javascript/jquery.(Soon MIT Licensed). Here is a codepen, there is missing css style so its not particulary pleasant to watch but this is working: http://codepen.io/Rofizzle/pen/myGyJM So, I ended up using a snippet from a greensock demo, because that was exactly what i wanted, however i have never managed to make the reverse method to work, and use another tween to make stuff go in or out, with statements. Is there any way to clean that code with solid reverse method?
  15. Hi! I have a timeline animation which I would like to reverse, without reversing the last two tweens. In my jsfiddle example http://jsfiddle.net/identitoe/oLpvfqm4/2/ I would like to keep the last two tweens, the margin-top and the background-color and start reversing from the point I added the label. I just don' get it to work. Thank you
  16. Hi Guys, Let's get the niceties out of the way... GSAP is amazing, currently migrating to it from velocity. I've been looking through the forums regarding the topic of onReverseStart and there's a number of posts saying it's unnecessary because you'll be calling reverse() from some method anyway so why not just do what you need there. But I don't understand how that's any different from onStart? It seems a fairly simple use case. In my case I'm animating the transition between an introductory page and some content. This transition is reversible, ie: you can go from the intro to the content and back again. As I switch from one to the other I need to make a couple of tweaks to classes etc, and enable/disable a couple of elements. If there was an onReverseStart callback, I could keep everything clean and simple (weird psudeo code follows): onStart & on ReverseStart shared method - check which way we're going and make updates. onComplete & onReverseComplete shared method - check which way we went and make updates. toggle method - if (inIntro) timeline.play() else timeline.reverse() As there isn't an onReverseStart, the best I can get is: onStart - must be going from intro to content - make changes. onComplete & onReverseComplete shared method - check which way we went and make updates. toggle method - check which way we're going, if it is from content to intro (ie: reverse) make the changes and call reverse(), else call play(). That seems a little messy to me. Also just wanted to clarify something? If I reverse a timeline, that means any easing is reversed as well? Thanks, Adam.
  17. Note: This page was created for GSAP version 2. We have since released GSAP 3 with many improvements. While it is backward compatible with most GSAP 2 features, some parts may need to be updated to work properly. Please see the GSAP 3 release notes for details. Learn how to make a simple play / pause toggle button to control any GSAP animation (tweens or timelines). Same concepts apply to toggling the reversed() state of an animation too. Watch the video Explore the demo See the Pen Toggle Play Pause by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. Core code tl.pause() // pauses the animation tl.paused() // gets paused state, returns true or false tl.paused(true) // sets paused state to true tl.paused(!tl.paused()) // sets paused state to inverse of current paused state. // reverse methods tl.reverse() // reverses the animation tl.reversed() // gets reversed state, returns true or false tl.reversed(true) // sets reversed state to true tl.reversed(!tl.reversed()) // sets reversed state to inverse of current reversed state.
  18. Hello, I am have a simple animation that hides and shows the navigation. I made this into a TimelineMax sequence where on mouseenter it plays the time line, and on mouseleave it reverses the time line. With out setting a timer for 2 seconds, how can I delay the start of the reverse when the user rolls off? Here is what I currently have. var navTL = new TimelineMax(); navTL.to( $navMenu, 2, { alpha : 1, left : 0, ease : Strong.easeOut }, 'start' ) .staggerTo( $navMenu.find( '.top-btn' ), 1, { alpha : 1 }, 0.2, 'start' ); navTL.pause(); $navArea.on( 'mouseenter',function ( e ){ navTL.timeScale( 1 ).play(); } ).on( 'mouseleave', function (){ navTL.timeScale( 3 ).reverse(); } ); I tried adding things like navTL.delay( 2 ); to the mouse leave function And tried adding a repeat delay to the time line its self. But since I am not yoyo-ing that doesn't really come into play. I am looking for a GSAP solution to this. I can make a settimeout function but I don't think that is the cleanest way. Thanks in advance for your help. Jermbo
  19. Hi, let's say we have a tween moving an element from point A to point B. We have repeat = 2 and repeatDelay = 1s. When it plays in forward direction, it goes from A to B and then executes the repeatDelay while staying at point B (the end point of the tween). After the delay, it jumps back to A for the next loop. Ok, when it plays in backward direction, it goes from B to A but then, instead of executing the repeatDelay staying at point A (its end point in that direction), it jumps immediately back to its starting point B, waiting there for the repeatDelay. So it seems to me that the reversed version of the tween is not the symmetric with the forward one. Am I wrong? is there any way - I don't now, maybe some config param - for forcing it to have the same behavior in reversed direction? Here you can find an example of the issue. Just click on the div in order to let it go forward or backward. http://codepen.io/anon/pen/qnxpd
  20. Is it possible for GSAP to do what I think. Because my idea is to let the Timeline go to a specific child (tweens inside/added to a timeline) and when that tween is finished animating, it will pause. Here's the code sample: HTML <div class="book"> <div class="last page"></div> <div class="page one"></div> ... <div class="cover page"></div> </div> <div id="prevPage"></div> <div id="nextPage"></div> JAVASCRIPT var book_timeline = new TimelineMax({ paused: true }) /* tween children */ .to('.page.cover', 0.4, { rotationY:'-180deg', transformOrigin:'0 0' }) .to('.page.one', 0.4, { rotationY:'-180deg', transformOrigin:'0 0' }) .to('.page.two', 0.4, { rotationY:'-180deg', transformOrigin:'0 0' }) .to('.page.last', 0.4, { rotationY:'-180deg', transformOrigin:'0 0' }); $('#nextPage').click(function(){ // code that animates only one (next page) tween inside a timeline then pause book_timeline.play(); }); $('#prevPage').click(function(){ book_timeline.reverse(); }); I want to use GSAP to make my own book flipping div's
  21. Hello guys, I am not sure if I am asking in the right place. I wanted to know if GreenSock is the right plugin to do what apple is doing like the attached reference. http://www.apple.com/ipad-air/ I am able to play forward with pauses but not in reverse with pauses. However, if I am right at the end of the video I can play in reverse all the way. We tried this using a .mov with h264 compression. Is it because it is a streaming format? How is apple doing this? Thanks all.
  22. hello, I am very new at tweenmax. I made my wheel spin. But I would like my wheel to spin 360 degrees left and after, spin 360 degrees right. and have a yoyo effect where it goes left right left right. var ferris = document.getElementById("ferris-wheel"); TweenMax.to(ferris, 1, { rotation:360, ease:Linear.easeNone } ); TweenMax.to(ferris, 20, { rotation:-360, ease:Linear.easeNone } ); how do i do this?
  23. Hi guys, I have a problem with The TweenMax.killAll(true) method. Here is my example: TweenMax.to(targetQ, 2, { scaleX : 2, scaleY : 2, reversed : true, yoyo : true, repeat : 1, x : targetQ.x + (targetQ.width - 2 * targetQ.width) / 2, y : targetQ.y + (targetQ.height - 2 * targetQ.height), ease : Back.easeOut, onReverseComplete : function onReverseComplete():void { trace("complete this tween ;)"); } } ); If you make a reversed tween, it's never call the onComplete function. The tweenax documentation write this: " onComplete : Function – A function that should be called when the tween has completed. To sense when a tween has reached its starting point again after having been reversed, use onReverseComplete." If I call TweenMax.killAll(true), tween not killed!!!!! As I see, the problem is in the killAll method. Inside this, here's a line: isDC = (a.target == a.vars.onComplete); Unfortunately, if you set a reverse to a tween, onComplete callback ignored! cheers, jax
  24. Is there any way to find out whether an animation is playing in reverse at any given point when yoyo=true and repeat=-1 ? I know there is the method myAnimation.reversed(); but as the docs say: This value is not affected by yoyo repeats
  25. Hey guys, I'm playing a bit with GSAP to use for my future website. Gonna drop Snapsvg and only use jQuery along with GSAP. I was wondering how I could ease an animation in reverse differently? So let's say anim.play() will use ease:Elastic.easeInOut and the reverse() would use eg. ease:power1.easeOut. Is this possible? Here is a code-axample which I'm currently playing with; var animateThumbs = function() { var $anchors = $( 'div.col-md-4' ).children( 'a' ), ellipse = $($anchors[0]).find( 'ellipse'), duration = .25, ellipseProps = { from: { cy: ellipse.attr('cy'), rx: ellipse.attr('rx'), ry: ellipse.attr('ry') }, to: { cy: -500, rx: 625, ry: 725 } }; //Let's set on every a-element a timeline as method $anchors.each( function(index, elem) { var ellipse = $(elem).find( 'ellipse' ), animateSvgBG= new TimelineMax({repeat: 0, paused: true }); animateSvgBG.fromTo(ellipse, duration, //from { attr: { cy: ellipseProps.from.cy, rx: ellipseProps.from.rx, ry: ellipseProps.from.ry }}, //to { attr: { cy: ellipseProps.to.cy, rx: ellipseProps.to.rx, ry: ellipseProps.to.ry }} ); //animateSvgBG.to(ellipse, 1, { attr: { cy: ellipseProps.from.cy, rx: ellipseProps.from.rx, ry: ellipseProps.from.ry }}, "fadeOut"); //labelsArray = animateSvgBG.getLabelsArray(); //console.info(labelsArray); elem.animate = animateSvgBG; }) $anchors.on({ mouseenter: function(event) { // from "fadeIn" to "fadeOut" //TweenMax.fromTo(animateSvgBG, duration, {time:labelsArray[0].time}, {time:labelsArray[1].time}); //console.info( "animateSvgBg: " + animateSvgBG, " labelsArray[0].time: " + labelsArray[0].time, " labelsArray[1].time: " + labelsArray[1].time ); this.animate.play(); }, mouseleave: function(event) { // nfrom "fadeOut" to "fadeIn" //TweenMax.fromTo(animateSvgBG, duration, {time:labelsArray[1].time, ease:Ease.easeOut}, {time:labelsArray[0].time}); this.animate.reverse(); } }) }
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