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  1. Hi guys, I have a problem with The TweenMax.killAll(true) method. Here is my example: TweenMax.to(targetQ, 2, { scaleX : 2, scaleY : 2, reversed : true, yoyo : true, repeat : 1, x : targetQ.x + (targetQ.width - 2 * targetQ.width) / 2, y : targetQ.y + (targetQ.height - 2 * targetQ.height), ease : Back.easeOut, onReverseComplete : function onReverseComplete():void { trace("complete this tween ;)"); } } ); If you make a reversed tween, it's never call the onComplete function. The tweenax documentation write this: " onComplete : Function – A function that should be called when the tween has completed. To sense when a tween has reached its starting point again after having been reversed, use onReverseComplete." If I call TweenMax.killAll(true), tween not killed!!!!! As I see, the problem is in the killAll method. Inside this, here's a line: isDC = (a.target == a.vars.onComplete); Unfortunately, if you set a reverse to a tween, onComplete callback ignored! cheers, jax
  2. Jonathan

    clearInterval() equivalent

    hello hello.. i know instead of using setInterval(), we can use delayedCall() for GSAP.. what would be the clearInterval() equivalent in GSAP. In setInterval() when you declare it in a variable, returns an ID (unique identifier) which is used in clearInterval() to cancel the timer var intervalID = window.setInterval(animate, 500); // later called to cancel the timer window.clearInterval(intervalID); so my question is.. what is the equivalent in GSAP to cancel a specific delayedCall() instances... since if i use killAll() //kill only delayedCalls TweenMax.killAll(false, false, true, false); it kills all delayed calls, but not just a specific delayedCall().. I could use killDelayedCallsTo() which kills all of the delayedCalls to a particular function.. but is there a method to kill specific instances of delayedCalls that might have multiple delayedCall() being used, like when using clearInterval? does delayedCall() return a unique identifier like setInterval() does to reference later for cancelling / killing? Below i can use the following to cancel timers at different times due to the instances referenced with the setInterval() .. var intervalID = window.setInterval(animate, 500), intervalID2 = window.setInterval(animate, 1000); // later called to cancel timer 1 window.clearInterval(intervalID); // called again later to cancel timer 2 window.clearInterval(intervalID2); so what would be the equivalent to cancelling the delayedCall() on different instances like above using setInterval().. instead of cancelling all tweens associated with a function that you pass to killDelayedCallsTo() ?let me know if i need to clarify more, and if the way im explaining my question is long winded?
  3. Hello, I have a problem with TweenMax.killAll(). I have 2 swf. swf_parent and swf_child. I load swf_child in swf_parent. I have a function in my swf_child killing all tweens (delayed, tweens, etc). It works great. But the problem is that kill also the tweens of the swf_parent. And I don't want to do that. Can I launch a function in my swf_child killing only his own tweens but not the tweens of his parent ? Thank you !
  4. Hippiesvin

    killAll backfires

    hi Greensock A few questions reagrding killAll() 1) Where did the last parameter go? In Flash : killAll(complete:Boolean = false, tweens:Boolean = true, delayedCalls:Boolean = true):void vs. Docs : killAll(complete:Boolean = false, tweens:Boolean = true, delayedCalls:Boolean = true, timelines:Boolean = true):void 2) TimelineMaxs onComplete fires after TweenMax.killAll();??? package { import flash.display.Sprite; import com.greensock.TweenMax; import com.greensock.TimelineMax; import com.greensock.plugins.*; import com.greensock.easing.*; import com.greensock.events.TweenEvent; TweenPlugin.activate([ScalePlugin]); import flash.display.MovieClip; public class Main extends Sprite { public function Main() { // constructor code super(); Create(); } private function Create() { var arr:Array = new Array(); var Time:Number=2; for (var i:int=0; i<10; i++) { var m:MovieClip = new mc(); this.addChild(m); m.x = 40+(25*i); m.y=50; arr.push(m); } // solo tween var TM:MovieClip = new mc(); this.addChild; TM.x=40; TM.y=100; TweenMax.to(TM,6,{scale:2, ease:Linear.easeNone, onStartListener:ScaleTM, onComplete:CompleteTM }); // timeline var TL:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({ onComplete:CompleteTL }); TL.insertMultiple(TweenMax.allTo(arr, Time, {scale:2, ease:Linear.easeNone, onStartListener:ScaleTL }, Time-0.5), 0); // delayed kill TweenMax.delayedCall(4,Kill); } private function ScaleTM(e:TweenEvent): void { trace('onStartListener: ScaleTM'); } private function CompleteTM() { trace('CompleteTM'); } private function ScaleTL(e:TweenEvent): void { trace('onStartListener: ScaleTL'); } private function CompleteTL() { trace('CompleteTL'); } private function Kill() { trace('Kill'); TweenMax.killAll( } } } trace is:onStartListener: ScaleTM onStartListener: ScaleTL onStartListener: ScaleTL onStartListener: ScaleTL Kill CompleteTL After killAll: As U can see TimelineMax onComplete fires but TweenMax onComplete dosn't
  5. Hippiesvin

    _getChildrenOf throws error

    Hi Greensock I'm working on a project where it's essential that all things are loaded correctly. If they are not I clean up my fla and in that process I call killAll(); and get following error: CleanUp -> ERROR TweenMax -> TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.greensock::TweenMax$/_getChildrenOf() at com.greensock::TweenMax$/getAllTweens() at com.greensock::TweenMax$/killAll() Additional traces (traced just before error thrown): TweenMax : [class TweenMax] TweenMax.getAllTweens.length : 1 Error is ONLY thrown when no Tweens has been running. Is there anyway I can avoid this error? ... and what causes it? Can I make some kind of an if (TweenMax Contains Tweens) ...-> killAll()...? ... and by the way...CONGRATS ON VERS. 12 Best regards HippieSvin
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