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  1. Jonathan

    clearInterval() equivalent

    hello hello.. i know instead of using setInterval(), we can use delayedCall() for GSAP.. what would be the clearInterval() equivalent in GSAP. In setInterval() when you declare it in a variable, returns an ID (unique identifier) which is used in clearInterval() to cancel the timer var intervalID = window.setInterval(animate, 500); // later called to cancel the timer window.clearInterval(intervalID); so my question is.. what is the equivalent in GSAP to cancel a specific delayedCall() instances... since if i use killAll() //kill only delayedCalls TweenMax.killAll(false, false, true, false); it kills all delayed calls, but not just a specific delayedCall().. I could use killDelayedCallsTo() which kills all of the delayedCalls to a particular function.. but is there a method to kill specific instances of delayedCalls that might have multiple delayedCall() being used, like when using clearInterval? does delayedCall() return a unique identifier like setInterval() does to reference later for cancelling / killing? Below i can use the following to cancel timers at different times due to the instances referenced with the setInterval() .. var intervalID = window.setInterval(animate, 500), intervalID2 = window.setInterval(animate, 1000); // later called to cancel timer 1 window.clearInterval(intervalID); // called again later to cancel timer 2 window.clearInterval(intervalID2); so what would be the equivalent to cancelling the delayedCall() on different instances like above using setInterval().. instead of cancelling all tweens associated with a function that you pass to killDelayedCallsTo() ?let me know if i need to clarify more, and if the way im explaining my question is long winded?
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