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Found 7 results

  1. Hey legends! Thanks for all the amazing work y'all do. Absolutely loving the GSAP journey. I have the following challenge: - I'm trying to create a form that always opens on page 1. - Once open, the user can then click back and forth between the pages - If they close the form from page 2 and then reopen, it opens on page 1 again. - The page section animation has a matchmedia associated with it as well (thanks to Blake!) I've got reduced test case, which almost works. I've built 2 timelines (1 to open the form and 1 to switch pages). The problem lies somewhere in my approach/logic. After closing the form from page 2 and reopening it, it successfully opens on page 1, because I’m using onComplete tl.seek(0).reverse(). HOWEVER, once reopened, the click event to swap pages does not work on the first click and requires the user to click "next" again to switch pages. My goal is to get it to swap pages on the first click. Hopefully that makes sense. Any help on how to approach/fix this would be greatly appreciated Much respect
  2. Hello guys, i need some help for a "simple" script that's driving me crazy... I've put an example on my code on codepen: https://codepen.io/SaverioGarzi/pen/wvMLYMJ The example is simulating the final results, but the code is messy, i would like to have a Timeline, instead of a simple tween, i have to add more feature with the click... The timeline should be play when i click on the accordion head, and reversing when i click again on the same accordion... But it shoud also reverse when i click on another accordion... I can't figure out the logic. This is what i'm using now: var togg = document.getElementsByClassName("service-card"); var i; for (i = 0; i < togg.length; i++) { togg[i].addEventListener("click", function() { $('.service-card').not(this).removeClass('service-active'); var $this = $(this), icon_plus = document.querySelectorAll('#services-plus'), actual_icon_plus = $this.find('svg#services-plus'); gsap .to(icon_plus, { rotate:0, duration:1, ease: "elastic.inOut(1, 0.5)" }); this.classList.toggle("service-active"); if($(this).hasClass("service-active")){ gsap .to(actual_icon_plus, { rotate:45, duration:1, ease: "elastic.inOut(1, 0.5)" }); } else { } }); } i've searched in the forum, and i found this snippet, tl.reversed() ? tl.play() : tl.reverse(); but i was not able to implement it... Can someone give me a hand with that? Thanks Petar
  3. Hi everyone. First of all, I wish everyone a good evening. I'm new to Gsap. I made an animation of myself using the side menu animation Timelinemax. There is no problem in opening and closing the side menu. I can open and close Timelinemax I have done with "t1.reverse()". But I want my menu to close when I press anywhere on the ".overlay". It closes Timelinemax with reverse, but the animation starts from halfway when you re-open the menu. I have been dealing with this problem for a long time. Where do you think the mistake is? I would be glad if you can help. I wish you good work.
  4. I am newbie to GSAP and wonder why my menu animates just ones. I would be grateful if you helped to fix the code. Thanks a lot.
  5. I have a project that I am building and unbuilding cards to a screen based on User feedback. My goal is: animate in the cards (TimeLine.staggerFrom) user chooses new set animate out the cards (using Reverse) onReverseComplete (load the new set of cards) Empty the container of cards Append the new HTML Animate in the new cards But the issue is my reverse complete is firing before the timeline is complete... I am guessing it is happening when a child card completes, I would like it to happen when the whole timeline reverse complete
  6. This is not in the documentation. Either it's a bug or the docs need to be updated to be clearer. When using `timeline.reversed(true)` if the timeline state is paused/finished it will resume it and reverse it. While reading the docs I expected that code to behave as `timeline.reverse().pause()` rather than `timeline.reverse(0)` See the demo Codepen to see what I'm talking about. Click on Reverse once the animation finished.
  7. Hi, let's say we have a tween moving an element from point A to point B. We have repeat = 2 and repeatDelay = 1s. When it plays in forward direction, it goes from A to B and then executes the repeatDelay while staying at point B (the end point of the tween). After the delay, it jumps back to A for the next loop. Ok, when it plays in backward direction, it goes from B to A but then, instead of executing the repeatDelay staying at point A (its end point in that direction), it jumps immediately back to its starting point B, waiting there for the repeatDelay. So it seems to me that the reversed version of the tween is not the symmetric with the forward one. Am I wrong? is there any way - I don't now, maybe some config param - for forcing it to have the same behavior in reversed direction? Here you can find an example of the issue. Just click on the div in order to let it go forward or backward. http://codepen.io/anon/pen/qnxpd
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